И я безумно вам благодарна,мы уже смогли собрать Рокси на лекарства на первое время(а их ей нужно ой как не мало)
Не знаю как выразить все то тепло, которое я испытываю! Спасибо 💔🙏🏻
Welcome to elizaveta.blog - your ultimate destination for all things fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and more! This Telegram channel is curated by Elizaveta, a fashion enthusiast and lifestyle blogger who is passionate about sharing her tips, tricks, and recommendations with her followers. From the latest fashion trends to beauty product reviews, travel guides, and personal anecdotes, elizaveta.blog has something for everyone. If you're looking for inspiration, advice, or just some entertainment, this channel is the perfect place for you. Join us today and become part of our growing community of like-minded individuals who share a love for all things stylish and chic. Don't miss out on the fun - follow elizaveta.blog on Telegram now! Who is it? Elizaveta.blog is curated by Elizaveta, a fashion enthusiast and lifestyle blogger. What is it? It is a Telegram channel dedicated to fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and more, offering tips, tricks, recommendations, and inspiration to its followers.
21 Feb, 14:14
21 Feb, 12:25
21 Feb, 11:03
20 Feb, 14:00
19 Feb, 12:08
17 Feb, 13:04
15 Feb, 12:35
13 Feb, 11:35
12 Feb, 11:51
11 Feb, 17:21
11 Feb, 14:45
08 Feb, 12:57
07 Feb, 14:45
03 Feb, 16:40
31 Jan, 13:29
27 Jan, 10:49
26 Jan, 10:28
25 Jan, 15:27
24 Jan, 09:52
23 Jan, 10:44
22 Jan, 12:21
21 Jan, 17:05
20 Jan, 17:12
17 Jan, 15:10
16 Jan, 19:45
28 Dec, 20:11
27 Dec, 18:55
19 Dec, 13:12
11 Dec, 15:45
27 Nov, 12:00
20 Nov, 12:48
19 Nov, 12:36
14 Nov, 14:14
14 Nov, 14:02
11 Nov, 11:35
05 Nov, 12:22
30 Oct, 16:36
23 Oct, 15:14
22 Oct, 11:05
21 Oct, 14:07
18 Oct, 19:31
18 Oct, 19:23
18 Oct, 19:18
18 Oct, 19:15
18 Oct, 19:13
14 Oct, 09:04