Book Club @borzoibooks Channel on Telegram

Book Club


Currently reading November 1918

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Are you an avid reader always on the lookout for your next literary adventure? Look no further than the 'Book Club' Telegram channel by @borzoibooks! This channel is the perfect place for book lovers to come together and discuss their favorite reads, discover new authors, and participate in engaging conversations about all things book-related. The current book being read is 'The War on Music', an intriguing title that is sure to spark lively debates and discussions among members. Who is it? The 'Book Club' channel is a virtual gathering space for book enthusiasts from all walks of life. Whether you're a die-hard bibliophile or a casual reader looking to explore new genres, this channel is open to all who share a love for literature. What is it? 'Book Club' is a place where members can connect with like-minded individuals, share their thoughts on the current book selection, and recommend must-read titles to fellow bookworms. It's a supportive community where members can engage in meaningful discussions, expand their literary horizons, and make new friends along the way. Join the 'Book Club' channel today and immerse yourself in a world of words, ideas, and imagination. Whether you're looking to broaden your reading list, connect with fellow book lovers, or simply indulge in the pleasure of a good book, this channel has something for everyone. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of this vibrant literary community – join @borzoibooks' 'Book Club' channel now!

Book Club

20 Feb, 04:59

"For there is no doubt that linking a sales message to one of the great prime motivations of the human spirit does more than sell goods; it strengthens the motivation, helps it come to the surface, provides it with focus. And thus we are assured of the steady annual increment of consumers so essential to expansion."

Book Club

23 Jan, 17:54

"Don't you see how climate nulls your sigma?"


Book Club

23 Jan, 16:59

Indiastries also produces legalized opium

Book Club

23 Jan, 16:49

"Taunton is to me the epitome of everything that keeps advertising from finding its rightful place with the clergy, medicine, and the bar in our way of life."


Book Club

23 Jan, 16:41

The Consies are the revolutionary World Conservationist Association. Corporations fake Consie demonstrations in order to get politicians on their side

Book Club

23 Jan, 16:18

Corporations use cue words that tap into trauma to manipulate consumers and are beaming advertisements right into people's retinas

Book Club

23 Jan, 16:15

In this dystopian world India has become a corporation called Indiastries and the entire subcontinent is a single manufacturing complex.

Book Club

23 Jan, 16:11

Legit lol at the opening paragraph

Book Club

23 Jan, 16:10

Check out the plot of this book. It was written in 1952.

Book Club

23 Jan, 16:09

The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and Cyril Kornbluth

Book Club

23 Jan, 16:08

That book was pretty good. I'm going to do a fun one now

Book Club

23 Jan, 15:40

So were they correct or wrong Herr Gerwarth? Using non-commital language while restating and then affirming the accusation isn't an escape pass.

Book Club

23 Jan, 15:37

That's funny. Alfred Rosenberg didn't know that Lenin was part Kalmyk and part jewish. That must not have been well known at the time.

Book Club

23 Jan, 15:35

I know that feeling

Book Club

22 Jan, 19:59

"Lloyd George famously dismissed the Turks as ‘a human cancer, a creeping agony in the flesh of the lands which they misgovern, rotting away every fibre of life’."

This has been fact checked true by real patriots

Book Club

22 Jan, 18:00

This certainly has no chance of backfiring

Book Club

22 Jan, 17:53

The leader of the reactionary DNVP party called the Treaty of Versailles a "Shylock treaty", implying that Woodrow Wilson was in league with or being controlled by jews

Book Club

22 Jan, 16:15

The jewish government in Bavaria did French Revolution shit like converting the Church to a Temple of "Reason"

Book Club

22 Jan, 15:58

The jews actually abolished teaching history in Bavaria.


Book Club

22 Jan, 15:57

"The new regime’s leadership was dominated by urban (and often Jewish) literati from Schwabing"

I didn't know that. You're telling me now for the first time.

Book Club

16 Jan, 16:47

I find it funny that academic historians are becoming more comfortable with telling everyone that the leaders of these revolutions are jewish but they just don't comment on it. Hey, you remember why Hitler went into politics and the groups he was particularly mad at? Remember historians used to omit when they were jewish when they could? Do you have any thoughts on that, Mr. Academic?

Book Club

16 Jan, 16:00

This is funny. The revolution got its military support from staff and garrison soldiers in the rear. The soldiers violently opposed to the new regime were the front line soldiers doing all of the fighting and they viewed the rearguard as traitors and pigs. Total POG Death has always been the way.

Book Club

16 Jan, 15:51

25% of Germany's aristocratic men died on the battlefield in the service of their country. That is an astounding and heartbreaking statistic. No American can even conceptualize that, what true aristocracy and noblesse oblige looks like. Part of it is that our elites view being a soldier is something that's for cattle (grunts) or just a smart career path that will help you later in life (POGs). Dying when you've already got it made just isn't smart.

Book Club

16 Jan, 14:52

Wilhelm knew who was behind rhe revolution. Shame he had to cry about Hitler after giving reactionaries dumb monarchist copes

Book Club

16 Jan, 14:43

Wow, Groyperism in 1918. Who knew.

Book Club

16 Jan, 14:34

Oswald Spengler, the always implacable judge, was none too pleased with the November Revolution. That's not surprising of course, but you see from the very start his belief that a strongman would inevitably come

Book Club

11 Jan, 15:14

Weird how a niche jewish outsider completely set the tone of the revolution. You can't explain that.

Book Club

09 Dec, 14:36

Kurt Eisner was jewish if you didn't know

Book Club

27 Nov, 20:53

I was going to alog Gerwarth for calling Tsar Nicholas II a distant relative of Kaiser Wilhelm II--they were first cousins--but I'll give him a pass and assume that because English isn't his first language he assumed distant relative meant physically distant or a relative you don't see all the time. I'm surprised this wasn't caught however since this is the very first paragraph

Book Club

27 Nov, 20:49

I'm going to check out this book on the German Revolution by Robert Gerwarth. Gerwarth is a German historian and a colleague of Richard Evans. He even debated David Irving on Irish television in 2008 but I couldn't find it immediately. Let's see what he has to say.

Book Club

27 Nov, 20:38

This book was so boring I had nothing to say about it

Book Club

27 Nov, 17:30

European antisemitism is apparently an "incurable disease"

Book Club

26 Nov, 15:19

One black might have lived where Chicago would be therefore blacks are the oldest Chicagoans despite not coming to the ruin the city until much later

I hate this book.

Book Club

25 Nov, 16:21

Wow, a jew was responsible for the diversity entertainment at the Exposition. Imagine my shock

Book Club

25 Nov, 16:08

I love how necessary it has become to explain to retarded Americans that the rise of Fascism was nothing like it's portrayed in their infantile cartoonish films and hyperventilating "popular" history but that even up to the eve of war if forced to choose between it and communism most people chose Fascism

Book Club

22 Nov, 22:24

"Hitler had never won an election"

lol what

You do not need to lie, even if you mean "he never won an absolute majority"

This is going to be miserable i can already tell

Book Club

22 Nov, 22:20

Eh let's just start

Book Club

20 Nov, 15:41

That was a fun book to alog.

This channel will probably be silent for a few weeks as I'm working through some books that aren't really relevant to anyone's interests but my personal ones. I'll be back with Broken Icarus which is about the history of early aviation and the rise of Fascism.

Book Club

20 Nov, 15:34

"Was there a way to see these “demons”? the sages wondered. Yes, one rabbi announced. One simply had to take the placenta of a firstborn black cat, who was herself the firstborn daughter of another firstborn black cat, grind up and burn that cat placenta, and then rub it into one’s eyes—“and then one will see them.” Another sage followed these instructions and saw the demons, which probably looked like ground-up burnt cat placenta."

Second most normal jewish religious passage

Book Club

20 Nov, 15:30

"One extended discussion, for instance, dealt with whether one could recite the Sh’ma while in the presence of a pile of poop. Walk at least four steps away from it, one sage advised. But what if you still smell it? another asked. Well, another chimed in, perhaps it depended whether the poop was wet or dry. But how can you determine how dry the poop is? somebody asked—and then promptly supplied a story of how one revered teacher once sent his devoted pupil to check the specific crustiness of a piece of poop."

Most normal jewish religious passage

Book Club

20 Nov, 15:16

"The last few generations of American non-Jews had been chagrined by the enormity of the Holocaust—which had been perpetrated by America’s enemy, and which was grotesque enough to make antisemitism socially unacceptable, even shameful. Now that people who remembered the shock of those events were dying off, the public shame associated with expressing antisemitism was dying too. In other words, hating Jews was normal. And historically speaking, the decades in which my parents and I had grown up simply hadn’t been normal. Now, normal was coming back."

Book Club

20 Nov, 14:59

The little jewish boy is right

Book Club

20 Nov, 14:54

Jewish boy doesn't understand why usury would ever be illegal lmao

Book Club

20 Nov, 14:52

"from Simon of Trent to Pepe the Frog."

Book Club

19 Nov, 22:57

Lol she's so mad about the Merchant of Venice

Book Club

19 Nov, 22:54

Oh gawd the Merchant of Venice physically nauseates me!

Book Club

19 Nov, 22:49

It would be really funny if Dara Horn started reading the Yiddish testimonials and started doubting the insane bullshit stories that are in the original survivor accounts

Book Club

19 Nov, 22:46

Muh pile of shoes

Book Club

19 Nov, 22:44

"Doxxing Jewish journalists is definitely not the Holocaust. Harassing Jewish college students is also not the Holocaust. Trolling Jews on social media is not the Holocaust either, even when it involves photoshopping them into gas chambers. (Give the trolls credit: They have definitely heard of Auschwitz.) Even hounding ancient Jewish communities out of entire countries and seizing all their assets—which happened in a dozen Muslim nations whose Jewish communities pre-dated the Islamic conquest, countries that are now all almost entirely Judenrein—is emphatically not the Holocaust. It is quite amazing how many things are not the Holocaust."

Book Club

19 Nov, 22:40

Yes Dara, i too wonder why I must commit extremely granular details about what happened in Eastern Europe between 1941 and 1945 to memory

Book Club

19 Nov, 22:38


Book Club

19 Nov, 22:34

Dara Horn realizing there's something indeed perverse about for-profit companies putting on Holocaust spectacles.

Book Club

19 Nov, 22:33

Shockingly, subjecting people to Holocaust museums doesn't really prevent antisemitism

I'm as confounded as you are

Book Club

19 Nov, 16:04

“Gratitude is what makes you hate someone"

Jews are telling on themselves again

Book Club

19 Nov, 15:45

"As long as we are questioning the choices that were made, shouldn’t we be considering the possibility of the Holocaust not happening at all?"

Do go on, please

Book Club

19 Nov, 15:41

Yes indeed, American Holocaust history is a religion and it isn't true.

Book Club

19 Nov, 15:19

Most normal jew

Book Club

19 Nov, 15:06

Actually Hitler was the moderate Nazi

Book Club

19 Nov, 15:01

"Akshyually the real culture of Europe is jewish 🤓"

Book Club

19 Nov, 14:57

Jews are ungrateful? I didn't know that. You're telling me now for the first time.

Book Club

19 Nov, 14:46

"Not only do you not have the freedom to be from us, goyim, but you need us. You need us to save you from yourselves."

Book Club

19 Nov, 14:43

This is a stunning amount of jewish narcissism

Book Club

08 Nov, 14:14

Woman is fedposter of the earth

Book Club

08 Nov, 12:46

"Being a nationalist, I sympathized with French nationalists who objected to the Jews & international finance interfering in their country & upsetting their institutions."

Book Club

08 Nov, 12:39


Book Club

07 Nov, 15:48

This is a very weird framing of what Lucien Millevoye's beliefs about who was ruling England. The Jewish author, Kim Bendheim, seems to be implying these are conspiratorial beliefs but England's state and crown church is run by the Anglicans. Very weird sentence to write.

Book Club

07 Nov, 00:01

Irish hospitality

Book Club

06 Nov, 16:50

"The Nazis were not slow to recognize the importance of the youth. The young who had so far abstained from the polls and the young who were getting ready to cast their first ballot were two sources of enormous potential voting strength for them. Both groups were hungry for action—any action, brutalized, often imbued with notions of racial purity and sheer hatred for the most conspicuous of outsiders—the Jew—and in despair over the future...There is good evidence that the young, especially the students, anticipated their elders in turning toward the right. In 1930 the Social Democratic Party reported that less than 8 percent of its membership was under twenty-five, and less than half of its membership under forty. In the same year, General Groener declared that the “radicalization” of students—radicalization toward the right—was a serious danger to the country;"

Book Club

06 Nov, 15:51

“Berlin transformed itself into the Babel of the world...Made-up boys with artificial waistlines promenaded along the Kurfüstendamm—and not professionals alone: every high school student wanted to make some money, and in the darkened bars one could see high public officials and high financiers courting drunken sailors without shame. Even the Rome of Suetonius had not known orgies like the Berlin transvestite balls, where hundreds of men in women’s clothes and women in men’s clothes danced under the benevolent eyes of the police. Amid the general collapse of values, a kind of insanity took hold of precisely those middle-class circles which had hitherto been unshakable in their order. Young ladies proudly boasted that they were perverted; to be suspected of virginity at sixteen would have been considered a disgrace in every school in Berlin.” - Stefan Zweig

Book Club

06 Nov, 14:22

"There was some reason to think the political life of the Republic a spectacle, remote and slightly ludicrous. Parliamentary debates, with their legalism and their occasional vehemence, had a curious air of unreality about them: party hacks quibbled, orated, and insulted one another while millions were hungry. Politics seemed a game to which all must contribute but which only politicians could win."

Book Club

06 Nov, 14:20

"many who had been unpolitical adopted politics of a kind that makes one long for a little apathy. Some mistook Expressionist declamation for a reform program; others chose murder as their favorite form of electioneering."

Book Club

11 Oct, 12:38

So the Frankfurt Institute had a brief magazine in Germany called the Magazine for Social Research. Let's take a look at its writers

Max Horkheimer - jewish
Erich Fromm - jewish
Henryk Grossman - jewish
Leo Loewenthal - jewish
Theodor Adorno - jewish
Herbert Marcuse - jewish
Walter Benjamin- jewish
Franz Neumann - jewish
Paul Lazarsfeld - jewish
Otto Kirchheimer - jewish

They couldn't even get a token Gentile. Astounding.

Book Club

11 Oct, 12:15

Book Club

11 Oct, 12:10

Left-Hegelian isn't exactly how I would describe the Frankfurt School personally, but I get why it would be presented that way to fool those who don't know better

Grünberg was jewish of course. He was also Ludwig von Mises' teacher in Austria.

Book Club

11 Oct, 11:47

"The only thing that actually united these institutions in common was a lot of jews"


Book Club

11 Oct, 11:34

Jews and libs finally found the one man who is not allowed to identify as German and needs to be deported immediately

Book Club

11 Oct, 11:34

This was the major lesson they learned from the disastrous Weimar Republic, that total institutional capture and alienation from the institutions by the population they want to replace, destroy, and terrorize needed to be done first in order to stymie any potential counter-elites

Book Club

03 Oct, 22:35

This kills the "Hitler was put in power by Big Business Capitalists and financiers" argument. They had it so good under the Weimar Constitution. The Socialists were cowed. Hitler was already on the rise before the KPD made further gains. Weimar as it was was good for them.

Book Club

03 Oct, 22:35

"Hugo Preuss, the architect of the Weimar Constitution, was a symbol of the revolution; as a Jew and a left-wing democrat, he had been kept out of the university establishment for all his merits, and now he, the outsider, gave shape to the new Republic, his Republic."

Book Club

03 Oct, 22:32

It really can't go uncommented how insane this was. Losing six million of your population to new countries was almost 10% of their population then. Even if you think there needed some indemnity (it's war after all), cleaving populations like that in an age of self-determination?

Book Club

03 Oct, 22:32

The Germans “were greatly humiliated. The anguish of defeat and the sense of guilt with which some propagandists had tried to impress them had created a kind of inferiority complex from which most members of the delegation suffered.

Book Club

03 Oct, 22:31

"Certainly the settlement imposed on Germany at Versailles was in many ways a harsh and vindictive treaty...The making of the treaty was a constant and deliberate humiliation of the Germans."

Even the pro-Weimar jewish academic thought the Versailles Treaty was way out of bounds

Book Club

03 Oct, 22:31

Man why would any of that fuel antisemitism I wonder

Book Club

03 Oct, 22:30

Sorry for those viewing me posting this in real time. This is what happens when I don't do posts when I should have. I forget and have to reconstruct the thread

Book Club

03 Oct, 22:29

The poet Rilke apparently soured on the revolution, viewing it captured by a ruthless minority (lol)

Book Club

03 Oct, 22:27

"The Weimar Republic, though it gave Jews unprecedented prominence across a wide scope, was not a “Jewish” republic, as its enemies have so often proclaimed it to be. It would not have been worse if it had been"

He literally says it would be fine if jews completely ruled it

Also this I did not know but the architect of the Weimar Constitution was a jew, Hugo Preuß

Book Club

03 Oct, 22:23

"in the Weimar Republic outsiders—democrats, Jews, avant-garde artists, and the like—became insiders, decision makers in museums, orchestras, theaters, private centers of scholarship."

So the Weimar Republic was run by corrupt politicians, jews, and freaks. Got it.

Book Club

03 Oct, 16:00

Started a new book as it's a short one. It's also old. Published in 1968. Peter Gay was a jewish professor born and raised in Weimar Germany and through most of the Third Reich and left in 1941. "The Outsider as Insider" gives a good idea of the thesis

Let's dig in

Book Club

05 Sep, 21:49

Additionally, jewish gangsters like Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, Micky Cohen, and Moe Dalitz were intimately involved with the establishment of Israel. Siegel was even able to recruit Frank Sinatra, who supported their cause, to help run guns to the Zionist militias in 1948

Book Club

05 Sep, 21:49

Weizmann, about to become the first president of Israel, secured United States recognition moments after declaration despite opposition from our State and Defense Department. Later at a jewish banquet, Truman was credited with creating Israel and he boasted he was Cyrus the Great