🍂 Advice at the end of the Salafi Conference in Indonesia
🗓️ 4th August, 2024
🎓 Shaykh ‘Arafāt ibn Ḥasan:
“And I conclude this blessed and good gathering, and also conclude this knowledge-based conference in this institute and this mosque, which is the third Imām Al-Muzanī conference, with advice in which I remind myself and my brothers. I say: I remind you to fear Allāh, exalted be He, and to be mindful of Him both in private and in public. I remind you to strive in seeking knowledge. Strive and obtain this beneficial knowledge, study it well, and exert effort in acquiring it.
Once you have studied and exerted yourselves, it becomes an individual obligation upon each of you who has learned and studied to return to your homeland, to your city, to your village, and teach the people. Teach the people Tawḥīd, teach them the Sunnah. Read to them the texts from the Book and the Sunnah, teach them what benefits them in their religion and worldly matters, warn them against Shirk, warn them against major sins. Spread among them the best of manners, and embody these good manners yourselves so that people can follow your example in your manners, speech, actions, and dealings.
This Salafī da‘wah was established by men who worked hard, traveled, benefited, and authored, and thus it spread. People were influenced by them because of their truthfulness and sincerity.
For this reason, if you look at the many universities in the world: how many graduates have truly influenced people? Very few! Few have had an impact on others and benefited them. Where are the countless thousands of students? This is why: the successful is the one whom Allāh grants success, and success is in the Hand of Allāh. So increase your supplication in your prostration, in your solitude, and in the last third of the night that Allāh grants you success in what you say, whether in knowledge or otherwise, and in what you write and publish—that He guides and grants you success. For you may become self-amazed! Or something of showing-off (riyā') may enter you, and thus the disease afflicts you—and there are many diseases! This is my advice to the students of knowledge.
I also advise my brothers to be wise, to respect this Salafī da‘wah, to respect its scholars and its shaykhs, and not to involve themselves in every affair, not to involve themselves in matters they are not proficient in, and to strive diligently for unity.
One of the principles of Ahl al-Sunnah is unity and agreement, not division. From their foundations is agreement and avoidance of splitting.
The clearest and most prominent sign of the people of misguidance is splitting, so beware of this splitting! Extend your hands to everyone who extends their hand to this good, even if they are from the people of innovation—if you know that they have extended their hands in repentance and return (to the truth), then care for them and extend your hands to them.
Our da‘wah is a da‘wah of mercy, not a da‘wah of punishment! Our da‘wah is not one of [baseless] warning and alienating [others]! “Some of you are chasing the people away!”—as the Prophet (ﷺ) said about a man who prolonged the prayer and caused some people to leave because of that. A man complained to him, and he ﷺ became very angry and said, “Some of you are chasing the people away!”
I seek refuge with Allāh that my brothers are among those who chase the people away. May you never be of that type! Be among those who strive to gather upon the Qur’ān and the Sunnah and the way of the Salaf, with gentleness, kindness, and care. This is how our shaykhs taught us. For years, we have heard these words from them, so we strive to uphold them, apply them, and advise those who listen to us with these words. May Allāh grant success to everyone in doing what He loves and is pleased with. And may peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muḥammad.”
Source: https://t.me/Arafatbinhassan/11527
Translation by: Yāsīn ibn Jamāl