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Word Every Day द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Word Every Day

03 Jan, 12:00


addlepated • / AD-ul-pay-tud / • adjective

Someone described as addlepated is mixed-up or confused. Addlepated can also be used as synonym of eccentric.

• Some addlepated clerk confused our hotel reservation with that of another, similarly named, party.
Word Every Day

02 Jan, 12:00


potpourri • / poh-pur-REE / • noun

Potpourri is a mixture of dried flower petals, leaves, and spices that is used to make a room smell pleasant. When used figuratively potpourri refers to a collection of various different things.

• Her favorite winter potpourri includes cinnamon sticks, cloves, and orange peel.
• The book is a potpourri of stories about family, community, and food.
Word Every Day

01 Jan, 12:00


rejuvenate • / rih-JOO-vuh-nayt / • verb

To rejuvenate a person, parts of the body, etc., is to make them feel young, healthy, or energetic again. To rejuvenate something abstract, such as an economy or career, is to give it new strength or energy.

• The hotel package includes a day at the spa to rejuvenate guests.
• Small businesses opening along the main street have rejuvenated the downtown area.
Word Every Day

31 Dec, 12:00


zeitgeist • / TSYTE-gyste / • noun

Zeitgeist refers to the general beliefs, ideas, and spirit of a time and place.

• The artist’s songs perfectly captured the zeitgeist of 1990s America.
Word Every Day

30 Dec, 12:00


urbane • / er-BAYN / • adjective

Someone described as urbane is notably polite, confident, or polished in manner. Urbane is also used to describe things that are fashionable and somewhat formal.

• "When did my willful, childish cousin turn into this urbane young artist greeting the guests at her opening reception?" wondered Elena.
• We were impressed by the hotel's urbane sophistication.
Word Every Day

29 Dec, 12:00


linchpin • / LINCH-pin / • noun

Linchpin, sometimes spelled lynchpin, literally refers to a locking pin inserted crosswise, as at the end of an axle or shaft. In figurative use, linchpin refers to a person or thing that serves to hold together parts or elements that exist or function as a unit; such a linchpin is often understood as the most important part of a complex situation or system.

• Investors are betting that the new product line will be the linchpin that secures the company's place in the very competitive market in the years and decades to come.
Word Every Day

28 Dec, 12:00


condone • / kun-DOHN / • verb

To condone something that is considered wrong is to forgive or approve it, or to allow it to continue.

• We cannot condone that kind of behavior.
Word Every Day

27 Dec, 12:00


feisty • / FYE-stee / • adjective

Feisty describes someone who has or shows a lively aggressiveness especially in being unafraid to fight or argue. In some regions of the US, feisty may also be used as a synonym of fidgety, quarrelsome, or frisky.

• Even her opponents admire her feisty spirit.
Word Every Day

26 Dec, 12:00


menorah • / muh-NOR-uh / • noun

A menorah is a candelabra with seven or nine lights that is used in Jewish worship.

• At sundown on the first night of Hanukkah, Elliott's father helped him light the first candle on the menorah.
Word Every Day

25 Dec, 12:00


evergreen • / EV-er-green / • adjective

Evergreen in its figurative uses describes something, such as a plot, that retains its freshness or interest over a long period of time, or something, such as an issue or concern, that is universally and continually relevant. In botany, evergreen describes foliage that remains green and functional through more than one growing season.

• For their first pick of the new year, the book club chose an evergreen self-help book.
• Some of the most popular evergreen trees used as Christmas trees are balsam fir, Fraser fir, and Norway spruce.