Introducing 'Common Law @ Lawful Rebellion' Telegram channel, a platform dedicated to discussing the principles of common law and lawful rebellion. In a world where injustices are often committed by those in power who seek to harm others, understanding the laws that govern our society is crucial. Common law, also known as 'law common to i:', is the only lawful jurisdiction on the land. It represents the fundamental principles and rights that have been established over time through custom and judicial decisions. The channel aims to educate and empower individuals on their rights under common law, as well as the concept of lawful rebellion. When faced with oppression or corruption from authorities, 'Lawful Rebellion' becomes the lawful duty of every man, woman, son, and daughter to hold these wrongdoers accountable and seek justice. Join us on 'Common Law @ Lawful Rebellion' to learn more about common law, lawful rebellion, and how you can play a role in upholding justice and defending your rights. Together, we can strive for a society built on fairness, equality, and accountability.