🇺🇸 Parallel bars
🇺🇿 Brus anjomi
1. The gymnast performed an impressive routine on the parallel bars.
Gimnast parallel barlarda hayratlanarli chiqish qildi.
2. He injured his wrist while practicing on the parallel bars.
U parallel barlarda mashq qilayotganda bilagini shikastlab oldi.
3. The new gym has high-quality parallel bars for training.
Yangi sport zalida mashg‘ulotlar uchun yuqori sifatli parallel barlar mavjud.
4. She learned how to balance on the parallel bars after months of practice.
U bir necha oylik mashg‘ulotlardan so‘ng parallel barlarda muvozanat saqlashni o‘rgandi.
5. The coach adjusted the height of the parallel bars for the younger athletes.
Murabbiy yosh sportchilar uchun parallel barlarning balandligini sozladi.