Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ @paperreich Channel on Telegram

Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ


The Third Reich (and friends) on paper. Pre-1946 posters, postcards, flyers, magazines, books, etc. Some duplicates are unavoidable. A poor copy is better than no copy at all. Images will be replaced with higher-resolution versions when such are found.

Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ (English)

Welcome to Paper Reich! This Telegram channel, with the username @paperreich, is a treasure trove for history enthusiasts and collectors alike. Paper Reich is dedicated to showcasing pre-1946 posters, postcards, flyers, magazines, books, and more from the Third Reich era, along with items from its allies and friends. The channel recognizes the historical significance of these artifacts and aims to preserve and share them with a wider audience. Here, you will find a curated collection of images that offer a glimpse into the propaganda, art, and culture of that time period. While some duplicates may be unavoidable, Paper Reich emphasizes that a poor copy is better than no copy at all. The channel is constantly evolving, with images being replaced by higher-resolution versions whenever they are found, ensuring that viewers always have access to the best possible quality. Whether you are a history buff, a collector, or simply intrigued by the past, Paper Reich provides a unique opportunity to explore a crucial period in world history through visual artifacts. Join us on this journey through time and immerse yourself in the intriguing world of the Third Reich (and friends) on paper. Subscribe to @paperreich today and start discovering the stories behind these remarkable historical items!

Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

18 Nov, 09:46

Letter to ϟϟ-Schütze Albrecht Böhm from the adjutant to Reichsführer-ϟϟ Heinrich Himmler dated 17.1.1943.

Page 1 / 2.

Source: Bundesarchiv, NS 19/3165. 🔗

[ English translation of the relevant part 🔗 ]


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

18 Nov, 09:46

Letter to ϟϟ-Schütze Albrecht Böhm from the adjutant to Reichsführer-ϟϟ Heinrich Himmler dated 17.1.1943.

Page 2 / 2.

Source: Bundesarchiv, NS 19/3165. 🔗

[ English translation of the relevant part 🔗 ]


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

18 Nov, 09:46

“In terms of your career, after completing this course you will have the opportunity to take over an ϟϟ observatory. You know that it is the intention of the Reichsführer-ϟϟ to build a large number of observatories after the end of the war - he is thinking of building observatories in every location of the ϟϟ - in order to give the widest possible circles the opportunity to study astronomy and thereby find a partial replacement for the Christianity that we are trying to overcome.”

— Letter to ϟϟ-Schütze Albrecht Böhm from the adjutant to Reichsführer-ϟϟ Heinrich Himmler dated 17.1.1943.

Source: Bundesarchiv, NS 19/3165, 🔗 pp. 109 & 111.

[ Local copies: p. 109 | p. 111 🔗 ]


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

16 Nov, 18:17


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

14 Nov, 14:34

Rudolf Gahlbeck: Die Ahnensäule (1938)

[ JPG 828.8 KB 975 × 1920 px 🔗 ]


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

14 Nov, 14:34

Rudolf Gahlbeck: Die Ahnensäule (1938)

975 × 1920


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

06 Nov, 18:41


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

29 Oct, 15:23

- 29. 10. 2024 -

On this day - 127 years ago - Dr. Goebbels was born!

'Im Sturm gewinnt er die Herzen aller… Denn dieser Mann, den so viele nur als unerbittlichen Propagandisten der Idee kennen, als Fanatiker, Arbeitsmenschen und Parteiredner, als zornigen Verwalter der gerechten Sache des Volkes, als politischen Soldaten, er ist von einer so herzlichen Güte, einer so erstaunlichen Heiterkeit und Charme…'

'He wins the hearts of all people… For this man, whom so many know only as a relentless propagandist of the idea, as a fanatic, a worker and party speaker, as an angry administrator of the people's just cause, as a political soldier, is of such heartfelt kindness, such astonishing cheerfulness and charm…'

- Wilfried Bade, GOEBBELS (1933), p.73


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

23 Oct, 08:24

Globus für Haus Wachenfeld

[ Globe for Haus Wachenfeld ]

Drawing by Atelier Troost.


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

22 Oct, 17:45

The first photograph of Earth from space was taken from a Vergeltungswaffe 2 (V2) rocket on 24 October 1946.

The rocket reached an altitude of 105 kilometers — five times higher than our planet had ever been photographed from before.


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

20 Oct, 14:36

Adolf Hitler in front of a model of the Hamburg Elbhochbrücke in conversation with the general inspector for German roads, Dr. Fritz Todt, and the architect Albert Speer (to his left); in the background left: his personal adjutant Albert Bormann, brigade leader of the NS Motor Corps (NSKK), right: Dr. Endres at the House of German Art in 1938.
Heinrich Hoffman Photo Gallery


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

25 Sep, 22:28


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

21 Sep, 20:00


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

14 Sep, 11:34

A letter from an American soldier from 1945. He died a week after writing this letter:

"We clean our rifles,
and polish our shoes.
To win this war,
for the Godamn Jews."

European Way


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

08 Sep, 10:35

Bottom left: Lotta-Svärd membership badge.

Top left: supporter badge.

Top right: 10-year-service badge.

Top middle: 20-year-service badge.

Bottom right: Jul-Lottan ('Yule Lotta') pendant, a prize in a competition.

Photographed by

Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

08 Sep, 10:34

Jul-Lottan ('Yule Lotta' magazine), 1922.


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

08 Sep, 09:31

Finnish Air Force pendant for the wife of a pilot.


Photographed by

Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

05 Sep, 12:17

In lustiger Kameradschaft.

[ In merry camaraderie. ]

Digitized by

Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

02 Sep, 15:51

A 卐 fireman's parade axe.


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

02 Sep, 15:51

A 卐 fireman's parade axe.


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

02 Sep, 13:50

(🇩🇪) „Der Schlager der Funkausstellung, das neue Volks-Empfangsgerät.

Dieser Empfänger, der von 28 deutschen Firmen in gleicher Qualität herausgebracht wird,
wurde auf Anregung des Reichsministers Goebbels (rechts) geschaffen, um jedem Volksgenossen das Abhören der deutschen Stationen zu ermöglichen. Der Preis des Geräts beträgt 76 Mark.“

(🇬🇧) „The hit of the radio exhibition, the new people's receiver.

This receiver, which is produced by 28 German companies in the same quality, was created at the suggestion of Reich Minister Goebbels (right) to enable every citizen to listen to German stations. The price of the device is 76 marks.“

- Trierische Landeszeitung, 21.08.1933

Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

01 Sep, 09:25

WARNS OF PAGAN 'CHAOS'; Rabbi S. S. Wise Fears Overthrow of Christianity's Influence

The New York Times, Dec. 19, 1938.


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

31 Aug, 19:37

NSDAP magazine on Zionism as an international financial-conspiracy, and false solution to the Jewish problem.


Scientific Conference on the Jewish Question in Frankfurt.

The Solution: Complete Spacial Separation.

"With the establishment of the new research center by Reichsleiter Rosenberg, the study of the Jewish Question was given an organization backing such as this branch of German science had never known before. Not only the largest and most extensive library, but also the most important archive on the Jewish Question that exists anywhere was created here.

As the author of the book "Englishmen, Jews and Arabs in Palestine", Wirsings general discussion of the Jewish problem in the oriental countries focused primarily on Egypt and then dealt with the question of Zionism in Palestine. He clearly developed the connections between Zionism and the politics of financial Judaism in New York and London.

[...] Judaism is racially alien to all European peoples to the same extent its historical and spiritual danger cannot be eliminated by any assimilation. The elimination of the dangerous effect of its existence in Europe is only possible through complete spatial separation.

For racial policy reasons therefore, neither resettlement to a European country nor to a country outside Europe belonging to the Arabs is an option."


Völkischer Beobachter, March 28 1941

Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

27 Aug, 18:47

Third National Fascist Congress, Rome, November 1921.

1020 × 1580 px


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

27 Aug, 18:47

Third National Fascist Congress, Rome, November 1921.

Founded in Rome during the Third Fascist Congress on 7–10 November 1921, the National Fascist Party marked the transformation of the paramilitary Fasci Italiani di Combattimento into a more coherent political group (the Fasci di Combattimento had been founded by Mussolini in Milan's Piazza San Sepolcro on 23 March 1919).

[ JPG 671.7 KB 1020 × 1580 px 🔗 ]


Pᴀᴘᴇʀ Rᴇɪᴄʜ

27 Aug, 12:41

Ganz Deutschland hört den Führer mit dem Volksempfänger

[ All of Germany hears the Führer with the People's Radio ]

1000 × 1388 px






