Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية @ashariyyah Channel on Telegram

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية


﷽ The foremost orthodox theological school of Sunnī Islam, firmly anchored in the Qurʾān, the Sunnah, the way of the Companions, and sound reasoning.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية (Arabic)

تعتبر الأشعرية أحد أبرز المدارس اللاهوتية التقليدية في الإسلام السني، حيث تتميز بتمسكها الراسخ بالقرآن الكريم، والسنة النبوية، وطريقة الصحابة، والاستدلال السليم. تأسست الأشعرية على يد الإمام الأشعري الذي وضع أسسا قوية لهذه المدرسة اللاهوتية، والتي أصبحت منارة للعديد من المسلمين السنة. تهدف هذه القناة إلى نشر التعاليم والمفاهيم الأساسية للأشعرية بشكل شيق وسهل الفهم لجميع المهتمين باللاهوت الإسلامي. سواء كنت مبتدئًا في دراسة الأشعرية أو متقدمًا، ستجد في هذه القناة موارد قيمة تساعدك على فهم أعمق لمبادئ هذه المدرسة اللاهوتية الهامة. انضم إلينا اليوم لتكون جزءًا من هذه المجتمع المثقف والمتحمس لنشر العلم والفهم الصحيح للأشعرية.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

26 Nov, 16:08

New Video:

Can Allāh change His own essence and determine it Himself? — Dr. Hamza Bekri حفظه الله


Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

26 Nov, 16:08

On “Islamic” Analytic Philosophy

The above is a very basic but very important point explained by Shaykh Hamza Al Bekri. The Will of Allah does not apply to logical necessities or logical impossibilities. Simply knowing the rational categories (possible, necessary, impossible) helps prevent one from many major mistakes in their entire worldview while studying any field.
For example, many folks from ostensibly Muslim backgrounds, influenced by the secular mindset laughably say things about the descent of Jesus (peace be upon him) during the End Times to be “scientifically impossible”, not realizing that they also claim to believe that God created the entire world ex-nihilo. So this is a stupid contradiction on their worldview and is un-defendable.

Note how Shaykh Hamza in the clip explicitly says that denying the basic facts about the rational categories opens the door for Christians to say that God has a son and that the Trinity would be justified.
As Shaykh Hasan Spiker, Shaykh Abdurrahman Mihirig, Shaykh Mustafa Styer, and others have pointed out, the proponents of dialatheism, paraconsistent logic, under the guise of “Islamic analytic philosophy”, such as Abbas Ahsan and co do not realize how close their position is to kufr. May Allāh guide them.

While analytic philosophy (this has been the dominant school of philosophy for basically the past century) has some utility, it is ultimately a way of thinking that is being promoted to stifle real philosophy. We will post more academic resources on how to study philosophy (and kalam) from the ancients to modern day, later. For now it is key to remember that often times the popular theories of an era are spread for politically nefarious reasons.

Remember how many of the Ancient Greeks wrote on overpopulation? Or Descartes ties to the Jesuits? Or Newton being the head of the Royal Mint for the Bank of England? Or how the likes of Bentham, Mill, Malthus, and co were working for the Crown and had ties with the East India Company? Or the patronage of both Darwin and Marx by the British Empire? Freud’s membership in B’Nai Brith. Or Bertrand Russell, the Huxleys, and others being a high priests for eugenics and globalism? Or the homosexual economist Keynes being used by the Empire to set up India’s first major central bank? Or the Jewish homosexual Noah Yuval Harari’s transhumanist views being promoted today by the likes of Bill Gates?

How is this relevant to analytic philosophy?
Well it turns out that Sir AJ Ayer, one of the top analytic philosophers of the past century,

1. Ayer literally worked for the MI-6
2. He was of Jewish descent on his mother’s side, his father worked for the Rothschild’s bank.
3. Ayer was an atheist
4. Ayer was best friends with Bertrand Russell, another key figure in the analytic philosophy movement, arch globalist sycophant, and grandfather of modern day atheism.
5. Ayer, like Russell, Julian Huxley, and other elites of their circle, openly championed reforms to the laws on homosexuality in England. Following in the footsteps of Bentham who defended pederasty (and usury).

None of these facts alone can definitively prove anything. The individuals and their ideas have to be dealt with more in depth. But isn’t it ironic/suspicious that so many of the “imams” of the modern post Enlightenment era share so many of the same despicable beliefs and personal character traits? And all of them just so happened to be on the payrolls of other elite factions?

The prudent person would take heed of this and study history critically. He would also make sure he has studied Islam properly and his own worldview is sound. Before trying to say that there are contradictions in Islamic theology, he should actually understand what he is talking about. He would also avoid blindly following the “imams” of modernity. If we truly wish to be “free thinking”, then we must question own secular mindset and modernist presuppositions as well.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

26 Nov, 01:10

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

26 Nov, 00:45

لا استثناء في العلوم العقلية
وما تراه من الاستثناءات -إن رأيت- فهو من باب الاستثناء المنطقع

مثاله ما في المقطع
الولد يسأل الشيخ: هل يفسد الصوم إذا أكلنا الشوكولاته؟
فيجيب الشيخ: نعم، يفسد.
الولد: البسكويت؟
الشيخ: يفسد.
الولد: البطيخ الأحمر؟
أي شيء أكلته يفسد صومك
إلا إذا أكلت الضرب 😄😄

والاستثناء هنا منقطع
بمعنى أن الأكل الذي هو أكل الضرب ليس بمعنى الأكل الذي جعله مفسدًا للصوم

هكذا الوضع في الاستثناءات الواقعة في العلوم العقلية

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

25 Nov, 03:54

Launching Substack, Twitter Shadow Ban, Future

Twitter has shadow banned us. Our tweets do not appear on peoples’ timelines. To see our latest posts you have to go to our profile page.

Regardless, we had already been planning to launch our Substack.
We’ll keep Twitter somewhat active and periodically check DMs. It’s the best way for anyone who wishes to get in touch.
Telegram will remain active.

We look forward to posting longer form content and essays on our Substack. Insha’Allah.

Please share/save the links below




Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

24 Nov, 23:35

العقبى لباقيهم

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

24 Nov, 23:33

SUNDAY 11/24/24

The Burda

Qasida al-Burda, composed by Imam al-Busiri, is a poem in praise of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ which has gained acceptance throughout the Muslim world. Our weekly program consists of the recitation of this blessed poem, helping us grow in love and reverence for Allah's Messenger ﷺ.

Listen Live:

WHEN: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
WHERE: Al-Maqasid (Musallā)


Introduction to the Purification of the Heart (Tasawwuf) with Yusuf Weltch

Weekly class discussing the obligations and prohibitions that relate to the heart. This class covers all that is obligatory to know regarding purification of the heart through a deep look at the relevant Quranic verses and Prophetic narrations.

7:15 PM - 8:00 PM
Al-Maqasid (Musallā)


Elementary Shafi’i Fiqh: A Study of The Ladder of Success with Auzair Khilwati

Weekly Shafi’i Fiqh class studying the book Sullam Al-Tawfiq (translated by Shaykh Musa Furber as The Ladder to Success) written by the great scholar and caller to Allah, Al-Habib Abdullah bin Hussayn bin Tahir. Instruction will be in English.

WHEN: 8:45 PM - 9:30 PM
WHERE: Al-Maqasid (Musallā)

Watch Live:

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

24 Nov, 02:13

Another reason to avoid this website

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

23 Nov, 20:56

A Wahhabi clown (most likely a Fed) “Abu Najm Fernando bin al Iskander” tries to say that wearing a cowboy hat constitutes kufr!

This is what happens when people read books without any understanding or knowledge.

Also note the stupid transliteration the Wahhabis have when they write double “e” for “ي".

Once you see “ee”, you can safely assume that the person is a moron.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

22 Nov, 17:31

Today is the blessed day of Jummah, so a reminder for the believers to send an abundance of salawat upon Al Mustafa ﷺ as Imam Al Bouti is doing here with his students 🌹

(I am also boarding my flight today with my elderly mother, so please make dua that Allah grants us a safe journey to the Middle East/Arab world and a safe return journey back to our home)

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

22 Nov, 17:31

A scene which brings joy to our hearts: when Imam Al Bouti entered Habib Ali Jifri’s lesson ❤️

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

18 Nov, 18:44

New Video:

Can Allāh change His own essence and determine it Himself? — Dr. Hamza Bekri حفظه الله


Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

17 Nov, 20:33


I shared a post which said that seeking ʿilm without money is like engaging in war without a sword. Somebody had objected as scholars were poor. This was my comment:

On the contrary, the general trend with respect to scholars of the past was their being financially well-off because they were supported through the provision of government stipends and the like. Scholars being poorer is a recent phenomenon. The point in the OP stands in that seeking knowledge is not possible without funding, and that's also the reason why Imam Zarnuji dedicates a whole chapter of his work on the proper manners of a student to earning a living. Even now, you cannot go and study at a traditional seminary unless you have funding actually or effectively, namely, the individual pays or their relatives support them, or they are granted a third-party scholarship. Nothing is free. No teacher can teach for free. No institution can run for free. And no student can attain knowledge for free.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

17 Nov, 11:08

Sunni Identity & Rational Sciences

Following on from the above post,
this clip by Dr. Ali al Omari explains the regression in the past century of the Sunni Muslims in the rational sciences.

This is due to both the anti rational nature of Wahhabism and its influence on the Ummah as a whole, as well as the mistaken idea that European colonization meant that Islamic metaphysics was flawed.

As Dr. Omari states, a 17 year old kid at a top Shia Hawza can talk about Mulla Sadra and the degrees of existence just as we can talk about famous football players! They have made the rational sciences a part of their identity. It is ironic because in reality the earliest Shia were severely anti rational, and were heavily afflicted by anthropomorphism.

The Sunni identity is much more than simply loving Sayyiduna Abu Bakr and Sayyiduna Umar. It is an entire worldview and a way of thinking, rooted in consistent rational proofs. It encourages freedom of thought and does not stifle questions. The rational sciences are the foundations of every other science. Without these foundations we have no identity.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

17 Nov, 11:08

Rational Disciplines & Why They Matter

Arab Sunnis have been lagging behind in the rational disciplines for some time, and it shows. In the case of the Salafis, it's by design. However, even in places like al-Azhar, rational disciplines have not had their classical rigour for quite some time.

Perhaps the greatest Arab Sunni thinker in living memory is Bouti (Allah have mercy on him), but his philosophical rebuttals (of materialism, for example) are considered weaker than those presented by Tabatabai.

I recently had a problem that had been consuming me: to understand this figurative device called kinayah, what it was, and how it was so often associated with being a different figurative device known as an isti'arah. It consumed my thoughts. It prevented me from sleep. It bored my family & friends. The majority view is that kinayah is a haqiqah, but that didn't make sense in a lot of cases. And why was it also sometimes majaz mursal?

Egyptian Azhari authors are great. They're like a Hamza Yusuf lecture from the 80s: you fall in love with the discipline, they give you an appreciation of the subject. You want to study more. However, you don't come out with a coherent way of answering difficult questions like the ones above.

I finally found the answer in a single paragraph on Murtada Shirazi's website.

While Azharis make you fall in love, the Iraqi Shia teach you to play chess.

Here is the paragraph that answered everything:

حقيقة الكناية: لا حقيقة ولا مجاز
ومقتضى التحقيق: انها ليست بحقيقة ولا مجاز؛ فان الحقيقة – كما قالوا - هي استعمال اللفظ في ما وضع له والمجاز استعماله فيما لم يوضع له([2])، واما الكناية ففيها انتقال لا استعمال أي ان الكناية بما هي كناية والمعنى المكنى عنه هو منتقَل إليه لا مستعمل فيه، فمقسم الحقيقة والمجاز ليس متحققاً في المعنى الكنائي بما هو معنى كنائي مقصود والمقسم هو (الاستعمال([3])) الأعم من كونه في الموضوع له أو في غيره ولا يوجد أصل الاستعمال في الكناية بالنسبة للمعنى المكنى عنه وإن وُجد بالنسبة إلى نفس معنى اللفظ المكنّى به بالنسبة إلى نفس معناه الموضوع له.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

16 Nov, 15:03

Scholars of the Subcontinent

Please follow this channel for more information on scholars from the Indian Subcontinent. You will find biographies, PDFs of books, and recordings of classes on various topics from the ulama.

Covering scholars from the Pashtun region to Sindh to Punjab to Uttar Pradesh and Bihar to Bengal to Deccan to Kerala to other areas. From Deobandi, Barelwi, Firangi Mahali, Nadwi, Nizamia Hyderabad, and other madaris of the subcontinent. There are scholars who are experts in Kalam, Fiqh, Hadith, Tassawuf, Tafsir, Linguistics and other sciences. Some of them are very famous while others are relatively obscure.

Some of these mashayikh are the teachers of our teachers. This is an attempt to preserve their legacy in the English language.

May Allāh accept it, raise the ranks of these scholars in the Hereafter, and grant us the barakah of remembering Awliyah of Allāh and benefit us by their Ilm.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

15 Nov, 14:02

Mus‘ab ibn ‘Abdullah said:

“When Malik used to mention the Prophet ﷺ, his complexion would change, and he would bow down to the extent that it became difficult for his companions to bear. He was once asked about this, and he replied: “If you had seen what I have seen, you would not object to what you see in me; I used to see Muhammad ibn al-Munkadir—who was the master of the reciters—almost never asked about a hadith without crying to the extent that we felt pity for him.”

[I saw the tabi’ee and great-grandson of Abu Bakr]

‘Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Qasim when he used to mention the Prophet ﷺ, and his complexion would turn as if blood had been drained from him, and his tongue would dry up in his mouth out of awe for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

I used to go to [the tābi’ee] ‘Amir ibn ‘Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr, and when the Prophet ﷺ was mentioned in his presence, he would cry until no tears were left in his eyes.

I saw [the muhaddith and tābi’ee] al-Zuhri, who was among the most cheerful and friendly of people, but when the Prophet ﷺ was mentioned in his presence, it was as if he neither knew you nor you knew him.”

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

15 Nov, 14:02

Some Keys for a Part-Time Student of Knowledge in the Modern World

1. Stability: not having a good source of income means you’ll spend more time working or worrying about finances.

Solution: If you can’t rely on family money, find a craft with good income like coding or design. Go to school to master it.

Sahnun used to study 6 months of the year and chop wood for income 6 months of the year.

His book became the center of the Maliki madhab.

2. Flexibility: often times your place of work and study won’t be the same. You need flexibility in your work or studies to be remote for at least some time.

3. Deep work: Walter Isaacson is said to have written his masterful biographies in 15 minute spurts where he’d disappear from his friends.

Similarly each student needs to find their own rhythm to consistently isolate themselves from non-student friends, family and community to read, memorize or listen to lectures.

4. Classmates: You learn as much from them as you do from the shaykh. You realize you’re nothing special next to them. And you’re motivated to work harder because of them.

5. Yearning: you’re not in it to be just another imam; you’re in it to be the next Al-Bāqillāni, Al-Ghazāli, Qadi Iyād, Al-Nawawi.

Yearn for it and beg for results from Allah.

Ibn Hajar used to make duā to reach Al-Irāqi’s level and in he surpassed him. Al-Suyūti used to make duā to reach Ibn Hajar’s level and he surpassed him.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

15 Nov, 08:26

دعواتكم لمولانا العلامة الفقيه الأصولي محمد حسن هيتو فهو الآن في المستشفى

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

14 Nov, 13:02

Shaykh Dr. Hamza al Bakri on the importance of teaching people the religion in an intelligent manner using rational proofs, and not discouraging questions. One of the reasons why atheism spread in the West was that the Roman Catholic Church prohibited people from reading the Bible and from asking questions. Iman means “belief based upon evidence”. It is incorrect to translate Iman simply as “faith”.
Muslims do not have blind irrational faith like followers of other religions do.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

14 Nov, 12:53

“Al-Ghazālī also stressed the importance of community in mental well-being. He said that companionship with the righteous reinforces positive habits and strengthens one’s faith. Modern psychology also supports this, highlighting that social support is a key factor in mental health. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “The believers, in their mutual kindness, compassion, and sympathy, are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds with wakefulness and fever.” (Sahīh Muslim).

As a community, we have a profound duty to support one another, especially those who are grappling with mental health challenges. This responsibility requires us to listen with empathy and without judgment, creating a safe space where individuals can freely express their struggles. The mosque can play a vital role in this, just as the Prophet’s ﷺ mosque in Madīna Munawwara was a beacon of compassion and support for all members of the community. Mosques should never be places where ego-driven politics, casteism, or personal agendas hold sway. They are meant to be sanctuaries for the soul, united under the belief that Allah is our true Helper and Guide.

Our communities face many challenges, and while our mosques may not have the resources to address every issue, they must at the very least serve as a sanctuary for those seeking solace and an opportunity to pour out their pains before Allah in His house. At the very least, the mosque should not become a place that exacerbates anxiety and hatred—it should be the last place where these feelings are nurtured. Instead, it should be a refuge where a broken heart finds peace and comfort. The mosque is not defined by its bricks and mortar; rather, it is the intention behind its creation that truly makes it a mosque.”

Mental Health — Open Madrasa

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

13 Nov, 01:01

The S.H.A.M. Religion

“The average person is unable to believe that a totalitarian global state is emerging, because they do not have a comprehensive worldview, nor an understanding of the nature of evil. They do not have any personal experiences with evil, so they do not really believe evil exists.”

This is a good piece summarizing the secularism, humanism, atheism, materialism (SHAM) that has become the one world religion.
It also exposes the reality of BRICS and naming all the usual suspects behind globalism.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

13 Nov, 01:01

From Sh Ḥātim’s work.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

13 Nov, 01:01

هل نظرية التطور تعارض الإسلام؟ - الشيخ الدكتور سعيد فودة

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

13 Nov, 01:01

Maʿlūm min al-Dīn Ḍarūratan (MDD)

1. It can vary depending on the person, time, and environment.

2. Rejection of MDD after one knows that it is a part of Islam warrants takfīr.

This is on the grounds of either:

(i) Belying (takdhīb)


(ii) Not acknowledging the obligation of obedience:

(A) Stubborn rejection (ʿinād)

(B) Apathy (iʿrāḍ)

(C) Uncertainty about any one of the two parts of the shahādatayn.

Two things that need to be ensured before carrying out takfīr on grounds of rejecting MDD:

(i) Establishing the proof: ensuring it is communicated (إسماعا) and understood (إفهاما).

(ii) Clearing misconceptions (إزالة الشبهة).

Both of these need to be ensured in order to establish to the person that the thing he is rejecting is a part of the religion.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

12 Nov, 17:20

Shaykh Dr. ‘Abd al-Fattāh al-Yāfi‘ī: The solution to problems and burdens:

1. Prayer: At least 2 units of Nafl (as in the Hadīth of Salāt al-Hāja)

2. Repentance: 100x, for example (in the Hadīth: He who persists on Istighfār, his burdens will be alleviated)

3. Salawāt: 100x, for example (in the Hadīth: Shall I devote to you all my supplications? He ﷺ said: Then you will be freed from your worries)

4. Qur’ān (in the Hadīth: O Allāh make the Qur’ān a remover for our burdens)

Additional point: Ibn ‘Atā’ says in his Hikam: Get to know Allāh while in good health, and He will know you when you are burdened

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

10 Nov, 17:26

al-Imām al-Nawawī (d. 676) describes Imām al-Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī (d. 478):

“He is the Imām, the esteemed leader, whose authority and eminence in the sciences is 𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧...”

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

08 Nov, 15:44

Midwit Desi Orientalism, Marx, Crone, Historical Critical Method

Not content from making gross errors about basic philosophy and metaphysics, the Marxist professor at LUMS, Dr Taimur Rahman continues his intellectual diarrhea . He now thinks he is an historian. Like all Marxists, he is ignorant of the reality of Karl Marx and doesn’t know about the dialectics at play. Marx was a tool of Empire and enemy of freedom as we have explained and referenced in many previous posts.

Taimur Rahman also thinks that Patricia Crone, the infamous author of Hagarism, is a “pioneer” in the field of Islamic research. Crone literally bragged about her work being “written by an infidel for infidels”.
The nonsensical claim that origin of Islam is in Petra and not in Mecca, comes from Crone. She even admitted that her work should not be taken too seriously. Yet once again, Desi liberals prove they are also decades behind in their thinking.

Taimur Rahman is unable (or perhaps unwilling) to see the bias in his worldview and presuppositions. Because he suffers from an inferiority complex and didn’t learn the basics of logic or historiography, he makes blunders at literally everything. Like other liberals in the Desi and Arab spheres, he wants to follow Western “historians” because somehow only they are “unbiased”.

Let us lay out the problems with this view of historiography

1. Every historian, just like every person, has a bias. No one is neutral. What matters is the evidence one presents.
2. If Taimur actually knew some history, he would know that European historians have traditionally held Chinese and Arab historians to be the most meticulous and accurate in their reporting. Even more so than the classical great Greek and Roman historians.
3. European historians and Orientalists began adopting the Critical Method in the mid 18th century when it became clear to them ever since the Renaissance, Reformation ,and Enlightenment eras that the Vatican was not a trustworthy source for history and the early few centuries of Christianity are almost entirely fabricated.
4. Several great European thinkers and historians of the time successfully challenged the Vatican’s narrative on accurate grounds. But the mistake made by many Orientalists is that they automatically assumed that every other global region and religion has the same story that Europe did with the Vatican and Christianity.
5. Thus, Europeans naively assumed that all reports from natives about their own history are automatically false. They began questioning their own history, but also the history they found in every other part of the world. Every national origin story became a myth. Every religious orthodoxy became a later invention. Etc
6. Around the same time period, colonialism was reaching its peak. Just like the Vatican used orders like the Jesuits for intel and research, the British empire and others began training their own brand of historians. This is why so many famous British thinkers of the time were on the East India Company payroll. So much for “unbiased” research.

All of the above facts are known by any competent researcher today. It is revolting that midwits like Taimur have the gall to call themselves independent free thinkers when all they can do is regurgitate outdated propaganda. Taimur should learn some logic and read the works of people like Shaykh Muhammad Mustafa Al Azami.
Islam is completely free from all the pitfalls of European/Christian history and all the critiques of Marxists, Revisionists, or the Critical Method.

[Since many madrasah students also suffer from a total lack of historical knowledge, both of Western and Islamic history, Insha’Allah more posts will be made in the future regarding historiography and some of the other points mentioned above.]

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

07 Nov, 16:59

The Scholarly Banquet of The Farangi Maḥall 🍃📜

The Māturīdī periods of taḥqīq (redefinition) and mazj (convergence) beautifully merge within the Farangī Maḥall tradition. 🕌
This is accompanied by a harmonious blend with the science of taṣawwuf, particularly seen in the works of Mullā Niẓām al-Dīn Sihālwī, such as his Ḥāshiyah on Ḥawāshī Qadīmah Dāwānīyyah and Ḥāshiyah ʿalā Sharḥ al-ʿAqāʾid al-Jalāliyyah, and in the contributions of Imām Fazl-i Ḥaq Khairābādī, especially in his al-Rawḍ al-Majūd fī Taḥqīq Waḥdat al-Wujūd. 📖🌿

For students seeking a solid foundation in the maʿqūlāt (rational sciences), the Musayarah by ʿAllāmah Ibn Humām serves as an excellent starting point, especially when approached through the Khairabadi pedagogical framework. 📚

Don't miss its release this month! Insha'Allah

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

07 Nov, 16:59

𝐊𝐞𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐢 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 & 𝐈𝐛𝐧 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚̄𝐦’𝐬 𝐚𝐥-𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐚̄𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐡

The Māturīdī school stands as a Sunni powerhouse of kalām, remaining distinct yet deeply connected to the Ashʿarī tradition as both make up the Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamāʿah. Here are the key phases in the Māturīdī school highlighted in Khairabadi Institute’s Sacred Roots podcast episode, Who Are The Māturīdis.

𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟 '𝐓𝐚𝐝𝐰𝐢̄𝐧' (𝟑𝟎𝟎-𝟒𝟎𝟎 𝐀𝐇)

The early period, spanning approximately the 3rd to 4th century Hijrah, marks the initial formulation and codification of the Māturīdī school, characterised by the development and publication of foundational texts.

𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟 '𝐓𝐚𝐛𝐚̄𝐲𝐮𝐧' (𝟒𝟓𝟎-𝟔𝟎𝟎 𝐀𝐇)

This phase of distinction (tabāyun) reveals clear differences between Māturīdīs and Ashʿarīs in certain secondary issues. Some Māturīdī scholars even began writing polemics against the Ashʿarīs, solidifying their school's unique identity.

𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟 '𝐓𝐚𝐟𝐚̄𝐡𝐮𝐦' (𝟔𝟎𝟎-𝟕𝟎𝟎 𝐀𝐇)

This phase represents a period of mutual understanding between both schools, marked by a cross-madhab contrastive approach and increased scholarly exchanges between both traditions.

𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟 '𝐌𝐚𝐳𝐣' (𝟕𝟎𝟎-𝟗𝟎𝟎 𝐀𝐇)

Following the period of understanding, this phase of convergence (mazj) witnesses an overlap of ideas between both schools. Polemics ceased as they no longer considered themselves separate traditions.

A key text from this period is al-Musāyarah fī'l-ʿaqāʾid al-munjiyah fī'l-ākhirah by ʿAllāmah Ibn Humām (d. 861 AH), a major curricular work in kalām.

𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟 '𝐈̄𝐝̣𝐚̄𝐡̣ 𝐚𝐥-𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐚̄ʾ𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐥-𝐈𝐤𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐚̄𝐟𝐢𝐲𝐲𝐚𝐡' (𝟗𝟎𝟎-𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐀𝐇)

This period focuses on explaining disputed issues between the schools, exemplified by Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Kamāl Pasha's famous work, Masāʾil al-Ikhtilāf bayna al-Ashāʿirah wa'l-Māturīdiyyah.

𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟 '𝐓𝐚𝐡̣𝐪𝐢̄𝐪' (𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐀𝐇)

This final phase represents a period of redefinition of the Māturīdī identity, marked by works like Mullā ʿAlī al-Qārī's, Sharḥ al-Fiqh al-Akbar. The mazj between schools still continues.

Taḥqīq and Mazj beautifully merge in the tradition of the Farangī Maḥall, particularly in the works of ʿAllāmah Fazl-i Ḥaq Khairābādī and ʿAllāmah Fazl-i Rasūl al-Badāyūnī.

𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡: Who Are The Maturidis?

𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐧: Study of al-Mūsāyarah in Māturīdī kalām taught in the Khairabādī style. InshāʾAllāh

#maturidi #ashari #khairabadiinstitute #sacredknowledge #darsenizami

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

06 Nov, 16:37

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

05 Nov, 18:03

Imām at-Tahāwī al-Ḥanafī (رضي الله عنه):

“We believe in what we know of the Karāmāt (miracles) of the awliyā’ and authentic incidents about them proven from trustworthy sources.”

📖 al-Aqīdah al-Tahāwiyyah

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

05 Nov, 18:02

On what to start with in seeking ilm

Al Munāwi said:

Some of them said:

“Among that which is not beneficial is for a servant to learn knowledge that is of no real importance, and abandoning it would be better for him.

An example of that is one who abandons learning the knowledge that benefits himself and instead busies himself with learning what would benefit others, such as the knowledge of debate.

He may justify himself by saying his intention is to benefit people, but if he were truly righteous, he would begin by engaging in what benefits his own soul and heart.

This would involve purging blameworthy traits such as envy, hypocrisy, arrogance, conceit, vying for leadership among his peers, and pride over them, along with other destructive traits.”

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

05 Nov, 03:20

Tragedy and Hope, Dr. Carroll Quigley, American (S)Election Circus, Two-Party Dialectics

With all the hysteria about the two parties and the candidates, please remember this quote from Dr. Carroll Quigley in his 1966 tome, Tragedy and Hope, pages 1,247-1,248.

The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps of the right and the other of the left, is a foolish idea except to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy…..Either party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, un-enterprising and vigorless. Then it should be possible to replace it every four years if necessary by the other party, which will be none of these things but which will still pursue with new vigor approximately the same basic policies.”

Quigley was a professor at the (Jesuit) Georgetown University’s infamous Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS) for 30+ years and was a globalist insider. He acted as an archivist for the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR).
Quigley completed his Bachelors, Masters, and PhD degrees at Harvard University. He taught classes to the US military, and also taught at Harvard and Princeton. He was a tutor to Bill Clinton among others. Clinton name-dropped Quigley as an inspiration right after he won his first Presidential election back in 1992.

As the “Quigley Formula” shows, right and left are meaningless divisions. There are no two parties. Rather there is a mono-party. The presidential circus race every four years is not an election but a selection. As mentioned previously, do not get bothered to vote in national elections. Your vote only has some influence at the local level, but not any beyond that. Any vote for either of the two parties is a vote for the establishment. Look at who funds the parties and who counts the votes. The Presidents are nothing but mere puppets for those who have real power.

More will be posted regarding Dr. Carroll Quigley and the revelations in his works later. For now, if you are in the USA, enjoy the crisp autumn season and go on a picnic or have a BBQ with your family rather than going to the voting booth. There are many more effective uses of our time and many better ways to make real differences in our communities, than voting and hoping for a corrupt establishment puppet to save us.

[n.b. Tragedy and Hope was first published by MacMillan in 1966. After becoming a best seller, the plates for the original book were destroyed and Quigley was heavily rebuked for exposing too much. The original edition is pictured above. It costs several thousands of dollars today. We have a couple copies of the original 1966 first print. if you want to buy a reprint of it, make sure it is the full version in 1,348 pages. Many fraudulent copies missing hundreds of pages exist. Pretty much every major historical event from 1800-1960 gets covered. The true history of the World Wars, the Bank of International Settlements, the Rothschilds, a future world government, and other key facts are all mentioned. A full authentic reprint of the book by GSG Publishers in 2004 is available, it has a blue cover, it costs around $30]

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

03 Nov, 15:58

Gaza Polio Vaccines, Knights of Malta, Zionists, Trojan Horses

“Beware of Greeks bearing gifts”—
This proverb is taken from an English translation of a longer Latin phrase from Virgil’s epic poem the Aeneid.
The story of the Greeks winning the Trojan War circa 1300 BC, is well known. The Trojan Horse was perhaps the first recorded incident of a psy-op, and false flag attack. The tale of the Trojan War is recounted in Homer’s Illiad and Odyssey and later in the aforementioned Aeneid of Virgil.

Deception is key to warfare. This has been stated by (in chronological order) Sun Tzu in Art of War, Plato in The Republic, Chanakya in Arthashastra, in a hadith by the Prophet Muhammad (صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ), Niccolo Machiavelli in The Prince, Miyamoto Musashi in The Book of Five Rings, Carl Von Clausewitz in Von Kreige, and other great military tacticians and philosophers from the past up until the modern day globalist mouthpieces such as Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Famous generals from Alexander the Great to Julius Caesar to Khalid Ibn al Walid to Salahuddin Ayyubi to the Mongols to Napoléon Bonaparte and more have all relied upon this maxim during their distinguished careers.

With this in mind, let us examine the recent polio vaccination drive in Gaza. You must ask yourself; Why is the Zionist state of Israel that is hellbent on killing Palestinian men, women, and children, allowing this “humanitarian” gesture of administering vaccines?
As mentioned previously, the inventor of the polio vaccine himself was a racist eugenicist Jew. The polio vaccine did not stop the spread of polio. It was increased sanitation, electricity, and clean water that got rid of polio. The harms of the polio vaccines are well documented.

Gaza is suffering from outbreaks of disease due to Zionist bombing that has depleted and poisoned the water in the region. Recently the official Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta account on Twitter, posted a very interesting interview.

In this interview it is admitted that the Order of Malta has special privileges due to being “sovereign and neutral” and is allowed access to places such as Gaza where virtually no other international organization can reach, and therefore offer emergency aid etc.
While reports are conflicting about whether the Knights of Malta themselves are involved in the vaccination drive in Gaza, it would not be surprising considering their track record of scandalous “charity” across the globe.

Non governmental organizations and charities are the modern day Trojan horses, as stated by James Corbett and many other researchers.
How often have we seen stories that show Dajjalic inversion, such as “Save The Children” being involved in child trafficking? Or countless charities gobbling up donations for their own benefit and not fulfilling projects.

The vigilant Muslim should not be duped by vaccines anymore after the nonsense that occurred during the covid “pandemic”. And we should certainly beware of any enemy of Islam who comes offering us aid.
The Zionists want to kill Palestinians. The Knights of Malta are literally Crusaders. Don’t accept their charity.
Beware of Zionists/Crusaders bearing vaccines.

May Allāh protect all the men, women, and children in Palestine.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

03 Nov, 05:37

Imām at-Tahāwī al-Ḥanafī (رضي الله عنه):

“We believe in what we know of the Karāmāt (miracles) of the awliyā’ and authentic incidents about them proven from trustworthy sources.”

📖 al-Aqīdah al-Tahāwiyyah

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

30 Oct, 16:55

The Ummah is largely impoverished and this is what the Saudi Wahhabi regime is wasting money on.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

28 Oct, 14:11

If your modus operandi is to forego actually studying the foundations of the ulum and instead read cut-and-paste fests with titles like

"Topic X in Light of the Quran and Sunnah"

By Abu Surur al-Sururipants

Then you are probably not actually following the Salaf.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

26 Oct, 13:41

Some Muslims claim that the Quran is scientifically miraculous.

Christian missionaries, along with other Muslims, disagree.

They say that if the amazing scientifically accurate meanings had really been intended, then it would not have taken 1400 years to discover them.

They say that since Muslims were not interpreting these verses in this way before the advent of modern science, these meanings were never intended by the Quran, and Muslims today are just trying to force modern science into the Quran.

But they don’t realize that the Quran actually tells the ancient Arabians to whom the Quran was revealed that there are things that it is telling them about the universe that they don’t understand.

And it also tells them that they will discover things about the universe in the future that will show them that the Quran is really from God.

That’s what I explain in the latest video in the God's Cosmos series.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

25 Oct, 21:14

Safai Nisf Iman Hai!

The title of this post in Urdu means “Cleanliness is half of the faith.” It is a popular saying of the Prophet صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ and is repeated throughout the subcontinent.
But rarely do the people implement it or even understand its true meaning.

As seen in the clip attached to this post, Lahore, the historical capital of the entire Punjab region, and at its height one of the wealthiest cities and centers of learning in the world, has become more and more like the slums we see in some of the poorer Hindu areas of India.
I have witnessed the deterioration first hand and the same is true of Karachi and other major cities.

Much of the Arab world also suffers similar problems to varying degrees.
Beauty, aesthetics, cleanliness are all part of Islam. During Muhammad Hijab’s recent tour to Pakistan he rightfully chided the local liberals for being whitewashed and blindly following Eurocentric Orientalist Liberal models of thinking. Simply because they were ignorant of their own history and impressed with the (relatively) cleaner looking cities and technology of the West.

However, there is a ring of truth to this that is hard to digest for many Muslims sadly. Appearance matters. Just as someone who converts to Islam should show others that being Muslim has made him a better person, as Muslims our cities have a greater incentive to stay clean. Too many folks convert or start studying the Deen, but show very poor manners and don’t take care of themselves properly, and end up driving people away.

When the Prophet صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ chose the great Sahabi Musab ibn Umair to do dawah, he picked him not only because of his taqwa and his knowledge, but because he was very handsome, well groomed, and admired by all the men and women. How can we expect to promote Islam when even back home the images of religiosity are associated with unsophisticated mullas with unkempt beards? Or the image of Zuhd is falsely associated with poor monks who wear tattered clothes and act like Sufis?

The non Muslims in the West also see all this and see the swathes of immigrants trying to get to Europe and America. The non Muslim rightfully (irrespective of his ignorance about colonialism or globalism) asks “If your religion is so good, why are you running away from your countries?”
Just like blacks in the USA who incorrectly blame everything bad in their communities on slavery, Muslims have become accustomed to blaming every ill in our society to colonialism. We must be proactive and avoid the victim mentality.

It is not the colonists who told us to forget our manners and etiquettes. It is not the colonists who cause your average Desi or Arab to show up 2 hours late to every event or meeting. It is not the colonists who force us to dump our litter onto the streets. It is not the colonists who tell us to not read books or to educate ourselves. In effect we have become caricatures of Muslims that the British and French make in their magazines and newspapers.

The more we purposely ignore aesthetics and the importance of beauty in Islam (this includes many of the scholarly class to the awaam) the harder it gets to prove to others why our religion is the only true one. No matter how much logic we use.
A reminder to all tullab al ilm, if learning hasn’t made you more humble, well mannered, and hasn’t beautified your appearance in any way, then you are not doing something right. Islam has beautified every region it has touched. Let it beautify you too.

[n.b. This is also why it is important to spend time in the company of true gentlemanly scholars and saints. They are the people who imbibe the true meanings of the Sunnah instead of those who can merely read the outward rulings. Remember Imam Malik’s mother told him to learn Adab before Ilm. Being around such scholars and students will automatically have a good impact on you and you will attain from them the knowledge, taqwa, propriety and decorum needed to represent Islam.]

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

24 Oct, 20:39

Intermediate ‘Aqida: A Study of Jawhara al-Tawḥīd with Shaykh Yahya Rhodus

We are excited to announce Al-Maqasid's new weekly ‘Aqida class. This class explores intermediate Islamic beliefs through a close study of Imam Laqqani’s Jawhara al-Tawhid — a poem that covers mainstream Islamic beliefs about Allah Most High, His Messengers (peace be upon them), and the Hereafter. Imam Laqqani’s poem has been broadly accepted by the scholarly community as a summary work representative of mainstream Islamic beliefs. In the hundreds of years that have passed since its authorship, this work has attracted dozens of commentaries and super-commentaries.

Sundays 7:15pm - 8:00pm

In-person - (Al-Maqasid - Attic)
7386 Alburtis Road, Macungie, PA, 18062

Online - Watch Live - Via Zoom


Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

22 Oct, 18:21

Madkhalis Loving Israel & Belittling Palestine

Some examples of profound mental retardation from Abu Mussab al Wajdi Akkari, Shamsi, Rabbi Faris Hammadi, Shahid Bolsen.
Wahhabism is a cancer and Madkhalism is a particularly malignant strain of it.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

22 Oct, 17:12

An important announcement from Ustadh Harun Saleh.
The individual known as Zuhayr Qazzan is not a scholar and not worthy of studying under. He has also been involved in many disgusting things. For details anyone can get in touch with the ex students online who have witnessed everything.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

17 Oct, 12:53

Imam al-Qurtubi [القرطبي] denies that Allah occupies a place and explains the correct Aqida [عقيدة] (For all the Mujassimah [المجسمة] still trying to claim Imam al-Qurtubi [القرطبي]):

“وَلِأَنَّهُ خَلَقَ الْأَمْكِنَةَ وَهُوَ غَيْرُ مُحْتَاجٍ إِلَيْهَا، وَكَانَ فِي أَزَلِهِ قَبْلَ خَلْقِ الْمَكَانِ وَالزَّمَانِ. وَلَا مَكَانَ لَهُ وَلَا زَمَانَ. وَهُوَ الْآنَ عَلَى مَا عَلَيْهِ كَانَ”

“Because He (Allah) created places and is not in need of them. He existed in eternity before the creation of place and time. He has no place and no time, and He is now as He was (then).”

Tafsir al-Qurtubi [تفسير القرطبي], Surah 67, Verse 16.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

16 Oct, 20:04

British Empire≠Islamic Expansion

The world’s largest govt welfare recipient, technocratic huckster, and phony hero, Elon Musk promoting the idea that the British Empire was a force for good because it developed infrastructure, promoted education, and ended slavery in most parts of the world. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤡

There are some whitewashed (coconuts?) folks who believe the same. They will tell you “If the British never colonized us, we wouldn’t have railroads!” Or even “Thank God our ancestors came to England”. Indeed there are many major problems back home that are our own and cannot be blamed on colonialism. However, the irony is that if it were not for colonialism, our ancestors would never have left our home lands.

There are so many problems with the line of thinking that Musk and other imperialism apologists promote, that it would require multiple posts to refute. Part of the reason why the colonial project has been so successful is that many Muslims who are opposed to colonialism, utilize weak liberal arguments. These same arguments are in turn used against Muslims.

This allows the proponents of the British Empire to argue that it was not much different from all the earlier global empires. And that the Islamic expansion was the same as British (or French or Spanish or Portuguese or Dutch) colonialism.

The reality could not be more different. As mentioned by Dr Wael Hallaq in his excellent 4 hour interview from last year, Islamic expansions did not wipe out the cultures, languages, and religions of indigenous peoples. While Islam expanded and Arabs assumed the dominant role in most societies, there was far more multiculturalism than we see today. Muslims built upon what was already present in each area. Local communities kept a degree of autonomy. Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, Hindus etc were free to use their own courts or come to Islamic ones.

Muslims did not behave like the British/French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch etc. The Western colonialists banned local languages and severely destroyed the infrastructure that was already present in the areas they took over. They forced conversions to Christianity. They wiped out tens of millions of innocent civilians, often times expressing their racist delight in their acts of genocide.

Muslims enriched every area they took over. Religiously, militarily, culturally, and economically. They did not deplete its resources like the Western colonialists did. Muslims built infrastructure that lasted for centuries until the British/French etc destroyed it. This history has to be studied properly without the simplistic “X empire was all good and Y empire was all bad” narratives.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

14 Oct, 15:43

Debating The Existence of God:

Father Frederick Copleston SJ (Catholic-Jesuit priest, theologian and historian) vs The Earl Bertrand Russell (Atheist mathematician and philosopher, British nobility, globalist high priest )

The following is the full audio of the famous debate on BBC Radio in 1948 between Frederick Copleston and Bertrand Russell.

Bertrand Russell is considered as the greatest philosopher of the 20th century by atheists and liberals. He advocated for eugenics and a world government. He is also the grandfather of the “New Atheist” movement and the likes of Richard Dawkins and co.
This debate exposes Russell’s lack of understanding of metaphysics and philosophy quite clearly.

Frederick Copleston was a Jesuit priest (not all of them are evil, many are erudite) and historian of philosophy. His famous nine volume work “A History of Philosophy” is an excellent source of information. It has been used throughout universities across the UK and USA. It is far superior to Bertrand Russell’s poor work on the history of philosophy.

A final thing to note is the impeccable English spoken by both men in the debate. It’s a far cry from what we have become accustomed to today.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

14 Oct, 05:15

I, Sandwich

A follow up to Leonard Reed’s classic “I, Pencil” essay, by James Corbett.

In 2015, it took Andy George a total of six months and a cost or $1,500 to make one chicken sandwich entirely from scratch. He travelled and collected and combined all the ingredients from scratch. Growing the lettuce, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, milking cows, slaughtering and plucking a chicken, squeezing oil out of sunflower seeds to make mayonnaise

The main lesson to be learned from this, as both Corbett and Reed note is that humanity cannot be micromanaged. And despite all the individual parts not consciously working towards the same goal, we humans can still produce almost miraculous things. Corbett and Reed note that the existence of things we all take for granted such as trees, pencils, or even sandwiches, all point to God. (This is very profound, everything is connected. Those familiar with Ibn Arabi and Wahdat al Wujud would enjoy this.)

Maximilien Robespierre, the man who was responsible for the Reign of Terror in the wake of the French Revolution and who is credited with coining the expression "On ne saurait pas faire une omelette sans casser des oeufs" (You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs) wanted to impose top down control on everyone.
Many other tyrants like him have wished to do the same.
Robespierre and co did not know how to make one single pencil on their own. Their hubris led to a lot of destruction. The same occurred in Russia and China under the Bolsheviks and Mao. (All funded out of Wall Street).
Yes, it is not necessary for every individual to know the minute details regarding how to make everything. It is impossible and impractical. Thus, humility is key.

For more read the full editorial below

[N.B. Sadly, many Muslim folks also seem to think that a top down approach can work. It cannot. As the failure of the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups shows, simply calling for a caliphate doesn’t solve anything. The Prophet صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ focused on educating and reforming individuals before building mosques and a state.]

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

14 Oct, 05:15

I, Pencil: The Movie

A superb short animated video that explains how the economy works. The original essay was written in 1958. Most people today take pencils for granted, kids in schools snap them at a whim.
Yet the process to make just one pencil is extremely complex.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

14 Oct, 01:06

An interesting debate between two major Ash‘arīs: al-Imām Abū ‘Amr Ibn al-Salāh and Sultān al-‘Ulamā’ al-‘Izz b. ‘Abd al-Salām, on whether it is obligatory to delve into secondary theological issues or obligatory to refrain.

By Sh Hātim al-‘Awnī

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

12 Oct, 22:35

Ilm al Kalam Has Never Been More Relevant Than Today

Shaykh Saeed Fodeh explains the paramount importance of Ilm al Kalam in today’s day and age. When basic definitions are being questioned, atheism is spreading, and people are being brainwashed at a global scale, it is vital to have our beliefs firmly grounded.

[n.b. The word “faith” is a lousy translation for “iman”. Because “iman” refers to a firm belief in something based on clear evidence. Likewise “speculative theology” is a poor translation for Ilm al Kalam. This science deals with certainty and is the root of all the sciences.]

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

12 Oct, 20:18

Salafi antics in editing Wikipedia articles:

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

11 Oct, 16:19

British Intelligence, Zionism, Wahhabism, and the creation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

By the end of 1920, the British were showering Ibn Saud with “a monthly ‘grant’ of £10,000 in gold, on top of his monthly subsidy.

He also received abundant arms supplies, totalling more than 10,000 rifles, in addition to the critical siege and four field guns” with British-Indian instructors.

[Askar H. al-Enazy, “The Creation of Saudi Arabia: Ibn Saud and British Imperial Policy, 1914-1927” (2010), p.104]

This happened after Lawrence of Arabia tried to bribe the Sharif of Mecca with £100,000 per year but the Sharif of Mecca refused to sell out.

Eventually the Saudi-Wahhabi alliance took over the entire region and the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was made. It was immediately recognized by the British and other European powers.
Both Israel and KSA were founded under similar terms and support from the British. The covert alliance between Zionists and Saudi-Wahhabis shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

09 Oct, 18:42

Marriage: The Rights of the Husband and Wife

Marriage is the most sacred bond between a man and a woman; it is in every divine law that has been revealed. It has always been considered an act of worship. It has massive precedence over all other matters in this world, because it is through marriage that life on earth is perpetuated.

It is therefore vital that we understand our roles and responsibilities so that we can be truly happy and fulfilled in our marriages. Join us for this special 8-week online course and learn the qualities that are necessary in order to be happy and successful in marriage and in order to be a source of happiness for your spouse and children.

The books of noble Hadith have preserved for us much of the Prophet's ﷺ guidance and what he ﷺ said about men, women and their married life together. He has elucidated for us their rights and obligations on the basis of justice and laid out duties for each of them. All of these duties are so that the family structure can be sound, in which all the people therein feel close to one another. They love and cherish one another, they support one another and they assist one another in goodness, just like one body: if one organ or limb is in pain, the rest of the body rallies to help it.

This course will study 50 chosen prophetic hadith on marriage and the rights of the husband and wife, all of which are either Sahih or Hasan. The course aims to illuminate the path of marriage for everyone, be a means of reconciliation between people and bring benefit for the married and for those seeking to get married.

Join us for this blessed journey and bring benefit and blessings to yourself and your spouse and family.

💍8 week online course
💍Mondays 8-9pm
💍Starts Monday 28th October 2024
💍Delivered by Shaykh Mahdi Lock
💍Early bird ends soon!


More info: [email protected]
WhatsApp: 07479 545574
We would encourage students to purchase the book which the course will be based upon:

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

07 Oct, 23:32

Sayyid Kamal Haydari explains that most of Mulla Sadra’s work is copy pasted from Imam Fakhr al Din Al Razi and Shaykh al Akbar Muhyiuddin Ibn Arabi.

(As Shaykh Abdurrahman Mihirig, Shaykh Hasan Spiker, and others have mentioned, many thinkers are blown out of proportion today in terms of their importance, due to state funded propaganda. This is not to say that the likes of Mulla Sadra and Ibn Taymiyyah were irrelevant or unintelligent. But if it were not for Iranian and Saudi oil money respectively, these figures would not be as well known today)

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

07 Oct, 15:05

Shaykh al-Islām Taqī al-Dīn al-Subkī says:

❝Know that the author of al-Tahdhīb (i.e. al-Imām al-Baghawī) is rarely seen to choose an opinion except that, upon investigation, it is found to be stronger than others. This is in addition to his brevity of speech, which indicates great nobility. He is well-deserving of this, for he has mastered the sciences of the Qurān, Sunnah, and Fiqh. May Allāh have mercy on him and on us when we reach what he has reached.❞

Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

05 Oct, 00:20

ومن رمى بنفسه بين أيدي التجار والأمراء، فلا يتكلم إلا بما يُرضي هؤلاء، ولا يسكت إلا حينما يأمرونه بذلك، فهذا قد جعل علمه قربانًا لهم لا لله وهذا هو اللص... فاحذروه"
‏-الشيخ سعيد فودة
‏تعليقات على مواطن من تنبيه المغترين للإمام الشعراني