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Word Every Day द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Word Every Day

14 Dec, 12:00


venerate • / VEN-uh-rayt / • verb

To venerate someone or something is to feel or show deep respect for them because they are considered great, holy, etc.

• Her best-selling trilogy led to her becoming a writer venerated by generations of admirers.
Word Every Day

13 Dec, 12:00


immense • / ih-MENSS / • adjective

Something described as immense is very great in size, degree, or amount.

• They inherited an immense fortune.
• Her movies continue to enjoy immense popularity.
Word Every Day

12 Dec, 12:00


pastiche • / pass-TEESH / • noun

Pastiche refers to something (such as a piece of writing, music, etc.) that imitates the style of someone or something else. It can also refer to a work that is made up of selections from multiple other works, or it can be used as a synonym of hodgepodge.

• The director’s new murder mystery is a clever pastiche of the 1950s noir films she watched as a girl.
• The research paper was essentially a pastiche made up of passages from different sources.
• The house is decorated in a pastiche of mid-century styles.
Word Every Day

11 Dec, 12:00


sublimate • / SUB-luh-mayt / • verb

To sublimate something—such as an impulse, desire, or feeling—is to express it in a changed form that is socially acceptable. Sublimate can also mean "to pass directly from the solid to the vapor state."

• Nora later came to understand that she had used painting to sublimate her anger.
Word Every Day

10 Dec, 12:00


brogue • / BROHG / • noun

A brogue is a low shoe, usually made of leather, that is decorated with small holes along the sides at the toe, and that usually features a wing tip.

• Even though his brogues are scuffed and old, Dad prefers them to his new loafers.
Word Every Day

09 Dec, 12:00


fulgent • / FULL-jint / • adjective

Fulgent is a formal, often poetic word used to describe something that is dazzlingly bright. It is a synonym of radiant.

• After a long, drizzly morning, a fulgent sun finally peeked out from behind the clouds.
Word Every Day

08 Dec, 12:00


galvanize • / GAL-vuh-nyze / • verb

To galvanize people is to cause them to be so excited or concerned about something that they are driven to action.

• The council’s proposal to close the library has galvanized the town’s residents.
Word Every Day

07 Dec, 12:00


misbegotten • / miss-bih-GAH-tun / • adjective

Misbegotten describes things that are badly planned or thought out.

• They were sent on a misbegotten diplomatic mission that was sure to fail.
Word Every Day

06 Dec, 12:00


ambigram • / AM-buh-gram / • noun

An ambigram is an image of a written word or phrase that is intended or able to be oriented in either of two ways for viewing or reading.

• Angel started taking calligraphy classes to learn how to create ambigrams and other fun designs that can be read both upside down and right side up.