آخرینحرفهایم is a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing inspiring and thought-provoking quotes and messages. The title, which translates to 'My Last Words,' emphasizes the importance of paying attention to the final words spoken by individuals as they often carry deep meaning and significance. The channel aims to provide its members with a collection of impactful words that can spark reflection and contemplation. Whether you are seeking motivation, comfort, or simply enjoy reading profound quotes, آخرینحرفهایم has something for everyone. Join us on this journey of exploring the power of words and preserving the lasting impact of our final expressions. Remember, words have the power to shape our thoughts and influence our actions. Let آخرینحرفهایم be a source of inspiration and wisdom in your daily life. Copy and share the last words that resonate with you, and let them serve as a reminder of the power of language and the importance of cherishing every word spoken.
01 Feb, 19:31
31 Jan, 21:12
31 Jan, 19:01
30 Jan, 20:23
30 Jan, 14:44
29 Jan, 20:09
29 Jan, 18:48
29 Jan, 10:03
28 Jan, 16:05
28 Jan, 10:34
28 Jan, 10:17
27 Jan, 17:01
27 Jan, 12:21
27 Jan, 11:02
26 Jan, 20:14
26 Jan, 18:54
25 Jan, 18:40
24 Jan, 22:04
24 Jan, 18:49
23 Jan, 19:40
21 Jan, 22:16
21 Jan, 19:44
20 Jan, 19:51
20 Jan, 17:55
20 Jan, 16:55
19 Jan, 19:00
19 Jan, 10:36
18 Jan, 16:33
17 Jan, 19:03
09 Jan, 19:38
09 Jan, 18:46
09 Jan, 17:06
08 Jan, 20:27
08 Jan, 18:27
07 Jan, 21:46
07 Jan, 18:09
07 Jan, 08:28
06 Jan, 16:48
06 Jan, 08:51
05 Jan, 18:31
05 Jan, 17:40
04 Jan, 17:49
03 Jan, 17:35
02 Jan, 19:35
01 Jan, 19:50
01 Jan, 18:37
31 Dec, 21:39
31 Dec, 19:34
31 Dec, 08:45
30 Dec, 21:29
30 Dec, 19:41
30 Dec, 17:50
30 Dec, 07:51
29 Dec, 18:01
28 Dec, 11:21
27 Dec, 20:24
27 Dec, 18:47
26 Dec, 19:56
25 Dec, 21:34
25 Dec, 20:27
22 Dec, 12:37
22 Dec, 12:35
21 Dec, 19:06
21 Dec, 14:22
20 Dec, 21:47
20 Dec, 19:44
19 Dec, 19:13
18 Dec, 21:06
17 Dec, 21:21
16 Dec, 22:34
16 Dec, 19:36
15 Dec, 16:21
30 Nov, 17:11
29 Nov, 19:37
26 Nov, 19:55
26 Nov, 16:48
25 Nov, 17:03
24 Nov, 16:47
23 Nov, 17:00
22 Nov, 21:02
22 Nov, 19:57
21 Nov, 19:25
20 Nov, 21:35
20 Nov, 20:32
19 Nov, 20:30
19 Nov, 16:54
18 Nov, 17:49
17 Nov, 18:04
16 Nov, 19:35
16 Nov, 16:49
15 Nov, 22:35
15 Nov, 18:16
14 Nov, 19:23
13 Nov, 19:46
13 Nov, 18:16
12 Nov, 18:27
12 Nov, 17:29
11 Nov, 19:50
10 Nov, 21:49
10 Nov, 16:44
09 Nov, 22:08
09 Nov, 17:03
07 Nov, 18:39
07 Nov, 16:44
06 Nov, 20:49
06 Nov, 18:26
05 Nov, 17:25
03 Nov, 21:32
01 Nov, 17:17
31 Oct, 21:21
31 Oct, 19:21
31 Oct, 16:47
30 Oct, 20:44
30 Oct, 20:01
29 Oct, 19:05
29 Oct, 18:04
28 Oct, 19:15
28 Oct, 17:19
27 Oct, 18:40
27 Oct, 15:53
26 Oct, 17:15
25 Oct, 21:02
23 Oct, 18:42
22 Oct, 17:59
20 Oct, 20:26
20 Oct, 17:56
19 Oct, 15:33
18 Oct, 20:13
17 Oct, 18:29