dilafruza.log @dilafruzalog Channel on Telegram



I’m just a girl.

dilafruza.log (English)

Welcome to dilafruza.log - your go-to destination for all things fashion, beauty, and lifestyle related! Our channel is dedicated to helping you stay on top of the latest trends, tips, and tricks to elevate your personal style and enhance your everyday life. With a focus on providing valuable content that inspires and empowers our followers, dilafruza.log is more than just a channel - it's a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for all things fabulous. Who is it? dilafruza.log is curated by a team of fashion and beauty enthusiasts who are dedicated to curating the best content to keep you informed and inspired. What is it? Whether you're looking for outfit ideas, makeup tutorials, skincare tips, or simply want to stay in the loop with the latest fashion news, dilafruza.log has got you covered. Join us on this stylish journey and let's elevate our fashion game together! Follow us on Telegram at @dilafruzalog to stay connected and never miss a beat.


06 Jan, 15:16

🚨URGENT HIRING: Vice Ambassador for the IT Community in Fergana! 💚

We’re on the lookout for a passionate leader to join our team and drive change in the IT Community of Uzbekistan. If you’re ready to make an impact, this is YOUR chance!

🎯 Requirements:
18+ years old
Minimum B2 English
Living in Fergana City/Region
Leadership skills & a strong desire to inspire and empower others
• A changemaker mindset with a passion for IT and community building

💡 What You’ll Do:
Collaborate with me and IT Community of Uzbekistan, Organize events, inspire your community, and represent the IT movement in Fergana!

Interested? Drop a + in the comments or DM me NOW. Let’s create something amazing together!

📌 Act fast – applications are closing very soon!

#Leadership #ITCommunityUzbekistan #Fergana #ViceAmbassador #Opportunity

Yours, @dilafruzalog


04 Jan, 21:19

Ish qidirib, ishga topshirayotganlar - qalban birgamiz :)

jk time, @dilafruzalog


02 Jan, 15:47

Ertadan Raqamli Avlod Oromgohi ham boshlanadi.🎉

Bilaman offline qatnashish judayam qiyin, aniqrog’i tanlab olinish, agarda siz President maktablaridan bo’lmasangiz, lekin online darslarga bemalol qatnasha olasiz, kam bo’lsada bilim ola olasiz.

Biz, Temurxon aka ikkimiz .NET yo’nalishida mentormiz, .NET yo’nalishiga qiziquvchilar sizlarni darslarda kutib qolamiz)

Offline yo’nalishlarga qabul qilinganlarni esa tabriklayman!☄️

With love, @dilafruzalog


02 Jan, 11:34

2025-yil uchun muhim rejalardan gapiradigan bo’lsam, birinchi o’rinda kam gapirish😂 Men bilan hayotda ko’rishganlar, rostanam ko’p gapiraman-a?

Rejalar ko’p, yozaman keyin)



31 Dec, 15:29

31-dekabr’dan 1-yanvarga o’tar kechasi, Rajab oyi kirib keladi.‼️

Rajab oyi kirsa, Payg’ambarimiz sallallahu alayhi vasallam:

“Allohumma baarik lanaa fiy rajabin va sha’bana, va ballig’naa romazona🤲- der edilar.

Tarjimasi: Allohim! Rajab va sha’bon oylarida bizga baraka bergin va Ramazon🌙 oyiga yetkazgin.

Bu oyda savoblar ko’paytirib beriladi. Shu sabab bu oyda tutilgan nafl ro’zalarining savobi ko’proq.🌷📚

siz ham yaqinlaringizga yetkazing, @dilafruzalog


30 Dec, 21:46

Better late than never

With IT Community Uzbekistan, we had an exciting trip to Namangan and Andijan🔥. We supported the local youth in exploring the world of IT and taking their first steps toward it. Our nights were full of fun playing Mafia and Uno, and our days were busy successfully organizing the events.😎

Next stops: Bekabad and Jizzakh—stay tuned! 🤩 I’ve never been to Jizzakh before, and I’m excited to see it. See you soon!


💚with love, @dilafruzalog


28 Dec, 19:36

Rahmat barchaga, sizlar bilan 2yildan ortiq muddatdan beri birga bo'ldik.🤩

2024-yil sarhisobini yozsam sizga qiziq bo'ladimi?🌝

always with you, @dilafruzalog


28 Dec, 17:24

💡The Night You Change Your Life

If you’re ready to transform your life, here’s a challenge:
Sit on your bed tonight, in complete silence. No distractions, no excuses. Look inward and mean it.🙏🏻

Say to yourself:

My life isn’t what I want it to be. It’s not what it needs to be. The weight of my mistakes and the pain I feel are turning me into someone bitter, cynical, and blind to my own flaws. But I can change. I must change.

Now ask yourself, with complete honesty:
💭What’s one thing I’m doing wrong? Something I know is wrong, that I could fix, and that I would fix?

Sit with this question. Let the answer come. It might not be what you want to hear, but it will be what you need. 💭

The answer will likely point to something small-tiny habits, little decisions - but those small things are the seeds of massive transformation. Start fixing them, one at a time. Make real changes, even if they seem insignificant at first.

Every small victory builds momentum. And soon, you’ll realize: you’re no longer the person you used to be. You’re stronger, more disciplined, and ready to take on even bigger challenges

The path to greatness starts here, with one honest question and the courage to take the first step.

Are you ready to change your life?

Inspired by Jordan Peterson

learn. share. inspire! @dilafruzalog


28 Dec, 11:13

If Cristiano Ronaldo said I am the best, then I am.

© Vini Jr



24 Dec, 14:19

Hard work pays off 😭❤️‍🔥

Yulduz Tech Awards Winners🤩

With my heart, @dilafruzalog


23 Dec, 12:36

Sizlar ham boryapsizlarmi?

Men ham boraman, mobodoga:)

Batafsilroq: https://t.me/ITLadiesUzbekistan/46 )

with love, @dilafruzlog


15 Dec, 18:36


Namangan, Anjan shuyerdamisizlar?😎

💚 Biz, IT Community of Uzbekistan IT RoadShow tadbirini o'tkazish maqsadida sizning shahringizga tashrif buyuryapmiz🎉:
Andijan: https://t.me/itcommunityuzb/417
Namangan: https://t.me/itcommunityuzb/408

demak, 21-22-dekabr kunlari ko'rishamiz, kimlar kelishni rejalashtirmoqda? Networking uchun zo'r imkoniyat bo'ladi deb o'ylayman:)

with you in everywhere, @dilafruzalog


15 Dec, 14:52

Yes, she is mine! 🥹❤️

When it first snowed in Tashkent this year, Malika promised that she’d be by my side when it snowed again. And SubhanAllah, she kept her word! 😎

Alhamdulillah for friends like her. May Allah continue to bless her in all her endeavors. ⚡️

Can’t wait to meet again, @dilafruzalog 🙃


14 Dec, 10:38

Thanks to Pizza Pitch Women for inviting us such a wonderful event!🙃🍕

Next destination will be PDP University, our GDG event! ⚡️

With you, @dilafruzalog


04 Dec, 20:36

Just 2days left🎂🥲

I wanna forever young ((



02 Dec, 15:51

🐦President Tech Award -> The Biggest Hackathon in Uzbekistan.

👨‍💼Jobster. Second place for now. Alhamdulillah.

With love, @dilafruzalog ❤️


02 Dec, 03:09

Thanks for you all🥰! The best ones here, just read and get motivated:

Sizda yangi anonim xabar bor!

Oʻylaganingizdan koʻproq ishga qodirsiz. Siz shunchaki kuchli emassiz, sizda kuch manbai bor. Agar yer yuzida ishonch manbai butunlay tugasa siz nafaqat yer yuzini balki borliqni ishonch bilan taʼminlay olasiz. Demak siz uchun siz boshlagan barcha ish siz ohirigacha tugatishingiz uchun sizning hayotingizda. Uddalaysiz. Koʻrinmas siymolar degan kino bor. Hidden figures.
Uchuvchilar kompyuter hisoblashni notoʻri qilganini bilib qolishadi. Shunda bosh uchuvchi aytadi bir qiz hisoblab koʻrsa, u hisoblaganidan keyin uchaman deb. Qiz hodim hisoblaydi va Amerikaning aerokosmik sanoati uchun yangi sahifani ochadi. Sizning qilayotgan ishingiz balki hozir juda kichik boʻlib koʻrinar lekin kelajak uchun, sizning kemangiz uchishi uchun juda muhim. Kuchli boshlagansiz. Kuchli davom etasiz, ishonaman.

Dasturchi AK

Sizda yangi anonim xabar bor!

İf you dont wanna do your tasks with the case of your laziness, than don't worry you may have a rest)) BUT don't forget that someone is working hard on himself and one day he will become an employer, while you are searching for a new job! So you dont have a chance to give up

Sizda yangi anonim xabar bor!

Hayot qisqa soatning milliysekundiga qarasangiz umr qanchalik tez o'tyabdi his qilasiz. To'g'ri siz yosh bo'lishingizga qaramay ko'plab yutuqlarga erishyansiz. Lekin siz bundanda kuchlisiz. Qanchan qancha yoshu, yoshi kattalar sizni ideal inson sifatida ko'rib sizni ortingizdan intilishyabdi. Siz qancha yuqorida bo'lsangiz, ular ham shuncha yuqorida bo'lishadi. Bu esa yurt, millat uchun katta yutuq, ham savobli ish hisoblanadi. Siz hayot kitobingiz ajoyib boshladingiz, endi uni hali bo'sh holatda turgan boblarini ham yaxshi holatda yozishda davom etish kerak. Alloh kuch quvvat bersin. Biz siz bilanmiz. insha'Allah siz eng zo'ri bo'lasiz

#willbedeleted, @dilafruzalog


01 Dec, 21:25

Всегда интересно с Яндексом ❣️

👏Young Yandex, @dilafruzalog


01 Dec, 16:35

MDC Conf 2024 == best memories 🥰💻

Yours, @dilafruzalog


18 Nov, 17:52

Being just a child and living in the adulthood is hard enough🗿

#quoteoftheday #willbedeleted

With you, @dilafruzalog


16 Nov, 14:16

Не иду Гулистан🥲, но иду на встречу 🥰.

Gulistonga IT RoadShow event’i uchun olib ketishmoqchi edi meni, lekin ba’zi muammolar sababli borolmaydigan bo’ldim, xafa bo’lib turgandim, keyin Allohning marhamati bilan meni bu suhbatga taklif qilishdi. Judayam xursand bo’ldim, shunday suhbatni tashkil qilayotgan ustozimdan va Najot Ta’lim jamoasidan Alloh rozi bo’lsin. 🥰

Ha aytgancha, IT RoadShow event’i yaqinda Vodiyga, Farg’onaga ham tashrif buyuradi, biz uchun ko’proq mahalliy valontyorlar kerak, agar siz vodiyda yashasangiz va tadbirning bir qismiga aylanmoqchi bo’lsangiz, izohda ‘+’ belgisi va viloyatingiz nomini yozib qoldiring, men sizlarning barchangiz bilan aloqaga chiqman. Keep shining guys!💚

With love, @dilafruzalog


14 Nov, 19:48

🚀 Uzbekistan’s Biggest Tech Events Are Here!

🎉 Microsoft Community Conf 2024
📅 November 30, 2024 | 📍Al-Khorazmi School, Tashkent
Experience Microsoft's latest technologies, 15+ speakers, and 10+ workshops with over 1,500 attendees!

🔗 Register: mdcuzbekistan.com

🎉 GDG DevFest 2024
📅 December 7, 2024 | 📍Alisher Navoiy Cinema Palace, Tashkent
Experience Google’s latest technologies, 30+ speakers, and 15+ workshops with over 5,000 attendees!

🔗 Register: gdg.community.dev

Don’t miss these landmark events shaping Uzbekistan’s tech future!

#TechInUzbekistan #MDCConf2024 #GDGDevFest2024 #Innovation

Join us, @dilafruzalog


13 Nov, 16:12

Dancing in the first snow with my bestie, Malika-pure magic in every flake. ❄️❤️

Love you! 🥹


12 Nov, 11:27

Assalomu alaykum.

Google ga kirish uchun birgalikda tayyorlanamiz!

Hozirgi rejalar:
- Data Structures & Algorithms
- System Design

Data Structures & Algorithms uchun Top Interview 150 ro'yxatidan har kuni 1 ta misol ishlab, yechimini muhokama qilamiz. (Ertadan boshlaymiz)

System Design uchun ham tayyorgarlikni tez orada boshlaymiz.


11 Nov, 17:47

Uxlashingizdan oldin o'qisangiz foydali bo'ladi, menimcha(agar uxlasangiz): https://t.me/khumoyun_codes/754 😴

Lekin men ham hech uyqu rejimimni to'g'irlay olmadimda, deyarli 3yildan beri )

Xayrli tun sog'lom insonlarga😅, @dilafruzalog


08 Nov, 20:52

Agar sohangizda muvaffaqiyatga erishmoqchi bo’lsangiz, ustozingizni qahramon sifatida ko’ring va qadam tashlashda, ularning yo’llaridan yurishda davom eting )

Anchadan beri yozmoqchi edim shu gapni, lekin bugun nasib qilgan ekan.



07 Nov, 12:10

Lezzzzz gooo! 🚀

Can't wait to see you all in this event! 💯💻


07 Nov, 12:09

Microsoft Community Conference 2024 | Uzbekistan

Join us for a premier gathering of the Microsoft Developers Community in Uzbekistan! The annual Microsoft Community Conference is back and promises an unparalleled experience of innovation and technology. Mark your calendar for November 30, 2024, and get ready to immerse yourself in the latest advancements and ideas shaping the tech industry.

🎉 Highlights:
Inspiring Keynote Presentations: Hear from leading tech innovators and industry experts.
Interactive Workshops: Explore hands-on sessions with the latest Microsoft tools and technologies.
Engaging Panel Discussions: Dive into trends and best practices shaping today’s tech landscape.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow developers, tech professionals, and enthusiasts.

📅 Date: November 30, 2024
📍 Location: Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn, network, and grow within a vibrant community. Whether you're a developer, tech professional, student, or simply passionate about technology, this is an event you won’t want to miss!

🔗 Register Now: https://mdcuzbekistan.com/register

Stay tuned for more updates and join us in shaping the future of technology in Uzbekistan!

#MDCConf2024 #MicrosoftDevelopersCommunity #UzbekistanTech #TechConference #CommunityEvent



06 Nov, 22:55

🎙 Call for Speakers: Microsoft Community Conf 2024 Uzbekistan

Are you passionate about technology and eager to share your expertise with a vibrant community of developers and tech enthusiasts? The Microsoft Developers Community in Uzbekistan is excited to announce a Call for Speakers for our upcoming conference on November 30, 2024!

🌟 We are looking for speakers who can:

Inspire with insightful talks on Microsoft technologies, AI/ML, software development, and emerging tech trends
Lead engaging workshops or hands-on sessions
Share real-world experiences and case studies
Discuss innovative solutions and industry best practices

📅 Event Date: November 30, 2024

👉 Apply Now: https://forms.office.com/r/0qrCmCiG26?origin=lprLink

Join us and inspire the next wave of tech talent in Uzbekistan!

#mdcconf2024 #mdcuzbekistan #speakers #microsoft



03 Nov, 13:39

💻 We just wrapped up an incredible event, “How to Become an MLSA” and it was a huge success! A big thank you to everyone who joined us. 🚀

Our MLSA, Dilafruz Joraboyeva, shared her inspiring journey and valuable insights on becoming a successful Microsoft Ambassador. We were also honored to have Mukhammadkarim Tukhtaboyev, lead of the Microsoft Developers Community Uzbekistan, share important information about our vibrant community and opportunities for growth.

Check out the highlights in our amazing video recap! Together, we’re building a stronger tech community. Stay tuned for more events! 🙃

#MLSA #StudentAmbassador #Event



02 Nov, 16:06

Successfully organized! 🙃

Everything is interesting with our team - Microsoft Developers Community Uzbekistan. 💻❤‍🔥

With love, @dilafruzalog


31 Oct, 18:46

Registratsiya majburiy ekanligini ogohlantiraman, azizlar )


29 Oct, 10:31

- Are you dreaming?
- No. I’m living in my dreams🥲

Rahimov School’25?🥳

Bu yilda 27ta o’quvchiga to’liq grant berishgandi ekan. Men 28-o’quvchi bo’ldim bugun, Alhamdulillah.

Ustozlarimizdan Alloh rozi bo’lsin.🙏🏻🤍

With love, @dilafruzalog


29 Oct, 05:01

💻 Join Us for "Way to Become an MLSA"!

Are you interested in becoming a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador? Curious about how to kickstart your journey in tech?

Join us for an inspiring event featuring Uzbekistan’s youngest and first female Microsoft Student Ambassador. She will share her unique experiences and insights into the MLSA program.

📍Date & Time: November 2, 2:00 pm
Location: C-Space, Yunusabad Branch

This is your opportunity to ask questions, network with peers, and learn how you can become a part of this exciting community. Don’t miss out—mark your calendars!🙃

Register here! Spots are limited.

#Microsoft #MLSA #StudentAmbassadors #Leadership #MicrosoftDevelopersUzbekistan



28 Oct, 20:40

Yandex - работаем с’утками’! 🥰

Yours, @dilafruzalog


25 Oct, 16:19

Qo’pol gapiribman aytishlaricha, bu uchun uzur )

Ba’zi aqlli odamlarni hali ham tushunmadimda…

Lekin sizlar eng yaxshi qo’llab-quvvatlovchisizlar! Men bilan ekanligingiz uchun katta rahmat❤️


25 Oct, 14:21

“Барчаси ота-онамнинг қўллови туфайли”: Microsoft элчисига айланган ўзбек қизи

Фарғона шаҳридаги 10-мактабнинг 11-синф ўқувчиси Дилафруз Жўрабоева Microsoft компаниясининг ёшларга мўлжалланган Microsoft Learn Student дастури Ўзбекистондаги илк аёл амбассадори бўлди. Эндиликда у Microsoft компаниясининг Ўзбекистондаги юзи сифатида фаолият олиб боради.



22 Oct, 07:20

Ура! Иду в Яндекс! 😊

Сначала будет месяц учебы, это будет школа по backend-разработке, где мы будем изучать алгоритмы, учиться их создавать и решать задачи. А потом начнется работа. Очень жду этот новый этап и новые вызовы!

Yours, @dilafruzalog


18 Oct, 09:41

🎉 The Core Team is Here! 🎉

We are thrilled to introduce the dynamic and talented individuals who have been elected to lead our Google Developer Group (GDG) at IT Park University.🚀

Each of these core team members brings unique skills, creativity, and passion to their roles. Together, we are ready to drive innovation, organize exciting events, and foster a collaborative community for developers at ITPU!

👨‍💻 Team Lead - Shokhista Rakhimova
⚙️ Technical Lead – Dilafruza Juraboeva
🎨 Design Lead – Shakhzoda Malikova
🎤 Event Coordinator – Mirkomiljon Sharafiddinov
📱 Social Media Manager – Ibrohim Abbosov
🎥 Mobilograph – Mirobid O'lmasov
🤝 Community Builder – Shukrona Alisherova

Their passion and dedication inspire us all, and we can't wait to see the incredible work they’ll accomplish in their new roles. 💪

Welcome to the GDG ITPU core team! 💻

Stay tuned for exciting updates and initiatives from this amazing team! 🚀

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