Update Palestina is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing the latest news and updates on the situation in Palestine. Whether you are interested in political developments, humanitarian issues, or cultural events in the region, this channel will keep you informed. The channel is run by a team of passionate individuals who are committed to raising awareness about the Palestinian cause and sharing accurate information with their followers. With regular updates, analysis, and commentary, Update Palestina is a valuable resource for anyone looking to stay informed about the ongoing situation in Palestine. Join the channel today to stay updated and show your support for the people of Palestine.
29 Dec, 08:04
13 Oct, 04:39
13 Oct, 04:36
13 Oct, 04:34
12 Oct, 01:44
09 Oct, 09:00
05 Oct, 01:40
24 Sep, 07:05
12 Sep, 08:49
21 Aug, 06:03
31 Jul, 04:38
31 Jul, 04:01