English language Vocabulary @zafarbekielts Channel on Telegram

English language Vocabulary


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Ushbu kanalga obuna bo'ling va bepul kurslarga ega bo'ling!

English language Vocabulary (Uzbek)

🌟 Ingliz tili so'zlarini o'rganishda yordam beradigan Telegram kanaliga xush kelibsiz!
📚 Kanalda Ingliz tilini o'rganishga yordam beradigan kitoblar, 🎥 filmlar, 🎧 podcastlar, 📖 so'zlar yig'indisi uchun materiallar va 📰 maqolalarni topishingiz mumkin. Bu kanalda o'rganish eng qiziqarli va maqbul usulda amalga oshirilgan

🔥 Sizga zarur bo'lgan barcha materiallar bepul taqdim etiladi!
Ushbu kanalga obuna bo'lib, Ingliz tilini o'rganishda professional darajaga yetishingiz uchun lozim bo'lgan oddiy va qiziqarli usullarning qiyinchiliklarini bosing! 🚀

English language Vocabulary

17 Feb, 13:06


🇺🇸 Parallel bars
🇺🇿 Brus anjomi

1. The gymnast performed an impressive routine on the parallel bars.
Gimnast parallel barlarda hayratlanarli chiqish qildi.

2. He injured his wrist while practicing on the parallel bars.
U parallel barlarda mashq qilayotganda bilagini shikastlab oldi.

3. The new gym has high-quality parallel bars for training.
Yangi sport zalida mashg‘ulotlar uchun yuqori sifatli parallel barlar mavjud.

4. She learned how to balance on the parallel bars after months of practice.
U bir necha oylik mashg‘ulotlardan so‘ng parallel barlarda muvozanat saqlashni o‘rgandi.

5. The coach adjusted the height of the parallel bars for the younger athletes.
Murabbiy yosh sportchilar uchun parallel barlarning balandligini sozladi.

English language Vocabulary

17 Feb, 12:29

IELTS'da va Multilevel'da so'z boyligi va g'oyalar yo'qligi tufayli insho yoza olmayapsizmi va gapira olmayapsizmi ?😑

Unda bu kitob aynan siz uchun 👇

Kitobda :
IELTS va MULTILEVEL'da eng qiyin 11ta mavzu;
55ta ta maqola
500ga yaqin shu qiyin mavzularda eng ko'p ishlatiladigan so'z boyliklari + tarjimalari
shu mavzularda g'oyalar
55ta writing task - sizni yodlagan so'zlalaringizni va g'oyalaringizni esingizda yaxshiroq qolishi uchun.

- Kitobni Pdf variant - 49,000 so'm (80,000)
- Kitobni 'hard copy' + dastavka esa - 99,000 so'm (150,000)

Qisqasi bunaqa kitob hech qayerda yo'q. Arzon narxda, va puliga 10X arziydi.

📚Sotib olish uchun : @Buyurtma_qabul_qilaman ga yozing. Va iltimos sabrli bo'ling - murojaatlar ko'p)

KITOB 100% Balingizni kamida 1.0+ ga oshiradi Inshallah ‼️

Iltimos ozgina sabr qiling, murojaatlar Juda ko'p!

English language Vocabulary

16 Feb, 12:59


🇺🇸 Mouse
🇺🇿 Sichqoncha, mishka

1. I need to buy a new mouse because mine is not working properly.
Men yangi sichqoncha sotib olishim kerak, chunki menikisi to‘g‘ri ishlamayapti.

2. She prefers a wireless mouse for her laptop.
U noutbuki uchun simsiz sichqonchani afzal ko‘radi.

3. The mouse cursor is moving too slowly on my screen.
Mening ekranda sichqoncha kursor juda sekin harakat qilmoqda.

4. He accidentally dropped his mouse, and now it doesn’t click properly.
U sichqonchasini tasodifan tushirib yubordi, endi u yaxshi bosilmaydi.

5. You can right-click the mouse to see more options.
Ko‘proq variantlarni ko‘rish uchun sichqonchaning o‘ng tugmachasini bosing.

English language Vocabulary

15 Feb, 12:59


🇺🇸ironing board
🇺🇿dazmollash doskasi

1. She set up the ironing board in the living room.
U dazmollash taxtasini yashash xonasiga qo‘ydi.

2. I need to buy a new ironing board because mine is broken.
Men yangi dazmollash taxtasini sotib olishim kerak, chunki menikisi singan.

3. He folded the ironing board and put it in the closet.
U dazmollash taxtasini yig‘ib, shkafga joylashtirdi.

4. The hotel room had an ironing board and an iron.
Mehmonxona xonasida dazmollash taxtasi va dazmol bor edi.

5. She burned her dress while using the ironing board.
U dazmollash taxtasida kiyimini kuydirib qo‘ydi.

English language Vocabulary

14 Feb, 13:06


🇺🇸 Pacifier
🇺🇿 So'rg'ich

1. The baby stopped crying as soon as she got her pacifier.
Chaqaloq sórg'ichni olishi bilan yig‘lashni to‘xtatdi.

2. Parents often use a pacifier to calm their newborns.
Ota-onalar ko‘pincha yangi tug‘ilgan chaqaloqlarini tinchlantirish uchun sórg'ich ishlatishadi.

3. She forgot to bring the baby's pacifier, so he kept crying.
U chaqaloqning sórg'ichini olib kelishni unutdi, shuning uchun bola tinmay yig‘ladi.

4. Some doctors advise against using a pacifier for too long.
Ba'zi shifokorlar sórg'ichni uzoq vaqt ishlatishni tavsiya etmaydi.

5. The pacifier fell on the floor, so they had to wash it before giving it back to the baby.
So'rg'ich yerga tushib ketdi, shuning uchun uni chaqaloqqa berishdan oldin yuvish kerak edi.

English language Vocabulary

14 Feb, 12:29

🎥 Filmlardan olingan muhim iboralar. ( Speaking uchun judayam foydali )

1.  Let somebody go
2. Bide somebody time
3.  Shake a leg
4. You have a good day
5.  Settle down
6. My bad
7. Chew out
8.  Good riddance
9. Moron
10.  Pull yourself together
11. Break a leg
12. I beg to differ
13.  Sounds great
14. Chin up
15. By the way

English language Vocabulary

13 Feb, 13:37


🇺🇸 Stroller
🇺🇿 Kolyaska

1. I bought a new stroller for my baby last week.
(O‘tgan hafta chaqam uchun yangi bolalar aravachasini sotib oldim.)

2. She put her baby in the stroller and went for a walk.
(U bolasini bolalar aravachasiga joylab, sayrga chiqdi.)

3. The stroller has a sunshade to protect the baby from the sun.
(Bolalar aravachasida chaqaloqni quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi soyabon bor.)

4. He folded the stroller and put it in the car.
(U bolalar aravachasini yig‘ib, mashinaga joyladi.)

5. The wheels of the stroller got stuck in the sand.
(Bolalar aravachasining g‘ildiraklari qumga tiqilib qoldi.)

English language Vocabulary

12 Feb, 13:12


🇺🇸 Lead (or Leash )
🇺🇿 It bo'yinbog'i

1. If you don’t hold the lead tightly, the dog might run away.
Agar ipni mahkam ushlamasangiz, it qochib ketishi mumkin.

2. The lead was so long that the dog could easily reach the other side of the park.
Ip shunchalik uzun ediki, it parkning narigi tomoniga bemalol yetib bora oldi.

3. Since the lead was broken, she had to carry the dog back home.
Ip uzilgani uchun, u itni uyga ko‘tarib borishga majbur bo‘ldi.

4. Even though the lead was new, it snapped when the dog pulled hard.
Ip yangi bo‘lsa ham, it qattiq tortganda u uzilib ketdi.

5. She bought a stronger lead so that her dog wouldn’t break it again.
U it yana uzib yubormasligi uchun mustahkamroq ip sotib oldi.

English language Vocabulary

11 Feb, 12:59


🇺🇸 Pond
🇺🇿 Hovuz

1. The ducks are swimming in the pond.
(Oʻrdaklar hovuzda suzishyapti.)

2. There is a small pond in the middle of the park.
(Parkning oʻrtasida kichik bir hovuz bor.)

3. He threw a stone into the pond, and it made ripples.
(U hovuzga tosh tashladi va toʻlqinlar paydo boʻldi.)

4. The fish in the pond are very colorful.
(Hovuzdagi baliqlar juda rang-barang.)

5. We sat by the pond and enjoyed the peaceful view.
(Biz hovuz yonida oʻtirib, osoyishta manzaradan zavq oldik.)

English language Vocabulary

10 Feb, 13:04


🇺🇸 A first aid kit box
🇺🇿 Birinchi tibbiy yordam qutisi

1. Every car should have a first aid kit box in case of an emergency.
Har bir mashinada favqulodda vaziyatlar uchun birinchi tibbiy yordam qutisi bo‘lishi kerak.

2. She bought a first aid kit box for her hiking trip.
U tog‘ga sayohat qilish uchun birinchi tibbiy yordam qutisini sotib oldi.

3. Can you check if there are enough bandages in the first aid kit box?
Birinchi tibbiy yordam qutisida yetarlicha bint borligini tekshira olasanmi?

4. The teacher showed the students how to use a first aid kit box properly.
O‘qituvchi o‘quvchilarga birinchi tibbiy yordam qutisini to‘g‘ri ishlatishni ko‘rsatdi.

5. We keep a first aid kit box in the kitchen in case of minor injuries.
Biz kichik jarohatlar uchun oshxonada birinchi tibbiy yordam qutisini saqlaymiz.

English language Vocabulary

09 Feb, 13:07


🇺🇸 Sleigh
🇺🇿 Chana

1. Santa Claus rides his sleigh across the sky on Christmas Eve.
Santa Klaus Rojdestvo arafasida osmon bo‘ylab chanasida yuradi.

2. The reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh full of gifts.
Shimol bug‘ulari Santa Klausning sovg‘alar bilan to‘la chanasini tortadi.

3. Children were excited to see Santa's sleigh land on the rooftop.
Bolalar Santa Klausning chanasining tomga qo‘nishini ko‘rib xursand bo‘lishdi.

4. The elves carefully loaded presents onto Santa’s sleigh.
Elflar ehtiyotkorlik bilan sovg‘alarni Santa Klausning chanasiga joylashtirishdi.

5. Santa waved from his sleigh as he flew away.
Santa Klaus chanasidan qo‘l silkib, osmonga uchib ketdi.

English language Vocabulary

08 Feb, 14:39


🇺🇸 Wrench
🇺🇿 kluch

1. The mechanic grabbed a wrench to tighten the bolts on the engine.
Mexanik dvigatel murvatlarini mahkamlash uchun kalit oldi.

2. You need a larger wrench to loosen this rusty nut.
Bu zanglagan gaykani bo‘shatish uchun kattaroq kalit kerak.

3. He used an adjustable wrench to fix the broken pipe.
U siniq quvurni tuzatish uchun sozlanadigan kalit ishlatdi.

4. The plumber pulled out a wrench to repair the leaking faucet.
Santexnik oqayotgan kranni tuzatish uchun kalit oldi.

5. I always keep a wrench in my toolbox for quick repairs.
Men har doim tezkor ta’mirlash uchun asboblar qutimda kalit saqlayman.

English language Vocabulary

07 Feb, 15:57


🇺🇸 Cane
🇺🇿 Hassa

1. Bu keksa odam har doim yurish uchun hassa olib yuradi.
(This old man always carries a cane for walking.)

2. Men tog‘amga tug‘ilgan kunida yog‘och hassa sovg‘a qildim.
(I gave my uncle a wooden cane as a birthday gift.)

3. Bobomning hassasi juda eski, lekin u hanuzgacha undan foydalanadi.
(My grandfather's cane is very old, but he still uses it.)

4. Uzoq yurishdan keyin oyog‘im og‘ridi, shuning uchun hassa olib oldim.
(After walking a long distance, my leg hurt, so I took a cane.)

5. Do‘konda turli xil naqshli hassalar sotilayotgan ekan.
(Different patterned canes were being sold in the store.)

English language Vocabulary

06 Feb, 12:59


🇺🇸 Lid
🇺🇿 qopqoq

Here are five example sentences with "lid" and their Uzbek translations:

1. She put the lid back on the jar after using the honey.
U asal ishlatgandan keyin banka qopqog‘ini qaytib yopdi.

2. The pot was boiling, so he removed the lid to let the steam escape.
Qozon qaynayotgan edi, shuning uchun u bug‘ chiqishi uchun qopqog‘ini oldi.

3. Please close the lid tightly so the food doesn’t spill.
Iltimos, ovqat to‘kilmasligi uchun qopqoqni mahkam yoping.

4. She lifted the lid of the box to see what was inside.
U qutining qopqog‘ini ko‘tarib, ichida nima borligini ko‘rdi.

5. The coffee cup has a plastic lid to keep it warm.
Kofe stakanida uni issiq saqlash uchun plastik qopqoq bor.

English language Vocabulary

05 Feb, 12:59


🇺🇸 Diaper
🇺🇿 taglik, pampers

1. The baby needs a clean diaper.
Chaqaloqqa toza taglik kerak.

2. She changed the baby's diaper quickly.
U chaqaloqning tagligini tezda almashtirdi.

3. We bought a pack of diapers from the store.
Biz do‘kondan bir qadoq taglik sotib oldik.

4. The baby's diaper was wet, so I had to change it.
Chaqaloqning tagligi ho‘l edi, shuning uchun men uni almashtirishim kerak bo‘ldi.

5. Disposable diapers are convenient for traveling.
Bir martalik tagliklar sayohat uchun qulay.

English language Vocabulary

05 Feb, 12:29

🎬Filmlardan olingan muhimi iboralar ro'yxati.

1. Can you break this?
2. What are you talking about?
3. Don't sweat it
4. Hell you do
5. Here you go
6.What is done is done
7. Shut up
8. Kick ass
9. You bet!
10. I wouldn't bet on it
11. Who do you think you are?
12. Cat got your tongue?
13. Out of the frying pan and into the fire
14. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
15. Drop dead
16. Mouth-watering
17. Homesick
18. Are you insane?
19. How do I look ?
20. I'm all ears

English language Vocabulary

04 Feb, 13:00

Day 18


Here are some examples using "rake" as a garden tool:

1. English: I used a rake to gather the fallen leaves in the yard.
Uzbek: Men hovlidagi to'kilgan barglarni yig'ish uchun tirgovichdan foydalandim.

2. English: Please bring the rake so we can level the soil in the garden.
Uzbek: Iltimos, bog'dagi tuproqni tekislash uchun tirgovichni olib keling.

3. English: The rake is in the shed near the shovel.
Uzbek: Tirgovich belkurakning yonida omborda turibdi.

4. English: After planting the seeds, he used a rake to cover them with soil.
Uzbek: U urug'larni ekkanidan keyin ularni tuproq bilan yopish uchun tirgovichdan foydalandi.

English language Vocabulary

03 Feb, 12:59


🇺🇸 Firecracker
🇺🇿 Paqqildoq

1. The children lit a firecracker and ran away laughing.
Bolalar paqqildoqni yoqib, kulib qochib ketishdi.

2. Be careful when handling firecrackers during the New Year celebrations.
Yangi yil bayramida paqqildoqlardan foydalanishda ehtiyot bo‘ling.

3. The loud noise of the firecracker scared the dog.
Paqqildoqning baland ovozi itni qo‘rqitib yubordi.

4. She has a firecracker personality—always full of energy and excitement.
U paqqildoq kabi xarakterga ega—doimo energiyaga va hayajonga to‘la.

5. Firecrackers are banned in some cities due to safety concerns.
Ba’zi shaharlar xavfsizlik sababli paqqildoqlarni taqiqlagan.

English language Vocabulary

02 Feb, 12:59


🇺🇸 Pip
🇺🇿 Meva danagi

1. I found a small pip inside the apple.
Men olma ichida kichik bir danak topdim.

2. The orange had too many pips, so I had to remove them.
Apelsinda juda ko‘p danak bor edi, shuning uchun ularni olib tashladim.

3. He accidentally swallowed a cherry pip.
U tasodifan gilos danagini yutib yubordi.

4. Watermelon pips can sometimes be eaten.
Tarvuz danaklari ba’zan yeyish mumkin.

5. She spat out the grape pip after eating the fruit.
U mevaning donini yeb bo‘lgach, uzum danagini tupurdi.

English language Vocabulary

01 Feb, 12:59


🇺🇸 Tape measure
🇺🇿 lentali o'raladigan lineyka

1. I used a tape measure to check the length of the table.
Men stolning uzunligini tekshirish uchun o'lchov lentasidan foydalandim.

2. He pulled out a tape measure from his toolbox.
U asboblar qutisidan o'lchov lentasini oldi.

3. Can you pass me the tape measure?
Menga o'lchov lentasini berib yubora olasanmi?

4. The carpenter measured the wood with a tape measure.
Duradgor yog‘ochni o‘lchov lentasi bilan o‘lchadi.

5. She bought a new tape measure for sewing.
U tikish uchun yangi o‘lchov lentasini sotib oldi.

English language Vocabulary

20 Jan, 12:29

🎥 Filmlardan olingan muhim iboralar. ( Speaking uchun judayam foydali )

1.  Let somebody go
2. Bide somebody time
3.  Shake a leg
4. You have a good day
5.  Settle down
6. My bad
7. Chew out
8.  Good riddance
9. Moron
10.  Pull yourself together
11. Break a leg
12. I beg to differ
13.  Sounds great
14. Chin up
15. By the way

English language Vocabulary

19 Jan, 12:59


🇺🇸 Sickle
🇺🇿 O'roq

1. The farmer used a sickle to harvest the wheat.
Dehqon bug‘doyni o‘rish uchun o‘roq ishlatdi.

2. A sickle is a traditional tool for cutting grass and crops.
O‘roq – o‘t va hosilni o‘rish uchun an’anaviy asbobdir.

3. The old sickle in the barn was rusted and unusable.
Xirmonda turgan eski o‘roq zanglab, ishlatib bo‘lmas holga kelgan edi.

4. In ancient times, people used sickles made of stone.
Qadim zamonlarda odamlar toshdan yasalgan o‘roqlardan foydalangan.

5. He bought a new sickle at the market to prepare for the harvest season.
U hosil mavsumiga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish uchun bozordan yangi o‘roq sotib oldi.

English language Vocabulary

19 Jan, 12:29

💎MULTILEVEL uchun kerakli baza qidirib yurganlar uchun admindan tavsiya‼️👇


🇺🇿MULTILEVEL uchun Baza 📚

🙌Kirganlar faqatgina darmonda😊
Bugun 20:00 da BEPUL mock test

👉 @Inglizcha_kinolar_multfilm_movie
🤑 @Huntme_Logistics

English language Vocabulary

18 Jan, 14:04


Here are examples of "flip-flop" as a noun referring to a type of sandal:

1. English: I left my flip-flops by the pool.
Uzbek: Flip-floplarimni hovuz yonida qoldirdim.

2. English: These flip-flops are perfect for walking on the beach.
Uzbek: Bu flip-floplar plyajda yurish uchun juda qulay.

3. English: My flip-flops broke while I was climbing the stairs.
Uzbek: Zinalarga chiqayotganimda flip-floplarim buzilib qoldi.

4. English: She bought colorful flip-flops for her summer vacation.
Uzbek: U yozgi ta’tili uchun rang-barang flip-floplar sotib oldi.

5. English: Flip-flops are not allowed in the office.
Uzbek: Ofisda flip-flop kiyish taqiqlangan.

English language Vocabulary

18 Jan, 12:29

⚡️ Barcha abituriyentlar va ularning OTA-ONALARI uchun hushxabar!!!

🏛 Yurtimizdagi barcha oliy ta'lim muassasalarining kirish ballarini joyladik!

Bilmoqchimisiz  O'TISH BALLARI
tugmasini bosing va o'qing.

English language Vocabulary

17 Jan, 12:59


🇺🇸 fan (or ventilator)

1. I turned on the fan because the room was too hot.
Xonada juda issiq bo'lgani uchun men ventilyatorni yoqdim.

2. The ceiling fan is not working properly.
Shift ventilyatori to'g'ri ishlamayapti.

3. She cleaned the dust off the fan blades.
U ventilyator pichoqlaridagi changni artib tashladi.

4. We need a new fan for the living room.
Bizga yashash xonasi uchun yangi ventilyator kerak.

5. This small table fan is perfect for my desk.
Ushbu kichik stol ventilyatori mening stolim uchun juda mos.

English language Vocabulary

08 Jan, 12:29

🥹Yangi yilda yangi imkoniyatlar🥹

🆒Til o’rganishni EMERALD ACADEMY bilan boshlang😀

Bizning online academy sizga quyidagi til kurslarini taqdim etadi:

🚩 Ingliz tili
🚩 Fransuz tili
🚩 Nemis tili
🚩 Arab tili
🚩 Turk tili
🚩 Xitoy tili
🚩 Koreys tili
🚩 Rus tili

Shuningdek, darslar✏️:
🔋 energiyaga boy;
1-1.5 soat davom etadi;
🎓 Malakali ustozlar tomonidan o’tiladi.

🎧Murojaat uchun: @ingliztiliadmini

🧘‍♀️Bizning guruh: @onlinerepetitoruzz😂

English language Vocabulary

08 Jan, 01:33

🇺🇸 Under the weather
🇺🇿 Betob, kasal

I've been feeling a bit under the weather this week.

💹 @Movie_Phrasebook

English language Vocabulary

07 Jan, 12:29

🏆 Olimpiada boshlandi❗️

🛎 1-2-sinflar uchun test kodi ➪︎ 13826
🛎 3-4-sinflar uchun test kodi ➪︎ 13827
🛎 5-6-sinflar uchun test kodi ➪︎ 13828
🛎 7-8-sinflar uchun test kodi ➪︎ 13829
🛎 9-10-11-sinf test kodi ➪︎ 13830

Sertifikat hammaga beriladi, testimiz 12 - Yanvar soat 22 00 gacha
@Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga javoblaringizni yuborishingiz mumkin 🤓

❗️Javoblarni aynan
@Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga quyidagicha yuboring:
👉 abcdac... (10 ta)

♻️ Do'stlarga yuboramiz ♻️

Ойлик ҳисоблаш учун бот:
✈️ @Oylik_hisoblovchibot

@Oqituvchi | Обуна бу‌линг👇

English language Vocabulary

29 Dec, 15:56

🇺🇸 What's the deal?
🇺🇿 Nima qarorga kelding?


English language Vocabulary

24 Dec, 12:29

🏆 Olimpiada boshlandi❗️

🛎 1-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9026
🛎 2-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9027
🛎 3-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9028
🛎 4-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9029
🛎 5-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9030
🛎 6-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9031
🛎 7-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9032
🛎 8-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9033
🛎 9/10/11-sinflar test kodi ➪︎ 9034

Sertifikat hammaga beriladi, 29 - Dekabr, soat 22 00 gacha @Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga javoblaringizni yuborishingiz mumkin 🤓

❗️Javoblarni aynan
@Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga quyidagicha yuboring:
     👉 abcdac... (5/10/15/20 ta)

Ойлик ҳисоблаш учун бот:
✈️ @Oylik_hisoblovchibot | @Mandatlar_robot

@Oqituvchi | Обуна бу‌линг👇

English language Vocabulary

16 Dec, 13:47


🇺🇸 How do I look?
🇺🇿 Ko'rinishim qalay?

English language Vocabulary

10 Dec, 07:07

🇺🇸 You reap what you sow
🇺🇿 Nimani eksang, shuni o'rasan


English language Vocabulary

08 Dec, 06:11


🇺🇸 Ladder
🇺🇿 Narvon

1. He used a ladder to reach the apples at the top of the tree.

2. The firefighter quickly climbed the ladder to rescue the child from the window.

3. The ladder was too short to reach the second-floor balcony.

4. She leaned the ladder against the wall to paint the upper corners of the room.

5. A wooden ladder was placed near the barn for cleaning the roof.

English language Vocabulary

07 Dec, 12:29

🥳MERLIN kinosini inglizcha subtitle bilan qidirib yurganlar uchun yangilik 🔥

@MOVIE_FINDER_UZBOT orqali hamma qismini BEPUL ravishda topa olasiz 😁

Shunchaki 👉
@MOVIE_FINDER_UZBOT ga Kirib qidiring 🇺🇿🇬🇧

🎭P/S. Aytgancha Kung - fu Panda 4 yangi seriyalari chiqishi bilan birinchi shu botga yuklanadi


English language Vocabulary

06 Dec, 16:23


🇺🇸 Needle
🇺🇿 Igna

🇺🇸 Thread
🇺🇿 Ip

Here are five examples using "thread and needle":

1. "Grandma taught me how to use a thread and needle to repair small tears in my clothes."

2. "He picked up a thread and needle to sew the ripped pages of the old book back together."

3. "The artist used a thread and needle to create an intricate embroidery design."

4. "Sometimes life feels like working with a thread and needle, carefully piecing everything together."

5. "After the storm, they used a thread and needle to patch up the torn sails of the boat."

English language Vocabulary

04 Dec, 14:16


🇺🇸 Button
🇺🇿 Tugma

"Her coat had shiny silver buttons down the front."

"The button on his jeans popped off after lunch."

"She decorated her bag with colorful button badges."

English language Vocabulary

03 Dec, 17:20



Here are some examples using "rake" as a garden tool:

1. English: I used a rake to gather the fallen leaves in the yard.
Uzbek: Men hovlidagi to'kilgan barglarni yig'ish uchun tirgovichdan foydalandim.

2. English: Please bring the rake so we can level the soil in the garden.
Uzbek: Iltimos, bog'dagi tuproqni tekislash uchun tirgovichni olib keling.

3. English: The rake is in the shed near the shovel.
Uzbek: Tirgovich belkurakning yonida omborda turibdi.

4. English: After planting the seeds, he used a rake to cover them with soil.
Uzbek: U urug'larni ekkanidan keyin ularni tuproq bilan yopish uchun tirgovichdan foydalandi.

English language Vocabulary

02 Dec, 14:01

🇺🇸 shovel

🇺🇿 kurak

Here are five examples for each word:


1. I used a shovel to clear the snow from the driveway this morning.

2. The gardener grabbed a shovel to plant the tree in the backyard.

3. He filled the wheelbarrow with dirt using a shovel.

4. Workers with shovels were digging trenches for the water pipes.

5. After the storm, we had to shovel sand to prevent flooding.


1. She took a spade to loosen the soil in the flowerbed.

2. The archaeologist carefully dug into the ground with a small spade.

3. A sharp spade is essential for cutting through tough roots.

4. He used a spade to create neat edges around the garden lawn.

5. Farmers often prefer a spade for precise digging in their fields.

English language Vocabulary

01 Dec, 16:53


🇺🇸 Power socket

1. Bu rozetka ishlamayapti, boshqa birini toping.
(This power socket is not working, find another one.)

2. Telefoningizni zaryad qilish uchun rozetka qaerda?
(Where is the power socket to charge your phone?)

3. Elektr tokiga ehtiyot bo‘ling, rozetkaga nam qo‘l bilan tegmang.
(Be careful with electricity; don’t touch the power socket with wet hands.)

4. Men yangi uy uchun zamonaviy rozetkalar sotib oldim.
(I bought modern power sockets for the new house.)

5. Rozetkadan zaryadlagichni chiqarishni unutmang.
(Don’t forget to unplug the charger from the power socket.)

English language Vocabulary

01 Dec, 13:29

🇺🇸 You take that back
🇺🇿 Gapingni qaytarb ol

English language Vocabulary

01 Dec, 12:29




Maktab direktori:
4 mln 696 ming 805 so'm (400 o'quvchigacha);
5 mln 015 ming 054 so'm (401-880 o'quvchigacha);
5 mln 317 ming 901 so'm (881-1600 o'quvchigacha);
5 mln 625 ming 394 so'm (1600dan ortiq).

Direktor o'rinbosarlari: (MMIBDO, O'TIBDO)
4 mln 386 ming 677 so'm (400 o'quvchigacha);
4 mln 696 ming 805 so'm (401-880 o'quvchigacha);
5 mln 015 ming 054 so'm (881-1600 o'quvchigacha);
5 mln 317 ming 901 so'm (1600dan ortiq).

Direktorning xoʻjalik ishlari bo'yicha o'rinbosari:
1 mln 779 ming 871 so'm (400 o'quvchigacha);
2 mln 030 ming 275 so'm (401-880 o'quvchigacha);
2 mln 111 ming 025 so'm (881-1600 o'quvchigacha);
2 mln 286 ming 447 so'm (1600dan ortiq).

CHQBT rahbari:
Mutaxassis 3 mln 390 ming 824 so'm;
Ikkinchi toifali 3 mln 796 ming 213 so'm;
Birinchi toifali - 4 mln 230 ming 138 so'm;
Oliy toifali 4 mln 674 ming 594 so'm.

Oliy ma'lumotli psixolog - 3 mln 051 ming 742 so'm;
Ikkinchi toifali psixolog - 3 mln 268 ming 047 so'm;
Birinchi toifali psixolog - 3 mln 489 ming 865 so'm;
Oliy toifali psixolog - 3 mln 702 ming 280 so'm.

O'rta maxsus ma'lumotli o'qituvchi - 3 mln 169 ming 623 so'm;
Oliy ma'lumotli o'qituvchi - 3 mln 390 ming 824 so'm;
Ikkinchi toifali o'qituvchi - 3 mln 796 ming 213 so'm;
Birinchi toifali o'qituvchi - 4 mln 230 ming 138 so'm;
Oliy toifali o'qituvchi - 4 mln 674 ming 594 so'm.

Maktab laboranti:
1 mln 604 ming 647 so'm.

Kadrlar boʻyicha menejer:
1 mln 598 ming 520 so'm.

Kutubxona mudiri:
O'rta maxsus ma'lumotli - 2 mln 135 ming 861 so'm;
Oliy ma'lumotli 2 mln 330 ming 402 so'm.

O'rta maxsus ma'lumotli - 1 mln 852 ming 107 so'm;
Oliy ma'lumotli - 1 mln 949 ming 589 so'm.

💰15% oshgan holda hisoblovchi @OYLIK_hisoblovchibot

Maktab guruhlaringizga yuborib qo‘ying, ustozlar o‘zlari mustaqil oyliklarini hisoblab olishadi.

/START ni bosing

➡️ @OYLIK_hisoblovchibot

English language Vocabulary

30 Nov, 13:01


🇺🇸 Pumpkin

Here are some examples of sentences with the word "pumpkin":

1. Literal Meaning (the vegetable):

I carved a scary face on a pumpkin for Halloween.

Pumpkin soup is my favorite dish during autumn.

We bought a large pumpkin from the farmer's market.

Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.
• Quarter the pumpkin and remove the seeds. pumpkin

English language Vocabulary

29 Nov, 18:33



Here are some general use examples with "wheelbarrow":

1. "He used the wheelbarrow to transport the sand from the pile to the garden."

2. "After harvesting the vegetables, she placed them in the wheelbarrow and wheeled them to the shed."

3. "The worker pushed a wheelbarrow full of cement across the construction site."

4. "We borrowed a wheelbarrow to move the heavy pots into the backyard."

5. "The children helped by collecting leaves in the wheelbarrow during the cleanup."

English language Vocabulary

29 Nov, 18:33

We come back

English language Vocabulary

29 Nov, 12:29

🎥 Filmlardan olingan muhim iboralar. ( Speaking uchun judayam foydali )

1.  Let somebody go
2. Bide somebody time
3.  Shake a leg
4. You have a good day
5.  Settle down
6. My bad
7. Chew out
8.  Good riddance
9. Moron
10.  Pull yourself together
11. Break a leg
12. I beg to differ
13.  Sounds great
14. Chin up
15. By the way

English language Vocabulary

23 Nov, 12:29

🏆 Olimpiada boshlandi❗️

🛎 1-2-sinflar uchun test kodi ➪︎ 13826
🛎 3-4-sinflar uchun test kodi ➪︎ 13827
🛎 5-6-sinflar uchun test kodi ➪︎ 13828
🛎 7-8-sinflar uchun test kodi ➪︎ 13829
🛎 9-10-11-sinf test kodi ➪︎ 13830

Sertifikat hammaga beriladi, testimiz 31 - Noyabr soat 22 00 gacha
@Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga javoblaringizni yuborishingiz mumkin 🤓

❗️Javoblarni aynan
@Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga quyidagicha yuboring:
👉 abcdac... (10 ta)

♻️ Do'stlarga yuboramiz ♻️

Ойлик ҳисоблаш учун бот:
✈️ @Oylik_hisoblovchibot

@Oqituvchi | Обуна бу‌линг👇

English language Vocabulary

22 Nov, 12:29

🟣 Xullas menga ko'pchilik Speakingga Duxx yetmayapti deyotgandi.

Men oʻzim shaxsan Speaking uchun zoʻr kanal ochdim.😁👇


Yana guruhiga kirib 24 soat Speaking qilishingiz mumkin!

🛸 Hozircha qoʻshilish bepul, keyinchalik kanalga kirish pullik boʻladi.🤫

😎 Bu opamiz bir oyda GAPIRTIRVORADI nagli

English language Vocabulary

19 Nov, 14:08


🇺🇸 Torch

1. Literal Meaning (a tool for light):

The hiker lit (yoqmoq) the torch to find his way through the dark forest.

The cave was illuminated ( yoritmoq) by the flickering light of a torch.

2. Figurative Meaning (a symbol of guidance or inspiration):

She carried the torch of freedom for her community.

Passing the torch to the younger generation is vital for progress.

3. As a verb (to burn something intentionally):

The protesters threatened to torch the abandoned building.

They had to torch the old barn to make space for the new one.

4. Idiomatic Usage:

He still carries a torch for his high school sweetheart (he still loves her).

English language Vocabulary

18 Nov, 13:00

3-day Vocabulary

🇺🇸 Tandoor
🇺🇿 Tandir

Here are more examples of "tandoor", specifically focused on food and culture:


1. "The lamb( qo'zi) was marinated ( sousga botirmoq) overnight and then roasted to perfection in the tandoor."

2. "Fresh naan bread, straight from the tandoor, is a treat with any meal."

3. "Restaurants often use a tandoor to give dishes a smoky, authentic flavor."

Culture and Tradition:

1. "In our village, every family has a tandoor to bake bread for special occasions."

2. "The tandoor is a symbol of traditional cooking in many Central Asian households."

3. "When I visited Khiva, I saw women baking tandir non in a large clay tandoor."

Modern Use:

1. "Many modern kitchens now have electric tandoors to replicate the traditional method."

2. "Street vendors often set up portable tandoors to serve hot kebabs to customers."

English language Vocabulary

17 Nov, 13:26

🇺🇸 Bottle opener
🇺🇿 ochqich

Here are some examples of sentences using the phrase "bottle opener":

1. I couldn't open the soda bottle because I forgot to bring a bottle opener.

2. Do you have a bottle opener? I need to open this glass bottle of juice.

3. The bartender used a fancy bottle opener to pop the cap off the beer.

4. This multi-tool comes with a built-in bottle opener, which is very handy for picnics.

5. She gave me a bottle opener shaped like a keychain as a souvenir.

English language Vocabulary

17 Nov, 04:03

2-Day Vocabulary

🇺🇸 Shoehorn
🇺🇿 Lo'shka (o'zbek tilida nima deyilishini aniq biladiganla komentariyada yozib qoldiramiz)

Here are a few examples using the term "shoehorn" in different contexts:

Literal Use:

1. He used a shoehorn to slip his feet into the tight(Tor) leather (charm)shoes.

2. A long-handled shoehorn is perfect for avoiding bending over while putting on shoes.

Figurative Use (to mean "fit something awkwardly or forcefully"):

3. The writer tried to shoehorn too many characters into the story, making it confusing.

4. They attempted to shoehorn the meeting into the packed schedule, but it felt rushed.

5. She felt like the company was trying to shoehorn her ideas into a plan that didn’t make sense.

English language Vocabulary

16 Nov, 14:38

Sizdan only like and comment, share bizdan sizga foydali bôlgan kontentlar 😌

English language Vocabulary

16 Nov, 14:37

Agarda har bir examplelarni yaxshilab o'rganib, comentda siz ham examples tuzib ketsangiz ushbu so'zlar xotirangizda yaxshi o'rnashib qoladi 🦾

English language Vocabulary

16 Nov, 14:33

Guys 😁
groom= kuyov
Broom= supurgi

English language Vocabulary

16 Nov, 14:32

1-day Vocabulary

🇺🇸 Broom
🇺🇿 Supurgi

👇Here are some examples using the word "broom":

1. Literal usage (cleaning):

She grabbed (ushlamoq) the broom to sweep( supurmoq) the dust off the floor.

The janitor( farrosh) uses a sturdy(baquvvat, chidamli) broom to clean the hallway every morning.

2. Figurative/metaphorical usage:

After the breakup, she decided to take a broom to her old life and start fresh.

His management style is like a new broom sweeping through the office, bringing change.

3. Idiomatic phrases:

"A new broom sweeps clean" means a new person in a position often tries to make changes or improvements.

4. Creative/fun examples:

The kids dressed up as witches (jodugar) for Halloween, complete with pointy hats and brooms.

Harry Potter's broomstick flew faster than anyone else's during the Quidditch match.


English language Vocabulary

16 Nov, 06:41

1-Day Vocabulary

🇺🇸 Rolling pin
🇺🇿o'qloq (xorazmcha oqlo'v)

Here are a few examples using "rolling pin":

1. Everyday Usage:
I used a rolling pin to flatten( tekislamoq) the dough(xamir) for the pie crust.

2. Instructional:
Roll the dough evenly with a rolling pin to ensure it's the same thickness throughout.

3. Descriptive:
The wooden rolling pin was smooth from years of use in baking cookies and bread.

4. Creative Writing:
She grabbed the rolling pin, not for baking this time, but to shoo away (haydamoq) the curious( qiziquvchan) cat from the counter( oshxona taxtasi).

5. Humorous:
Grandma always said the rolling pin had two purposes: making perfect pasta and keeping Grandpa in line!

6. Idiomatic/Figurative:
Life sometimes feels like a rolling pin, flattening out the ups and downs to create balance.


English language Vocabulary

16 Nov, 06:37

Assalomu aleykum.
Bugundan ushbu kanalimda kamida bitta bizlar deyarli har kuni ko'radigan lekin inglizcha qanday aytilishini bilmaydigan bitta so'z va uning rasmi bilan birgalikda tashlab boraman. Qo'llab quvvatlaysiz degan umiddaman.

English language Vocabulary

15 Nov, 14:09


🇺🇸 luminous
🇺🇿yorqin, ravshan, nurli

Example: Her large dark eyes were almost luminous.

English language Vocabulary

15 Nov, 12:29

1000 yillik savolning javobi topildi 🤯

Savol quyidagicha :

🐥Tovuq birinchi paydo bo'lganmi yoki tuxum 🥚?


English language Vocabulary

14 Nov, 12:29

⚡️ Barcha abituriyentlar va ularning OTA-ONALARI uchun hushxabar!!!

🏛 Yurtimizdagi barcha oliy ta'lim muassasalarining kirish ballarini joyladik!

Bilmoqchimisiz  O'TISH BALLARI
tugmasini bosing va o'qing.

English language Vocabulary

13 Nov, 15:21

🇺🇸be about to do sth
🇺🇿endi(gina) biror narsa qilmoqchi bo’lmoq, arafasida bo'lmoq


• We were about to go home (=Endigina uyga ketmoqchi bo’lib turgan edik) when you arrived.
• I was just about to ask you the same thing.
• I’ve never done any cooking and I’m not about to start now.


(just) going to, ready to, all set to, preparing to, getting ready to, intending to

English language Vocabulary

13 Nov, 12:34


🥳Siz Aziz obunachilarimiz uchun ajoyib kino bot ochildi 🔥

      WEDNESDAY - 2
      WEDNESDAY - 3
      WEDNESDAY - 4
      WEDNESDAY - 5
      WEDNESDAY - 6 👈

‼️Xohlagan kino nomini yozing bot sizga auto topib beradi 😁

🎭P/S. Aytgancha Kung - fu Panda 4 va Merlinning yangi seriyalari chiqishi bilan birinchi shu botga yuklanadi


English language Vocabulary

11 Nov, 18:30

𝗜𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗦 𝘃𝗮 𝗖𝗘𝗙𝗥 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗶 𝗕𝗘𝗣𝗨𝗟 𝗼'𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗮 𝗯𝗼'𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗴𝗮𝗻 𝗲𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝘂𝗵𝗶𝗺 𝗸𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗿 𝗿𝘂𝘆𝘅𝗮𝘁𝗶 !! 👆👆

English language Vocabulary

11 Nov, 16:04

➡️Rasman IELTS va CEFR endi oson.

🎙 Minglab o'quvchilar uchun maxsus darslar?

👍 Qisqa muddatda IELTS B2
👍 Advanced IELTS 8.0+
👍 Reading nega bitta ballda qotib qolgan
👍 Listening Multiple Choice
👍 Writingni qanday tez yozish mumkin
👍 Speakingda ravon gapirish
👍 Oddiy gramatikadan qochish
👍 So'zlarni oson yodlash 

‼️ Yuqoridagi mavzular bo'yicha maxsus darslardan qolib ketmaslik uchun, ko'k link ustiga bosing va kanallarga a'zo bo'ling👆

English language Vocabulary

11 Nov, 15:51

Kim nechta topdi?

5 👍
4 🌭
3 😢

English language Vocabulary

11 Nov, 12:29

IELTS dan 8.0+ olmoqchimisiz🤔
Unda sizga IELTS dan authentic materials kerak bo'ladi🤓
Aynan shu maqsadda @IELTS_DARSLARI_BOT ni ochdik. Bizning botimiz orqali siz IELTS ga tayyorlanish uchun kerak bo'ladigan barcha materiallarni 💯 bepul tarzda yuklab olishingiz mumkin🎉📚
@IELTS_DARSLARI_BOT bu aynan 8.0+ olmoqchilar uchun 😁

English language Vocabulary

09 Nov, 16:05

🇺🇸 Don't count your chickens before they hatch
🇺🇿 Jo'jani kuzda sanaymiz, Podadan oldin chang chiqarma

English language Vocabulary

08 Nov, 12:29




Maktab direktori:
4 mln 696 ming 805 so'm (400 o'quvchigacha);
5 mln 015 ming 054 so'm (401-880 o'quvchigacha);
5 mln 317 ming 901 so'm (881-1600 o'quvchigacha);
5 mln 625 ming 394 so'm (1600dan ortiq).

Direktor o'rinbosarlari: (MMIBDO, O'TIBDO)
4 mln 386 ming 677 so'm (400 o'quvchigacha);
4 mln 696 ming 805 so'm (401-880 o'quvchigacha);
5 mln 015 ming 054 so'm (881-1600 o'quvchigacha);
5 mln 317 ming 901 so'm (1600dan ortiq).

Direktorning xoʻjalik ishlari bo'yicha o'rinbosari:
1 mln 779 ming 871 so'm (400 o'quvchigacha);
2 mln 030 ming 275 so'm (401-880 o'quvchigacha);
2 mln 111 ming 025 so'm (881-1600 o'quvchigacha);
2 mln 286 ming 447 so'm (1600dan ortiq).

CHQBT rahbari:
Mutaxassis 3 mln 390 ming 824 so'm;
Ikkinchi toifali 3 mln 796 ming 213 so'm;
Birinchi toifali - 4 mln 230 ming 138 so'm;
Oliy toifali 4 mln 674 ming 594 so'm.

Oliy ma'lumotli psixolog - 3 mln 051 ming 742 so'm;
Ikkinchi toifali psixolog - 3 mln 268 ming 047 so'm;
Birinchi toifali psixolog - 3 mln 489 ming 865 so'm;
Oliy toifali psixolog - 3 mln 702 ming 280 so'm.

O'rta maxsus ma'lumotli o'qituvchi - 3 mln 169 ming 623 so'm;
Oliy ma'lumotli o'qituvchi - 3 mln 390 ming 824 so'm;
Ikkinchi toifali o'qituvchi - 3 mln 796 ming 213 so'm;
Birinchi toifali o'qituvchi - 4 mln 230 ming 138 so'm;
Oliy toifali o'qituvchi - 4 mln 674 ming 594 so'm.

Maktab laboranti:
1 mln 604 ming 647 so'm.

Kadrlar boʻyicha menejer:
1 mln 598 ming 520 so'm.

Kutubxona mudiri:
O'rta maxsus ma'lumotli - 2 mln 135 ming 861 so'm;
Oliy ma'lumotli 2 mln 330 ming 402 so'm.

O'rta maxsus ma'lumotli - 1 mln 852 ming 107 so'm;
Oliy ma'lumotli - 1 mln 949 ming 589 so'm.

💰15% oshgan holda hisoblovchi @OYLIK_hisoblovchibot

Maktab guruhlaringizga yuborib qo‘ying, ustozlar o‘zlari mustaqil oyliklarini hisoblab olishadi.

/START ni bosing

➡️ @OYLIK_hisoblovchibot

English language Vocabulary

07 Nov, 14:13

#Structure #grammar

🇺🇸 I would appreciate it if ...
🇺🇿–sangiz yaxshi bo'lardi, iloji bo'lsa

• I would appreciate it if you paid in cash.

👍 Street Talking American

English language Vocabulary

06 Nov, 16:47

🇺🇸Break a leg
🇺🇿 Omad

English language Vocabulary

03 Nov, 14:47

🇺🇸hereafter ( life after death)
🇺🇿narigi dunyo, keyingi hayot, oxirat

• She had a firm conviction that they would meet again in the hereafter

English language Vocabulary

02 Nov, 16:18

Article Vocabulary (Day-12)

English language Vocabulary

02 Nov, 13:49

🇺🇸one of the gravest offenses
🇺🇿eng og'ir jinoyatlardan biri

1. "In many cultures, betraying a family member is considered one of the gravest offenses."

2. "For a soldier, abandoning comrades in battle is viewed as one of the gravest offenses."

3. "Cheating in exams is seen as one of the gravest offenses in academia, as it undermines the value of education."

4. "In journalism, fabricating news stories is one of the gravest offenses against ethical reporting."

5. "In the legal system, tampering with evidence is regarded as one of the gravest offenses because it jeopardizes justice."

English language Vocabulary

01 Nov, 13:28

🇺🇸 Fragile
🇺🇿 Zaif, kuchsiz

I felt rather fragile (=kuchsiz, holsiz) for a few days after the operation.

English language Vocabulary

30 Oct, 13:44

Kim nechta topdi?

5 👍
4 🌭
3 😢

English language Vocabulary

25 Oct, 13:16

🇺🇸thrive on sth
🇺🇿 yoqimsiz holatdan rohatlanmoq, qiyin holatdan rohatlanmoq

Many people thrive on a stressful lifestyle.

English language Vocabulary

25 Oct, 12:29

What is your english level ? 🇬🇧

English language Vocabulary

24 Oct, 12:59

Article Vocabulary (Day-8)

English language Vocabulary

23 Oct, 17:43

🇺🇸I can't seem to do sth
🇺🇿 hech … olmayapman
• I just can't seem to relax.
• I can't seem to get started it.
• I can't seem to shake off this cold (=shu shamollashdan hech qutula olmayapman).

English language Vocabulary

23 Oct, 17:19

#Grammar #learn

A poor diet may lead to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and even psychological conditions like depression and anxiety.

English language Vocabulary

23 Oct, 17:15

🇺🇿yurak va qon tomirlari

Smoking places you in serious jeopardy of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.

English language Vocabulary

23 Oct, 17:15

Article Vocabulary (Day-7)

English language Vocabulary

23 Oct, 13:20

🇺🇸 Impersonate
🇺🇿gavdalantirmoq, o'xshatmoq, parodiya qilmoq, taqlid qilmoq

Example: She's the woman who impersonates the Queen on TV.

English language Vocabulary

22 Oct, 13:56

Here are some examples using "over the past decades":

1. Over the past decades, technology has revolutionized the way we communicate and work.

2. The climate has been changing over the past decades, leading to more frequent extreme weather events.

3. Over the past decades, healthcare advancements have significantly increased life expectancy around the world.

4. There has been a noticeable shift in education methods over the past decades, with more focus on digital learning.

5. Over the past decades, FC Barcelona has consistently been one of the top football clubs in the world.

English language Vocabulary

21 Oct, 04:12

I always set aside time to discuss each section after I read a book.

English language Vocabulary

21 Oct, 04:12

Make a sentence in the comment 👇🦾

English language Vocabulary

21 Oct, 04:12

He had some money in an account that he'd set aside for his kids

English language Vocabulary

19 Oct, 13:12

🇺🇸 Pit bull
🇺🇿 ba'zan pul tikib urishtirladigan kichik baquvvat it

Example: He was convicted of failing to muzzle a pit bull.