The Communists @thecommunists Channel on Telegram

The Communists


News from Britain’s communists

The Communists (English)

Are you interested in staying informed about the latest news and updates from Britain's communists? Look no further than 'The Communists' Telegram channel, also known as @thecommunists. This channel is dedicated to providing a platform for like-minded individuals to come together and discuss important political issues from a communist perspective. Whether you are a seasoned activist or new to the world of communism, this channel has something for everyone.

'The Communists' Telegram channel is the go-to source for news, articles, and discussions on topics such as social justice, labor rights, and anti-capitalist movements. Stay updated on the latest events and protests happening in Britain and around the world, all from the comfort of your own device.

Who is it? 'The Communists' is a community of individuals who share a common belief in the principles of communism. They are passionate about bringing about social change and fighting for the rights of the working class.

What is it? The channel serves as a hub for news and information related to communism in Britain. It provides a space for members to engage in meaningful discussions and debates on important political topics.

Join 'The Communists' Telegram channel today and become part of a community that is dedicated to making a difference in the world. Stay informed, stay involved, and be a part of the change you want to see. Together, we can build a better future for all.

The Communists

23 Nov, 13:32

The Merseyside Pension Fund handles the pensions of many thousands of public-sector workers in the region and has been found to have significant investments in a company called NCH Capital.

Formed in 1993, NCH has made billions in profits from the privatisation of land in the former socialist countries of eastern Europe. Before the counter-revolutions of 1989-91, land in the USSR and socialist bloc countries was considered to be the property of the whole people – that was a clause in the Soviet constitution. The land was worked by collective farms, cooperatives and some small-scale farmers.

Following the counter-revolutions that destroyed the socialist systems, the land was sold off to companies like NCH Capital, which picked up the land at knock-down prices and profited massively thereby. One of their big targets was Ukraine, known as the ‘bread basket of Europe’ on account of its highly fertile soil. NCH Capital’s deals with the Kiev dictatorship led to its becoming one of the largest landowners in the country.

Such business deals enrich NCH capital and bring a huge return to investors – all on the back of robbing the Ukrainian people blind.

The Communists

23 Nov, 11:57

The Communists

22 Nov, 18:09

As the US-led imperialist camp wages a ruthless all-out war against the Russian Federation via its Ukrainian proxies, anti-imperialist Russia is resuscitating many bonds of anti-colonial assistance and fraternal cooperation with oppressed and socialist countries that were built during the socialist period of the USSR.

This has put today’s Russia, along with the People’s Republic of China, at the heart of the worldwide struggle to finally bring an end to the era of imperialist plunder and domination.

The Communists

20 Nov, 22:51

The Communists

20 Nov, 16:01

A new Arab proverb has been coined after the release of drone footage showing Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar’s last stand: Sinwar’s stick – symbolising resilience and determination against impossible odds.

The Communists

20 Nov, 11:07

Message to Kenyan communists: Our struggle is one!

The unfinished liberation struggle in Kenya has led to the outward semblance of independence without any real sovereignty.

"While the Kenyan people achieved a great victory in the national-liberation struggle of the 1950s, ejecting the British overlords and their settler-colonial regime at the point of a gun, the intervention of US imperialism kept Kenya in financial subjection as a ‘sphere of influence’ for the colonial looters. White faces in the government offices were replaced with black ones, British exploiters took second place to American ones, but the essential colonial relationship was reinforced rather than being dismantled and the fruits of their liberation struggle were denied to the Kenyan masses."

Read the full article here:

The Communists

20 Nov, 10:55

The Communists

20 Nov, 08:05

The Communists

20 Nov, 08:04

The Communists

19 Nov, 12:48

We see on our social media feeds the sacrifices that Kenya’s people are now making in their efforts to bring down the comprador regime of William Ruto and the leading role that the Communist Party of Kenya is playing in trying to bring discipline and direction to that movement. And we take this opportunity to ask ourselves: what is it that makes the communists the best friends of the people?

The Communists

16 Nov, 15:24

The image below shows protestors in South Africa in support of dockworkers who refused to unload an Israeli ship.

Delegates in Dakar this month endorsed the Platform’s call for mass action around the world to disrupt the flow of arms and other materials that feed the imperialist war machine and keep the genocidal zionist entity functioning.

The Communists

15 Nov, 15:45

The British ruling class wants to set up ‘special economic zones’ in which taxes are lowered, regulations torn up, and the cost of labour-power (wages) is drastically lowered.

Keir Starmer calls this investment and hopes his union pals will destroy all opposition.

The Communists

15 Nov, 11:09

The Communists

15 Nov, 07:55

The Communists

13 Nov, 19:30

The Communists

12 Nov, 22:43

Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada correctly explains the myth of denazification and imperialism's use of Nazi personnel and tactics in the wake of the monumentally destructive second world war.

Zionism's compatibility and collaboration with Nazism is also outlined alongside the support that Germany has always given to the genocidal Israeli project.

He also points out that imperialism's use of similar policies in the colonies and against the working peoples of the world began before the period of German fascism and continues up to this day, when it is exemplified by support for the zionist attempt to destroy the people of Palestine.

"The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah was issued with a legal order by the German government banning him from giving this speech via Zoom to the Palestine Conference in Exile, organised by supporters of Palestinian rights in Germany on 25-26 July 2024. The order threatened Abunimah with fines and up to one year in prison for participating in the conference. He did so anyway."

Reproduced here to inform, with thanks

The Communists

11 Nov, 15:41

One of the most shocking aspects of the Uhuru 3 trial has been the open admission by US authorities that truth can legally be classed as ‘disinformation’ if it harms US imperialist interests.

The Communists

09 Nov, 09:30

Why do wealthy donors spend so much on US elections? Because they have a lot of success investing in politicians.

The Communists

08 Nov, 16:49

The Communists

08 Nov, 14:35

Comrade Joti Brar, vice chair of the CPGB-ML, speaks on RT about the 2024 US presidential elections as Donald Trump wins re-election. The US is an oligarchy, not a democracy. Regardless of the puppet at the helm, imperialism will continue to plunder and exploit the world. However, as the impending victory of Russia and the Donbass people's republics over Ukraine (read: Nato) becomes clear, Trump could provide a useful way of pulling out of the war.

The Communists

07 Nov, 12:17

Housing shortage in the midst of plenty!

This article, written in 2018, proves the inability of a May or a Starmer to solve the housing problem within the confines of capitalism.

As the bourgois state's propaganda service, the BBC, asks "Why are we building homes when so many are standing empty?", only communists armed with scientific socialism can see the 'why' and more importantly 'what is to be done'!

The Communists

06 Nov, 14:36

From the September issue of Lalkar: information you don't get in the corporate media about the mass involvement of US jews in the Palestine solidarity movement. And a timely reminder of one of the reasons for the deep unpopularity of the Biden-Harris Democrats.

The Communists

05 Nov, 19:34

No wonder weapon can solve the basic problem of Ukraine’s dwindling military.

With as many as one million Ukrainian men thought to have been killed and twice as many wounded, the imperialists are running out of manpower to send to the front.

Hence the renewed call from hardliners to change the basis of female mobilisation from a voluntarily to a conscription basis.

Kiev simply doesn’t have the 500,000 new soldiers it needs to replenish combat losses and rotate exhausted units away from the front.

The Communists

04 Nov, 13:28

Podcast #45 – On the 20th Anniversary of the CPGB-ML and the Current Situation in Britain

We talked with Ella Rule, chair of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist – Leninist), about the current political situation in Britain after the general election, the party’s work in the Palestine movement, and the repression against them. Additionally, we learned about the party’s development, their origins, challenges, and achievements.

The Communists

02 Nov, 13:43

The Communists

01 Nov, 17:23

Imperialism, as Lenin explained over a century ago, can only pursue domination and the subjugation of other nations.

The USA and its allies do not, and cannot, deal with other nations on the basis of mutual respect; their ruling classes seek only to gain domination over as many markets, natural resources and sources of labour as possible.

The Communists

31 Oct, 19:12

How do so many on the self-identifying ‘left’ get it so wrong when it comes to the middle-eastern Axis of Resistance?

We would do well to remember the words of Josef Stalin a century ago: ‘The struggle that the Emir of Afghanistan is waging for the independence of Afghanistan is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the monarchist views of the Emir and his associates, for it weakens, disintegrates and undermines imperialism.’

The Communists

30 Oct, 17:15

Like our own party, the Pole de Renaissance was founded 20 years ago, in conditions that seemed far from propitious for its vital work.

Today, both our organisations stand poised for growth, having established firm theoretical foundations by keeping the flame of revolutionary Marxism burning at a time when all but a very few had abandoned it.

The Communists

28 Oct, 18:10

Come and join us on Saturday 9th November to celebrate the 107th anniversary of the great October Revolution.

The event will start at 5pm at Saklatvala Hall, 22 Dominion Road, UB2 5AA.

The Communists

28 Oct, 17:54

This text was presented by our party to the World Anti-imperialist Platform’s international conference in Dakar this weekend. Translations in French and Spanish will be available shortly.

As all those who have seriously threatened British ruling-class interests over the last 80 years could attest: the ‘great British democracy’ in which most of us presumed we were living was always a sham.

Free speech and the right to protest have been allowed only so long as no one was listening and no action looked likely to result.

A ‘fair trial’ has been permitted only by the grace of the authorities, and due process has been entirely dependent on how the state viewed the ‘crime’ in question.

The Communists

28 Oct, 12:00

The Communists

26 Oct, 19:23

You can now listen to the vital pamphlet 'Britain’s Perfidious Labour Party':



And of course you can purchase the book itself at:

The Communists

21 Oct, 16:15

Much noise has been made in western media about stolen elections and unpopular, dictatorial leaders in Venezuela, but the truth is that broad swathes of the masses are fully engaged with the anti-imperialist and revolutionary process taking place under the leadership of the Chavista government, and their future prospects are looking rosier by the day as the imperialists’ genocidal sanctions are steadily defeated.

The Communists

21 Oct, 10:26

The Communists

19 Oct, 13:00

Please join us in central London on 2 November 2024 for a national demonstration for Palestine.

The Communists

18 Oct, 22:48

The Communists

16 Oct, 22:04

Joti speaks to Comrade Nick at Revolutionary Blackout Network.

On capitalism, socialism and human nature. On Marxism and revolutionary optimism.

On the British Labour Party and its totally imperialist and anti working class essence.

On Starmer’s Labour Party and its moves towards creating a police state to attack and suppress the Palestine Solidarity Movement, in defence of Zionism and British imperialism.

Watch the whole:

The Communists

16 Oct, 12:35

Labour means austerity, racism, repression and war.
So where are the trade unions?

Instead of celebrating the replacement of Tories with Labour overseers of austerity and war, a trade union movement worthy of the name would be organising mass movements of workers to sabotage the war effort abroad and to defend the lives and livelihoods of workers at home.

The Communists

15 Oct, 09:52

We are British, but above all else we are the proletarians, we are working-class, and we must fashion British values that support the fight for our emancipation, for a democracy that serves our interests, and for the right of our fellow workers across the world to do the same.

The Communists

14 Oct, 15:08

Comrade Joti Brar is here interviewed by Russian Marxist journalist Katerina Kirbireva, introducing our party and its politics to a Russian (and world) audience. They touch on a wide range of questions of imperialism, anti-imperialism and socialism in today’s world.

Joti introduces the World Anti-imperialist Platform, and also explains our party’s aims, talking about how and why the lives of British workers are getting worse every year in this time of deep and deepening capitalist overproduction crisis.

The Communists

13 Oct, 15:39

The Communists

11 Oct, 18:21

Download and read our latest party paper as a pdf.

The Communists

11 Oct, 14:51

The Communists

10 Oct, 08:30

Without a clear internationalist standpoint, even communities that have struggled against imperialism can be turned into dupes of the system and against one another.

The Communists

09 Oct, 08:30

It is a telling indication of the gulf that separates trade union head offices and trade union members that the NEU leadership considers the participation in the new Labour-dominated parliament by 13 former NEU members as something to be celebrated.

And this even as Keir Starmer’s new Labour regime has made crystal clear that its priorities are repression, austerity and war in the interests of finance capital, spelling out in no uncertain terms that any election promise that clashes with these priorities will be unceremoniously ditched.

The Communists

08 Oct, 17:00

To turn this rightly revered painting, one of the treasures of humanity, into a mockery of itself, celebrating not universal human themes but a fringe sexual fetish, all apparently in order to make some kind of ‘clever’ postmodern joke, reveals nothing so much as the vast gulf that separates the lives of the imperialist elites and their mandarins from the those of the rest of suffering humanity.

The Communists

08 Oct, 06:51

The Communists

07 Oct, 14:02

From the September issue of Lalkar by Comrade Ella Rule:

The Kenyan masses are groaning under the weight of imperialist superexploitation. Meanwhile, the debt trap ensures that imperialist institutions have control over the country’s fiscal and foreign policies.

Kenya’s government is in effect no more than a rubber-stamp for the interests of the USA and Britain. Hence President William Ruto’s full backing for Nato’s war in Ukraine, for the zionist genocide in Gaza and for US imperialism’s suppression of the uprising in Haiti.

The Communists

07 Oct, 08:56

Date change: the book launch for our new pamphlet on Trotskyism has changed. The new date is 30 November. Apologies for the inconvenience, we understand some comrades may need to amend their travel plans. Thank you.

The Communists

06 Oct, 09:34