SHELLSHQCK @shellshqck Channel on Telegram



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Semper Fi


Welcome to SHELLSHQCK, a Telegram channel dedicated to providing support and assistance to all its members. Whether you are a beginner looking for guidance or an experienced user seeking advice, SHELLSHQCK is here to help. The username of the channel, @shellshqck, is your gateway to a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about technology and eager to share their knowledge. With the motto 'Semper Fi,' which translates to 'Always Faithful,' SHELLSHQCK embodies a commitment to helping each other and fostering a sense of unity. Who is SHELLSHQCK? It is a diverse group of tech enthusiasts, united by a common goal of collaboration and mutual support. What is SHELLSHQCK? It is more than just a Telegram channel - it is a virtual space where members can connect, learn, and grow together. Join us at SHELLSHQCK and experience the power of community in the digital age.


23 Jul, 05:58

Interesting turn of events happening with Joe Biden this evening.

Where is “Joe?”


21 Jul, 00:27

Installed, not replaced.

What are your thoughts?

Rumors online are speculating that Hillary Clinton will be the replacement Democratic nominee


17 Jul, 00:58


Regardless of politics. Pretty sure we can ALL get behind this man at the RNC convention tonight


17 Jul, 00:55

Just the beginning.


15 Jul, 16:55

“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.”

Trump and Martin Van Buren are the only two presidents in history that were not related through family lineage.


15 Jul, 16:48

What are your thoughts? I still think it’s all an act.

Election won’t happen in my opinion.

Going into the same race, with the same deep state, and the same voting system/machines, and expecting a different result is insanity.

Either way, I don’t think that this weekend will be the final attempt at Trump.


14 Jul, 23:53

From 4chan, the supposed sniper was given a stand down order by head of secret service.

The movie “shooter” with Mark Wahlberg explains this plot perfectly. Of the deep state/black hat side of the govt.

The world is a stage


14 Jul, 03:32

He almost said it…


14 Jul, 02:13

New footage:

Pay attention to the person holding the sign on the right of Trump. You can see the person go down right before Trump grabs his ear


14 Jul, 01:24

Regardless of the situation in PA today with Trump, psyop or not, there will always be more details to dig out as time goes by and we get clarity, but the most important takeaway is that this is a ‘line drawn in the sand’ moment.

Something of this caliber hasn’t happened since Reagan, and proves things will move forward from this point.

It will always be The people, against the establishment.

We have to push towards a revolution, not a civil war.

Remember they want us divided.