Welcome to Grand Torino, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing insightful and thought-provoking content on a variety of topics. The channel, managed by the username @gt5x5, provides a platform for discussions, analysis, and updates on current events. Whether you are interested in politics, culture, or societal issues, Grand Torino offers a space for like-minded individuals to engage in meaningful conversations. With links to other platforms such as Gab, Rumble, DLive, Odysee, and Bitchute, Grand Torino ensures that its members have access to a wide range of content across different mediums. Join us today and become part of a community that values critical thinking and open dialogue. Stay informed, stay engaged, stay connected with Grand Torino.
22 Sep, 13:10
27 Nov, 12:18
26 Nov, 22:15
26 Nov, 19:33
26 Nov, 13:20
25 Nov, 21:20
23 Nov, 18:48
22 Nov, 22:18
22 Nov, 22:18
22 Nov, 21:50
22 Nov, 17:49
22 Nov, 17:13
22 Nov, 10:47