Welcome to LeetCodin, a Telegram channel dedicated to helping you prepare for the FAANG companies! Our motto is 'Победа любит подготовку,' which translates to 'Victory loves preparation.' Whether you are aiming to work at Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, or Google, this channel is the perfect place for you to sharpen your skills and advance your career. Who are we? We are a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about data structures and algorithms. Our goal is to provide resources and support for those looking to improve their coding abilities and tackle challenging technical interviews. What can you expect from LeetCodin? We offer tips and strategies for mastering LeetCode problems, as well as guidance on how to excel in software engineering roles at top companies like Deloitte. Our focus is on helping you build a strong foundation in computer science and prepare you for success in the competitive tech industry. Join us on this journey of growth and learning as we work together to achieve our goals. Whether you are a seasoned coder or just starting out, LeetCodin has something to offer you. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills and reach your full potential. Visit our LeetCode profile at https://leetcode.com/tbekpro/ to start practicing and honing your abilities today! Get ready to conquer the challenges that lie ahead and embark on a rewarding career in tech. Remember, victory loves preparation, and LeetCodin is here to help you every step of the way. Join us now and let's FAANGga tayyorlanamiz - prepare for success together!
24 Nov, 16:31
10 Nov, 14:31
26 Oct, 12:15
21 Oct, 15:37
20 Oct, 14:45
19 Oct, 13:00
h = h * 3 + 1
-> bu Knuth-ning Interval ketma-ketliklar uchun formulasi.18 Oct, 12:00
massivi bor. U tartiblash uchun berilgan massivga ko'rsatgichni saqlaydi.quickSort()
, recursiveQuickSort()
, partitionIt()
va swap()
. quickSort()
Klassga tegishli massiv o'zgaruvchisiga berilgan massivni yozib qo'yadi. Keyin esa recursiveQuickSort()
rekursiv metodini 0 va oxirgi indekslar uchun chaqiradi.recursiveQuickSort()
- Boshida rekursiya uchun asosiy holat tekshiriladi.partitionIt()
metodini chaqirish orqali shu tayanch sonining indeksi aniqlanadi. Bu metod tayanchdan kichik sonlarni chapga va kattaroq sonlarni o'nga joylashtiradi.recursiveQuickSort()
metodini chap guruh uchun chaqirasiz.recursiveQuickSort()
metodini o'ng guruh uchun chaqirasiz.partitionIt()
Metodning boshlanishida berilgan diapazon [left - right] ichida bosh va oxirgi indekslar uchun alohida int o'zgaruvchilarini yaratasiz.leftPointer
-dan kattaroq bo'lsa, unda berilgan diapazondagi sonlar tayanch songa nisbatan to'g'ri taqsimlangan. Bu holatda tashqi loop-dan chiqib ketiladi.swap()
orqali joylarini almashtiramiz. swap()
Bu oddiy ikkita elementni indekslari bo'yicha joylarini almashtiruvchi metod.17 Oct, 12:01
, recursiveMergeSort()
va merge()
: workSpace
massivini elementlarni vaqtincha saqlash uchun ishlatasiz.recursiveMergeSort()
metodini chaqirasiz va unga parametrlar sifatida workSpace
, chap chegara va o'ng chegaralarni berib yuborasiz.recursiveMergeSort()
massiviga kiritib chiqasiz.workSpace
-ga qo'shib chiqasiz.workSpace
-ga qo'shib chiqasiz.merge()
metodining hozirgi bajarilishida tartiblangan elementlarni berilgan massivga yozib qo'yamiz.16 Oct, 12:01
15 Oct, 12:00
14 Oct, 12:01