Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan @erasmus_uzb Channel on Telegram

Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan


Official channel of the National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan. The latest news and announcements of the Erasmus+ Programme.

🌐 Website:

Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan (English)

Are you a student or an academic professional interested in pursuing international opportunities in Uzbekistan? Look no further than the "Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan" Telegram channel! This channel serves as the official platform for the National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan, providing you with the latest news and announcements about the Erasmus+ Programme. Whether you're looking to participate in study exchanges, internships, or research collaborations, this channel has got you covered. Stay updated on upcoming events, scholarship opportunities, and success stories from past participants. Join the Erasmus+ community in Uzbekistan and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for international education and collaboration. Don't miss out on this valuable resource for expanding your horizons and enhancing your academic and professional skills. Visit the website for more information and start your Erasmus+ journey today!

Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan

02 May, 15:10

Join us in a new telegram channel!

We're glad to announce the launch of our brand new Telegram channel, @erasmus_uz! 🚀 This channel serves as the official telegram for the National Erasmus+ Office Uzbekistan, where we'll be sharing all the latest news and updates.

Stay connected with us for all the latest developments and important information. Follow @erasmus_uz now to stay tuned!

Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan

26 Apr, 12:01

СамИСИда олий таълим тизимини рақамлаштириш масалалари ўрганилди

Самарқанд иқтисодиёт ва сервис институтида “Олий таълим тизимини рақамлаштириш ва олий таълим муассасаларининг рақобатбардошлигини ошириш” мавзусида халқаро семинар бўлиб ўтди.


SamISIda oliy taʼlim tizimini raqamlashtirish masalalari oʻrganildi

Samarqand iqtisodiyot va servis institutida “Oliy taʼlim tizimini raqamlashtirish va oliy taʼlim muassasalarining raqobatbardoshligini oshirish” mavzusida xalqaro seminar boʻlib oʻtdi.

Batafsil: 👉


Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan

26 Apr, 04:11

📢 Yevropa Ittifoqi tomonidan moliyalashtiriladigan O‘zbekiston yoshlar yetakchilarining “Yoshlar yelkani” dasturida ishtirok etish uchun tanlovni uzaytiramiz!

👥 “Yoshlar yelkani” yoshlar yetakchilari, NNT (nodavlat, notijorat) va yoshlar tashkilotlarining yosh xodimlari, o‘qituvchilar va fuqarolik jamiyatining boshqa vakillari uchun uch bosqichli ikki yillik ta’lim dasturini o‘z ichiga oladi. Ayniqsa, ayollarning ishtiroki ma’qul. Dastur Germaniyada yozgi lager, onlayn kurs, amaliyot va treningni o'z ichiga oladi 🇩🇪


Ikkinchi tanlov - bu nima haqida?

Birinchisi - tanishuv va lager!

Ta’lim yozgi oromgohi Germaniyadan 50 nafar ishtirokchi va 5 nafar ekspertni 7 kunlik nazariy va amaliy mashg‘ulotlar bilan birlashtiradi.

🏨 Qayerda?

Boʻstonliq tumani, Tosh. mintaqa

🗓 Qachon?

2024 yil 17 avgustdan 25 avgustgacha.

Ariza shakli 👉🏻

2024-yil 30-aprelgacha murojaat qiling!

🇪🇺 Loyiha Yevropa Ittifoqining moliyaviy ko'magida amalga oshirilmoqda.

Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan

24 Apr, 07:32

The results of Erasmus+ CBHE project "HIEDTECH"

Javlonbek Rahmatullaev, Erasmus+ National team of Higher Education Reform Experts is presenting the results of "HIEDTECH: Modernization of Higher Education in Central Asia through New Technologies" in TAM seminar.

Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan

24 Apr, 06:36

TAM seminar with Prof. Ebba Ossiannilson

The TAM seminar is becoming more and more interesting. International expert Prof. Ebba Ossiannilson share their knowledge and experience.