The Rabbi's books @whatchadoinrabbibooks Channel on Telegram

The Rabbi's books


Books you won't find anywhere else and social commentary

The Rabbi's books (English)

Are you an avid reader looking for unique and thought-provoking books that challenge your perspective? Look no further than 'The Rabbi's books' Telegram channel! With the username @whatchadoinrabbibooks, this channel is dedicated to showcasing books that you won't find anywhere else. From religious texts to social commentary, this channel offers a diverse range of literature that will keep you engaged and enlightened. Led by the insightful mind of @PrenticeAl, 'The Rabbi's books' channel is a curated collection of works that are sure to spark conversations and deepen your understanding of the world around you. Whether you're interested in exploring theological concepts or delving into the complexities of contemporary society, this channel has something for everyone. Join 'The Rabbi's books' Telegram channel today and embark on a literary journey like no other. Discover hidden gems, engage in meaningful discussions, and expand your horizons with the captivating content shared on this platform. Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore the world of books through the eyes of a rabbi and gain valuable insights that will stay with you long after you've finished reading. Subscribe now and let the transformative power of literature enrich your life!

The Rabbi's books

19 Jan, 23:04

Very large fuckery is afoot

The Rabbi's books

19 Jan, 05:05

You can't say China controls anything of importance in America if their shit is getting banned.
That's all I'm going to say about the tiktok ban. (Fuck off Steve Bannon)

The Rabbi's books

12 Jan, 16:24

1. Get jews into newly created mid level positions of power
2. Create carve outs for admission based on "political and religious persecution" because the jew is the eternal victim.
You should feel sorry for the jew because everybody hates him for no reason.

The Rabbi's books

12 Jan, 16:23

When this didn't work the jews took on a different strategy

The Rabbi's books

12 Jan, 16:22

The aliens bill 1905

The Rabbi's books

12 Jan, 16:21

The UK govt began looking for ways to restrict this mass immigration of jews and the jews of the board of deputies responded in the same year, 1904.

The Rabbi's books

12 Jan, 16:20

A defense of the alien immigrant 1904 by the British board of deputies

The Rabbi's books

12 Jan, 16:18

"jewish immigration from Eastern Europe significantly increased after 1880", due to the tensions in the Russian empire with the usual jew tactics, Russians had begun to notice and do something about it, namely pogroms, so jews began emigrating to the UK and America.

The Rabbi's books

10 Jan, 14:48

Simon Dixon explains why they've been collecting our data for years. It's not for ads.

The Rabbi's books

08 Jan, 21:25

jews corrupted our court system with bribes and blackmail but they also have their own courts

The Rabbi's books

08 Jan, 20:14

The King of Communism (Nicolae Ceausescu)

The Rabbi's books

05 Jan, 22:36

There is only one possible conclusion from this. If you have jews in your territory, it's only a matter of time before they control your territory because there is simply nothing they won't do. There are no boundaries of conscience. None.

The Rabbi's books

05 Jan, 22:35

It's ok for jews to kill Gentile leaders because the old testament

The Rabbi's books

05 Jan, 22:32

Political Assassinations by jews by Ben-Yehuda Nachman (1993)

The Rabbi's books

31 Dec, 16:16

Polio monkey serums. Adjunct-laden vaccines. Unproven mRNA "operating system" serums. What will they think of next?

The Rabbi's books

27 Dec, 16:45

This one will no doubt be controversial. It is, however, an important historically American document, and thus worthy of preservation.

I would encourage any arguments to be based on the merits of the text itself and not preconceived notions about what it means or doesn't mean for Christianity or religion.
And also to be respectful. We attempt to hold ourselves to a higher standard and not engage in emotionally charged name calling or insulting here at TRB.

The Rabbi's books

27 Dec, 16:42

The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine (1880)

The Rabbi's books

24 Dec, 16:11

Seems relevant in the current year

The Rabbi's books

24 Dec, 16:07

The Female Disciplinary Manual by The Wildfire Club

The Rabbi's books

24 Dec, 14:54

Our ancestors saw the jews as a monolith to the point that hardly any jews were even singled out and named in official documents, preferring 'the jews' as the offenders. Of course, this is partly because jewish control (bribes, name changing to appear as one of them, officials benefiting from jewish tax collection, etc) was such that getting their hands around the problem often took decades, if not longer.
Learn from our ancestors. The jews are a monolith. Always and everywhere.

The Rabbi's books

24 Dec, 14:49

King Edward I's Articles of Inquest on the Jews and Coin-Clipping, 1279 (1999)
by Don Skemer

Abstract: The 'Capitula de tonsura monete' are previously unpublished articles of inquest originally issued in 1279 to special judicial commissions created to combat coin-clipping and related monetary offences by Jews โ€ฆ. The 'Capitula' are shown to shed light on Edward I's motivations and intentions during the coin-clipping campaign of 1278โ€“9. The author attempts to explain why this text was circulated, somewhat paradoxically, after the expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290, and to determine why it was read along with authentic statues and 'legal apocrypha'. A critical edition is appended, based on a collation of all manuscript copies and versions.

The Rabbi's books

23 Dec, 02:52

In reality, Germany wanted nothing more than the colonial prowess the UK had enjoyed since the days the East India company took over India hundreds of years before, not even to mention France's colonies.

Also, you'll notice Mises charges the German historical school, which has been mentioned here, with creating the intellectual groundwork for this world takeover.

The Rabbi's books

23 Dec, 02:45

It was Ludwig von Mises, the first leading intellectual of the "Austrian school of economics", a jew, who first charged the nazis with wanting to have a world government.
Mises is the reason Ron Paul and Dave Smith, another disgusting jew, have the same basic economics.

The Rabbi's books

23 Dec, 02:08

1807 - not much has changed it seems

The Rabbi's books

22 Dec, 21:22

"As he explained in The Lie of Ulysses (alternate title: Debunking the Genocide Myth) 'one day I realized that a false picture of the German camps had been created and that the problem of concentration camps was a universal one, not just one that could be disposed of by placing it on the doorstep of the National Socialists.'"

The Rabbi's books

22 Dec, 21:17

Debunking the Genocide Myth by Paul Rassinier (1978)

The Rabbi's books

22 Dec, 21:15

Obviously no gnotsee lover

The Rabbi's books

22 Dec, 21:14

"The Fourth Republic", which Rassinier helped to found, "demanded that Germany was to be held accountable..."

The Rabbi's books

22 Dec, 21:13

Rassinier was a communist and had the distinct pleasure (other anti-jew writers had not seen the operation of a camp from the inside) of being sent to Buchenwald for writing against Hitler's government

The Rabbi's books

22 Dec, 21:11

"The father of holocaust denial"

The Rabbi's books

06 Dec, 03:48

Third lateran council 1179

The Rabbi's books

06 Dec, 03:01

To be clear, the claim here, and the relevance of the Pierleoni infiltration of the catholic church, is thus: throughout medieval Europe for several hundred years, *because of* the Pierloni infiltration, jews gave themselves the *exclusive right* to all banking functions, by edict of the Vatican, all while claiming it was Gentile popes issuing such edicts as "interest is forbidden to the Christian".

That is, without the Pierloni family's covert activity, and succeeding directorship of the monetary policy emanating from the Vatican to all White people of the era, commoner, noble and king alike, there would never have been a rothschild family. There wouldn't have been a Montefiore family or a Soros or a Fugger family.

All of them owe their power to the Pierleoni infiltration.

The Rabbi's books

04 Dec, 18:33

The History of Usury by JBC Murray (1866)

The Rabbi's books

04 Dec, 18:12

Race Mixture in the Roman Empire by Tenney Frank (1916)

The Rabbi's books

26 Nov, 15:26

Love in The Western World by Denis de Rougemont (original 1939, this edition is from 1983)

The Rabbi's books

22 Nov, 18:38

A Cheney on the board of the world jewish congress? ๐Ÿค”

The Rabbi's books

22 Nov, 15:49

Ministry of economic development

The Rabbi's books

22 Nov, 15:45

Massimo Pierleoni, present day

Architect of luciferianism is probably not 100% accurate but still interesting.
Green energy scam, pandemic paper

The Rabbi's books

22 Nov, 15:28


The Rabbi's books

22 Nov, 15:26

Treccani, an Italian Encyclopedia founded by Giovanni Gentile in 1925 gives a rough sketch of the family, including some much later details

The Rabbi's books

22 Nov, 15:21

A few hundred years later, Pierleoni Leoni Medici (married into the family) was a doctor, philosopher, astrologer - read kabbalist - and personal physician to Lorenzo Medici, who was 'unjustly' accused (sure jan) of poisoning Medici, and was physician to nobles throughout south Europe as well.

The Rabbi's books

22 Nov, 15:14

Continuing with the Pierleoni family, here is a Guido that was appointed bishop of an Italian island called Palestrina, 1221.

The Rabbi's books

17 Nov, 23:27

Shill me your favorite fiction book. I'm into Orson Scott Card, Kurt Vonnegut, maybe Philip Dick.

The Rabbi's books

15 Nov, 14:43

It's interesting how they used many of the same arguments we use today

The Rabbi's books

15 Nov, 14:42

The Fundamental Fallacies of Free Trade by L.S. Amery (1908)

The Rabbi's books

15 Nov, 14:31

Massie is Tariff posting

The Rabbi's books

13 Nov, 16:23

Federal income tax was so far away from the Overton window that "congress will never again avail itself..." in 1903.

This shows the power of crisis if they control the narrative. The panic of 1907 slammed not only the federal income tax but also the federal reserve back into the Overton window

The Rabbi's books

13 Nov, 16:19

Vol 2

The Rabbi's books

13 Nov, 16:17

Vol 1