Trade Insight @tradeinsights1 Channel on Telegram

Trade Insight


true smart money concept

Trade Insight (English)

Are you looking to delve into the world of trading with confidence and intelligence? Look no further than 'Trade Insight'! This Telegram channel, with the username @tradeinsights1, is dedicated to providing its members with valuable insights and strategies to navigate the complex world of trading. With a focus on the 'true smart money concept', Trade Insight aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions in the market. Who is Trade Insight? Trade Insight is a channel created by a team of experienced traders and financial experts who have a deep understanding of the market dynamics. They are committed to sharing their expertise and insights with the community to help traders at all levels enhance their trading skills and achieve their financial goals. What is Trade Insight? Trade Insight is not just another trading channel. It is a hub of information, analysis, and discussions that revolve around the concept of 'true smart money'. By joining this channel, traders can gain access to real-time market updates, expert analysis, trading tips, and educational resources that can help them stay ahead of the curve. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics of trading or an experienced trader seeking advanced strategies, Trade Insight has something for everyone. Join 'Trade Insight' today and take your trading journey to the next level. Let the power of true smart money guide you towards success in the world of trading!

Trade Insight

01 Nov, 17:40

ለውድድሩ እንደቅደምሁነት የቀረበው የፓርትነር ሊንክ ቅየራ የትሬድ ኢንሳይት ተማሪዎች ብቻ የተለየ ቅድሚያ የሚያስጣቸው ሁነት ስለተመቻቸ በነበራችሁበት የዚሁ ቻናል ፓርትነር ሊንክ መቀጠል የምትችሉ መሆኑን ለማሳወቅ እንወዳለን። ይህ ሁነት ለTrade Insight ተማሪዎች ብቻ ተፈፃሚ የሚሆን ይሆናል።

Trade Insight

01 Nov, 17:38

ሰላም ቤተሰቦች እንዴት ናችሁ ፡

እነሆ በጉጉት ሲጠበቅ የነበረውና በቁስ እስከ 150 ሺህ ብር በዲፖዚት ደግሞ ከ200 ሺህ ብር በላይ የሚሆን ሽልማት የተዘጋጀለት የUltimate Netsa የሪል አካውንት ቻሌንጅ ምዝገባ ዛሬ ይጀምራል። ምዝገባው ለቀጣዮቹ ሁለት ቀናት የሚዘልቅ ሲሆን እሁድ ማታ ከምሽቱ 3፡00 ሲልም የሚጠናቀቅ ይሆናል። በውድድሩ ለመካፈል የምትፈልጉ ቤተሰቦች ሁሉ እድሉን እንድትጠቀሙ ስንል ለማስታወስ ወደድን። ከታች ባለው የጉግል ፎርም አማካኝነት ምዝገባችሁን ማድረግ የምትችሉ ይሆናል። ምዝገባው ከተጠናቀቀ በኋላ እሁድ ምሽት የውድድሩ ህግጋት እና ህገ ደንቦች እንዲሁም አጠቃላይ የውድድሩ አካሄዶች የሚለቀቁ ይሆናል። መልካም እድል ለሁላችሁም።

Trade Insight

31 Oct, 05:17

If you could give one piece of advice to a new trader, what would it be?

Trade Insight

30 Oct, 06:31



REQUIREMENT : 30 USD Real Account Deposit.
- Rules and Regulations will be announced prior to the start of the first trading date.


Are you all ready?! Show some love of you are...✌️

ET-Netsa Apps

Trade Insight

30 Oct, 06:14

JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Florida State's Chief Financial Officer endorses a ‘Strategic Bitcoin Reserve’.

"Bitcoin is often called “digital gold,” and it could help diversify the state’s portfolio and provide a secure hedge against the volatility of other major asset classes".

Trade Insight

30 Oct, 06:13

There is no second best #Bitcoin

Trade Insight

27 Oct, 15:51

Trade Insight

27 Oct, 13:16

Incredibly true, don't look the people who is talking about you… have a great Sunday!

Trade Insight

26 Oct, 15:34

We participated in the Cardano Summit program Trade Insight Future with you...📈😎

Trade Insight

26 Oct, 05:32

A change in behavior comes with more information:

If you don’t understand how sleep affects decision-making, you won’t put the same effort into adjusting sleeping habits.
If you don’t know much about nutrition, you won’t care much about your diet.
If you don't know much about psychology, you will misjudge its influence in trading.

You can only care as much as your level of knowledge allows.
If you truly want to change a pattern or create a new habit, don't only make efforts; engross yourself in new knowledge about what the change entails.

Motivation comes in big part from this knowledge.
have a blessed weekend.📈📈📈📈📈

Trade Insight

24 Oct, 03:10

You struggle for 5 years.
Then suddenly,
in just one month,
you achieve more than all those years combined
That's trading for you!

Trade Insight

23 Oct, 07:31

Losing traders believe that the market is manipulated and use it as an excuse.
Successful traders know the market is manipulated, and use it to their advantage.
Different mindsets.
have a blessed day fam❤️

Trade Insight

22 Oct, 15:01

As soon as you transition to the result-focused mindset, managing risk is no longer your priority; the priority becomes predicting.
Spot these signs as soon as you can and do something to revert to process driven trading.

Trade Insight

22 Oct, 10:14

Today’s post on “Leveraging Your Strong Competitive Nature in Trading.”
“Traders bring their competitive nature to the markets, thinking, “I will not give up; I will end the day in green.” But that doesn’t usually work as well as it did for Michael Jordan in the "Flu Game".
The markets don’t respond to willpower the way athletic performance does.
So, think in probability 🧠🧠

Trade Insight

21 Oct, 05:55

Good morning family👽❤️❤️
your real competition is not with other people it's
-your ego
-your procrastination
-lack of discipline
-your distractions
-your bad habits
-your self doubt
-your fear
-your greed
-your toxic family, friends and unhealthy food you consume memories you still hold on

Trade Insight

20 Oct, 15:33

ዘወትር እሁድ የማደርገውን አናሊስስ ብዙ ነገሮችን ግምት ውስጥ በማስገባት አጠናክሬ ያቀረብኩላችሁ ሲሆን የናንተን እይታም ኮሜንት ላይ ታስቀምጡልኝ ዘንድ በትህትና እጠይቃለሁ። በተረፈ አካውንታችሁን ጠብቁ🙏

Trade Insight

20 Oct, 06:57


HIGH RISK..........

In the world of trading, it's not how many times you win that matters. Because if you use a strategy that pays less than you risk, you will still lose money. But when they face losses, it's hard for them to make more money or rest than what they make when they make profits, Paul said. And that happens when you use the cool RISK:REWARD strategy. When you do that, you don't always have to WIN.

Remember, it doesn't mean that you are making a profit just because it gives you a great win or just because it has been shown repeatedly, it is only when you say that you get the profit and the price if you take the risk, it is more important to focus on a strategy that gives you a great RISK TO REWARD.

Maybe if you are new to trading and want to learn crypto and forex trading, we will be launching a 100% free MENTOR soon.

📈ምናልባት ለ ትሬዲንግ አዲስ ከሆናቹ እና አሪፍ የ ሆነ እውቀት :የሚሰጣችሁን የ ክሪብቶ እና ፎሬክስ ትሬዲንግ ለመማር ካሰባችሁ በቅርቡ የሚጀምር 100 % ነጻ የሆነ Mentor እንጀምራለን 💡

Trade Insight

18 Oct, 09:26

Absolutely! Discipline is the foundation of successful trading. Consistency and adherence to strategy often outweigh raw intelligence in this game.

Trade Insight

17 Oct, 15:32

Trading is a game of numbers, not feelings. Stick to your system and let the data guide your decisions. Emotions only cloud clarity.

Trade Insight

17 Oct, 04:48

JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Pro-Bitcoin presidential candidate Donald Trump's election odds rise to 17.5% against Kamala Harris, according to trading platform Polymarket.

Trump => Pump

Trade Insight

16 Oct, 13:20

🗳 19 Days left for #US Election.

💰 19 Days left for #Bitcoin to Make Big Move.

Election Results will impact the Market : 

Trump => Pump or else Dump 📉

Trade Insight

16 Oct, 12:20

remember every time when you trade crypto🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

Trade Insight

15 Oct, 11:38

JUST IN: 🇦🇪 UAE's Central Bank approves the launch of a AED stablecoin.


Trade Insight

15 Oct, 10:28

ቤተሰብ እንዴት ናችሁ? 8፡00 ሰአት ቲክቶክ ላይቭ እንገናኝ እና ሃሳብ እንለዋወጥ።

Trade Insight

15 Oct, 07:08

Missed trades happen to everyone. It's crucial to remember that opportunities will always come back around. Staying focused on your strategy and avoiding FOMO is the holy grail to profitability!

Only few will understand this but thats okay.

Trade Insight

15 Oct, 04:15

Trading is not a game of luck, it's a game of skill. Learn, practice, and refine your approach. Small wins add up.

Trade Insight

14 Oct, 14:31

Trading is a daily fight against:

- Ego
- Fear
- Greed
- Anger
- Self-doubt
- Impatience
- Indiscipline

Become a master of your emotions, not a slave.