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Word Every Day
Expand your English vocabulary one word per day.

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أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة Word Every Day على Telegram

Word Every Day

07 Mar, 12:00


emollient • / ih-MAHL-yunt / • noun

An emollient is something, such as a lotion, that softens or soothes.

• She keeps a number of oils in the bathroom—argan, almond, and coconut—to use as emollients.
Word Every Day

06 Mar, 12:00


career • / kuh-REER / • verb

To career is to go at top speed especially in a headlong manner.

• The tourists gripped their seats and exchanged anxious looks as the bus careered along the narrow roads.
Word Every Day

03 Mar, 12:00


draconian • / dray-KOH-nee-un / • adjective

Draconian describes something (often a law, policy, restriction, etc.) that is very severe or cruel.

• The editorial criticizes the draconian measures being taken by city hall to rein in spending.
Word Every Day

01 Mar, 12:00


factoid • / FAK-toyd / • noun

A factoid is a brief and usually unimportant or trivial fact. Factoid may also refer to an invented fact believed to be true because it appears in print.

• The book is really just a collection of interesting factoids.
Word Every Day

28 Feb, 12:00


cryptic • / KRIP-tik / • adjective

Something described as cryptic has or seems to have a hidden meaning, or is difficult to understand.

• The singer posted a cryptic message on her social media accounts, and fans raced to decipher it.
Word Every Day

27 Feb, 12:00


doff • / DAHF / • verb

To doff a hat or other piece of clothing is to take it off.

• They doffed their coats when they came inside the house.
Word Every Day

26 Feb, 12:00


ignoramus • / ig-nuh-RAY-mus / • noun

An ignoramus is an utterly ignorant or stupid person.

• I can't believe they let an ignoramus like that run the company.
Word Every Day

25 Feb, 12:00


superfluous • / soo-PER-floo-us / • adjective

Superfluous is a formal word used to describe things that exceed what is necessary or sufficient, or that are simply not needed.

• Further discussion seems superfluous, given the thorough conversation we just had.
Word Every Day

24 Feb, 12:00


quip • / KWIP / • noun

Quip can refer to a clever, usually taunting remark, or to a witty or funny observation or response usually made on the spur of the moment.

• They traded quips over a beer and laughed themselves silly.
Word Every Day

23 Feb, 12:00


tousle • / TOW-zul / • verb

To tousle something is to dishevel it—that is, to make it untidy or unkempt. Tousle is usually, though not always, used specifically when a person’s hair is being so treated.

• Vic stood in front of the mirror and tousled his hair, trying to get a cool, disheveled look.