Race Realism Channel @racerealismchannel Channel on Telegram

Race Realism Channel


Infographics, studies, data, biological anthropology, population genetics, etc.

Race Realism Channel (English)

Welcome to the Race Realism Channel, a Telegram destination for those who are interested in exploring infographics, studies, data, biological anthropology, population genetics, and more. This channel is dedicated to providing a platform for discussions on topics related to race and genetics, offering insightful and informative content for those who are curious about the science behind these subjects. Whether you are a student, researcher, or simply someone who wants to expand their knowledge in this field, this channel is the perfect place for you. Join us in discovering the latest research findings and engaging in thought-provoking conversations with like-minded individuals. Stay informed, stay curious, and join the Race Realism Channel today!

Race Realism Channel

17 Feb, 14:42

Canada's White population will decline by over 10% from 2021 to 2026, according to this projection based on Canadian census data.

Race Realism Channel

12 Feb, 23:13

Genetic study on Afrikaners (n=1388)

Afrikaners are 97.75% European on average; ~50% Dutch, ~25% French, ~20% German.

- 12.4% of Afrikaners had <95% European ancestry
- 4% had <90% European ancestry
- 1.25% had <85%
- 0.75% had <80%

This 12.4% mostly have additional East and South Asian ancestry, rather than additional African ancestry.

Afrikaner samples from Vahaduo (n=22) are on average 96.4% European, 2.3% Asian, and 1.3% African. They cluster with Germans and Northern French on a PCA of modern West Eurasians.

Source: What a Large Scale Genetic Study Reveals About the Afrikaner Population of South Africa and its Diaspora (2024)

Race Realism Channel

29 Jan, 23:40

Projecting the net fiscal impact of immigration in the EU:

Even with "perfect integration" or "Canadian immigration selection" (i.e. "high skilled" immigration), non-EU migrants make huge net-negative fiscal contributions. This data was published by the EU's European Commission in 2020 and they're still flooding the continent with immigrants.

Source here, archived PDF here.

Race Realism Channel

24 Jan, 19:42

During the Early Middle Ages, Turkic Avars of Central Asian origin settled in Eastern Central Europe.

They remained genetically segregated from Europeans even after two centuries; both populations intentionally avoided interbreeding, despite their proximity.

"The generation-long genetic barrier was maintained by systematically choosing partners with similar ancestry from other sites in the Avar realm."

Source: Ancient DNA reveals reproductive barrier despite shared Avar-period culture (Nature, 2025)

Race Realism Channel

08 Jan, 18:45

Global average IQ is below 85.

Source: The Global Bell Curve by Sebastian Jensen

Race Realism Channel

07 Jan, 23:38

New ethnic crime statistics published in Norway. Foreigners made up the vast majority of violent criminals in Oslo from 2021-23.

(via Andy Ngo on X)

Race Realism Channel

03 Jan, 17:59

Ethnic breakdown of grooming gangs in Britain:

CEOP (Out of Mind, Out of Sight, 2011):
- Asians were 11.5 times more likely to engage in group child sexual exploitation than Whites

Berelowitz (I thought I was the only one, 2012):
- Perpetrators were 35% White (of which only 11% were British), 28% Asian and Middle Eastern, 16% Black.
- Asians & Middle Easterners were 10 times more likely to commit group CSE than Whites, while Blacks were 13.4 times more likely.

CEOP (Threat Assessment of Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, 2013):
- 75% of perpetrators were Asian, implying Asians are 40 times more likely to commit grooming gang crimes than non-Asians.

Berelowitz (If it's not better, it's not the end, 2015):
- Asians and Blacks were 4.2 and 11.8 times more likely to engage in grooming gang crimes than Whites.
- Asians and Blacks were 2.13 and 4 times more likely to engage in all forms of child sexual exploitation than Whites.

Skidmore (Organised crime and child sexual exploitation in local communities, 2016):
- Those from minority ethnic backgrounds were over-represented

Rafiq & Adil (Group-Based Child Sexual Exploitation: Dissecting "Grooming Gangs," 2017):
- Of 264 grooming gang convictions, 84% were Asian, 8% Black, 7% White, 1% unknown.

Bhatti-Sinclair (Group Localised Child Sexual Exploitation Offenders: Who and Why? 2020):
- Between 1997 and 2017, 83% of those prosecuted for grooming gang crimes were Muslims
- 1 in 2,200 of the male Muslims in England and Wales over the age of 16 have been prosecuted for GLCSE

Race Realism Channel

01 Jan, 00:09

Estimated number of people with an IQ equal to or greater than 100, 115, and 130 in the USA and India.

America contains 16 times more people with β‰₯130 IQ than India, despite India's massive population advantage.

The idea that any Western country requires third world migrants to perform high skilled work is ludicrous.

Graphs produced by Noah Hirsch on X.

Race Realism Channel

29 Dec, 18:56

Immigrants work less and take more.

Race Realism Channel

28 Dec, 23:05

In the US, Whites consider being American more important than being White, while non-Whites consider their respective races more important than being American.


Race Realism Channel

05 Dec, 18:20

"A new study published by researchers at London's Natural History Museum and Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven has reinforced the claim that Neanderthals and modern-day humans (Homo sapiens) must be classed as separate species in order to best track our evolutionary history."

"The study claims that if interbreeding was the final word in determining species status, then hundreds of distinct species of mammals and birds today would have their separate species status revoked and that without recognizing patterns in evolution and subsequent categorization, the question of when a species first appeared becomes more intractable."

Left-wing activist academics have spent decades arguing that Neanderthals were merely a subspecies of Homo sapiens β€” a transparent distortion of human taxonomy to support their claim that no human subspecies (races) exist today. Nice to see some academic pushback against this nonsense.


Race Realism Channel

24 Nov, 19:16

Asians have larger family sizes than Whites, which will obviously skew household income results. This data is almost 10 years old (couldn't find anything more recent) and doesn't account for cohabitation of non-related peoples.

Addendum to this post.

Race Realism Channel

24 Nov, 18:58

Data in the first image is often used in defense of legal migration, particularly from Asia. Some counter points:

- These migrants are generally the highest achieving representatives of their respective ethnic groups.

- These demographics near exclusively inhabit affluent urban areas; comparing them to Whites, who are comparatively far more rural, is disingenuous.

- When Whites are subdivided by ethnic ancestry, many groups have significantly higher household incomes (2022 census data).

- Household income is not individual per capita income. I couldn't find recent data for per capita income by ethnic ancestry, but even when Whites are grouped together, we still have higher per capita income than multiple non-White ethnic groups whose household incomes are higher than Whites'.

Race Realism Channel

22 Nov, 00:57

Cape Verde: 400 miles west of Senegal. Uninhabited until it was settled by the Portuguese in the 15th century.

Madagascar: 250 miles east of Mozambique. Uninhabited until it was settled by Indonesians between 350 BC and 550 AD.

Sao Tome and Principe:
155 and 140 miles west of Gabon. Uninhabited until they were settled by the Portuguese in the 16th century.

Race Realism Channel

10 Nov, 22:43

Cubans are the only Hispanic demographic that voted majority Trump in 2024. Every other Hispanic demographic voted ~55-65% Harris.

Of the ~70 million Hispanics in America, less than 3 million are Cuban. Mexicans, who make up ~60% of Hispanics in America, voted 62% Harris.

Contrary to cuckservative claims, Hispanics are still a huge problem demographic and will likely vote left for generations to come β€” perhaps indefinitely, judging by most Latin American countries.

Race Realism Channel

10 Nov, 20:28

Approximate ethnic breakdown of major Trump and Harris donors.

Major Trump donors:
73.1% White
19.2% Jewish
3.8% Lebanese
3.8% White + Indian

Major Harris donors:
64.3% Jewish
28.6% White
3.6% Indian
3.6% White + Jewish

Research by True Discipline on X using these two sources:

Race Realism Channel

07 Nov, 00:25

NBC's 2024 exit polls.

Despite Trump's focus on mass deportation, he did surprisingly well with minorities, other than Blacks and Jews.

This should go without saying, but don't take these poll results as gospel.


Race Realism Channel

02 Nov, 21:51

"It's common knowledge that Asian science is full of fraud. Less common knowledge is that Asian scientists in the US also commit a lot of fraud vs their white peers. For instance, as of 2022 19/29 researchers sanctioned by the ORI are of Asian origin."

"This reflects poorly on university plans to attract Asian STEM talent to replace their white faculty. Ability isn't enough - you also need honesty."

"source: https://ori.hhs.gov/content/case_summary"

(via Arctotherium on X)

Race Realism Channel

26 Oct, 20:15

Fiscal impact by race in the US:

Only Whites and Asians make net positive contributions. Blacks and Hispanics collectively make a colossal $1522 billion net negative contribution.

Currently, Asians who migrate to America are of higher socioeconomic status and above average intelligence in their respective homelands. However, if Asians were to mass migrate, they would likely make a net negative contribution. The average IQ of China is approximately 100, while the average IQ of India is around 76 (see: Most Accurate National IQs Possible).

Source: Fiscal Impact by Race in 2022 by Alden Whitfeld (follow him on X here)

Edit: Alden has updated the article with more accurate estimates. Image amended accordingly.

Race Realism Channel

25 Oct, 16:33

Samples from The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans are now available.

The paper claimed that Proto-Indo-Europeans received their Neolithic Anatolian ancestry via Neolithic Armenians, rather than Neolithic Europeans, but that doesn't seem to be the case for the Yamnaya. Early European Farmers of the neighboring Trypillia Culture are a likely source.

The Sredy Stog people did have minor ancestry from Neolithic Armenians, varying by subpopulation, but they too had Early European Farmer ancestry.

I wonder if the authors were trying to appease Anatolian Hypothesis believers? Possibly attempting to save face after the terrible Southern Arc paper by linking the two theories? Either way, it's obvious that the Indo-European languages originated in Europe.

Race Realism Channel

16 Oct, 23:53

"High IQ East Asian immigration" is championed by civic "nationalists," but what do East Asians have to offer the West, other than committing less crime than other migrant demographics? Politically, they're overwhelmingly left-wing and in favor of open borders (see here and here).

East Asians do have slightly higher average IQ than Whites, as confirmed by genetic testing. However, East Asian countries are less innovative than Western countries per capita, and are of lower socioeconomic development.

This study found that East Asians are lower in heritable psychological traits that lead to innovative behavior; inquisitiveness, psychological stability, and individualism. It has also been theorized that East Asians have less variable IQ, thus fewer genius outliers.

Race Realism Channel

02 Oct, 22:03

Asian immigrants are the least likely to believe that America is better than most other countries, the least likely to feel proud or grateful to be American, to feel that life in the United States is better than in the rest of the world, or to feel attached to the United States.

Source: American Fabric: Identity and Belonging, Hawkins & Raghuram (2022)

Race Realism Channel

18 Sep, 23:49

A selection of papers on ethnic diversity and conflict:

"The more ethnic groups in a state, the more likely it will have a high rate of guerrilla and revolutionary warfare. And the more religious groups in a society, the more intense the general violence."

"This research advances the hypothesis and establishes empirically that interpersonal population diversity has contributed significantly to the emergence, prevalence, recurrence, and severity of intrasocietal conflicts."

"Ethnic heterogeneity explains 55% of the variation in the scale of ethnic conflicts, and the results of regression analysis disclose that the same relationship more or less applies to all 187 countries."

"conflict arises when groups are neither well integrated nor well separated. In highly mixed regions, groups either don’t develop strong collective identities or don’t lay claim to public spaces. […] Well-separated groups don’t engage in conflict."

"Using data from U.S. states, I investigate the relationship between ethnic diversity and trust. […] The main channel through which ethnic diversity is hypothesized to affect trust is social conflict."

Race Realism Channel

15 Sep, 18:35

New Harvard study on natural selection in West Eurasia (Europe and the Near East) over the last 14,000 years.

"[We] identify selection for combinations of alleles that are today associated with lighter skin color, lower risk for schizophrenia and bipolar disease, slower health decline, and increased measures related to cognitive performance (scores on intelligence tests, household income, and years of schooling)... The polygenic score today predictive of body fat percentage [decreased] by around a standard deviation over ten millennia."

Source: Pervasive findings of directional selection realize the promise of ancient DNA to elucidate human adaptation

Race Realism Channel

04 Sep, 22:02

"Images of interracial couples evoke a neural disgust response among observers."

Anti-racist leftists conducted studies on subconscious responses to miscegenation and discovered that both Whites and Blacks find it disgusting, even if they claim to support it. Relative to Whites/Blacks, mixed-race people did not find it disgusting.

The study titled 'Yuck' also claimed that "participants were quicker to associate interracial couples with nonhuman animals and same-race couples with humans"


Race Realism Channel

25 Aug, 19:03

Parents of mixed-race children are less genetically similar to their offspring than to random people of their own race and even to random people of other races (in terms of autosomal DNA).

A European with a half-Mestizo child is more genetically similar to West Asians, like Turks, than their own child.

A European with a half-East Asian child is more genetically similar to the entirety of the Middle East and North Africa (native populations only).

A European with a half-Sub Saharan African child is more genetically similar to Kazakhs, Indians, and East Asian Siberians - essentially half of the population of Eurasia.

Race Realism Channel

20 Aug, 14:25

Support for abortion by race in the United States (2020 survey).

Race Realism Channel

14 Aug, 02:13

"Hybrid offspring are technically fertile but often fail to interbreed themselves, as they cannot fit into either social system." Hmm that sounds familiar.

Race Realism Channel

31 Jul, 18:02

Debating race issues with leftists.

Race Realism Channel

25 Jul, 17:38

Indian immigrants in the United States oppose White nationalism in America but support Indian nationalism in India.

Note the poll's duplicitous framing: "White supremacy" (evil) versus "Hindu majoritarianism" (innocuous).

Race Realism Channel

24 Jul, 16:25

In the United States, half of legal immigrant households and three fifths of illegal immigrant households are on welfare.

Source: Center for Immigration Studies, December 2023

Race Realism Channel

23 Jul, 22:15

New genetic study on metropolitan Russians from Saint Petersburg, Samara, and Orenburg (n=4145).

"We show the presence of multiple admixed genetic ancestry clusters spanning from primarily European to Asian and high identity-by-descent sharing with the Finnish population. As a result, there was notable enrichment of Finnish-specific variants in Russia."

"We also identified a sub-group that has Central Asian origins. This subgroup exhibited the highest proportion of Asian haplotypes."

"Conclusively, the Russian population sampled in the large metro-areas represents a heterogeneous combination of individuals of admixed ancestries between European and Asian populations."