₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡 @quotesofzday Channel on Telegram

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡


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₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡 (English)

Are you looking for daily doses of inspiration and valuable business tips? Look no further, because the '₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡' Telegram channel is here to provide you with exactly that. With a focus on empowering individuals with insightful thoughts and practical tips, this channel is your go-to source for motivation and guidance.

Who is it?
The '₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡' channel is for anyone who is seeking inspiration, motivation, and valuable business advice. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, or simply someone who wants to improve their mindset and achieve success in their endeavors, this channel is tailored for you.

What is it?
This channel offers a curated selection of the best thoughts and business tips, delivered to you daily. From thought-provoking quotes to actionable advice, you will find a wealth of valuable content that will help you grow personally and professionally. With '₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡', you can start each day with a fresh perspective and the tools you need to succeed.

Join us on this journey of growth and empowerment. Follow '₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡' on Telegram today and benefit from the wisdom shared by our dedicated team. Remember, success starts with the right mindset and the right guidance. Let us help you achieve your goals and reach new heights of success. Stay inspired, stay motivated, and stay informed with '₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡'! 🌟

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

09 Nov, 15:35

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₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

15 Oct, 02:59

Don't speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke. Your body doesn't know the difference.

Change the way you speak about yourself, and you can change your life.

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

26 Sep, 02:13

“If you want to grow, you have to do something that is different from what most people do” -Lakshmi Mittal, CEO ArcelorMittal

epeating the success of other companies will not take you far.

Success is originality, and in business it means providing people with something they need.

Take risks by choosing your own path. This will help you grow along with your business.

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

27 Aug, 14:05

Don't trust anyone 100%

The main mistake people make in achieving their goals is excessive trust . When we set certain goals for ourselves, we count on certain circumstances and people.

Often people let us down, but not because they are bad, but because they have their own goals that they are pursuing. They don’t want to work for our goals - this is a normal phenomenon.

When planning a goal, first of all, rely on yourself . Don't expect anything from anyone, it helps a lot.

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

25 Aug, 13:31

Not invited = Don‘t go.
Not told = Don‘t ask.

Late invites = Decline.
You were never part of the plan you‘ve suddenly become a convenience.

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

25 Aug, 02:07

Go look in the mirror, look yourself dead in the eyes, and ask:

"What are you scared of?"

That fear is something unknown.

That unknown thing is the competence or work that you're missing.

It will literally give you the answer.

Then all you have to do is the work.

For example if I wanted to have a real estate company and buy a bunch of property, I'd go look in the mirror.

If I don't understand terms like debt service, net operating income, cap rate, and how to underwrite...

I'd go put a light on those things.

Competence is nothing more than a light that you put on fear.

And once you have the competence, you create confidence.

If you have fear around a competence you didn't build.

That's okay.

Forgive yourself, and go build it.

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

16 Aug, 02:21

Nobody has your strength

Nobody has your purpose

Nobody has your values

Nobody has your vision

Nobody has your heart

Nobody has your story

Nobody has your skills

Nobody has your mind

Nobody has your body

Nobody is you!

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₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

10 Aug, 04:54

You set your own boundaries. And they are only in your head. And no more.

You choose where you work and how you study. What grades to get and what color your diploma will be. Your work is your choice. The choice of the city of your dreams is yours. And only you will choose your path. What do you want - an easy carefree life or a narrow road full of adventures?

If you don't have a dream, then you're working for someone else. Do you want this? The choice is yours.

You set yourself the bar for your risk. You set the boundaries of your ceiling, above which you cannot jump.
You choose where you develop and what to delve into. What is important and what is not worthy of your attention.
You choose how to think about people or not think about them at all.
Every day is a choice. And he is behind you.

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

25 Jul, 05:18

Stop looking for excuses 🙅‍♂️

▪️When you set an ambitious goal for yourself, without having the proper level of self-discipline , it is difficult to force yourself to follow the intended path. But, if you train yourself to brush off excuses, everything will work out.

are a way to convince yourself that you can skip a workout once, get up later than the developed regimen. It only takes a couple of times to persuade yourself to make it a habit.

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₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

15 Jul, 03:33

Enjoy our content? Advertise on this channel and reach a highly engaged audience! 👉🏻

It's easy with Telega.io. As the leading platform for native ads and integrations on Telegram, it provides user-friendly and efficient tools for quick and automated ad launches.

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₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

13 Jul, 03:06

Two things that all people in the world want:

At first glance, it seems that people are different and they want different things.

But no, they want:

▪️ Own something (have a house, business, car, etc.);

▪️ Be someone (astronaut, businessman, investor, artist...)

In order to have something, you need to do something.

In order to have a lot you need to do it effectively.

In order to do this effectively, you need to plan, because without a plan, you cannot be effective.

And, in order to plan, you have to plan the right things.

Never set yourself a goal - cars and so on ...

Set yourself goals on how to increase your personal energy efficiency.

Because all resources on earth are inherently interchangeable energy.

So when you work in all these areas and increase your energy efficiency, the results will follow you.

🗣 Margulan Seisembayev

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

22 Jun, 04:26


1️⃣. Don't do things that don't bring you pleasure. Otherwise you will eventually burn out.

2️⃣ Don't sell what you wouldn't buy yourself.

3️⃣. Work with people who have something to learn from.

4️⃣. Delegate the part of the work that is holding you back.

5️⃣. Every day try to develop yourself and your business, remember - there is no limit to perfection.

6️⃣. Don't listen to people you don't respect.‌‌

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

21 Jun, 04:31

Enjoy our content? Advertise on this channel and reach a highly engaged audience! 👉🏻

It's easy with http://Telega.io. As the leading platform for native ads and integrations on Telegram, it provides user-friendly and efficient tools for quick and automated ad launches.

⚡️ Place your ad here in three simple steps:

1 Sign up: https://telega.io/c/quotesofzday

2 Top up the balance in a convenient way

3 Create your advertising post

If your ad aligns with our content, we’ll gladly publish it.

Start your promotion journey now!

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

15 Jun, 06:38

🔗 Steps To A Great Business

💫 Set time aside to prepare your business plan as you work through.

💫 Focus and refine your concept based on the information you have collected.

💫 Gather all the data you can on the feasibility and the specifics of your business concept.

💫 Outline the specifics of your business, using a “what, where, why, how” approach.

💫 Include your experience, education and personal information.

💫 Fill in the templates at the end of each session.  Use clear language and realistic projections.

💫 You may wish to enhance your presentation with bar charts, pie charts and graphics.

💫 Share a draft of your plan with trusted advisers.  Use their feedback to improve the

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

06 Jun, 04:48

Nobody loves you until you have money, even me i don't like myself when i don't have money.🤝😅

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

01 Jun, 14:28

Hey Business Innovators,

Success in business isn’t just about hard work; it’s about smart strategies and continuous growth. Here are three powerful tips to elevate your business game:

1. Embrace Continuous Learning: The business world is always evolving. Stay ahead by constantly learning new skills, attending workshops, and reading industry-related books and articles. Knowledge is your most valuable asset.
2. Network Strategically: Build meaningful connections with like-minded professionals. Attend industry events, join online forums, and participate in networking groups. These connections can lead to new opportunities, partnerships, and insights.
3. Leverage Technology: Use the latest tools and software to streamline your operations. From project management apps to CRM systems, technology can boost your productivity and efficiency, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—growing your business.

Remember, every big success story starts with small, consistent steps. Keep pushing forward, stay adaptable, and never stop innovating. Your business dreams are within reach!

Stay motivated and keep thriving!

#BusinessTips #Entrepreneurship #ContinuousLearning #Networking #Technology #BusinessGrowth #Success

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

29 May, 03:02

💭 #LIFE_Tips

➡️ When you're alone , mind your thoughts
➡️ when you're with friends , mind your tongue
➡️ when you're angry , mind your temper
➡️ when you're with a group , mind your behavior
➡️ when you're distress , mind your emotions
➡️ when you are winning , mind your ego

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

18 May, 09:59

Do it right!

▪️Google was the 12th search engine

▪️The iPad was the 12th tablet

▪️Facebook was the 10th social network

▪️Tesla is not the first to produce an electric car

It's not about who gets there first. It all depends on who gets it right when the market is ready.

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

11 May, 05:26

⭐️ Don't Just do these things, try to do opposites of them

Don't just learn, experience it .
Don't just read, absorb.
Don't just change, transform.
Don't just relate, advocate.
Don't just promise, prove.
Don't just criticize, encourage.
Don't just think, ponder.
Don't just take, give.
Don't just see, feel.
Don’t just dream, do.
Don't just hear, listen.
Don't just talk, act.
Don't just tell, show.
Don't just exist, live

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

06 May, 14:46

Put your money where you put your time!

For example, if you have worked in the service industry all your life. For example, you are a hairdresser, you made money there, it’s very cool to invest it in the hairdressing business.

Where you invested your time is where you have already accumulated experience.

For example, if one of your friends says:

“You know, let's open a sewing shop. Everyone makes great money from this."

Together you will invest money in a business that you have no idea about. And as a result, most likely this money will not exist.

Do you know why people lose money?

Because they invest it where their time was not invested. They simply have no experience.

🗣 Saidmurod Davlatov

₿usiness Tips | Thoughts 💡

03 May, 10:06

An old but very wise proverb:

“Give a hungry man a fish and you feed him for a day.

Give him a fishing rod, teach him to fish, and you will feed him for life.”

The most valuable thing you can pass on to your children is proper upbringing, values ​​and aspirations.