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Word Every Day
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Word Every Day द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Word Every Day

24 Dec, 12:00


wassail • / WAH-sul / • verb

To wassail is to sing carols (popular songs or ballads of religious joy) from house to house at Christmas; the verb is usually used in the phrase "go wassailing." As a noun, wassail can refer to (among other things) a hot drink that is made with wine, beer, or cider, as well as spices, sugar, and usually baked apples. Wassail is traditionally served in a large bowl especially at Christmastime.

• Every year at Christmastime the magazine publishes a recipe for the traditional drink served to those who go wassailing and may appear at one's doorstep.
Word Every Day

23 Dec, 12:00


delectation • / dee-lek-TAY-shun / • noun

Delectation is a formal word for a feeling of delight or enjoyment. It can also be used to refer to the source of such feelings.

• The resort staff left a sampling of fine chocolate in our room for our delectation.
• For lovers of art and architecture, Paris offers visitors a peerless abundance of delectations.
Word Every Day

22 Dec, 12:00


ambient • / AM-bee-unt / • adjective

In technical use, ambient describes things—such as air quality or light in a room—that exist or are present on all sides. Ambient is also used to describe electronic music that is quiet and relaxing, with melodies that repeat many times.

• The chemicals must be kept at an ambient temperature of 70°F.
Word Every Day

21 Dec, 12:00


testimonial • / tess-tuh-MOH-nee-ul / • noun

A testimonial is a written or spoken statement in which a person says they used a product or service and liked it, or that they appreciate someone's work, skill, character, etc. Testimonial is also used as a synonym of evidence and testimony.

• The website is full of testimonials from satisfied customers.
• The book's popularity is a testimonial to its timeliness.
Word Every Day

20 Dec, 12:00


beatific • / bee-uh-TIFF-ik / • adjective

Beatific is a formal word that describes something or someone having a blissful appearance or showing complete happiness.

• As the pair danced, beatific smiles on their faces, the audience sat hushed and almost reverential.
Word Every Day

19 Dec, 12:00


requite • / rih-KWYTE / • verb

To requite is to give or do something in return for something that another person has given or done, or for a benefit or service that has been provided.

• Sam was worried that the feelings she’d expressed on her date were not requited, but was relieved and overjoyed to learn that they were.
Word Every Day

18 Dec, 12:00


qualm • / KWAHM / • noun

A qualm is a feeling of doubt or uncertainty about whether one is doing the right thing, or whether something is right or proper. Qualm is often used in its plural form, as in “I have no qualms with that decision.”

• Elena’s parents had no qualms about her organizing a dinner party for her three closest friends.
Word Every Day

17 Dec, 12:00


lexical • / LEK-sih-kul / • adjective

To describe something as lexical is to say that it is related to words or vocabulary.

• A dictionary provides lexical information—it tells you what the word "cat" means, not all there is to know about cats.
Word Every Day

16 Dec, 12:00


allusion • / uh-LOO-zhun / • noun

An allusion is a reference to something that avoids mentioning the thing directly. Allusion may also describe the use of such a statement or the act of alluding to something.

• The lyrics contain biblical allusions.
• They made allusion to their first marriage, but said nothing more about it.
Word Every Day

15 Dec, 12:00


cavalier • / kav-uh-LEER / • adjective

Someone described as cavalier shows no concern for important or serious matters. Cavalier also describes attitudes, manners, etc., that show the same lack of concern.

• The company provides regular training about the dangers of being cavalier in sharing privileged information.