Word Every Day @wordeveryday Channel on Telegram

Word Every Day


Expand your English vocabulary one word per day.

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More about me: @AboutTheDot
Source for words: merriam-webster.com

Word Every Day (English)

Are you looking to expand your English vocabulary in an easy and fun way? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Word Every Day'! This channel is dedicated to helping you learn a new word every day, allowing you to enhance your language skills gradually.

'Word Every Day' provides you with a daily dose of vocabulary, introducing you to new words that you can add to your repertoire. Whether you are a native English speaker looking to broaden your lexicon or a non-native speaker aiming to improve your language proficiency, this channel is perfect for learners of all levels.

To make your learning experience even more convenient, 'Word Every Day' offers a bot with saved words called @WordEveryDayHelperBot. This bot allows you to easily access and review the words you have learned, ensuring that you can reinforce your new vocabulary effectively.

Curious to know more about the channel's background and mission? Check out @AboutTheDot for additional information. The words featured on 'Word Every Day' are sourced from the reputable dictionary website merriam-webster.com, ensuring that you are exposed to accurate and reliable vocabulary.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to boost your English skills in just a few minutes each day. Join 'Word Every Day' today and start your journey towards linguistic enrichment!

Word Every Day

30 Jan, 12:00

audition • / aw-DISH-un / • noun

An audition is a short performance to show the talents of someone (such as an actor or a musician) who is being considered for a role in a play, a position in an orchestra, etc.

Auditions will be held next week for the spring musical.
• She had an audition for a small part but ended up landing a starring role.

Word Every Day

29 Jan, 12:00

facetious • / fuh-SEE-shuss / • adjective

Facetious is used to describe something, such as a remark or behavior, that is meant to be humorous or funny but is sometimes instead annoying, silly, or improper. It can also be used to describe someone who is joking, often implying that they are doing so inappropriately.

• The emcee delivered several facetious quips throughout the night that the audience found in poor taste.
• I was just being facetious—I didn't mean it seriously.

Word Every Day

28 Jan, 12:00

sward • / SWORD / • noun

Sward is a literary word that refers to an area of land covered with grass.

• The hikers emerged from the forest to find a green sward stretching out before them, and dotted with yellow and purple flowers.

Word Every Day

27 Jan, 12:00

edify • / ED-uh-fye / • verb

To edify someone is to teach them in a way that improves their mind or character.

• The commencement speaker hoped that her words would edify the graduates, and give them hope and encouragement.

Word Every Day

26 Jan, 12:00

circuitous • / ser-KYOO-uh-tus / • adjective

If something—such as a path, route, or journey—is described as circuitous, it is not straight, short, and direct, but rather takes a circular or winding course. Circuitous can also describe speech or writing that is not said or done simply or clearly.

• He took a circuitous route to town, stopping at several of his favorite shops even though it added minutes and miles to his trip.
• While either method will yield the correct answer, one is far less circuitous and therefore considered superior.

Word Every Day

25 Jan, 12:00

nomenclature • / NOH-mun-klay-cher / • noun

Nomenclature is a formal word that refers to a system of names that is used in specialized fields and especially in science. Nomenclature is also used more broadly as a synonym of name and designation.

• It took Faith, a trained herpetologist, a while to become familiar with the nomenclature used at the entomology conference.

Word Every Day

24 Jan, 12:00

divers • / DYE-verz / • adjective

Divers is an adjective meaning "numbering more than one."

• The tri-county fair offers divers amusements for the whole family.

Word Every Day

23 Jan, 12:00

wanderlust • / WAHN-der-lust / • noun

Wanderlust refers to a strong desire to travel.

• During their final semester at college, the two friends were both filled with an insatiable wanderlust and began planning a journey to Patagonia together.

Word Every Day

22 Jan, 12:00

opine • / oh-PYNE / • verb

To opine is to express an opinion about something.

• Many people opine that social media platforms should be better regulated.

Word Every Day

21 Jan, 12:00

gourmand • / GOOR-mahnd / • noun

A gourmand is a person who loves and appreciates good food and drink. Gourmand can also refer to someone who enjoys eating and drinking to excess.

• He was a gourmand who retired to New Orleans to live close to the cuisine he loved best.

Word Every Day

20 Jan, 12:00

inimitable • / in-IM-it-uh-bul / • adjective

Inimitable describes someone or something that is impossible to copy or imitate.

• Courtnay delivered the speech in her own inimitable style.

Word Every Day

19 Jan, 12:00

virtuoso • / ver-choo-OH-soh / • noun

Virtuoso is used broadly to refer to a person who does something very skillfully, and is often used specifically to refer to a very skillful musician.

• He’s a real virtuoso in the kitchen, whipping up gourmet dishes for his family not just on holidays but on regular weeknights.
• Although the violin was her first instrument, she eventually proved to be a virtuoso on the harp.

Word Every Day

18 Jan, 12:00

minuscule • / MIN-uh-skyool / • adjective

Something described as minuscule is very small. Minuscule can also mean "written in, or in the size or style of, lowercase letters," in which case it can be contrasted with majuscular.

• The number of bugs in the latest version of the video game is minuscule compared to the number that surfaced in the beta version.
• The ancient manuscripts on display are all in minuscule script.

Word Every Day

17 Jan, 12:00

apprehension • / ap-rih-HEN-shun / • noun

Apprehension most often refers to the fear that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; it’s a feeling of being worried about the future. The word can also refer to seizure by legal process.

• There is growing apprehension that next quarter’s profits will be lower than expected.

Word Every Day

16 Jan, 12:00

parlay • / PAHR-lay / • verb

To parlay something is to use or develop it in order to get something else of greater value. Parlay is often used with the word into.

• He hoped to parlay his basketball skills into a college scholarship.
• She parlayed $5,000 and years of hard work into a multimillion-dollar company.

Word Every Day

15 Jan, 12:00

hackneyed • / HAK-need / • adjective

Something is considered hackneyed when it is not interesting, funny, etc., because of being used too often; in other words, it's neither fresh nor original.

• The new crime drama's characters are shallow stereotypes who engage one another in hackneyed dialogue.

Word Every Day

14 Jan, 12:00

deus ex machina • / DAY-us-eks-MAH-kih-nuh / • noun

A deus ex machina is a character or thing that suddenly enters the story in a novel, play, movie, etc., and solves a problem that had previously seemed impossible to solve.

• The introduction of a new love interest in the final act was the perfect deus ex machina for the main character's happy ending.

Word Every Day

13 Jan, 12:00

secular • / SEK-yuh-ler / • adjective

Secular describes things that are not spiritual; that is, they relate more to the physical world than the spiritual world. The word also carries the closely related meaning of "not religious."

• Each year, Ian directed his charitable giving toward secular concerns like affordable housing and arts programming for teens.
• In her autobiography, the actor mentions that her education in parochial school was not so different from that of secular institutions.

Word Every Day

12 Jan, 12:00

leitmotif • / LYTE-moh-teef / • noun

A leitmotif is a dominant recurring theme—something (such as a melody, an idea, or a phrase) repeated many times throughout a book, story, opera, etc.

• The overcoming of obstacles and a love of theater are the two leitmotifs of her autobiography.

Word Every Day

11 Jan, 12:00

cozen • / KUZ-un / • verb

To cozen someone is to deceive, win over, or induce them to do something by coaxing or trickery.

• The organization cozened scores of people by persuading them to participate in a fraudulent investment scheme.

Word Every Day

10 Jan, 12:00

untenable • / un-TEN-uh-bul / • adjective

Something, such as a position, excuse, or situation, that is described as untenable cannot be defended against attack or criticism.

• The scientists considered their colleague's theory to be bold but ultimately untenable.

Word Every Day

09 Jan, 12:00

excursion • / ik-SKER-zhun / • noun

Excursion refers to a trip, and especially to a short one made for pleasure. Excursion is also often used figuratively to refer to a deviation from a direct, definite, or proper course, and often in particular to a digression.

• Some of Maya’s most cherished childhood memories are of fishing excursions with her grandpa.
• Lewis Carroll’s Through The Looking Glass is an excursion into a fantastical world where nothing is what it seems to be, and everything appears to be what it is not.

Word Every Day

08 Jan, 12:00

gelid • / JELL-id / • adjective

Something described as gelid, such as the weather or a person’s demeanor, is literally or figuratively extremely cold or icy.

• She decided to move down south after experiencing Chicago’s gelid winters throughout college.

Word Every Day

07 Jan, 12:00

beleaguer • / bih-LEE-gur / • verb

To beleaguer a person, business, etc. is to cause them constant or repeated trouble. Beleaguer is also sometimes used as a synonym of besiege.

• The coach, beleaguered by the media and fans for his poor decision-making during games, has been fired.
• The novel is set in a city beleaguered by military forces.

Word Every Day

06 Jan, 12:00

tome • / TOHM / • noun

Tome is a formal word for a book, and especially a very large, thick, often scholarly book.

• We picked up a tome on the Ghana Empire for our history project.

Word Every Day

05 Jan, 12:00

cerulean • / suh-ROO-lee-un / • adjective

Cerulean describes things whose blue color resembles the blue of a clear sky.

• The painting depicts leafless trees bordering a cerulean lake.

Word Every Day

04 Jan, 12:00

fulminate • / FULL-muh-nayt / • verb

To fulminate is to complain loudly or angrily about something.

• The editorial fulminated against the corruption in the state government that has been recently uncovered.

Word Every Day

03 Jan, 12:00

addlepated • / AD-ul-pay-tud / • adjective

Someone described as addlepated is mixed-up or confused. Addlepated can also be used as synonym of eccentric.

• Some addlepated clerk confused our hotel reservation with that of another, similarly named, party.

Word Every Day

02 Jan, 12:00

potpourri • / poh-pur-REE / • noun

Potpourri is a mixture of dried flower petals, leaves, and spices that is used to make a room smell pleasant. When used figuratively potpourri refers to a collection of various different things.

• Her favorite winter potpourri includes cinnamon sticks, cloves, and orange peel.
• The book is a potpourri of stories about family, community, and food.

Word Every Day

01 Jan, 12:00

rejuvenate • / rih-JOO-vuh-nayt / • verb

To rejuvenate a person, parts of the body, etc., is to make them feel young, healthy, or energetic again. To rejuvenate something abstract, such as an economy or career, is to give it new strength or energy.

• The hotel package includes a day at the spa to rejuvenate guests.
• Small businesses opening along the main street have rejuvenated the downtown area.

Word Every Day

31 Dec, 12:00

zeitgeist • / TSYTE-gyste / • noun

Zeitgeist refers to the general beliefs, ideas, and spirit of a time and place.

• The artist’s songs perfectly captured the zeitgeist of 1990s America.

Word Every Day

30 Dec, 12:00

urbane • / er-BAYN / • adjective

Someone described as urbane is notably polite, confident, or polished in manner. Urbane is also used to describe things that are fashionable and somewhat formal.

• "When did my willful, childish cousin turn into this urbane young artist greeting the guests at her opening reception?" wondered Elena.
• We were impressed by the hotel's urbane sophistication.

Word Every Day

29 Dec, 12:00

linchpin • / LINCH-pin / • noun

Linchpin, sometimes spelled lynchpin, literally refers to a locking pin inserted crosswise, as at the end of an axle or shaft. In figurative use, linchpin refers to a person or thing that serves to hold together parts or elements that exist or function as a unit; such a linchpin is often understood as the most important part of a complex situation or system.

• Investors are betting that the new product line will be the linchpin that secures the company's place in the very competitive market in the years and decades to come.

Word Every Day

28 Dec, 12:00

condone • / kun-DOHN / • verb

To condone something that is considered wrong is to forgive or approve it, or to allow it to continue.

• We cannot condone that kind of behavior.

Word Every Day

27 Dec, 12:00

feisty • / FYE-stee / • adjective

Feisty describes someone who has or shows a lively aggressiveness especially in being unafraid to fight or argue. In some regions of the US, feisty may also be used as a synonym of fidgety, quarrelsome, or frisky.

• Even her opponents admire her feisty spirit.

Word Every Day

26 Dec, 12:00

menorah • / muh-NOR-uh / • noun

A menorah is a candelabra with seven or nine lights that is used in Jewish worship.

• At sundown on the first night of Hanukkah, Elliott's father helped him light the first candle on the menorah.

Word Every Day

25 Dec, 12:00

evergreen • / EV-er-green / • adjective

Evergreen in its figurative uses describes something, such as a plot, that retains its freshness or interest over a long period of time, or something, such as an issue or concern, that is universally and continually relevant. In botany, evergreen describes foliage that remains green and functional through more than one growing season.

• For their first pick of the new year, the book club chose an evergreen self-help book.
• Some of the most popular evergreen trees used as Christmas trees are balsam fir, Fraser fir, and Norway spruce.

Word Every Day

24 Dec, 12:00

wassail • / WAH-sul / • verb

To wassail is to sing carols (popular songs or ballads of religious joy) from house to house at Christmas; the verb is usually used in the phrase "go wassailing." As a noun, wassail can refer to (among other things) a hot drink that is made with wine, beer, or cider, as well as spices, sugar, and usually baked apples. Wassail is traditionally served in a large bowl especially at Christmastime.

• Every year at Christmastime the magazine publishes a recipe for the traditional drink served to those who go wassailing and may appear at one's doorstep.

Word Every Day

23 Dec, 12:00

delectation • / dee-lek-TAY-shun / • noun

Delectation is a formal word for a feeling of delight or enjoyment. It can also be used to refer to the source of such feelings.

• The resort staff left a sampling of fine chocolate in our room for our delectation.
• For lovers of art and architecture, Paris offers visitors a peerless abundance of delectations.

Word Every Day

22 Dec, 12:00

ambient • / AM-bee-unt / • adjective

In technical use, ambient describes things—such as air quality or light in a room—that exist or are present on all sides. Ambient is also used to describe electronic music that is quiet and relaxing, with melodies that repeat many times.

• The chemicals must be kept at an ambient temperature of 70°F.

Word Every Day

21 Dec, 12:00

testimonial • / tess-tuh-MOH-nee-ul / • noun

A testimonial is a written or spoken statement in which a person says they used a product or service and liked it, or that they appreciate someone's work, skill, character, etc. Testimonial is also used as a synonym of evidence and testimony.

• The website is full of testimonials from satisfied customers.
• The book's popularity is a testimonial to its timeliness.

Word Every Day

20 Dec, 12:00

beatific • / bee-uh-TIFF-ik / • adjective

Beatific is a formal word that describes something or someone having a blissful appearance or showing complete happiness.

• As the pair danced, beatific smiles on their faces, the audience sat hushed and almost reverential.

Word Every Day

19 Dec, 12:00

requite • / rih-KWYTE / • verb

To requite is to give or do something in return for something that another person has given or done, or for a benefit or service that has been provided.

• Sam was worried that the feelings she’d expressed on her date were not requited, but was relieved and overjoyed to learn that they were.

Word Every Day

18 Dec, 12:00

qualm • / KWAHM / • noun

A qualm is a feeling of doubt or uncertainty about whether one is doing the right thing, or whether something is right or proper. Qualm is often used in its plural form, as in “I have no qualms with that decision.”

• Elena’s parents had no qualms about her organizing a dinner party for her three closest friends.

Word Every Day

17 Dec, 12:00

lexical • / LEK-sih-kul / • adjective

To describe something as lexical is to say that it is related to words or vocabulary.

• A dictionary provides lexical information—it tells you what the word "cat" means, not all there is to know about cats.

Word Every Day

16 Dec, 12:00

allusion • / uh-LOO-zhun / • noun

An allusion is a reference to something that avoids mentioning the thing directly. Allusion may also describe the use of such a statement or the act of alluding to something.

• The lyrics contain biblical allusions.
• They made allusion to their first marriage, but said nothing more about it.

Word Every Day

15 Dec, 12:00

cavalier • / kav-uh-LEER / • adjective

Someone described as cavalier shows no concern for important or serious matters. Cavalier also describes attitudes, manners, etc., that show the same lack of concern.

• The company provides regular training about the dangers of being cavalier in sharing privileged information.

Word Every Day

14 Dec, 12:00

venerate • / VEN-uh-rayt / • verb

To venerate someone or something is to feel or show deep respect for them because they are considered great, holy, etc.

• Her best-selling trilogy led to her becoming a writer venerated by generations of admirers.

Word Every Day

13 Dec, 12:00

immense • / ih-MENSS / • adjective

Something described as immense is very great in size, degree, or amount.

• They inherited an immense fortune.
• Her movies continue to enjoy immense popularity.

Word Every Day

12 Dec, 12:00

pastiche • / pass-TEESH / • noun

Pastiche refers to something (such as a piece of writing, music, etc.) that imitates the style of someone or something else. It can also refer to a work that is made up of selections from multiple other works, or it can be used as a synonym of hodgepodge.

• The director’s new murder mystery is a clever pastiche of the 1950s noir films she watched as a girl.
• The research paper was essentially a pastiche made up of passages from different sources.
• The house is decorated in a pastiche of mid-century styles.

Word Every Day

11 Dec, 12:00

sublimate • / SUB-luh-mayt / • verb

To sublimate something—such as an impulse, desire, or feeling—is to express it in a changed form that is socially acceptable. Sublimate can also mean "to pass directly from the solid to the vapor state."

• Nora later came to understand that she had used painting to sublimate her anger.

Word Every Day

10 Dec, 12:00

brogue • / BROHG / • noun

A brogue is a low shoe, usually made of leather, that is decorated with small holes along the sides at the toe, and that usually features a wing tip.

• Even though his brogues are scuffed and old, Dad prefers them to his new loafers.

Word Every Day

09 Dec, 12:00

fulgent • / FULL-jint / • adjective

Fulgent is a formal, often poetic word used to describe something that is dazzlingly bright. It is a synonym of radiant.

• After a long, drizzly morning, a fulgent sun finally peeked out from behind the clouds.

Word Every Day

08 Dec, 12:00

galvanize • / GAL-vuh-nyze / • verb

To galvanize people is to cause them to be so excited or concerned about something that they are driven to action.

• The council’s proposal to close the library has galvanized the town’s residents.

Word Every Day

07 Dec, 12:00

misbegotten • / miss-bih-GAH-tun / • adjective

Misbegotten describes things that are badly planned or thought out.

• They were sent on a misbegotten diplomatic mission that was sure to fail.

Word Every Day

06 Dec, 12:00

ambigram • / AM-buh-gram / • noun

An ambigram is an image of a written word or phrase that is intended or able to be oriented in either of two ways for viewing or reading.

• Angel started taking calligraphy classes to learn how to create ambigrams and other fun designs that can be read both upside down and right side up.