¡Descubre un nuevo mundo de posibilidades con Viajeros Multidimensionales! Este canal te invita a explorar diferentes dimensiones y expandir tu mente a través de viajes interdimensionales. Con contenidos fascinantes y experiencias únicas, encontrarás información sobre teorías cuánticas, universos paralelos, y mucho más. ¿Quiénes son los Viajeros Multidimensionales? Son un grupo de apasionados por la exploración de realidades alternativas y el entendimiento de la complejidad del universo. Acompáñalos en este viaje único y descubre los secretos que el multiverso tiene para ofrecerte. Únete a la conversación en su grupo de Telegram: https://t.me/viajerosmultidimensional ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de ser parte de esta comunidad de mente abierta y curiosa! ¿Estás listo para explorar lo desconocido con Viajeros Multidimensionales?
29 Nov, 13:57
28 Nov, 17:11
28 Nov, 09:33
28 Nov, 00:00
27 Nov, 23:53
The 432 Hz frequency is associated with spiritual properties that can help:
Balance the mind
Relax body and mind
Improve connection with nature Purify
and release negative emotions
Fine tune DNA
Release serotonin, dopamine and endorphins
Lower stress
The frequency 432 Hz is considered a frequency of nature, since it is said that planets, living beings and the entire universe vibrate at that frequency.
It is argued that the 432 Hz frequency is aligned with the natural vibrations of the universe and can therefore generate a feeling of harmony and connection with nature.
It is suggested that music tuned to 432 Hz can have positive effects on perception and emotions.
What is the best frequency to heal the body? Deep Healing 432Hz
The best frequency to Heal and Raise positive vibration.
Remember to Eat Healthily,
Do Physical Exercise,
Emotional Education,
Mental Strength.
27 Nov, 20:43
27 Nov, 17:11
27 Nov, 05:11
26 Nov, 17:11
26 Nov, 02:05
26 Nov, 02:04
25 Nov, 23:54
25 Nov, 20:13
25 Nov, 19:50
25 Nov, 19:50
25 Nov, 19:49
25 Nov, 19:49
25 Oct, 16:14
25 Oct, 05:11
24 Oct, 21:33
24 Oct, 12:16
24 Oct, 01:34
23 Oct, 22:27
23 Oct, 18:08
23 Oct, 18:08
23 Oct, 17:40
23 Oct, 17:38
23 Oct, 17:37
23 Oct, 17:18
23 Oct, 12:31
22 Oct, 15:56
22 Oct, 15:56
22 Oct, 15:51
20 Oct, 20:17
20 Oct, 20:16
20 Oct, 16:53
20 Oct, 15:00
20 Oct, 14:59
20 Oct, 14:55
The Book of Enoch and the Book of David are not considered canonical books within the Bible. These texts belong to what is known as apocryphal or pseudopygraphal literature, that is, writings that were added to the original biblical texts but were not included in the final canon of the Bible.
Why are they not included?
* Dubious authorship: The authorship of these books cannot be historically verified.
* Content: They often contain mythical elements, legends and teachings that do not agree with the rest of the Scriptures.
* Date: They were written long after the events narrated in the Bible and reflect the beliefs and concerns of the communities that produced them. The main books written by Jesus' disciples are found in the New Testament:
* The Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These books narrate the life, teachings and death of Jesus.
* Epistles: Letters written by apostles such as Paul, Peter, John and James to the first Christian communities.
* Acts of the Apostles: Narrates the first experiences of the Christian church after the ascension of Jesus.
Why only 17 more books? You are probably referring to the books of the Old Testament. These were written by various authors over many centuries and compile the history of Israel, its laws, prophecies and sacred stories. In summary:
* Canonical books: Those that were included in the Bible and are considered inspired by God.
* Apocryphal/pseudopigraphal books: Texts that are not part of the biblical canon and have a different historical and theological value.
20 Oct, 14:55