Formed in 1993, NCH has made billions in profits from the privatisation of land in the former socialist countries of eastern Europe. Before the counter-revolutions of 1989-91, land in the USSR and socialist bloc countries was considered to be the property of the whole people – that was a clause in the Soviet constitution. The land was worked by collective farms, cooperatives and some small-scale farmers.
Following the counter-revolutions that destroyed the socialist systems, the land was sold off to companies like NCH Capital, which picked up the land at knock-down prices and profited massively thereby. One of their big targets was Ukraine, known as the ‘bread basket of Europe’ on account of its highly fertile soil. NCH Capital’s deals with the Kiev dictatorship led to its becoming one of the largest landowners in the country.
Such business deals enrich NCH capital and bring a huge return to investors – all on the back of robbing the Ukrainian people blind.