UzTEA @your_uztea Channel on Telegram



Dedicated to linking, developing, and supporting ELT professionals & Educators. IATEFL Associate Teaching Association

UzTEA: Connecting ELT Professionals & Educators (English)

Welcome to UzTEA, a Telegram channel dedicated to linking, developing, and supporting English Language Teaching (ELT) professionals and educators. Our channel is an IATEFL Associate Teaching Association, aiming to provide a platform for like-minded individuals to come together, share ideas, and grow in their teaching practice.

At UzTEA, we understand the importance of a strong network within the ELT community. Whether you are a seasoned professional looking to further your career or a new educator seeking guidance and support, our channel is here to connect you with resources, opportunities, and fellow educators.

Through our channel, you can access a wealth of resources, including teaching tips, professional development opportunities, job postings, and more. By joining UzTEA, you become part of a community that values continuous learning and collaboration.

We invite ELT professionals and educators from all backgrounds and experience levels to join our channel. Whether you are looking to share your expertise, seek advice, or simply connect with others who share your passion for education, UzTEA is the place for you.

Join us today at and start connecting with ELT professionals and educators from around the world. Together, we can support each other in our professional growth and development. See you on UzTEA!


09 Feb, 16:35

UzTEA pinned «»


06 Dec, 17:42

🇺🇿 Proud of her!

Germany - Central Asia Partnership Forum, Berlin,November 2024

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10 Nov, 08:51

International 9th Student Symposium 2024!

📅 Date: November 30, 2024
📍 Location: Jizzakh State Pedagogical University

We invite students to submit their research papers across humanities, social sciences, engineering, and technology.

🔖 Abstract Guidelines:

Word Limit: 300 words
Include: Title of work, author(s) name, surname, and university affiliation (faculty, department, year of study)
Submit abstracts to: [email protected]
Registration Deadline: November 22, 2024

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18 Oct, 06:36

🆙 CPD Workshop for ESL Teachers at King’s Academy!

ℹ️ Today, the dedicated ESL teachers currently undergoing CPD training at the Tashkent Region National Center for Teacher Training in New Methods had the incredible opportunity to visit our partner education center, King’s Academy!.

ℹ️ They participated in an exclusive workshop led by Edupreneur Eldor Sattarov, the founder of King’s Academy, and were inspired by his deep expertise in mastering English.

👏 A special thanks to Jamila Makhmudova for organizing this meaningful collaboration and to Eldor Sattarov for his continued support and partnership!

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30 Sep, 09:10

Ustozlarga Prezident sovg'asi uy-joy beriladi

Shaxsan men ko‘pdan buyon “Ustozga ehtirom” nomli katta bir kitob yaratilib, ma’naviy hayotimizda jiddiy voqea bo‘lishini orzu qilaman.

Ta’kidlash kerakki, yuksak mahoratli, jonkuyar va talabchan o‘qituvchilar – bular ham xalqning, millatning noyob boyligi. Ularning har biri takrorlanmas shaxs. Ularning mashaqqatli, mas’uliyatli mehnati eng yuksak baho va rag‘batga munosib.

Shu bois “Yil o‘qituvchisi” tanlovi o‘tkazilib, 208 ta tuman va shahardan g‘olib bo‘lgan o‘qituvchilarga Prezident sovg‘asi sifatida uy-joy beriladidedi Prezident.



27 Sep, 06:04

Бугун Жиззах давлат педагогика университетида 14-чи чет тилларни ўқитиш ва амалий тилшунослик бўйича анъанавий йиллик конференциямизни (Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics – FLTAL) бошладик. Пандемия туфайли сўнгги 4 йил давомида конференцияни онлайн форматда ўтказгандик, Аллоҳга шукрлар бўлсин бу галгиси ҳам жонли ҳамда онлайн форматда ўтмоқда. 22 та давлатдан 100 дан ошиқ олимлар иштирок этишмоқда. Бунинг учун ЖДПУ университети ректори профессор Шавкат Шариповга ва ажойиб жамоасига ўз миннатдорчилигимни изҳор этаман. Айтганча, конференция эл оқсоқоли Шароф Рашидов асос солган ва бу йили 50-йиллик юбилейини нишонлаётган ЖДПУнинг байрами билан бирлашиб кетди.

Конференциянинг ялпи мажлисидаги асосий спикерлар дунёнинг энг топ университетларидан таклиф этилди. Буюк Британиянинг Оксфорд университети дунёда 3-чи, Лондон Университет коллежи (UCL) дунёда 9-чи (педагогикада дунёда биринчи),, Янги Зеландиядаги Окленд университети дунёда 65-чи, АҚШнинг Пенсильвания давлат университети дунёда 89-чи. Бу спикерлар билан узоқ йилларга борадиган дўстлигимиз бор. Янги Зеландиялик Гари эса учинчи бор қатнашиши, 2019 йилда Тошкентдаги 9-чи FLTAL-га, 2022 йил эса 12-чи FLTAL-га онлайн қатнашганди. FLTAL-нинг бошқа анъанавий конференциялардан фарқи шундаки, пленар спикерлар 10 дақиқа эмас, 60 дақиқа маъруза қилишади, қолган спикерлар эса 15-20 дақиқа.

Viva FLTAL! Олға ЖДПУ! Тафсилотларни кузатиб боринг.


26 Sep, 15:19

UzTEA pinned «»


26 Sep, 08:11

🆙 Ready for the Results of the Olympiad?

😎 We’re almost there!

🙌 A huge thank you to all the dedicated teachers who submitted their video presentations for the 2nd stage with such passion and commitment.

Stay tuned—results will be announced soon!

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24 Sep, 03:54

🙌 A big thank you to all IATEFL members who submitted a proposal to speak at IATEFL2025!

☂️ As a proud sister organization, UzTEA is excited to see the incredible contributions from educators worldwide that will shape next year's academic program.

Results will be shared via email in late November. To book your place for the conference, head to

We can’t wait for what promises to be an outstanding event next April!

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