IUT Student Affairs @studentsinha Channel on Telegram

IUT Student Affairs


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IUT Student Affairs (English)

Are you a student at the Inha University in Tashkent (IUT)? If so, we have great news for you! Introducing the official Telegram channel for IUT Student Affairs, where you can find all the information and resources you need to make your academic journey a success. Whether you have questions about admission procedures, course registration, scholarships, or student services, this channel is your go-to source for reliable and up-to-date information. Stay connected with your fellow classmates, get updates on campus events, and access helpful tips and advice to enhance your university experience. The Student Affairs team at IUT is here to support you every step of the way, so don't hesitate to reach out with any inquiries or requests. For any assistance, you can contact us at [email protected] 😊 Join our channel today and be part of the vibrant community of IUT students striving for excellence!

IUT Student Affairs

22 Nov, 08:09

Aziza Abdurakhimova is a recent graduate of Inha University in Tashkent and a prominent developer who holds the position of official ambassador for "Women TechMakers" program. Her contributions to the technology industry have garnered significant attention.

As one of the founding members of the "Microsoft Developer Community in Uzbekistan", Aziza Abdurakhimova has set herself the goal of removing gender barriers in the field of technology and creating a project based on artificial intelligence to assess individuals' mental health.

See the link for more information about the interview - Kun.uz - https://kun.uz/en/news/2024/11/13/uzbek-developer-aziza-abdurakhimova-overcoming-stereotypes-and-promoting-mental-health-through-technology

Aziza Abdurahimova Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetining yaqinda bitirgan bitiruvchisi va taniqli dasturchi, "Women TechMakers" dasturining rasmiy elchisi lavozimida ishlaydi. Uning texnologiya sohasiga qo‘shgan hissasi katta e’tiborni tortdi.

"O‘zbekistondagi Microsoft Developer Community"ning asoschilari safida bo‘lgan Aziza Abdurahimova texnologiya sohasidagi gender to‘siqlarni bartaraf etishni va insonlarning ruhiy salomatligini baholash uchun sun’iy intellektga asoslangan loyiha yaratishni o‘z oldiga maqsad qilib qo‘ygan.

Suhbat haqida quyidagi havolada batafsil o‘qing - https://kun.uz/en/news/2024/11/13/uzbek-developer-aziza-abdurakhimova-overcoming-stereotypes-and-promoting-mental-health-through-technology

Азиза Абдурахимова, выпускница Университета Инха в Ташкенте, влиятельный разработчик и официальный посол программы Google «Женщины-технологи», производит фурор в технологической индустрии.

Будучи одним из основателей «Сообщества разработчиков Microsoft в Узбекистане», Азиза Абдурахимова ставит перед собой задачу сломать гендерные барьеры в мире технологий и разработать проект на основе искусственного интеллекта для оценки психического здоровья людей.

Читайте подробнее по ссылке - https://kun.uz/en/news/2024/11/13/uzbek-developer-aziza-abdurakhimova-overcoming-stereotypes-and-promoting-mental-health-through-technology

IUT Student Affairs

21 Nov, 12:57

🔥 Join us for DesCom Talks — where creativity sparks ideas, and inspiration becomes reality!

💡Get ready for inspiring lectures from experts, engaging activities, lively discussions, and exciting prizes. It’s the perfect opportunity to fuel your imagination and connect with the design community!

📅 November 28
📍 Inha University in Tashkent, B304

Free entry.
👉 Register now: https://forms.gle/iyJKYJvK1SieYqWU6

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IUT Student Affairs

21 Nov, 11:27

🎓 YPIP Event: New Opportunities for Students!

On November 21, an event dedicated to the YPIP program was held at our university.

During the meeting, Sardorbek Ahmedov and Navfalbek Mahfuzullaev provided detailed information about the participation requirements, collaboration opportunities, and benefits of the program. This event was an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their professional skills and explore future career prospects.

👏 We wish the students who supported and actively participated in the program the best of luck!

🎓 YPIP Tadbir: Talabalar uchun yangi imkoniyatlar!

21-noyabr kuni universitetimizda YPIP dasturi bo‘yicha tadbir bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Uchrashuvda Sardorbek Ahmedov va Navfalbek Mahfuzullaev tomonidan ishtirok etish shartlari, hamkorlik imkoniyatlari va dastur afzalliklari haqida batafsil malumotlar berildi. Bu talabalar uchun o‘z kasbiy ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirish va kelajakdagi martaba imkoniyatlarini bilib olish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat bo‘ldi.

👏 Dasturni qo‘llab-quvvatlagan va unda faol ishtirok etgan talabalarga omad tilab qolamiz!

🎓 Мероприятие YPIP: новые возможности для студентов!

21 ноября в нашем университете состоялось мероприятие, посвященное программе YPIP.

Во время встречи Сардорбек Ахмедов и Навфалбек Махфузуллаев подробно рассказали об условиях участия, возможностях сотрудничества и преимуществах программы. Это было отличной возможностью для студентов улучшить свои профессиональные навыки и узнать больше о карьерных перспективах.

👏 Желаем успехов студентам, которые поддержали и активно участвовали в программе!

IUT Student Affairs

20 Nov, 15:49

The “Zakovat” tournament was held at IUT

On November 20, the 1st stage tournament of the intellectual game "Zakovat" was held at Inha University in Tashkent. 17 teams of 6 members participated in this tournament.

Students actively took part and answered the most complicated questions. We mention that “Zakovat” is an intellectual game with a 20-year history. During the game, the teams will be asked the same question at the same time, and teams will have to answer questions within a certain time.

We wish good luck to the teams in the next games!

TShIUda “Zakovat” turniri bo‘lib o‘tdi

🔹20-noyabr uni Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida “Zakovat” intellektual o‘yinining 1-bosqich turniri bo‘lib o‘tdi. Ushbu turnirda 6 kishidan iborat bo'lgan 17 ta jamoa ishtirok etdi.

O'yinda talabalar faol ishtirok etib, eng qiyin savollarga javob topishdi. Eslatib o'tamiz, “Zakovat” – 20 yillik tarixga ega bo'lgan intellektual o'yindir. “Zakovat” o‘yini davomida jamoalarga bir paytni o'zida bir xil savol beriladi, jamoalar o‘z javoblarini berilgan vaqt davomida savollarga javob berishlari lozim bo‘ladi.

Keyingi o'yinlarda jamoalarga omad tilab qolamiz!

В УИТ прошел турнир «Заковат»

🔹20 ноября в Университете Инха в Ташкенте состоялся Il этап турнира интеллектуальной игры «Заковат». В этом турнире приняли участие 17 команд по 6 человек.

Студенты активно участвовали и решали самые сложные вопросы. Напомним, «Zakovat» - интеллектуальная игра с 20-летней историей. Во время игры командам будет задаваться один и тот же вопрос в одно и то же время, и команды должны будут отвечать на вопросы в течение определенного времени.

Желаем удачи командам в следующих играх!

IUT Student Affairs

20 Nov, 15:00

A student of Inha University in Tashkent is participating in an international exchange program in China.

Davlatmirzaev Azizbek, a student of Inha University, is taking part in the "Short-term International Exchange Program" from November 13th to 28th at the Chinese Industrial Polytechnic College in Zhejiang.

During the program, participants will learn about Chinese history, culture, and lifestyle, as well as interact with local students to exchange ideas and experiences.

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti talabasi Xitoydagi xalqaro almashinuv dasturida ishtirok etmoqda

13-28-noyabr kunlari Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti talabasi Davlatmirzayev Azizbek Xitoyning Chjetszyan sanoat politexnika kollejida o‘tkazilayotgan "Qisqa muddatli xalqaro almashinuv dasturi"da ishtirok etmoqda.

Dastur doirasida talabalar Xitoy tarixi, madaniyati va hayoti haqida bilib olishadi, shuningdek, mahalliy talabalar bilan muloqot qilish va tajriba almashish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘ladilar.

Студент Университета Инха в Ташкенте участвует в программе международного обмена в Китае

с 13 по 28 ноября студент Университета Инха в Ташкенте Давлатмирзаев Азизбек принимает участие в «Краткосрочной программе международного обмена», которая проходит в Китайском промышленном политехническом колледже Чжэцзян.

В рамках программы студенты узнают об истории, культуре и жизни Китая, а также получат возможность пообщаться с местными студентами и обменяться опытом.

IUT Student Affairs

20 Nov, 12:17

🏐On November 20th, students of Inha University in Tashkent actively participated in the volleyball competition as part of the "Besh Tashabbus Olympiad." During the tournament, the Inha team showed excellent results, defeating universities such as BMU and the Academy of Labor with a score of 2:0. We are proud of their achievements and wish them continued success in future games!

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti talabalari joriy yilning 20-noyabr kuni “Besh tashabbus olimpiadasi” doirasida volleybol sport turida faol ishtirok etishdi. Musobaqalar davomida Inha jamoasi ajoyib natijalar ko'rsatib, BMTU va Mehnat akademiyasi kabi universitetlarni 2:0 hisobida mag'lub etdi. Biz ularning yutuqlari bilan faxrlanamiz va kelgusi o'yinlarda muvaffaqiyatlar tilaymiz!