U.S. Embassy Tashkent @usauzbekistan Channel on Telegram

U.S. Embassy Tashkent


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U.S. Embassy Tashkent (English)

Are you interested in staying updated on the latest news and events from the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent? Look no further than our Telegram channel, @usauzbekistan! Stay connected with us through our social media platforms on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, where we share important updates, events, and information related to the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent. Follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/usdos.uzbekistan, on Instagram at instagram.com/usembassytashkent, and on Twitter at twitter.com/usembtashkent to stay informed. Additionally, make sure to check out our Social Media Terms of Use at state.gov/social-media-terms-of-use to understand our guidelines and policies. Join our Telegram channel today to never miss out on important updates and to stay connected with the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent!

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

05 Dec, 12:01

🔧 Have you ever wondered what a Makerspace is?

It’s a hub of creativity where innovation comes to life

From 3D printing and coding to engineering and design, Makerspaces empower students and communities to turn ideas into reality.

Last week, a groundbreaking MOU between Ambassador Henick and Air Products Vice President Vaclav Harant launched a public-private partnership to enhance such spaces in our region.

Stay tuned for updates on how this partnership will shape the future 😉


🔧 Makerspace nima ekanligini bilasizmi?

Makerspace- innovatsiyalar jonlanadigan ijod markazidir

3D uslubda chop etish va kodlashdan tortib muhandislik va dizayngacha, Makerspaces talabalar va keng jamoatchilik vakillariga g'oyalarni ro’yobga chiqarish imkonini beradi.

O'tgan hafta elchi Xenik va Air Products vitse-prezidenti Vatslav Harant o'rtasida imzolangan memorandum mintaqamizda yana ko’plab bunday maskanlar ochilishi uchun davlat-xususiy sheriklikka yo'l ochadi.

Ushbu hamkorlik kelajakni qanday shakllantirishi haqidagi yangiliklarni kuzatib boring 😉

#AmericanMakerspace #STEM #PPP #AirProducts #Makerspace

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

03 Dec, 15:01

☑️ Viza bo'yicha maslahat: Hurmatli murojaatchilar, DS-160 anketasini to'ldirish vaqtida “Full Name in Native Alphabet” qismini o'tkazib yubormaslikni so'raymiz.

To'liq ismingizni xorijga chiqish pasportingizda ko'rsatilganidek kiritishingiz kerak. Familiya, ism va otangizning ismi lotin harflarida pasportingizda yozilishiga to'liq mos ravishda kiritilishi zarur.


☑️ Совет по визе: Уважаемые заявители, при заполнении анкеты DS-160 просим Вас не пропускать поле “Full Name in Native Alphabet”.

Вам необходимо указать Ваше ФИО как указано в вашем паспорте для выезда зарубеж. Фамилия, Имя и Отчество должны быть внесены в полном соответствии с их написанием латинскими буквами в Вашем паспорте.


☑️ Visa tip: Dear applicants, when filling out the DS-160 form, we ask you not to skip the “Full Name in Native Alphabet” field.

Please enter your full name as printed on your passport for traveling abroad. Last name, first name and patronymic must be entered exactly as they are spelled in Latin letters in your passport.

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

03 Dec, 08:19

On the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery on December 2, the United States imposed sanctions on former Uzbekistani officials who participated in the trafficking and abuse of orphaned children.

The United States recognizes Uzbekistan’s progress in addressing human trafficking and gender-based violence and continues to support the prevention and punishment of abhorrent crimes similar to this case.

For more information, see the Department of State’s press statement.

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

03 Dec, 05:46

Today, December 3, we join the global community in observing the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

At the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent, we are dedicated to promoting inclusivity and ensuring that the voices of persons with disabilities are heard. This year, we engaged in several initiatives to advance these goals:

🔹Visit of Special Advisor: In September, Special Advisor on International Disability Rights Sara Minkara visited Uzbekistan to meet with government officials, civil society, and the media, exploring opportunities to develop disability-inclusive policies and programming.
🔹 Collaboration with Experts: We collaborated with disability rights advocates Helena Berger and Victor Calise, who worked with activists, media, and bloggers to spotlight accessibility and inclusion.
🔹 International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP): We facilitated the participation of activists and bloggers in the IVLP, enabling them to exchange ideas and strategies on disability rights with counterparts in the United States.

These efforts are part of our ongoing commitment to fostering a more inclusive society. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all partners and individuals who share this vision and work alongside us to make it a reality ❤️

🤝 Together, we can create a world where every individual is empowered and included

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

29 Nov, 12:14

🟠 As part of the 16 Days of Activism Against GBV, we had the honor of hosting Olympic Judo Champion Diyora Keldiyorova at our Self-Defense Camp for Women and Girls! 🥋

💪 Diyora inspired us all by sharing her journey, answering questions, and motivating participants to embrace their strength and confidence.

Her visit highlighted the importance of self-defense education in empowering women and girls to stand up against violence.

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

27 Nov, 13:01

🇺🇸 The U.S. Embassy Tashkent is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the Foreign National Student Internship Program in the Health unit.

📝 Apply now!

📆 Deadline: December 10, 2024

#HRmondays #StudentInternship #USEmbassyTashkent

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

27 Nov, 05:02

🇺🇸 Toshkentdagi AQSh Elchixonasida viza bo'yicha yordam kerakmi? Bizning yangi Viza Navigator qo'llanmamiz, sizga qaysi viza turiga murojaat etish va ma'muriy to'lov miqdorini aniqlashda, kerakli hujjatlarni to'plash hamda yangi onlayn tizim orqali suhbat sanasini belgilashda ko'mak beradi. 

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🇺🇸 Need visa assistance from the U.S. Embassy Tashkent? Our new Visa Navigator tool can help you determine the type of visa you need and which documents and fees are required, as well as guide you to make an appointment using our new online system.

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🇺🇸 Необходима визовая поддержка в посольстве США в Ташкенте? Наш новый путеводитель - Навигатор по Визам поможет вам определить необходимый тип визы и стоимость консульского сбора, собрать необходимые документы, а также записаться на собеседование с помощью нашей новой онлайн системы.

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

26 Nov, 11:37

🤝 Today, U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan Jonathan Henick and Air Products Vice President for Central Europe and Central Asia Vaclav Harant officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to launch the American Makerspace Qarshi.
The Makerspace, powered by Air Products' visionary investment, aligns with New Uzbekistan’s strategic goals to create knowledge-based economic opportunities, fostering innovation and creativity for a brighter future 😌
Find out more here.

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

26 Nov, 06:26

🌍✈️ Calling all STEAM women leaders from Uzbekistan!

Apply for #TechWomen25 and unlock an incredible opportunity to explore tech innovation, American culture, and mentorship in Chicago or the San Francisco Bay Area. 🚀

👉 Don’t wait—apply now!

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

25 Nov, 12:13

Uzbek Textile Companies Shine at Fast Textile 2024!

Thanks to the support of the USAID Business Support Project, 29 dynamic textile companies from Uzbekistan made their mark at the 10th edition of the Fast Textile trade fair in Warsaw, Poland.

From presenting cutting-edge innovations to forging valuable global connections, their participation was a major milestone in bringing Uzbek textiles to new international markets. 🌍🧵


O'zbek tekstil kompaniyalari Fast Textile 2024da!

USAIDning Biznesni qo'llab-quvvatlash loyihasi yordami bilan O'zbekistondan 29 ta to'qimachilik kompaniyasi Polshaning Varshava shahrida o'tkazilgan 10-chi Fast Textile yarmarkasida ishtirok etishdi.

Yangi innovatsiyalar bilan tanishishdan tortib, global aloqalarni o'rnatishga qadar, ushbu yarmarka O'zbek to'qimachiligini yangi xalqaro bozorlar bilan tanishtirishda muhim qadam bo'ldi. 🌍🧵

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

22 Nov, 11:50

We are thrilled to have disability rights activists from Uzbekistan in Washington D.C. and Philadelphia as part of the #InternationalVisitorLeadershipProgram.

This group will learn strategies to better advocate for rights of people with disabilities including access to employment opportunities, housing, education, health care, and accessible infrastructure.

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

22 Nov, 07:19

🗣️ Speaking at the November 21 international conference on global law enforcement challenges and solutions, Ambassador Henick commended the Law Enforcement Academy of Uzbekistan for its leadership in anti-corruption efforts, specialized training, and professional development.

He highlighted the Embassy’s long-standing partnership with the Law Enforcement Academy and reaffirmed U.S. commitment to strengthening the rule of law in Uzbekistan 🤝

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

06 Nov, 10:47

🇺🇸 Visa tip: For DV applications, education documents are required for the principal applicant only! Family members of the DV selectee don’t need to provide them.

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🇺🇸 Viza bo'yicha maslahat: DV immigratsion vizasi uchun murojaat vaqtida, ta'lim bo'yicha hujjatlar faqatgina dasturning asosiy murojaatchisidan talab etiladi. DV dasturi g'olibining oila a'zolari ta'lim hujjatlarini taqdim etishlari shart emas. 

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🇺🇸 Совет по визе: При подаче заявления на получение иммиграцонной визы DV, документы об образовании требуются только от основного заявителя! Члены семьи победителя программы DV не обязаны предоставлять документы об образовании.

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

06 Nov, 08:57

🌍 Sarguzasht turizmi bo'yicha seminar

USAIDning Biznesni qo'llab-quvvatlash loyihasi Turizm Qoʻmitasi bilan hamkorlikda Toshkent shahri va Navoiy viloyatida sarguzasht turizmi bo'yicha seminar tashkil etmoqda.

Seminar professional trening mutaxassislari tomonidan olib boriladi va unda ishtirokchilar Yevropa va Shimoliy Amerikadan keladigan sayyohlarni qabul qilish uchun zarur bo‘lgan bilim va ko‘nikmalarni o'zlashtirish imkoniga ega bo'lishadi. 

📅 Seminar o'tkaziladigan vaqt: 
18-20-noyabr: Toshkentda tur kompaniyalari va gidlar uchun trening;
25-26-noyabr: Navoiy va Nurota shaharlarida gidlar uchun trening.

Ajoyib imkoniyat: Seminarning eng yaxshi besh nafar ishtirokchisiga ATTA AdventureELEVATE Yevropa tadbirida o‘z biznesi va O‘zbekistonning sarguzasht turizmi saloyihatini namoyish qilish uchun stipendiya beriladi (2025-yil yozida). Yana besh nafar ishtirokchi Chilida o'tkaziladigan Adventure Travel World Summit tadbirida (2025-yil oktyabr) ishtirok etadi.

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

05 Nov, 12:30

🏎️ Ambassador Henick tried out the drive-thru at Wendy’s grand opening!

Watch till the end to see it in action.

Congrats, Wendy’s! 🎉

🏎️ Jonatan Xenik, AQSHning O‘zbekistondagi elchisi, Wendy’sning tantanali ochilish marosimida AVTO orqali buyurtma berishni sinab ko’rdilar!

Uni amalda ko’rish uchun oxirigacha tomosha qiling.

Tabriklaymiz, Wendy’s! 🎉

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

04 Nov, 10:26

🗳 Tomorrow is Election Day! Ever wondered why Americans vote on a Tuesday in November?

📆 Back in 1845, Congress chose the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November to accommodate farmers who had finished their harvest and needed time to travel without interfering with Sunday worship. Roads were rough, and it could take a day to reach polling places.

🇺🇸 While times have changed, the tradition remains.

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

04 Nov, 04:38

On October 30, the Deputy Chief of Mission Heather Byrnes delivered welcoming remarks at a public hearing organized by Yuksalish, Anti-Corruption Agency and NGO Regional Dialogue.

Supported by the Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), event participants reviewed outcomes of recent Anti-Corruption Labs, including assessments on mortgage subsidies and primary school admissions. Key recommendations were shared with stakeholders to combat corruption.

🇺🇸 The United States remains committed to supporting Uzbekistan in its fight against corruption.

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

01 Nov, 09:48

🎓 Are you an undergraduate student interested in studying in the United States?

🇺🇸 The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program is a fully funded academic and cultural exchange program designed to increase participants’ knowledge and global connectivity. Visit globalugrad.org to learn more, confirm your eligibility, and start your application.


Follow this link for details.

The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program is sponsored and funded by the U.S. Department of State and administered by World Learning.

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

31 Oct, 05:13

💖 To wrap up Breast Cancer Awareness Month, our team wore pink to show solidarity and raise awareness for the fight against breast cancer.

💪 We’re proud to stand with those impacted and encourage everyone to stay informed, get regular screenings, and support continued research.


U.S. Embassy Tashkent

29 Oct, 04:35

⚠️ Don’t forget to bring two (2) color photographs (5 cm x 5 cm) to your immigrant visa interview. This will save time during the visa appointment.

🔗 Our webpage at travel.state.gov has more info on photo requirements.

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⚠️ Immigratsion viza bo'yicha suhbat kuni ikki (2) dona (5x5sm) rasmli fotosuratlarni olib kelishni unutmang. Bu hujjatlar qabuli paytida vaqt tejaydi.

🔗 Travel.state.gov saytimizning rasmiy elektron sahifasida rasmlarga bo'lgan talablar haqida batafsil ma'lumot keltirilgan.

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⚠️ Не забудьте принести с собой две (2) цветные фотографии (5x5 см)на собеседование для получения иммиграционной визы. Это сэкономит время при подаче документов.

🔗 На официальной веб-странице travel.state.gov можно найти подробную информацию о требованиях к фотографиям.

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

24 Oct, 09:34

Exploring the city with Tashkent Modernism — hidden gems, fascinating stories about architecture, and strolls under the umbrella.

☔️ What could be better on a rainy day?

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

23 Oct, 15:00

🇺🇸 The U.S. Embassy Tashkent is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of BUDGET ANALYST/ACCOUNTANT in the Financial Management Center.

📝 Apply now!

📆 Deadline: November 1, 2024

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

23 Oct, 12:01

We have great news! The application deadline for the "Academy of Women Entrepreneurs" (AWE 2.0) program has been extended to November 5, 2024!

If you haven't submitted your application yet, you now have extra time to take advantage of this unique opportunity:

Program for women entrepreneurs from the Fergana Valley:

World-class online course from the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University;
Mentorship support from leading business leaders in Uzbekistan;
Networking opportunities and membership in a global alumni network.

🚀 Don’t miss your chance to gain knowledge that will help you grow and scale your business!

Apply now using this link.

The deadline is November 5, 2024!


У нас отличные новости! Подача заявок на участие в программе «Академия женщин-предпринимательниц» (AWE 2.0) продлена до 5 ноября 2024 года!

Если вы еще не успели подать заявку, у вас есть дополнительное время, чтобы воспользоваться этой уникальной возможностью:

Программа для женщин-предпринимательниц из Ферганской долины:

Онлайн-курс мирового уровня от Школы глобального управления Thunderbird Университета штата Аризона
Менторская поддержка ведущих бизнес-лидеров Узбекистана
Возможности для нетворкинга и членство в глобальной сети выпускников

🚀 Не упустите шанс получить знания, которые помогут вам развивать и масштабировать ваш бизнес!

Подавайте заявку прямо сейчас по этой ссылке.

Дедлайн — 5 ноября 2024 года!

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

23 Oct, 08:52

🇺🇸 Dear immigrant visa (IV/DV) applicants!

Minors under 16 years of age must be accompanied by one of the parents. If a custodial parent is not with them, minors under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a legal guardian appointed under a signed and notarized power of attorney issued by the petitioner.

❇️ Read more

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🇺🇸 Hurmatli immigratsion viza (IV/DV) murojaatchilari!

16 yoshdan kichik, balog'atga yetmagan murojaatchilarga suhbat kuni ota-onadan biri hamrohlik qilishi zarur. Agar ota yoki ona suhbatga tashrif buyura olmasa,16 yoshdan kichik balog'atga yetmagan murojaatchilar, petitsioner tomonidan taqdim etilgan: imzolangan va notarial tasdiqlangan ishonchnoma asosida qonuniy vakil tomonidan hamrohlik etilishi zarur.

❇️ Batafsil ma’lumot

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🇺🇸 Уважаемые заявители на иммиграционную визу (IV/DV)!

Несовершеннолетние заявители должны быть сопровождены одним из родителей. В случае, если родитель не сможет присутствовать на собеседовании, несовершеннолетних детей в возрасте до 16 лет должен сопровождать законный представитель, назначенный на основании подписанной и нотариально удостоверенной доверенности, выданной петиционером.

❇️ Подробнее

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

21 Oct, 08:40

O’zbek tili bayrami kuni muborak bo’lsin! 🇺🇿

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

18 Oct, 15:01

📣 Calling all emerging leaders!

#CSP2025Apply to collaborate with U.S. #NGOs on #peacebuilding, #genderequality, #environmentalsustainability, #civicengagement, and more with the Community Solutions Program!

📝 Apply before November 13, 2024

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

18 Oct, 09:57

🎉 We are excited to announce the 2025 TechGirls application is now open!

📝 Apply today and join a community of young women in STEM!

⚠️ Deadline to apply is December 6, 2024

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

15 Oct, 10:40

🇺🇸 Last week, David De Falco, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, made a trip to Central Asia.

In Tashkent, he and senior officials from the U.S. Embassy met with our incredible SABIT Program alumni. SABIT alumni shared career growth stories, business expansion successes, and how they are strengthening US-Uzbekistan partnerships. They also participated in a three-hour managerial training session.

We’re thrilled to bring together our alumni from various industries in Tashkent!

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🇺🇸 O‘tgan hafta AQSh Savdo vazirining xalqaro savdo bo‘yicha yordamchisi o‘rinbosari Devid De Falko Markaziy Osiyoga safar qildi.

Toshkentda u va AQSh elchixonasi mulozimlari “SABIT” dasturining ajoyib bitiruvchilari bilan uchrashdi. Bitiruvchilar mansabda ko’tarilish, biznesni kengaytirish yo'lidagi muvaffaqiyatlari hamda AQSh va O'zbekiston hamkorligini mustahkamlashga qo'shayotgan hissalari haqida so'lzab berishdi. Ular, shuningdek, menejerlar uchun uch soatlik treningda ishtirok etishdi.

Biz turli sohalardagi bitiruvchilarimizni Toshkentda birlashtirganimizdan xursandmiz!

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🇺🇸 На прошлой неделе Дэвид Де Фалько, заместитель помощника министра торговли США по международной торговле, совершил поездку в Центральную Азию.

В Ташкенте он и высокопоставленные сотрудники посольства США встретились с нашими замечательными выпускниками программы SABIT. Выпускники программы SABIT поделились историями карьерного роста, успехами в расширении бизнеса и тем, как они укрепляют партнерские отношения между США и Узбекистаном. Они также приняли участие в трехчасовом управленческом тренинге.

Мы рады собрать наших выпускников из различных отраслей в Ташкенте!

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

15 Oct, 06:04

🎓 Exciting Opportunity for Central Asian Youth! 🎓

The U.S.-Central Asia Education Foundation (U.S.-CAEF) is offering a prestigious scholarship for students from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan to pursue bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration, Economics, Software Engineering, or Applied Mathematics and Informatics at the American University of Central Asia in Bishkek.

💼 U.S.-CAEF Benefits Include:

• Full Tuition for 4 Years
• Monthly Stipend
• Housing Support
• Travel Allowance
• Fully Funded Summer Regional Internships
• Tutoring & Mentorship Program
• Events for Professional & Personal Growth
• Study Abroad Opportunities for a Semester
• Access to the Exclusive U.S.-CAEF Alumni Network
Don’t miss this incredible opportunity! 🌍🎓

📅 Application Deadline: January 22, 2025, at 17:00 (Bishkek Time)

For eligibility requirements and application instructions, visit uscaef.org/apply.

Follow @uscaef on Instagram for updates and questions! 💬

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

11 Oct, 12:19

🌍 Preserving Cultural Heritage Together!

The U.S. Embassy in Tashkent proudly supports the preservation of Uzbekistan's rich cultural heritage through a groundbreaking training initiative with the University of Chicago!

Since 2018, we've been at the forefront of sharing internationally recognized best practices across the region. During the current workshop, Central Asian museum professionals are gaining techniques to conserve textiles, wood, leather, and more.

This year, conservators from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan participated in hands-on workshops to enhance their skills and foster collaboration.

Together, we're ensuring that our shared cultural legacy is protected for future generations!

U.S. Embassy Tashkent

09 Oct, 14:01

👏 Thank you to Victor Calise, Director of Walmart's Global Accessibility Center of Excellence and a former U.S. Paraympian, for joining us in our mission to promote inclusion for people with disabilities in Uzbekistan.
During his visit, Victor met with Sharoit+ to explore their Ish+ platform for job seekers with disabilities, toured Safia Bakery, and connected with marketing professionals to discuss inclusive practices. He also had many more important meetings, including with the National Agency for Social Protection and other key advocates.
These conversations are just the beginning. Together, we’re pushing boundaries and opening doors for a more inclusive future where everyone can thrive
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👏 “Walmart” Global qulaylik markazi direktori va sobiq paralimpiyachi Viktor Kalisedan O‘zbekistonda nogironligi bo‘lgan shaxslar uchun inklyuzivlikni targ‘ib qilishdagi yordami uchun minnatdormiz.
Tashrif davomida Viktor “Sharoit+” xodimlari bilan uchrashib, nogironligi bor ish izlovchilar uchun ochilgan “Ish+” platformasini ko’zdan kechirdi, “Safia Bakery”ga tashrif buyurdi hamda inklyuziv amaliyotlarni muhokama qilish uchun marketing bo‘yicha mutaxassislar bilan gaplashdi. Shuningdek, u Ijtimoiy himoya milliy agentligi va shu sohani qo’llab-quvvatlovchi boshqa kishilar bilan muhim uchrashuvlar o'tkazdi.
Bu suhbatlar katta rejalarning faqat boshlanishidir. Birgalikda biz chegaralarni kengaytirib, hamma farovon yashashi mumkin bo'lgan yanada inklyuziv kelajak uchun eshik ochmoqdamiz