BUXORO INNOVATSIYALAR UNIVERSITETI is a Telegram channel that focuses on the Bukhara University of Innovation, offering "Innovative education for the nation." This channel provides information on more than 21 educational directions, including daily, evening, and correspondence programs. Students can find updates on grants and scholarships available at the university.
The channel serves as a hub for communication and information dissemination, offering a Call Center for inquiries at +998(55)307-50-00. Additionally, users can visit the university's website at www.bui.uz for more details.
Administered by @bui_admin, the BUXORO INNOVATSIYALAR UNIVERSITETI Telegram channel is a valuable resource for current and prospective students looking to stay informed about educational opportunities and developments at the Bukhara University of Innovation. Join the channel today to stay connected and up-to-date with the latest news and updates from the university.