Two friends will be baptized this next Saturday in Salto de Las Rosas!! Betty and Milton will be making covenants with their heavenly father, Elder Hawes will see his first baptisms in the mission, and the heavens will be shouting for joy! What an exciting time, anything happen in the United States this week?
Withholding all political statements because it's against the norms for missionaries to discuss politics, the most important is always to know that regardless of whoever the President is, it is Christ who is King. I've long been a fan of Psalm 146, "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God", it puts any political victory or defeat in a much more important context, an eternal perspective if you will. There is not a government of man which can hinder the triumph of the Kingdom of God, but this is not a call for relaxation or inaction, rather a trust in the inevitability of the Divinely established plan. Every man must vote his conscience, but one day the Lord Jesus Christ will return to the earth, and he is much more concerned about who we've become than about who we've been or what political cause we've advocated for on our social media. I tend to think he'll also be interested in what we've done to bring about his kingdom, are we as diligent in preparing the earth for his second coming as we are campaigning for our prefered candidate? Good question! I hope everyone of you will help me check myself as I return from my mission and once again head into the Lion's den which is politics. *GULP*
I've been reflecting a lot on the idea of how I can still be easily identifiable as a disciple of Jesus Christ even when I'm not wearing his name on a tag on my chest. This is something I which I could've done much better before the mission. Things can certainly get messy mixing politics with religion, I often saw many times people tend to find their politics before their religion, and then have the second conform to the first, when in reality it ought to be the other way around. Unfortunately I am still not quite sure how this whole dichotomy will work out after my mission, and I am certainly not wise enough to suppose I alone have found the solution, but I do hope you will all help me reflect on how I'm doing as I start my reintegration after the Mission.
For the time being I'm excited to keep working alongside Elder Hawes in Salto! Transfers came and we're all staying the same, only our district will get smaller, it's us 4 Salto Elders and the Zone Leaders, very epic stuff!!
Love you all, God Bless
Elder Kai Schwemmer
P.s. Guts is still alive!