IUT Student Affairs @studentsinha Channel on Telegram

IUT Student Affairs


For any request, please contact: [email protected] 😊

IUT Student Affairs (English)

Are you a student at the Inha University in Tashkent (IUT)? If so, we have great news for you! Introducing the official Telegram channel for IUT Student Affairs, where you can find all the information and resources you need to make your academic journey a success. Whether you have questions about admission procedures, course registration, scholarships, or student services, this channel is your go-to source for reliable and up-to-date information. Stay connected with your fellow classmates, get updates on campus events, and access helpful tips and advice to enhance your university experience. The Student Affairs team at IUT is here to support you every step of the way, so don't hesitate to reach out with any inquiries or requests. For any assistance, you can contact us at [email protected] 😊 Join our channel today and be part of the vibrant community of IUT students striving for excellence!

IUT Student Affairs

14 Feb, 17:02


TSHIUda #Do‘ppiChellenj !

Do‘ppi kiyib, milliylikni his qiling!

Universitetimizda Milliy liboslar kuni munosabati bilan #Do‘ppiChellenj e’lon qilingan edi! Ushbu challenjga bag'ishlangan maxsus videorolikdan bahramand bo'ling.

Ushbu milliylik tomon harakatimizda siz ham ishtirok etib, milliy qadriyatlarimizni namoyon qiling va o‘zbekona uslubingiz bilan ajralib turing.

Milliy merosimizni birgalikda ulug‘laylik

Telegram | Instagram

IUT Student Affairs

14 Feb, 08:14

On February 14, Inha University in Tashkent organized an event dedicated to the 542nd anniversary of the great poet and statesman Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur.

Students and staff of the university gathered to honor his legacy, enjoy his melodious ghazals and get into the spirit of his poetry. The atmosphere of the event was complemented by videos and musical numbers prepared by talented students.

At the end of the event, the active students were awarded with gifts.

14 fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida buyuk shoir va davlat arbobi Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur tavalludining 542 yilligiga bag‘ishlangan tadbir bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Universitet talabalari va xodimlari uning merosiga hurmat ko‘rsatish, ohangdor g‘azallaridan zavqlanish va she’riyati ruhidan bahramand bo‘lish uchun yig‘ilishdi. Iqtidorli talabalar tomonidan tayyorlangan videoroliklar va musiqiy chiqishlar tadbirga yanada fayz bag‘ishladi.

Tadbir yakunida faol talabalar sovg‘alar bilan taqdirlandi.

14 февраля в Университете Инха в Ташкенте состоялось мероприятие, посвященное 542-летию великого поэта и государственного деятеля Захириддин Мухаммад Бабура.

Студенты и сотрудники университета собрались, чтобы почтить его наследие, насладиться мелодичными газелями и проникнуться духом его поэзии. Атмосферу мероприятия дополнили видеоролики и музыкальные номера, подготовленные талантливыми студентами.

В завершение мероприятия активные студенты были награждены подарками.

IUT Student Affairs

14 Feb, 06:17

Meet the first trip of 2025 by IUT TripTeam! 💙

We are glad to invite you to a trip to ethereal Zaamin National Park.
Let's get out of city's polluted air and take a breath of a pure and fresh air with breathtaking views of nature together! 🏔

Register through the link and join us on February 22 to this refreshing trip.


Photos of Zaamin

Any questions?

IUT Student Affairs

14 Feb, 04:08

Today marks the 542nd anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur!

Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur is one of the outstanding personalities who left an unfading mark on world history, known throughout the world as a great poet, encyclopedic scientist, statesman and talented commander. His invaluable scientific and creative heritage occupies a special place not only in the formation of the national culture, literary and aesthetic thinking of our people but also in the history of world literature, science and statehood.

Bugun Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur tavalludining 542 yilligi nishonlanmoqda!

Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur jahon tarixida o‘chmas iz qoldirgan, buyuk shoir, qomusiy olim, davlat arbobi, iste’dodli sarkarda sifatida butun dunyoga tanilgan buyuk shaxslardan biridir. Uning bebaho ilmiy-ijodiy merosi nafaqat xalqimiz milliy madaniyati va adabiy-estetik tafakkurini shakllantirishda, balki jahon adabiyoti, fan va davlatchilik tarixida ham alohida o‘rin tutadi.

Сегодня со Дня Рождения Захириддина Мухаммада Бабура исполняется 542 года.

Захириддин Мухаммад Бабур является одной из выдающихся личностей, оставивших немеркнущий след в мировой истории, известен всему миру как великий поэт, ученый-энциклопедист, государственный деятель и талантливый полководец. Его бесценное научное и творческое наследие занимает особое место не только в формировании национальной культуры и литературно-эстетического мышления нашего народа, но и в истории мировой литературы, науки и государственности.

IUT Student Affairs

13 Feb, 10:01

🏓 Ping Pong Club at INHA – Let’s Smash It! 🏓

Tired of endless studying? Need a break that’s actually fun? Grab a paddle and join INHA’s Ping Pong Club – where the rallies are fast, the smashes are powerful, and the fun never stops!

🔥 Why join?
Unleash your inner champion (or just learn how to hit the ball!)
Chill matches, epic tournaments, and bragging rights
The best way to de-stress between classes
Meet awesome people who love table tennis as much as you do
No experience needed—just bring good vibes!

We’re here to serve, smash, and repeat—are you in?

Join our group:https://t.me/pingpongatIUT

IUT Student Affairs

13 Feb, 06:42

💡On February 13 of this year, as part of “Student Safety Day” at Inha University in Tashkent, the event “Tig’” was organized.

📌During the event, Senior Prevention Inspector Lieutenant Khalikova A.D. and the university team “Qalqon” conducted preventive work on the prohibition and control of bringing prohibited items onto the university premises. Students were given essential instructions on restricting the carrying of items that could pose a threat to their life and health.

💡Joriy yilning 13-fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi INHA Universitetida “Talabalar xavfsizligi kuni” doirasida “Tig’” tadbiri tashkil etildi.

📌Tadbir davomida profilaktika bo‘yicha katta inspektor leytenant Xalikova A.D. va universitetning “Qalqon” jamoasi taqiqlangan buyumlarning o‘quv muassasasi hududiga olib kirilishini nazorat qilish va oldini olish bo‘yicha profilaktik ishlar olib bordi. Talabalarga hayoti va sog‘lig‘iga tahdid solishi mumkin bo‘lgan buyumlarni olib yurishni cheklash bo‘yicha zarur ko‘rsatmalar berildi.

💡13 февраля этого года в Университете ИНХА в Ташкенте, в рамках дня «Студенческая безопасность» было организовано мероприятие «Tig’»

📌В рамках данного мероприятия старший инспектор профилактики лейтенант Халикова А.Д. и команда университета «Qalqon» провели профилактическую работу по запрету и контролю за вносом запрещенных предметов на территорию учебного заведения. В ходе мероприятия студентам были даны необходимые инструкции по ограничению ношения предметов, представляющих угрозу их жизни и здоровью.

IUT Student Affairs

13 Feb, 05:56

🚀 Join an Exclusive Talk with an individual thinker and impact-driven entrepreneur, Khadija Khartit! 🎤

Are you ready to ignite your entrepreneurial mind or take your startup to the next level? Don’t miss this insights-packed online session with Khadija Khartit, Founder of Sohaara, Professor of Entrepreneurship & Fintech at Cornell & Brandeis, and a global thinker on startup design and strategy.

🔹 Topic: Startup Management – From Idea to Execution
🔹 What You’ll Learn:
How to set your mind right to design. build, and scale a startup effectively
Key strategies for funding, fundraising, and growth.
Mistakes to avoid or learn from, as a founder
Insider hands- on insights and experience from an entrepreneur operating globally

📅 Date: 14.02
🕒 Time: 20:00
📍 Where: Online (LINK)

Connect. Get inspired. Grow.

📌 Register here: CLICK

IUT Student Affairs

12 Feb, 15:39

Debate Club is back at INHA! 🎙️

Want to sharpen your critical thinking, improve your persuasion skills, and express your ideas with confidence? Great news – the Debate Club at INHA is making a comeback!

📢 What to expect?
•Engaging discussions on relevant topics
• Developing argumentation and public speaking skills
• Intellectual debates and friendly conversations
• Meeting like-minded people
• Debates between universities.

No prior experience needed – just curiosity and a passion for discussion!

🔜 Stay tuned for the first meeting announcement. Join us and be part of the new debate era at INHA!
our group: https://t.me/iutdebates

IUT Student Affairs

10 Feb, 08:22

Bobur Abdullayev was confirmed as Rector of Inha University in Tashkent

Bobur Abdullayev graduated from the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi. Prior to his position as Rector, he held key positions at the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the UZINFOCOM Center. In addition, he was one of the initiators of the establishment of the Amity University branch in Tashkent and successfully led its activities.

The appointment of Bobur Abdullayev as the rector of Inha University in Tashkent confirms his high professionalism and significant contribution to the development of digital technologies and education in Uzbekistan.

Bobur Abdullayev Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti rektori etib tayinlandi

Bobur Abdullayev Muhammad al-Xorazmiy nomidagi Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universitetini tamomlagan. Rektor etib tayinlangunga qadar O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi va UZINFOCOM markazida mas’ul lavozimlarda ishlagan. Bundan tashqari, u Toshkentda Amiti universiteti filialini tashkil etish tashabbuskorlaridan biri bo‘lgan va uning faoliyatini muvaffaqiyatli boshqargan.

Bobur Abdullayevning Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti rektori etib tayinlanishi uning yuqori professionalligi hamda O‘zbekistonda raqamli texnologiyalar va ta’lim sohasini rivojlantirishga qo‘shgan salmoqli hissasini tasdiqlaydi.

Бобур Абдуллаев назначен ректором Университета Инха в Ташкенте

Бобур Абдуллаев окончил Ташкентский университет информационных технологий имени Мухаммада ал-Хоразмий. До назначения на пост ректора он занимал ключевые должности в Министерстве цифровых технологий Республики Узбекистан и Центре UZINFOCOM. Кроме того, он был одним из инициаторов создания филиала Университета Амити в Ташкенте и успешно руководил его деятельностью.

Назначение Бобура Абдуллаева ректором Университета Инха в Ташкенте подтверждает его высокий профессионализм и значительный вклад в развитие сферы цифровых технологий и образования в Узбекистане.

IUT Student Affairs

10 Feb, 07:55

🏐Friendly Volleyball Match Between Universities! 🏐

💡On February 8–9, a friendly volleyball match took place among students from Inha, TIUT,Ajou, Turin, and BMU universities. The tournament was a great opportunity not only to showcase sports skills but also to strengthen friendly ties between students from different institutions.

Each participant demonstrated a high level of play, team spirit, and determination to win! We sincerely thank all the athletes for their participation and for the exciting moments on the court. ⛹🏻👏

We look forward to new matches and victories! 🏆

🏐Oliy o‘quv yurtlari o‘rtasida do‘stona voleybol uchrashuvi! 🏐

💡8–9 fevral kunlari Inha, TATU, Adju, Turin va BMU universitetlari talabalari o‘rtasida do‘stona voleybol uchrashuvi bo‘lib o‘tdi. Ushbu turnir nafaqat sport mahoratini namoyish etish, balki turli oliy ta’lim muassasalari o‘rtasidagi do‘stona aloqalarni mustahkamlash uchun ham ajoyib imkoniyat bo‘ldi.

Har bir ishtirokchi o‘zining yuqori darajadagi o‘yini, jamoaviy ruhi va g‘alabaga bo‘lgan intilishini ko‘rsatdi! Barcha sportchilarga ishtirok etgani va maydondagi yorqin lahzalari uchun minnatdorchilik bildiramiz. ⛹🏻👏

Yangi uchrashuvlar va g‘alabalarni intiqlik bilan kutamiz! 🏆

🏐Дружеская встреча по волейболу между университетами! 🏐

💡8–9 февраля состоялась дружеская встреча по волейболу между студентами университетов Инха, ТУИТ, Аджу, Турин и БМУ. Турнир стал отличной возможностью не только продемонстрировать спортивное мастерство, но и укрепить дружеские связи между учащимися разных вузов.

Каждый участник показал высокий уровень игры, командный дух и стремление к победе! Благодарим всех спортсменов за участие и яркие моменты на площадке. ⛹🏻👏

Ждём новых встреч и побед! 🏆

IUT Student Affairs

09 Feb, 08:37

Today is the birthday of Nizomiddin Mir Alisher Navoiy

The great Uzbek poet, philosopher, and statesman was born on February 9, 1441, in the city of Herat. This year marks the 584th anniversary of the birth of our great ancestor.

Alisher Navoi made an incomparable contribution to culture and literature with his rich spiritual heritage, great works, rare divans, unique ghazals and epics.

Bugun Nizomiddin Mir Alisher Navoiy tavallud topgan kun

Buyuk o‘zbek shoiri, mutafakkiri va davlat arbobi 1441 yil 9 fevralda Hirot shahrida tug‘ilgan. Bu yil ulug‘ bobomiz tavalludining 584-yilligi keng nishonlanmoqda.

Alisher Navoiy o‘zining boy ma’naviy merosi, buyuk asarlari, nodir devonlari, betakror g‘azal va dostonlari bilan madaniyat va adabiyotga beqiyos hissa qo‘shgan.

Сегодня день рождения Низамиддина Мир Алишера Навои

Великий узбекский поэт, мыслитель и государственный деятель родился 9 февраля 1441 года в городе Герате. В этом году широко отмечается 584-я годовщина со дня рождения нашего великого предка.

Алишер Навои своим богатым духовным наследием, великими произведениями, редкими диванами, уникальными газелями и эпосами внес несравненный вклад в культуру и литературу.

IUT Student Affairs

07 Feb, 12:43

👍We are excited to announce that Huawei opens application for the Annual Internship Program 2025! This internship presents a unique opportunity for aspiring students to join Huawei family and gain valuable experience in various domains.

📌 Program Duration: 3 months
📌 Employment type: Part-time
📌 Schedule: 5/2
📌 Working hours: 4 hours per day
📌 Location: Office-based as required by the program.

🔍Who Can Apply?

✔️Final-year bachelor’s (4th year) or master’s (2nd year) students
✔️ Are fluent in English, Uzbek, and Russian (working language is English)
✔️ Students with basic ICT skills and knowledge in Project Management, Network Technology, or other related subjects within the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry will be more suitable for the program
✔️ Have strong communication and teamwork abilities
✔️ Are eager to learn, grow, and innovate in a dynamic tech environment

📩How to Apply?

Send your CV in English along with your contact details to:
📧 [email protected]

🕒Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

For more details about operation and activities of Huawei in Uzbekistan please visit official website: https://www.huawei.com/uz/careers

🌟What You Will Gain from the Program:
👨‍💻The best-performing interns may have an opportunity for future employment at Huawei.
🌐Hands-on experience with the latest and most relevant ICT knowledge and skills.
📖A chance to connect with outstanding peers from various universities.
📎The opportunity to work alongside experienced industry experts.
📑Daily internship allowance.

Join Huawei Uzbekistan and be part of the future of technology! 🚀

IUT Student Affairs

07 Feb, 09:48

AI Meetup: Smart Engineering - dive into the world of artificial intelligence!

Date: February 19
Time: 18:00 - 20:30
Place: Inha University in Tashkent

Inha University in Tashkent city together with Sigma Software invites students, engineers, IT specialists and everyone interested in artificial intelligence to AI Meetup: Smart Engineering - applying AI where it matters!

🔔 What's in store for you?
✔️ Speeches by AI and Data Science experts
✔️ Discussion of actual cases of applying AI technologies
✔️ Opportunity to make useful contacts and discuss career prospects
✔️ Cozy atmosphere, networking and coffee break

🎤 Speakers of the event:
Kamronbek Mamaroziqov - Artificial Intelligence Engineer, an expert in Data Science, Power BI, Python and Natural Language Processing.
📌 Report topic: Leveraging Open-Source LLMs

Andrii Salata is a Lead Developer at Sigma Software, an expert with 15 years of experience in IT and 7+ years in Data Science.
📌 The topic of the report: The Rules of AI: Compliance Insights for Engineers

Local expert speakers are also on the program.

📢 Language of the event: English
🎟 Registration is mandatory - the number of seats is limited!

🔗 You can register here

Join and discover new opportunities in the world of AI! 🚀

AI Meetup: Smart Engineering - sun’iy intellekt olamiga kirib boramiz!

18:00 - 20:30
Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti Sigma Software bilan hamkorlikda talabalar, dasturchilar, IT-mutaxassislar va sun’iy intellektga qiziquvchilarni "AI Meetup: Smart Engineering - applying AI where it matters!"ga taklif etadi.

🔔Sizni nima kutmoqda?
✔️ AI va Data Science sohasidagi ekspertlarning chiqishlari
✔️ Sun’iy intellekt texnologiyalarini qo‘llashning dolzarb masalalarini muhokama qilish
✔️ Foydali aloqalarni o‘rnatish va karyera istiqbollarini muhokama qilish imkoniyati
✔️ Shinam muhit, netvorking va qahva tanaffusi

🎤Tadbir spikerlari:
Kamronbek Mamaroziqov - sun’iy intellekt bo‘yicha dasturchi, Data Science, Power BI, Python va Natural Language Processing sohasi mutaxassisi.
📌 Ma’ruza mavzusi: Leveraging Open-Source LLMs

Andrii Salata - Sigma Software kompaniyasining yetakchi dasturchisi, IT sohasida 15 yillik va Data Science’da 7+ yillik tajribaga ega mutaxassis.
📌 Ma’ruza mavzusi: AI qoidalari: muhandislar uchun muvofiqlik statistikasi

Shuningdek, mahalliy ekspertlarning chiqishlari ham dasturda.

📢 Tadbir tili: ingliz
🎟Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish majburiy - joylar soni cheklangan!

🔗Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish

Bizga qo‘shiling va AI olamida o‘zingiz uchun yangi imkoniyatlarni kashf eting! 🚀

AI Meetup: Smart Engineering – погружаемся в мир искусственного интеллекта!

19 февраля
18:00 – 20:30
Университет Инха в городе Ташкент

Университет Инха в городе Ташкент совместно с Sigma Software приглашает студентов, программистов, IT-специалистов и всех, кто интересуется искусственным интеллектом, на AI Meetup: Smart Engineering – applying AI where it matters!

🔔 Что вас ждет?
✔️ Выступления экспертов в области AI и Data Science
✔️ Обсуждение актуальных кейсов применения технологий ИИ
✔️ Возможность наладить полезные контакты и обсудить карьерные перспективы
✔️ Уютная атмосфера, нетворкинг и кофе-брейк

🎤 Спикеры мероприятия:
Kamronbek Mamaroziqov – программист по искусственному интеллекту, специалист в области Data Science, Power BI, Python и Natural Language Processing.
📌 Тема доклада: Leveraging Open-Source LLMs

Andrii Salata – ведущий разработчик в Sigma Software, эксперт с 15-летним опытом в IT и 7+ годами работы в Data Science.
📌 Тема доклада: The Rules of AI: Compliance Insights for Engineers

Также в программе выступления локальных экспертов.

📢 Язык мероприятия: английский
🎟 Регистрация обязательна – количество мест ограничено!

🔗 Зарегистрироваться можно здесь

Присоединяйтесь и откройте для себя новые возможности в мире AI! 🚀

IUT Student Affairs

07 Feb, 09:15

📣Dear students,

We invite everyone to the International, Scientific and Practical conference on the topic “Smart technologies and innovative approaches in research: building a digital future” which will be held on February 22, 2025 at Ajou University in Tashkent in cooperation with "Science and Innovation" International Scientific journal.

📍Venue and time of the conference: February 22, 2025, Ajou University in Tashkent (in online and offline regimes).
🕐Deadline for submission of papers to the conference: February 15, 2025.
Conference language: Uzbek, Russian, English.

📊For more information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a3YhGTqNu1YkM2a4UAyDArqKCqtrCpB_/view?usp=sharing

IUT Student Affairs

07 Feb, 06:00


🚀 Are you ready to lead innovation and science?
Hogwarts School invites passionate researchers and innovators to mentor students and build a strong project team!

Undergraduate, Graduate, PhD, or higher
Working on a project solving a real problem in Uzbekistan
Seeking a motivated team of students
Has prior mentoring experience

You’ll lead a team towards real impact while achieving:
🔹 MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
🔹 Research Paper / Proposal
🔹 Poster Presentation
🔹 Literature Review / Discussion Paper

📍 Interested? Sign up now: Google Form
📍 More Details: Click here


💡 Lead. Innovate. Inspire.
🎯 Apply now and shape the future!

Telegram | Instagram | Website | YouTube | Linkedin

IUT Student Affairs

05 Feb, 15:55

🔹 On February 5th, Inha University in Tashkent hosted a lecture for the students of Tashkent International University of Financial Management and Technology (TIFT).

The event featured a lecture by the rector of Inha University in Tashkent, Muzaffar Djalalov who delivered a speech on the subject of "Current and Future IT Trends". Muzaffar Djalalov emphasized the importance of specific competencies required for IT-professionals in high demand in the job market. Furthermore, he provided detailed insights into the future trends in the field and addressed the queries posed by students.

As part of the event, Inha University in Tashkent (IUT) and the Tashkent International University of Financial Management and Technology (TIFT) have signed a memorandum of understanding. The agreement aims to promote bilateral cooperation, exchange knowledge and experience between the two universities, and organizing practical training sessions in the fields of information technology and artificial intelligence.

We are confident that this partnership will serve as a foundation for the introduction of innovative educational technologies, the development of collaborative projects, and the organization of activities aimed at professional growth.

🔹 5 fevral kuni, Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida (IUT) Toshkent xalqaro moliyaviy boshqaruv va texnologiyalar universiteti (TIFT) talabalari uchun ma’ruza o‘tkazildi.

Unda Inha universiteti rektori Muzaffar Djalalov "Hozirgi va kelajakdagi IT-yo‘nalishlar" mavzusida so‘zga chiqdi. Muzaffar Djalalov mehnat bozorida talab yuqori bo‘lgan IT-mutaxassislar ega bo‘lishi lozim bo‘lgan ko‘nikmalarni ta’kidlab o‘tib, yoshlarni qiziqtirgan barcha savollarga javob berdi.

Ushbu tadbir doirasida, Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti (IUT) va Toshkent xalqaro moliyaviy boshqaruv va texnologiyalar universiteti (TIFT) o‘rtasida o‘zaro anglashuv memorandumi imzolandi. Shuningdek, memorandum ikki tomonlama hamkorlikni rivojlantirish, ikki universitet o‘rtasida bilim va tajriba almashish, axborot texnologiyalari va sun’iy intellekt sohalarida amaliy o‘quv mashg‘ulotlarini tashkil etishga qaratildi.

Ishonchimiz komilki, bu hamkorlik ilg‘or ta’lim texnologiyalarini joriy etish, qo‘shma loyihalar yaratish va malaka oshirishga qaratilgan tadbirlarni tashkil etish uchun asos bo‘ladi.

🔹5 февраля в Университете Инха в Ташкенте прошла лекция для студентов Ташкентского международного университета финансового управления и технологий (TIFT), где выступил ректор УИТ Музаффар Джалалов с темой — «Актуальные и будущие IT-тренды». Музаффар Джалалов отметил какие компетенции необходимы IT-специалистам, востребованным на рынке труда, а также ответил на все вопросы, интересующие молодежь.

В рамках мероприятия, Университет Инха в Ташкенте (IUT) и Ташкентский международный университет финансового управления и технологий (TIFT) заключили меморандум о сотрудничестве. Соглашение направлено на развитие двустороннего сотрудничества, обмен знаний и опыта между двумя университетами, организация практических занятий в области информационных технологий и искусственного интеллекта.

Мы уверены, что это партнерство станет основой для внедрения передовых образовательных технологий, создания совместных проектов и организации мероприятий, направленных на повышение квалификации.

IUT Student Affairs

05 Feb, 12:01

📣Dear Students!
❗️We announce the start of the Republican competition "Mirzo Ulugbek's Successors"! All young people aged 16 to 25 who are citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan can participate in the competition.

Young people with ideas and projects in various fields can participate in the competition. Areas and fields are not limited (for example: IT technologies, agriculture, engineering, medicine, etc.).
Applications for the competition will be accepted till February 15 of this year through the official website of the competition (www.vorislar.uz).

📣Hurmatli Talabalar!

❗️“Mirzo Ulug‘bek vorislari” Respublika tanlovi boshlanganligini e'lon qilamiz! Tanlovda O‘zbekiston Respublikasi fuqarosi bo‘lgan, 16 yoshdan 25 yoshgacha bo‘lgan barcha yoshlar ishtirok etishi mumkin.

Tanlovda turli sohalarda g'oya va loyihalarga ega bo‘lgan yoshlar ishtirok etishlari mumkin. Yo‘nalishlar va sohalar chegaralanmagan (Misol uchun: IT texnologiyalar, qishloq xo‘jaligi, muhandislik, tibbiyot va boshqalar).
Tanlovga arizalar joriy yilning 15-fevral kuniga qadar tanlovning rasmiy sayti (www.vorislar.uz) orqali qabul qilinadi.

IUT Student Affairs

04 Feb, 07:42

Dear Students,

We are excited to announce the registration for highly sought-after courses on the Coursera platform under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Digital Technologies. These courses cover a wide range of topics, from data science and business management to programming and personal development 🚀

This is your chance to:
Expand your knowledge in various fields
Gain internationally recognized certificates
Boost your resume with valuable skills
Learn from top universities and experts worldwide

Due to high demand, seats are limited and will be allocated on a FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED basis.
Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity! Register now and take a step toward your future success. 🔥📚


Deadline: February 4, 2025, by 18:00.

IUT Student Affairs

03 Feb, 07:58

Central Asian Association for Artificial Intelligence informs about acceptance of applications for the Central Asian AICA Awards annual ceremony named after Al-Khwarizmi

Companies and projects are invited to prove their contribution to the field of AI and receive recognition from international experts. Applications submitted will be thoroughly reviewed by the jury from Central Asian countries 🤝

ℹ️ Detailed information is available on the association's official website:


* Best AI startup
* Best AI development
* Best use of AI in business
* Best education initiative in AI
* Best innovation in healthcare using AI
* Best use of AI in agrotechnology
* Best Ethics and Security initiative for AI
* Best initiative to spread AI among youth
* Best initiative in the field of state policy on AI
* Best integration of AI in industry
* Best AI development platform or tool

the nominations listed would be printed on awards and published in Russian!

Deadline for submitting applications: February 10

Telegram | Linkedin | X | Instagram

IUT Student Affairs

02 Feb, 10:58

📢Results of the Inter-University Debates!

On February 1,an exciting debate competition took place in Tashkent among eight leading universities of the capital. Participants showcased their exceptional skills in persuasion, public speaking, and critical thinking.

🏆The top places were awarded as follows:
🥇Westminster International University in Tashkent
🥈British Management University
🥉Inha University in Tashkent

Congratulations to the winners, and a big thank you to all participants for their outstanding performances! 🎉

📢Итоги межуниверситетских дебатов!

1 февраля, в Ташкенте прошли захватывающие дебаты между восемью ведущими университетами столицы. Участники продемонстрировали высокий уровень мастерства убеждения, ораторского искусства и критического мышления.

🏆Призовые места распределились следующим образом:
🥇Westminster International University in Tashkent
🥈British Management University
🥉Университет Инха в городе Ташкент

Поздравляем победителей и благодарим всех участников за блестящее выступление! 🎉

📢Universitetlararo munozaralar natijalari!

Bugun, 2-fevral kuni Toshkent shahrida poytaxtning sakkizta yetakchi universiteti o‘rtasida qizg‘in bahs-munozaralar bo‘lib o‘tdi. Ishtirokchilar o‘zlarining ishontirish mahorati, notiqlik san’ati va tanqidiy fikrlash qobiliyatlarini namoyish etdilar.

🏆G‘oliblik quyidagicha taqsimlandi:
🥇Toshkent shahridagi Xalqaro Vestminster universiteti
🥈British Management University
🥉Toshkent shahridagi Inha Universiteti

G‘oliblarni tabriklaymiz va barcha ishtirokchilarga yorqin chiqishlari uchun minnatdorchilik bildiramiz! 🎉

IUT Student Affairs

30 Jan, 11:28

Ummatoy Yuldasheva - an excellent example for other young people in the field of IT!

You can get a closer look at Ummatoy's path to success through a carousel post.

Our guest also gave an interview within the framework of the Ministry's "Youth in IT" project. You can view the interview on our official YouTube page.

IT sohasida boshqa yoshlarga o‘rnak bo‘layotgan — Ummatoy Yo‘ldasheva!

Karusel post orqali Ummatoyning muvaffaqiyat yo‘li bilan yaqindan tanishib chiqishingiz mumkin.

Shuningdek qahramonimiz vazirlikning "Youth in IT" loyihasi doirasida intervyu bergan. YouTube’dagi rasmiy sahifamizda intervyuni ko‘rishingiz mumkin.

Умматой Юлдашева – пример для подражания для других молодых людей в сфере ИТ!

Подробнее о пути Умматой к успеху вы можете узнать из поста-карусели.

Выпускница Университета Инха в Ташкенте Умматой Юлдашева дала интервью, в рамках проекта министерства цифровых технологий "Youth in IT" https://youtu.be/KNYfsMd4kNE?si=njA_fQ7a7VESCdvJ

IUT Student Affairs

29 Jan, 08:00

Transform your career in 2025 🔥

Master the basics of Power BI and learn how to use data visualization to build impactful reports. We are excited to announce the opening of a 4-week course on 'Ultimate Power BI'

What you’ll get:
• A close-to-life project to master Power BI skills and tight work with mentor
• Four weeks of intensive study (minimum 15 hours a week)
• Access to a Power BI Pro license during the course
• Certificate of course completion, resume review, and job search support

1. English level: B1 and above
2. Knowledge of:
• Statistics and probability (e.g., distributions, hypothesis testing, regression)
• SQL for querying (joins, subqueries, data aggregation)
• Excel (e.g., VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, Pivot Tables, Goal Seek, What-If Analysis)
• Version control tools (e.g., Git/GitHub)
3. Basic understanding of data cleaning and preprocessing techniques (e.g., handling missing data, normalization)

Nice to have:
• Basic understanding of Dashboard UI/UX principles
• Experience using tools like draw.io, Figma, and Canva

Course Details:
• Duration: 4 weeks
• Format: Offline and Online
• Languages: English, Uzbek

🔗 Register now: https://cutt.ly/Ze4RIbAw

💡 Let’s make this your stepping stone to a data-driven future. See you in the course!

IUT Student Affairs

28 Jan, 05:09

Admission is now open for the IELTS course (Intermediate level)

You are expected:
✔️ Comprehensive preparation for all sections
✔️ Effective task-solving techniques
✔️ Practice with real test materials

‼️ This course is designed for those with an intermediate level

📅 Schedule:Mon, Wed, Fri, 14:30–15:50
Duration:5 months

IELTS Intermediate kursiga roʻyxatdan oʻtish boshlandi!

Sizni kutmoqda:
✔️ IELTS ning barcha bo'limlariga har tomonlama tayyorgarlik
✔️ Vazifalarni bajarishning samarali usullari
✔️ Haqiqiy testlarda mashq qilish

‼️O'rta darajaga ega bo'lganlar uchun kurs

📅 Vaqti: dushanba, chorshanba, juma, 14:30–15:50
Davomiyligi: 5 oy
📞998 712899995

Открыт набор на курс IELTS для уровня Intermediate!

Вас ждёт:
✔️ Комплексная подготовка ко всем разделам IELTS
✔️ Эффективные техники выполнения заданий
✔️ Практика на реальных тестах

‼️Курс для тех, у кого есть Intermediate уровень

📅 Время: Понедельник, Среда, Пятница, 14:30–15:50
Продолжительность: 5 месяцев
📞998 712899995

IUT Student Affairs

28 Jan, 04:25

Contest for the Best Idea to Promote South Korean Food and Beverages in Uzbekistan!

We invite you to take part in this contest for a chance to win one of our prizes.

To enter, simply answer a few questions in the survey linked below:

🔗 Survey: (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc62tzd9NfbWsitfh0By9ruylYFF8TsLXrSFaOx8JpCuFRk2w/viewform?usp=header)

IUT Student Affairs

27 Jan, 14:54

🌟 Моменты счастья и тепла 🌟

25 января мы провели мероприятие для 12 чудесных детей в доме поддержки. 💌

💃 Танцевальный клуб INHA устроил яркое шоу
🍪 @ryavkina_di_cookies провели вкусный мастер-класс
🚐 Спасибо @inha_university за трансфер!

Ваши улыбки и добрые сердца сделали этот день особенным. Спасибо каждому, кто был с нами! 💛

IUT Student Affairs

27 Jan, 06:46

A challenge for future leaders in analytics!

KBTU Risk Management invites you and your team to participate in a case championship focused on developing an anti-fraud model using advanced algorithms!

🌟 What’s expecting for you?
• An opportunity to enhance your data analysis and modeling skills.
• Competition with the strongest teams.
• Prizes for the winners!

📆 Registration is open until February 9th.
👨‍💻 Register now at: riskcase.kbtu.kz

Don’t miss your chance to shine!

IUT Student Affairs

24 Jan, 11:49

📢 Get Ready for the First Club Competition! 🚀

We’re excited to announce our first online competition, where you’ll have the chance to test your skills, earn certificates, and level up in our club’s system!

🗓 Event Details
- Date: January 26, 2025
- Time: 13:00 to 16:00
- Platform: Yandex Contest

How to Participate:
1️⃣ Register or Log In: Create an account or log in to the Yandex Contest platform using the link below:
👉 https://contest.yandex.ru/contest/74091/enter

2️⃣ Be Ready at 13:00: Join the contest page on time and wait for the competition to start.

🏆 Prizes and Rewards
- Certificates: Winners will receive official certificates of achievement.
- Level Up: Top performers will be promoted to the next level in the club’s system!

This is your chance to prove your skills, compete with your peers, and kick off your journey in competitive programming with a bang!

📌 Mark your calendars, and let’s code!
💬 Questions? Drop them in the comments below!

Link to channel | Link to group

IUT Student Affairs

21 Jan, 12:59

Student Promotion Group Members Representing Inha University in Tashkent Across Regions! 🎓

Members of the Student Promotion Group are actively conducting promotional activities in schools, lyceums, and educational centers in their respective regions.

✏️They are meeting with students to provide detailed information about Inha University in Tashkent, its admission process, academic opportunities, student life, and the resources available to students.

💡This initiative aims to not only inform prospective students but also inspire and guide them in making informed decisions about their future careers.📈📈

IUT Student Affairs

20 Jan, 14:17

💡As part of the "Safe and Healthy City" month, awareness-raising event was held at Inha University in Tashkent.

The event was attended by Deputy Head of Mirzo Ulugbek District IIO FMB, Head of HPMB, Lieutenant Colonel B.B. Yormatov; responsible officers from Mirzo Ulugbek District IIO FMB ATS JOOB – Captain N.A. Adilhanova, Senior Lieutenant J.S. Narzullayev, Lieutenant A.A. Inamov; Mirzo Ulugbek District IIO FMB VE and YMB Inspector, Captain M.A. Abduganieva; and Senior Prevention Inspector of Inha University, Lieutenant A. Khalilkova.

📌During the event, specialists provided detailed information on the negative effects of narcotic substances on human health, offenses and crimes related to their illegal circulation, and measures to prevent drug use among young people.🔖

💡Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida "Xavfsiz va sog'lom poytaxt" oyligi doirasida navbatdagi targ‘ibot tadbiri tashkil etildi.

Tadbirda Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani IIO FMB boshlig‘ining HPMB o‘rinbosari, podpolkovnik B.B. Yormatov, Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani IIO FMB ATS JOOB mas’ul xodimlari – kapitan N.A. Adilhanova, katta leytenant J.S. Narzullayev, leytenant A.A. Inamov, Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani IIO FMB VE va YMB inspektori kapitan M.A. Abduganieva, shuningdek, Toshkent shahridagi INHA universiteti profilaktika katta inspektori leytenant A. Xalilkova ishtirok etdi.

📌Tadbir davomida mutaxassislar tomonidan giyohvandlik vositalarining inson salomatligiga salbiy ta’siri, ularning noqonuniy aylanishi bilan bog‘liq huquqbuzarliklar va jinoyatlar, shuningdek, yoshlar o‘rtasida giyohvandlikning oldini olish choralari haqida batafsil ma’lumot berildi.🔖

💡В рамках месяца "Безопасная и здоровая столица" в Университете Инха в городе Ташкенте состоялось очередное профилактическое мероприятие.

В мероприятии приняли участие заместитель начальника УКД ОВД Мирзо Улугбекского района подполковник Б.Б. Йорматов; ответственные сотрудники УКД ОВД Мирзо-Улугбекского района – капитан Н.А. Адилханова, старший лейтенант Ж.С.Нарзуллаев, лейтенант А.А.Инамов; инспектор по вопросам несовершеннолетних и молодежи УКД ОВД Мирзо-Улугбекского района капитан М.А. Абдуганиева, а также старший инспектор профилактики Ташкентского городского университета INHA лейтенант А.Халикова .

📌В ходе мероприятия специалисты подробно рассказали о негативном влиянии наркотических веществ на здоровье человека, правонарушениях и преступлениях, связанных с их незаконным оборотом, а также о мерах профилактики наркомании среди молодежи.🔖

IUT Student Affairs

20 Jan, 13:04

We have prepared for you, a video about what happened or not happened with our students during their student life😹

Enjoy watching🤩

Biz sizlar uchun talabalarimiz bilan ularning talabalik davrida nimalar bo'lgan yoki bo'lmagani haqida video lavha tayyorladik😹

Tamosha qiling🤩

Мы подготовили для вас видео о том, что происходило или не происходило в студенческие годы с нашими студентами 😹

Приятного просмотра🤩

IUT Student Affairs

17 Jan, 14:22

🌿 New steps within the framework of the "Uzbekistan - 2030" strategy! 🌿

Draft Presidential Decrees on implementing the state program in the Year of Environmental Protection and Green Economy have been developed and presented for public discussion.

📌 Review the documents and share your suggestions at:
🔗 www.uzbekistan2030.uz
🔗 regulation.gov.uz

📥 Your input will help enhance the state program.

Don't stay indifferent! Your opinion matters! 🌍

🌿 "O'zbekiston - 2030" strategiyasi doirasida yangi qadamlar! 🌿

"Atrof-muhitni asrash va yashil iqtisodiyot" yilida amalga oshiriladigan davlat dasturi bo'yicha Prezident Farmoni loyihalari ishlab chiqilib, keng jamoatchilik muhokamasi uchun taqdim etildi.

📌 Ushbu hujjatlar bilan tanishish va o'z fikrlaringizni bildirish uchun:
🔗 www.uzbekistan2030.uz
🔗 regulation.gov.uz

📥 Sizning takliflaringiz davlat dasturini takomillashtirishga yordam beradi.

Befarq bo'lmang! Sizning fikringiz muhim! 🌍

🌿 Новые шаги в рамках стратегии "Узбекистан – 2030"! 🌿

Разработаны проекты Указа Президента о реализации государственной программы в Год охраны окружающей среды и зеленой экономики. Документы вынесены на широкое обсуждение общественности.

📌 Ознакомьтесь с документами и оставьте свои предложения:
🔗 www.uzbekistan2030.uz
🔗 regulation.gov.uz

📥 Ваши идеи помогут улучшить государственную программу.

Не оставайтесь равнодушными! Ваше мнение важно! 🌍

IUT Student Affairs

17 Jan, 06:11

📢 Introducing the Competitive Programming Club Level System! 🚀

We’re excited to announce the official Level System of our club! This system is designed to recognize and reward your progress, motivate growth, and celebrate your achievements in competitive programming.

🎯 The Levels
Here are the 9 levels every club member can strive for:
1️⃣ Novice – Starting your journey in programming.
2️⃣ Explorer – Gaining confidence in algorithms and problem-solving.
3️⃣ Solver – Consistently completing beginner-level challenges.
4️⃣ Challenger – Tackling intermediate problems with determination.
5️⃣ Strategist – Mastering algorithms and improving your approach.
6️⃣ Optimizer – Solving problems with precision and efficiency.
7️⃣ Virtuoso – Excelling in club competitions and advanced challenges.
8️⃣ Master – A top-tier programmer with notable achievements.
9️⃣ Legend – The elite, representing our club at the international level.

📜 How to Level Up
Your journey through the levels will depend on:
Performance in club competitions and challenges.
Active participation in workshops, events, and hackathons.
Contributions like mentoring, sharing resources, or creating problems.
Special achievements in external contests or coding platforms.

🌟 Benefits of Higher Levels
As you progress, you unlock exciting benefits:

Priority Selection: Higher-level members are prioritized for international contests and travel sponsorships.
Recognition: Public acknowledgment in club announcements and events.
Certificates & Badges: Earn official recognition for your hard work.
Leadership Roles
: Lead workshops, design problems, or mentor lower-level members.
Exclusive Resources: Access to shared books and advanced learning materials (to be announced soon).

📅 What’s Next?
This system is active starting today! Everyone begins their journey at Novice level, and progression will be based on your performance and participation.

🚨 Upcoming Event:
An internal INHA online competition is happening next week! This is your chance to earn badges, certificates, and advance your level in the club. More details about the event will be announced soon, so stay tuned!

Get ready to climb the ladder, improve your skills, and make your mark in the world of competitive programming!

Let’s go, legends in the making! 💻

📌 Join our club: @inha_competitive_programmingclub
💬 Questions or ideas? Drop them in the comments!

IUT Student Affairs

16 Jan, 06:26

School 21 invites you to an Open Day!

Interested in starting a free journey to a high-demand IT career? Then mark your calendar for January 17! We’ll show you how studying at School 21 opens up new opportunities for anyone aged 18 and older.

💻 What’s waiting for you?
▪️ Details about free education at School 21 and P2P methodology: no teachers, lectures or schedules.
◾️ Programs in most demanded disciplines as Cybersecurity, Game Development, Mobile Development and more.
▪️ 4/7 campus access with up-to-date infrastructure
◾️ Immersion in the vibrant IT community.

📍 When and where?
Samarkand, Ibn Sino Street, 17A — starts at 10:00
Tashkent, Ziyolilar Street, 13 — starts at 12:00

Why attend?
Explore everything from the inside, ask your questions, and discover how School 21 can help you master a new profession, change your career path, or advance in IT.

⚡️ Participation is free! Registration is required: Sign up here.

School 21 — your guide to the world of IT!

IUT Student Affairs

15 Jan, 06:32

#HuaweiMSSC opens Internship Program!

It presents unique opportunity for aspiring students to gain valuable experience in various digital domains and have a chance to join #Huawei family upon successful completion of internship.

We are looking for final year students (bachelor or master's) with
- basic IT skills and knowledge
- fluent English
- excellent communication skills
- strong willingness to learn and develop

Duration: 3 month

Deadline for application is
January 31st, 2025

Application Submission:
Send email with your CV in English and academic transcript along with your contact numbers to [email protected]

IUT Student Affairs

14 Jan, 04:10

​​🇺🇿January 14 - Day of defenders of the Motherland

On this festive day, we express with special gratitude the feeling of deep respect for the defenders of our Motherland! We congratulate all men and wish them great professional success, the most daring plans and worthy victories! Let everything that you do be reflected in the life of Our Motherland!
We wish you and your family health, happiness, prosperity and a peaceful sky!

🇺🇿14 yanvar - Vatan himoyachilari kuni

Ushbu bayramona kunda Vatanimiz himoyachilariga chuqur hurmat-ehtirom tuyg'usini e'tirof etamiz! Biz barchangizni tabriklaymiz va professional hayotingizda omad, jasoratli marralar va munosib g'alabalar tilaymiz! Sizning barcha say-harakatlaringiz Vatanimiz rivojida o'z ifodasini topsin!
Sizga va oilangizga salomatlik, baxt, farovonlik va osoyishtalik tilaymiz!

🇺🇿14 января - День защитников Родины

В этот праздничный день мы с особой признательностью выражаем чувство глубокого уважения к защитникам нашей Родины! Мы поздравляем всех мужчин и желаем больших профессиональных удач, самых смелых планов и достойных побед! Пусть все, что вы делаете, находит свое отражение в жизни Нашей Родины!
Желаем вам и вашей семье здоровья, счастья, благополучия и мирного неба!

IUT Student Affairs

13 Jan, 12:27

Fast Typing” competition was held at Inha University in Tashkent

On January 13, Inha University in Tashkent hosted the “Fast Typing” competition, which united students and staff in a test of typing speed and accuracy.

The aim of the competition is to develop participants' important fast typing skills, which are essential in today's digital world.

After several intense rounds, winners were chosen who demonstrated not only speed but also perfect accuracy:

🏆 Student winners:
🥇 1st place — Akbarali Fozilov
🥈 2nd place — Akbarhoja Rixsixodjayev
🥉 3rd place — Shamsiddin Okilov

🏆 Winners among employees:
🥇 1st place — Makhmudov Azim
🥈 2nd place — Ayupova Shodia
🥉 3rd place — Zarifa Jumanova

Congratulations to the winners!

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida "Fast Typing" musobaqasi bo‘lib o‘tdi

13-yanvar kuni Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida "Fast Typing" musobaqasi bo‘lib o‘tdi, unda talabalar va xodimlar matn yozish tezligi va to‘g‘riligini sinab ko‘rishdi.

Tanlovdan ko‘zlangan maqsad — ishtirokchilarda zamonaviy raqamli dunyoda zarur bo‘lgan matn tez yozish ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirishdan iborat.

Bir necha shiddatli raundlardan so‘ng nafaqat tezlikni, balki mukammal aniqlikni ham namoyish etgan g‘oliblar aniqlandi:

🏆Talabalar o‘rtasida g‘oliblar:
🥇 1-o‘rin — Akbarali Fozilov
🥈 2-o‘rin — Akbarho'ja Rixsixodjayev
🥉3-o‘rin — Shamsiddin Oqilov

🏆 Xodimlar orasida g‘oliblar:
🥇 1-o‘rin — Azim Mahmudov
🥈 2-o‘rin — Shodiya Ayupova
🥉3-o‘rin — Zarifa Jumanova

G‘oliblarni tabriklaymiz!

Соревнование «Fast Typing» прошло в Университете Инха в Ташкенте

13 января в Университете Инха в Ташкенте прошло соревнование «Fast Typing», объединившее студентов и сотрудников в испытании на скорость и точность набора текста.

Цель соревнования — развивать у участников важные навыки быстрого ввода текста, которые необходимы в современном цифровом мире.

После нескольких напряжённых раундов были определены победители, которые продемонстрировали не только скорость, но и безупречную точность:

🏆 Победители среди студентов:
🥇 1 место — Акбарали Фозилов
🥈 2 место — Акбархужа Рихсиходжаев
🥉 3 место — Шамсиддин Окилов

🏆 Победители среди сотрудников:
🥇 1 место — Азим Махмудов
🥈 2 место — Шодия Аюпова
🥉 3 место — Зарифа Джуманова

Поздравляем победителей!

IUT Student Affairs

09 Jan, 11:48

📢Exciting Announcement: The Launch of INHA Competitive Programming Club! 🚀
At INHA University in Tashkent, we pride ourselves on hosting a variety of clubs and competitions, from the Chess Club to Zakovat intellectual games. However, there’s been a noticeable gap for those passionate about algorithms and competitive programming – a critical and fascinating field for computer science students.
Recognizing this need, we are thrilled to announce the launch of the INHA Competitive Programming Club! 🎉

📊Why This Club?
Competitive programming is more than just solving problems; it’s about sharpening problem-solving skills, preparing for coding interviews, and fostering innovation. This club aims to bring together like-minded students who want to dive deep into algorithms, coding challenges, and international competitions.

🔅The Current Status
We’re in the initial stage of development with big dreams and ambitious plans. Here’s what you need to know:
Membership is open! Anyone interested can join by subscribing to our official Telegram channel: @inha_competitive_programmingclub.
💬Join the discussion group to share your ideas, ask questions, and connect with others passionate about competitive programming: @ICPC_discussion.
We’re actively seeking your ideas and suggestions! Share your thoughts about the club's structure, events, or any other aspects in the comments section.

🔅Upcoming Competition Announcement!
🚨Stay tuned! A major programming competition at INHA University in Tashkent is in the works and will be announced very soon. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, this is your chance to test your skills, showcase your talent, and win exciting rewards! 🏆

🔅Our Vision and Goals
1️⃣ Train for International Competitions: Collaborate, practice, and improve together to compete on global stages.
2️⃣ Prepare for Coding Interviews: Peer-to-peer learning to ace technical interviews at top tech companies.
3️⃣ Secure Sponsorships: Seek support to participate in competitions held abroad.
4️⃣ Motivate and Engage: Inspire everyone to learn, practice, and share algorithmic knowledge.
5️⃣ Host Hackathons and Competitions: Embrace the spirit of programming through exciting events and challenges.

📌Join the Club Now:
💬Discuss & Share Ideas Here: https://t.me/ICPC_discussion

Let’s build a community of passionate coders and take competitive programming to new heights at IUT! 🖥

IUT Student Affairs

07 Jan, 11:40

Sports leisure activities of IUT students

At Inha University in Tashkent, every student can realize his or her potential, enhance talents and take care of physical health. We believe that a successful future begins with the balanced development of the individual, and sport plays an important role in this.

During the vacation period the University organizes footbal matches. It is important for us that even during the vacation period our students can find opportunities for self-development and active leisure. The organization of football matches allows students to keep the habit of a healthy lifestyle, strengthen their physical fitness and get charged with positive emotions.

TshIU talabalarining sport kuni

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida har bir talaba o‘z salohiyatini namoyon etishi, iqtidorini rivojlantirishi va jismoniy salomatligi haqida qayg‘urishi mumkin. Ishonchimiz komilki, muvaffaqiyatli kelajak insonning barkamol rivojlanishidan boshlanadi va bunda sport muhim rol o‘ynaydi.

Ta’til davrida universitet futbol musobaqalarini tashkil etdi. Talabalarimiz dam olish davrida ham o‘z-o‘zini rivojlantirish va faol hordiq chiqarish uchun qulay imkoniyatlarni ular uchun yaratish biz uchun muhimdir. Futbol o‘yinlarini tashkil etish, sog‘lom turmush tarzini davom ettirish, jismoniy tayyorgarlikni mustahkamlash va yaxshi kayfiyatni uyg‘otish imkonini beradi.

Спортивный досуг студентов УИТ

В Университете Инха в Ташкенте каждый студент может раскрыть свой потенциал, развивать таланты и заботиться о своем физическом здоровье. Мы уверены, что успешное будущее начинается с гармоничного развития личности, и спорт играет в этом важную роль.

В период каникул Университет организует футбольные матчи. Для нас важно, чтобы даже в период отдыха наши студенты могли находить возможности для саморазвития и активного досуга. Организация футбольных матчей позволяет сохранить привычку к здоровому образу жизни, укрепить физическую форму и зарядиться положительными эмоциями.

IUT Student Affairs

07 Jan, 06:33

🎉 Attention Students! 🎉

Are you ready to test your typing speed and accuracy? 🖥💨
Join us for the Fast Typing Competition, dedicated to celebrating Vatan Himoyachilari Kuni! 🇺🇿

📅 Date: 13th January 2025
Time: 14:30
📍 Venue: Inha University, Building B, Room 102

Don’t miss the chance to compete, have fun, and win exciting prizes! 🏆
Mark your calendars and prepare to type your way to victory!
Fill out the form to take part in!

IUT Student Affairs

04 Jan, 08:38

Everything You Need to Know About the Backend Engineering Course in Go 😎

This course will help you master one of the most in-demand fields — backend development using the Go programming language. You’ll learn to build reliable server applications, work with modern technologies, and prepare for real-world IT challenges.

📅 Course Duration: 4 months
📍 Format: Offline

Ready to level up your skills? Watch the video and take your IT journey to the next level with us!

Registration is now open at this link: here.

IUT Student Affairs

31 Dec, 16:39

Dear Students, 🎉🎓

As we step into 2025, the Student Affairs team wishes you a year full of success, happiness, and endless opportunities! 🌟📚 May this year bring you closer to your dreams, fill your hearts with joy, and create unforgettable memories. 🌈

We’re always here to support and cheer you on! 💪💙 Let’s make 2025 extraordinary together!

Happy New Year! 🎆🎊
Warm regards,
Student Affairs Team 😊

IUT Student Affairs

25 Dec, 16:03


CABXPO Toshkent: Logistika sohasidagi Markaziy Osiyo biznes ko'rgazmasiga qo'shiling! 🌟

📅 26-27 dekabr
📍 Toshkent, O'zbekiston

🫥 Tarmoqingizni kengaytiring: Sohaning eng yetakchilari va startaplar bilan bog'laning.
🫥 Ma'lumot oling: Xavfsizlik, HR va xarajatlarni optimallashtirish bo'yicha eksklyuziv panellardan o'rganing.
🫥 Imkoniyatlarni oching: Logistika va IT hamkorliklarini tadqiqot qiling.
🫥 Eng zo'r iste'dodlarga ega bo'ling: Karyera yarmarkasida kerakli iste'dodlarni toping.
🫥 Kelajakni shakllantiring: Markaziy Osiyoni global logistika markaziga aylantirish uchun kuchlarni birlashtiring.

🚀 CABXPO Tashkent 2024 - bu sizning o'sish, innovatsiya va muvaffaqiyat sari yo'lingiz.

Join CABXPO Tashkent: Central Asian Business Expo in Logistics! 🌟

📅 December 26-27
📍 Tashkent, Uzbekistan

🫥Expand Your Network: Connect with top industry leaders and startups.
🫥 Gain Insights: Learn from exclusive panels on safety, HR, and cost optimization.
🫥 Discover Opportunities: Explore partnerships in logistics and IT.
🫥 Access Top Talent: Find matching professionals at the career fair.
🫥 Shape the Future: Join efforts to make Central Asia a global logistics hub.

🚀 CABXPO Tashkent 2024 is your gateway to growth, innovation, and success.

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IUT Student Affairs

25 Dec, 11:37

Watch a video about how the New Year's charity trip went 🎄

Yangi yil xayriya safari qanday o‘tgani haqidagi videoni tomosha qiling 🎄

Смотрите видео о том, как прошла новогодняя благотворительная поездка🎄

IUT Student Affairs

25 Dec, 11:05

Keep on doing good things💙

On 25th December 2024, students and employees of the Inha University in Tashkent visited kindergarten 390 «Oftobjon» for children with disabilities. As part of the charity event, we collected funds to give children a real holiday, share with them joy and care. Students have a fabulous performance for children and gave New Year’s gifts🎁

Let every child be healthy and surrounded by care! Together, do good and give hope 💙

Ezgulik qiling💙

2024 yil 25-dekabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti talabalari va xodimlari imkoniyati cheklangan bolalar uchun mo‘ljallangan 390-sonli "Oftobjon" bog‘chasiga tashrif buyurishdi. Xayriya tadbiri doirasida bolalarga haqiqiy bayram tuhfa qilish, quvonch va mehr ulashish uchun mablag‘ to‘plandi. Talabalar bolalar uchun ertak tomoshasi uyushtirib, Yangi yil sovg‘alarini taqdim etdilar 🎁

Har bir bola sog‘lom va mehr-muhabbatga to‘la bo‘lsin! Birgalikda yaxshilik qilamiz va ishonch baxsh etamiz💙

Творите добро💙

25 декабря 2024 года студенты и сотрудники Университета Инха в Ташкенте посетили детский сад №390 для детей с ограниченными возможностями «Офтобжон». В рамках благотворительной акции мы собрали средства, чтобы подарить детям настоящий праздник, поделиться с ними радостью и заботой. Студенты провели сказочное представление для детей и подарили новогодние подарки🎁

Пусть каждый ребенок будет здоров и окутан заботой! Вместе творим добро и дарим надежду 💙

IUT Student Affairs

25 Dec, 11:03


🚀 Yangi ish imkoniyatlarini oching! 🚀

📅 26-dekabr kuni Central Asian Business Expo doirasida Karyera yarmarkasi bo‘lib o‘tadi. Unda biznes va logistika sohasidagi yetakchi kompaniyalar ishtirok etadi!

💼 Nega ishtirok etish kerak?

• Eng so‘nggi ish o‘rinlari va stajirovka takliflari bilan tanishing.
• Ish beruvchilar bilan yuzma-yuz muloqot qiling va ularga savollar bering.
• Orzuingizdagi ishni topish yoki karyerangizni boshlash imkoniyatini qo‘ldan boy bermang!
• Shuningdek, soha yetakchilari bilan tarmoqni kengaytirish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat.

📍 Qayerda?
Batafsil maʼlumot olish va ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun: havola

🎓 Kimlar uchun?
Agar siz maqsadli, qatʼiyatli va yangi chaqiriqlarga tayyor bo‘lsangiz, bu imkoniyat aynan siz uchun!

Kelajagingiz bu yerdan boshlanadi. Imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang!

🚀 Discover New Career Opportunities! 🚀

📅 On December 26, as part of the Central Asian Business Expo, a Career Fair will take place, featuring top companies in business and logistics!

💼 Why attend?

• Explore the latest job openings and internships.
• Meet employers in person and ask them your questions.
• Seize the chance to find your dream job or kick-start your career!
• Furthermore, it's a big opportunity to establish networking with industry leaders

📍 Where?
Find more details and register here: link

🎓 Who is it for?
If you're ambitious, goal-oriented, and ready for new challenges, this is your opportunity!

Your future starts here. Don’t miss out!

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IUT Student Affairs

23 Dec, 11:11

Trip to the Chimgan Mountains!

Breathtaking views, team spirit, and unforgettable emotions — all captured in our new video!

🎥 Watch the full video now!

IUT Student Affairs

23 Dec, 04:44

From December 17th to 20th, the exciting Intellectual Olympiad among students of higher education institutions took place, featuring captivating competitions in disciplines such as Zakovat, Brain-ring, Erudit-quartet, Personal Game, and the Chess and Checkers Spartakiad.

We are proud to announce that our student Muhammad Ali Valikhonov became the winner of the individual game of the Intellectual Olympiad! 🥇 His outstanding knowledge and logical thinking have set a bright example for all participants!

🥈 Additionally, at the Intellectual Olympiad in chess, our student Ardzhin Mukumov took second place nationwide, demonstrating a high level of skill and strategic thinking!

We congratulate our winners and express our gratitude to all participants for their efforts and intellectual achievements! These victories are the result of hard work and a pursuit of excellence! We are proud of you and confident that new bright victories and accomplishments lie ahead! 🚀

17-20 dekabr kunlari oliy ta’lim muassasalari talabalari o‘rtasida qiziqarli intellektual olimpiada bo‘lib o‘tdi va unda “Zakovat”, “Breyn-ring”, “Erudit-kvartet”, “Shaxsiy o‘yin”, shuningdek, shaxmat va shashka bo‘yicha qiziqarli bellashuvlar bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Muhammad Ali Valixonov - Intellektual olimpiada Shaxsiy o‘yin yo‘nalishi g‘olibi! 🥇Uning ajoyib bilimi va mantiqiy fikrlashi barcha ishtirokchilar uchun yorqin namuna bo'ldi!

🥈Bundan tashqari, intellektual shaxmat olimpiadasida Arjin Mukumov yuksak mahorat va strategik fikrlash qobiliyatini namoyon etib, respublika bo‘yicha ikkinchi o‘rinni egalladi!

G‘oliblarimizni tabriklaymiz va barcha ishtirokchilarga sa’y-harakatlari va intellektual yutuqlari uchun o‘z minnatdorchiligimizni bildiramiz! Bu g‘alabalar mashaqqatli mehnat va yuksaklikka intilish natijasidir! Biz siz bilan faxrlanamiz va sizni yangi yorqin g'alabalar va yutuqlar kutayotganiga aminmiz!

С 17 по 20 декабря прошла захватывающая Интеллектуальная олимпиада среди студентов высших учебных заведений, в рамках которой состоялись увлекательные соревнования в таких дисциплинах, как «Zakovat», «Breyn-ring», «Erudit-kvartet», «Shaxsiy oʻyin» и Спартакиада по шахматам и шашкам.

Мы с гордостью сообщаем, что наш студент Мухаммад Али Валихонов стал победителем индивидуальной игры Интеллектуальной олимпиады! 🥇Его выдающиеся знания и логическое мышление стали ярким примером для всех участников!

🥈Кроме того, на интеллектуальной олимпиаде по шахматам наш студент Мукумов Арджин занял второе место по республике, продемонстрировав высокий уровень мастерства и стратегического мышления!

Поздравляем наших победителей и выражаем благодарность всем участникам за их старание и интеллектуальные достижения! Эти победы – результат упорной работы и стремления к совершенству! Мы гордимся вами и уверены, что впереди вас ждут новые яркие победы и достижения! 🚀

IUT Student Affairs

21 Dec, 19:58

A Trip to the Chimgan Mountains: Relaxation and New Experiences for Inha University Students in Tashkent.

After completing their final exams, on December 21, Inha University students in Tashkent embarked on a trip to the picturesque Chimgan Mountains. This event provided a great opportunity for students to unwind, enjoy nature, and spend time in a pleasant atmosphere. Snowy peaks, fresh air, and the magical winter scenery made this trip truly unforgettable.
Students enjoyed skiing, admiring the mountain views from the cable car, and spending quality time with friends in a warm and friendly environment.

The trip not only left lasting impressions but also strengthened the team spirit among students, fostering a sense of friendship and mutual support.

Chimyon tog‘lariga sayohat: Inha universiteti talabalari uchun dam olish va yangi taassurotlar

21 Dekabr kuni, Toshkentdagi Inha universiteti talabalari uchun final imtihonlari yakunlanganidan so‘ng, go‘zal Chimyon tog‘lariga sayohat tashkil etildi. Ushbu tadbir talabalarga hordiq chiqarish, tabiatdan bahramand bo‘lish va yoqimli muhitda vaqt o‘tkazish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat bo‘ldi. Qorli cho‘qqilar, toza havo va qishki sehrli muhit ushbu sayohatni chinakamiga unutilmas qildi.Talabalar chang‘i minishdan zavq olishdi, kanat yo‘li orqali tog‘ manzaralarini tomosha qilib, do‘stlar bilan iliq va samimiy muhitda vaqt o‘tkazishdi.

Sayohat nafaqat yorqin taassurotlar ulab, balki talabalar o‘rtasidagi jamoaviy ruhni mustahkamlab, do‘stlik va o‘zaro qo‘llab-quvvatlash muhitini yaratdi.

Путешествие в горы Чимган: отдых и новые впечатления для студентов университета Инха в Ташкенте

После завершения финальных экзаменов для студентов университета Инха в Ташкенте, 21 Декабря была организована поездка в живописные горы Чимган. Это мероприятие стало отличной возможностью для студентов отдохнуть, насладиться природой и провести время в приятной обстановке. Заснеженные вершины, свежий воздух и волшебная зимняя атмосфера сделали эту поездку по-настоящему незабываемой.
Студенты наслаждались катанием на лыжах, любуясь видами гор с канатной дороги, и проводили время с друзьями в теплой и дружеской атмосфере.

Эта поездка подарила не только яркие впечатления, но и укрепила командный дух среди студентов, создав атмосферу дружбы и взаимной поддержки.

IUT Student Affairs

21 Dec, 03:06

#HuaweiMSSC opens Internship Program!

It presents unique opportunity for aspiring students to gain valuable experience in various digital domains and have a chance to join #Huawei family upon successful completion of internship.

We are looking for final year students (bachelor or master's) with
- basic IT skills and knowledge
- fluent English
- excellent communication skills
- strong willingness to learn and develop

Duration: 3 month

Deadline for application is
January 31st, 2025

Application Submission:
Send email with your CV in English and academic transcript along with your contact numbers to [email protected]

IUT Student Affairs

20 Dec, 12:29

🎉 Grafik dizayn 4.0 kursini kutib oling

Zamonaviy sohalardan birini egallash istagidagi ijodkor yoshlar uchun yangi bepul kursni e'lon qilamiz.

Kurs davomida siz tajribali mentor "Ustoz Feruz"dan quyidagi dasturlar asosida ajoyib grafik dizaynlar yaratishni o‘rganasiz:

- Adobe Photoshop;
- Adobe Illustrator;
- Figma va boshqa dasturlar.

Hoziroq so‘rovnoma orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting va grafik dizayn sohasi tomon ilk qadamingizni tashlang - havola

Qabul tanlov asosida kechadi. Shoshiling, joylar soni cheklangan.

✍️ Kurs bo'yicha savol va takliflaringizni kommentlarda yozishingiz mumkin.

Ushbu postni grafik dizaynga qiziqadigan do'stlaringizga yuborishni unutmang!


IUT Student Affairs

20 Dec, 08:50

🏆 Muhammad Ali Valixonov - Intellektual olimpiada Shaxsiy o‘yin yo‘nalishi g‘olibi!

Shaxsiy o‘yin sovrindorlari quyidagicha ko‘rinish oldi:

🥇1-o‘rin: Muhammad Ali Valixonov (Inha universiteti)
🥈2-o‘rin: Otajon Iskandarov (Aniq va ijtimoiy fanlar universiteti)
🥉3-o‘rin: Nurbek Xo‘jayev (Yangi O‘zbekiston universiteti)

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IUT Student Affairs

20 Dec, 04:58

📣 Attention IUT family!

We invite you to become part of the Student Promotion Group (SPG) community!

Every year in winter, active IUT students from the regions, during the winter holidays, conduct promotional events in high schools, education centers, IT Centers, and IT Parks in their cities 🏫🙋🏻‍♂️

💥 We are updating the Student Promotion Group members and you have a chance to become one of us!

If you:
— are energetic;
— love your university;
— have good promotional skills
Then we are waiting for you at the Student Promotion Family Group 🔥

Feel free to fill out the form to participate 📌

Soon you will be added to the group where we will be together for detailed instructions.

Stay tuned 😊

IUT Student Affairs

19 Dec, 06:55


🚀 Yangi ish imkoniyatlarini oching! 🚀

📅 26-dekabr kuni Central Asian Business Expo doirasida Karyera yarmarkasi bo‘lib o‘tadi. Unda biznes va logistika sohasidagi yetakchi kompaniyalar ishtirok etadi!

💼 Nega ishtirok etish kerak?

• Eng so‘nggi ish o‘rinlari va stajirovka takliflari bilan tanishing.
• Ish beruvchilar bilan yuzma-yuz muloqot qiling va ularga savollar bering.
• Orzuingizdagi ishni topish yoki karyerangizni boshlash imkoniyatini qo‘ldan boy bermang!
• Shuningdek, soha yetakchilari bilan tarmoqni kengaytirish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat.

📍 Qayerda?
Batafsil maʼlumot olish va ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun: havola

🎓 Kimlar uchun?
Agar siz maqsadli, qatʼiyatli va yangi chaqiriqlarga tayyor bo‘lsangiz, bu imkoniyat aynan siz uchun!

Kelajagingiz bu yerdan boshlanadi. Imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang!

🚀 Discover New Career Opportunities! 🚀

📅 On December 26, as part of the Central Asian Business Expo, a Career Fair will take place, featuring top companies in business and logistics!

💼 Why attend?

• Explore the latest job openings and internships.
• Meet employers in person and ask them your questions.
• Seize the chance to find your dream job or kick-start your career!
• Furthermore, it's a big opportunity to establish networking with industry leaders

📍 Where?
Find more details and register here: link

🎓 Who is it for?
If you're ambitious, goal-oriented, and ready for new challenges, this is your opportunity!

Your future starts here. Don’t miss out!

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IUT Student Affairs

19 Dec, 05:30

🎉 The Most Magical Night of the Year is Here! 🎉

🎄 Let’s celebrate the New Year together! Join us for a New Year Party. You will get an incredible music, fun contests, and amazing prizes.

🗓 Date: 22/12/2024
🕕 Time: 18:00
📍 Venue: Shedevr Garden

🎉 Don’t miss out! Register now using this form and get ready for an unforgettable evening: https://forms.gle/ri8MZdfwfAspdbnb9

IUT Students’ Union

IUT Student Affairs

05 Dec, 09:52

As part of the "Ma'rifat ulashib" project, a meeting was organized between students and the prominent writer Doniyor Begimqulov at Schools No. 17 and 12 in the Parkent district, affiliated with Inha University in Tashkent. During the visit, the author shared his works and life experiences with the students. Additionally, students interested in poetry and literature recited excerpts from their creative works. At the end of the event, active students were presented with rare masterpieces of world and Uzbek literature as gifts from the university administration.

"Maʼrifat ulashib" loyihasi doirasida Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetiga biriktirilgan Parkent tumanidagi 17 va 12-umumiy o'rta ta'lim maktablarida atoqli adib Doniyor Begimqulov bilan o'quvchi-yoshlar o'rtasida uchrashuv tashkil etildi. Ushbu tashrif chogʻida adib maktab oʻquvchilariga oʻzlarining yozgan asarlari, hamda hayotiy tajribalarini ulashdi. Shuningdek maktabda tahsil olayotgan she'riyatga va badiiy adabiyotga qiziquvchi yoshlar o'zlarining ijodlaridan parchalar o'qib berishdi. Tadbir soʻngida faol o'quvchi yoshlarga Universitet rahbariyati tomonidan jahon va o'zbek adabiyotining nodir asarlari sovg'a qilindi.

В рамках проекта "Маьрифат улашиб" была организована встреча писателя Донёра Бегимкулова с учащимися школ № 17 и 12 Паркентского района, которые прикреплены к Университету Инха в Ташкенте. Во время визита писатель поделился своими произведениями и жизненным опытом с учениками. Кроме того, учащиеся, увлеченные поэзией и художественной литературой, зачитали отрывки из своих творческих работ. В завершение мероприятия активным ученикам были вручены редкие произведения мировой и узбекской литературы в подарок от руководства университета.

IUT Student Affairs

04 Dec, 12:57

IT Tour for Students at Uzinfocom

On December 6, Uzinfocom will host an exciting tour for students focused on the IT field.

This is a unique opportunity to dive into the world of modern technologies, learn about the company’s operations from the inside, and gain valuable insights into IT industry trends. Participants will have the chance to see professionals at work and find inspiration for their future development in this dynamic field.

Time: 4:00 PM
To participate, contact: @khAzam75

Экскурсия по IT для студентов в Uzinfocom

6 декабря в Uzinfocom пройдет увлекательный экскурсия для студентов, посвященный сфере IT.

Это уникальная возможность погрузиться в мир современных технологий, узнать о деятельности компании изнутри и получить ценную информацию о тенденциях в IT-индустрии. Участники смогут увидеть, как работают профессионалы, и вдохновиться для дальнейшего развития в этой динамичной сфере.

Не пропустите шанс получить новые знания и расширить свои горизонты!
Для участия свяжитесь: @khAzam75

Uzinfocomda talabalar uchun IT-ekskursiya

6 dekabr kuni Uzinfocomda talabalar uchun IT sohasiga bag‘ishlangan qiziqarli ekskursiya o‘tkaziladi.

Bu zamonaviy texnologiyalar olamiga sho‘ng‘ish, kompaniyaning faoliyati bilan yaqindan tanishish va IT-industriyada trendlar haqida qimmatli ma’lumot olish uchun noyob imkoniyatdir. Ishtirokchilar professionalarning ish jarayonini kuzatish va o‘zlarining kelajakdagi rivojlanishi uchun ilhom olish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘ladilar.

Vaqt: 16:00
Ishtirok etish uchun murojaat qiling: @khAzam75

IUT Student Affairs

03 Dec, 18:03

Students of INHA University visited “Uzairways”

On December 3, students from the Faculty of Logistics at INHA University made an educational visit to “Uzairways” JSC and its subdivision, “Uzairways Cargo.”

During the visit, participants gained valuable insights into the key aspects of the company’s logistics operations, familiarized themselves with modern technologies, and learned about the skills and competencies required in this field.

INHA universiteti talabalari "Uzairways" kompaniyasiga tashrif buyurishdi

3-dekabr kuni INHA universiteti logistika fakulteti talabalari OAJ "Uzairways" va uning "Uzairways Cargo" bo‘limiga o‘quv tashrifini amalga oshirishdi.

Tashrif davomida ishtirokchilar kompaniyaning logistika sohasidagi asosiy jihatlari haqida qimmatli ma’lumotlarga ega bo‘lishdi, zamonaviy texnologiyalar bilan tanishishdi va ushbu sohada talab etiladigan ko‘nikma hamda malaka haqida ma’lumotga ega bo‘lishdi.

Студенты университета ИНХА посетили “Uzairways”

3 декабря студенты факультета логистики университета ИНХА совершили образовательный визит в ОАО “Uzairways”, также в подразделение “Uzairways Cargo”.

Участники получили ценную информацию о ключевых аспектах логистической деятельности компании, ознакомились с современными технологиями и узнали, какие навыки и компетенции востребованы в этой отрасли.

IUT Student Affairs

03 Dec, 12:58

Dear students of Inha University,

We are excited to announce a new promotion! A free 1-month subscription to the JET electric scooter service is now available at our university.

This subscription will give you the opportunity to: • Get free starts for trips around the city. • Ride with your friends — you can take up to 5 people with you, all enjoying free starts. • Swap scooters at any parking station without paying for the starts.

Save over 60,000 som on your trips!

To activate your subscription, simply scan the QR code and register in the JET app. By entering the promo code INHA24, you'll receive a 50% discount and 39,000 som.

Don't miss the chance to make your trips more comfortable and affordable! Дорогие студенты, Университета Инха.

С радостью сообщаем вам о новой акции! В нашем Вузе стартует бесплатная подписка на сервис электросамокатов JET на целый месяц.

Эта подписка даст вам возможность:
• Бесплатные старты на поездки по городу.
• Передвигаться с друзьями — вы можете взять с собой до 5 человек с бесплатным стартом.
• Менять самокаты на любой парковке не оплачивая старты.

Сэкономьте более 60,000 сум на поездках!

Чтобы активировать подписку, просто перейдите по QR-коду, и зарегистрируйтесь в приложении JET.
Активировав промокод INHA24 вы получите скидку на 50% и 39000 сум.

Не упустите шанс сделать ваши поездки более комфортными и экономичными!

Qadrli Toshkent shahridagi Inha Universiteti talabalari.

Yangi aksiya haqida sizga mamnuniyat bilan xabar beramiz! Bizning universitetda JET elektr samokatlar xizmatiga bir oy bepul obuna boshlanadi.

Bu obuna sizga quyidagi imkoniyatlarni beradi:
* Shahar bo‘ylab sayohat uchun bepul startlar.
* Do‘stlaringiz bilan harakatlaning - siz o‘zingiz bilan 5 kishigacha bepul start olishingiz mumkin.
* Start to‘lovisiz istalgan parkovkada samokatlarni almashtirish mumkin.

Obunani faollashtirish uchun QR-kodga o‘ting va JET ilovasida ro‘yxatdan o‘ting.
INHA24 promokodini faollashtirib, 50% va 39000 so‘m chegirmaga ega bo‘lasiz.

Safarlaringizni yanada qulay va tejamkor qilish imkoniyatini qo‘ldan boy bermang!

IUT Student Affairs

02 Dec, 09:13

Great News! ⚡️

The Student Council is recruiting new members! This is a fantastic opportunity to gain your first experience in teamwork, develop leadership skills, and make a meaningful contribution to shaping student life at IUT. Your ideas and efforts will matter!

📅 Apply now and be part of something extraordinary.

Ajoyib yangilik! ⚡️

Talabalar Kengashi yangi a’zolarni qabul qilmoqda! Bu jamoada ishlash, yetakchilik ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirish va TshIUdagi talaba hayotini shakllantirishda muhim hissa qo‘shish uchun ajoyib imkoniyatdir. Sizning fikringiz va mehnatingiz juda muhim!

📅 Hozir ariza topshiring va jamoaning bir qismi bo‘ling.

Отличные новости! ⚡️

Студенческий совет набирает новых членов! Это отличная возможность получить первый опыт работы в команде, развить лидерские качества и внести важный вклад в создание студенческой жизни в УИТ. Ваши идеи и усилия важны!

📅 Подайте заявку сейчас и станьте частью нашей команды.

IUT Student Affairs

29 Nov, 15:59

🎉Chess Tournament at Inha University

On November 29, Inha University hosted an exciting chess tournament held under the Swiss system. Over 50 students participated, showcasing their intellectual skills, strategic thinking, and perseverance.

Out of all the participants,four students secured the top positions:
🥇Zayniyev Sanjar
🥈Pulatov Olim
🥉Ofokov Abdulboriy
4 place:Ergashev Shoxrux

🎊 Congratulations to the winners and all participants of the tournament! We wish you continued success and new intellectual achievements!

🎉Inha universitetida shaxmat turniri

29-noyabr kuni Inha universitetida shveytsarcha tizim asosida o’tkazilgan qiziqarli shaxmat turniri bo’lib o’tdi. 50 dan ortiq talabalar ishtirok etib, o’zlarining intellektual qobiliyatlari, strategik fikrlashi va matonatlarini namoyish etishdi.

Barcha ishtirokchilar orasidan to’rt nafar talaba g’oliblikni qo’lga kiritdi:
🥇 Zayniyev Sanjar
🥈 Pulatov Olim
🥉 Ofokov Abdulboriy
4-o’rin: Ergashev Shoxrux

🎊 Turnir g’oliblari va ishtirokchilarini chin dildan tabriklaymiz! Yangi intellektual yutuqlar va muvaffaqiyatlar tilaymiz!

🎉 Турнир по шахматам в Университете Инха

29 ноября в Университете Инха состоялся захватывающий шахматный турнир, проведенный по швейцарской системе. Более 50 студентов приняли участие, продемонстрировав свои интеллектуальные способности, стратегическое мышление и настойчивость.
Из всех участников четырем удалось занять лидирующие позиции:
🥇 Зайниев Санжар
🥈Пулатов Олим
🥉Офоков Абдулборий
4-е место: Ергашев Шохрух

🎊 Поздравляем победителей и участников турнира!Желаем вам дальнейших успехов и новых интеллектуальных достижений!

IUT Student Affairs

29 Nov, 10:12

On December 5, renowned writers Doniyor Begimqulov, Shodmonqul Salomov, and To'xtamish To'xtayev will visit Inha University in Tashkent as part of the "Ma'rifat ulashib" project. During the meeting, students will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the writers, interact with them, ask questions of interest, and learn about the creation process of their most famous works.

We warmly invite all poetry and literature enthusiasts to this event!

Date: December 5
Time: 2:00 PM
Venue: Inha University in Tashkent (Room B304)

5-dekabr kuni taniqli yozuvchilar Doniyor Begimqulov, Shodmonqul Salomov, To'xtamish To'xtayevlar “Ma'rifat ulashib” loyihasi doirasida Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetiga tashrif buyurishadi. Uchrashuvda talabalar yozuvchilar bilan yaqindan tanishib, ular bilan muloqot qilish va o'zlarini qiziqtirgan savollarni berish, shuningdek, mualliflar tomonidan eng mashhur asarlarining yaratilish tarixi bilan tanishish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladilar.

Barcha she'riyat va adabiyot ixlosmandlarini ushbu tadbirda kutib qolamiz!

Sana: 5-dekabr
Vaqt: 14:00
Manzil: Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti (B304)

5 декабря известные писатели Дониёр Бегимкулов, Шодмонкул Саломов и Тухтамыш Тухтаев посетят Университет Инха в Ташкенте в рамках проекта «Маърифат улашиб». Во время встречи студенты смогут познакомиться с писателями, пообщаться с ними, задать интересующие вопросы и узнать историю создания их самых известных произведений.

Приглашаем всех любителей поэзии и литературы на это мероприятие!

Дата: 5 декабря
Время: 14:00
Место: Университет Инха в Ташкенте (аудитория B304)

IUT Student Affairs

28 Nov, 08:03

Hi, football family!

We have finished 16 fascinating matches of Fall Football Championship among 20 registered clubs 👉🏻 https://shorturl.at/SpAki

YOU can watch and support your team on the field because fantastic 5 final-matches are remaining. 📸

Every squad is prepared for fight and fully eager to perform to the best of their abilities.
We expect incredible moments, goals and excitement! ⚽️🫂

JOIN US 🫶🏻 on the pitch

Telegram | Instagram | YouTube

IUT Student Affairs

28 Nov, 05:47

IUT Student Affairs pinned « Reminder: Rector’s Chess Tournament – Date Changed! 🗓 New Date: November 29, Friday 🕒 Start time: 4:00 PM 📍 Venue: Building A (hall)»

IUT Student Affairs

28 Nov, 05:47

Reminder: Rector’s Chess Tournament – Date Changed!

🗓 New Date: November 29, Friday
🕒 Start time: 4:00 PM
📍 Venue: Building A (hall)

IUT Student Affairs

27 Nov, 10:42

🚀 Only 1 day left until the long-awaited DesCom Talks!

🌍 Register now: https://forms.gle/iyJKYJvK1SieYqWU6

🚀 Остался всего один день до долгожданного DesCom Talks!

🌎 Регистрируйтесь: https://forms.gle/iyJKYJvK1SieYqWU6

Telegram | Instagram

IUT Student Affairs

24 Nov, 11:46

♟️ Rector’s Chess Tournament – Join us!

🗓 Date: November 28, Thursday
🕒 Start time: 4:00 PM
📍 Venue: Building A (hall)

🌟 Showcase your strategic skills! The Rector’s Chess Tournament will follow the Swiss system with 9 rounds.

Time control: 3 minutes + 2 seconds per move.
❗️ Limited spots available – hurry to register!

👉 Registration: Send a private message to @akkde.
📞 For inquiries, call: +998 (90) 606-67-92

Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your intellectual abilities on the university stage! We look forward to seeing you!

IUT Student Affairs

23 Nov, 11:31

🔹On November 23, students and staff of Inha University in Tashkent, headed by Rector Muzaffar Djalalov have participated in "Talaba yugur" marathon.

"Talaba yugur" marathon is one of the largest sporting events held in Central Asia. It involves students and staff members of higher education institutions to compete in a 3-kilometer race.

The aim of this marathon is to encourage students to adopt a healthy lifestyle and engage in regular physical activity🏃🏻‍♂️

🔹23 noyabr kuni, rektor Muzaffar Djalalov boshchiligidagi Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti talabalari va xodimlari "Talaba yugur" marafonida ishtirok etdi.

"Talaba yugur" marafoni Markaziy Osiyoda o‘tkaziladigan eng yirik sport tadbirlaridan biridir. Ushbu marafonda 3 kilometrlik poygada oliy ta’lim muassasalari talabalari va xodimlari ishtirok etadi.

Musobaqaning maqsadi talabalarni sog'lom turmush tarziga va doimiy sport faoliyatiga jalb etishdir🏃🏻‍♂️

🔹23 ноября, студенты и сотрудники Университета Инха в Ташкенте, во главе ректора Музаффара Джалалова приняли участие в марафоне "Talaba yugur".

Проект «Talaba yugur» — одно из крупнейших спортивных мероприятий, проводимых в Центральной Азии, в рамках которого студенты и преподаватели высших учебных заведений соревнуются в забеге на дистанцию 3 километра.

Целью соревнований является привлечение студентов к здоровому образу жизни и постоянной спортивной активности🏃🏻‍♂️

IUT Student Affairs

22 Nov, 08:09

Aziza Abdurakhimova is a recent graduate of Inha University in Tashkent and a prominent developer who holds the position of official ambassador for "Women TechMakers" program. Her contributions to the technology industry have garnered significant attention.

As one of the founding members of the "Microsoft Developer Community in Uzbekistan", Aziza Abdurakhimova has set herself the goal of removing gender barriers in the field of technology and creating a project based on artificial intelligence to assess individuals' mental health.

See the link for more information about the interview - Kun.uz - https://kun.uz/en/news/2024/11/13/uzbek-developer-aziza-abdurakhimova-overcoming-stereotypes-and-promoting-mental-health-through-technology

Aziza Abdurahimova Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetining yaqinda bitirgan bitiruvchisi va taniqli dasturchi, "Women TechMakers" dasturining rasmiy elchisi lavozimida ishlaydi. Uning texnologiya sohasiga qo‘shgan hissasi katta e’tiborni tortdi.

"O‘zbekistondagi Microsoft Developer Community"ning asoschilari safida bo‘lgan Aziza Abdurahimova texnologiya sohasidagi gender to‘siqlarni bartaraf etishni va insonlarning ruhiy salomatligini baholash uchun sun’iy intellektga asoslangan loyiha yaratishni o‘z oldiga maqsad qilib qo‘ygan.

Suhbat haqida quyidagi havolada batafsil o‘qing - https://kun.uz/en/news/2024/11/13/uzbek-developer-aziza-abdurakhimova-overcoming-stereotypes-and-promoting-mental-health-through-technology

Азиза Абдурахимова, выпускница Университета Инха в Ташкенте, влиятельный разработчик и официальный посол программы Google «Женщины-технологи», производит фурор в технологической индустрии.

Будучи одним из основателей «Сообщества разработчиков Microsoft в Узбекистане», Азиза Абдурахимова ставит перед собой задачу сломать гендерные барьеры в мире технологий и разработать проект на основе искусственного интеллекта для оценки психического здоровья людей.

Читайте подробнее по ссылке - https://kun.uz/en/news/2024/11/13/uzbek-developer-aziza-abdurakhimova-overcoming-stereotypes-and-promoting-mental-health-through-technology

IUT Student Affairs

21 Nov, 12:57

🔥 Join us for DesCom Talks — where creativity sparks ideas, and inspiration becomes reality!

💡Get ready for inspiring lectures from experts, engaging activities, lively discussions, and exciting prizes. It’s the perfect opportunity to fuel your imagination and connect with the design community!

📅 November 28
📍 Inha University in Tashkent, B304

Free entry.
👉 Register now: https://forms.gle/iyJKYJvK1SieYqWU6

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IUT Student Affairs

21 Nov, 11:27

🎓 YPIP Event: New Opportunities for Students!

On November 21, an event dedicated to the YPIP program was held at our university.

During the meeting, Sardorbek Ahmedov and Navfalbek Mahfuzullaev provided detailed information about the participation requirements, collaboration opportunities, and benefits of the program. This event was an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their professional skills and explore future career prospects.

👏 We wish the students who supported and actively participated in the program the best of luck!

🎓 YPIP Tadbir: Talabalar uchun yangi imkoniyatlar!

21-noyabr kuni universitetimizda YPIP dasturi bo‘yicha tadbir bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Uchrashuvda Sardorbek Ahmedov va Navfalbek Mahfuzullaev tomonidan ishtirok etish shartlari, hamkorlik imkoniyatlari va dastur afzalliklari haqida batafsil malumotlar berildi. Bu talabalar uchun o‘z kasbiy ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirish va kelajakdagi martaba imkoniyatlarini bilib olish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat bo‘ldi.

👏 Dasturni qo‘llab-quvvatlagan va unda faol ishtirok etgan talabalarga omad tilab qolamiz!

🎓 Мероприятие YPIP: новые возможности для студентов!

21 ноября в нашем университете состоялось мероприятие, посвященное программе YPIP.

Во время встречи Сардорбек Ахмедов и Навфалбек Махфузуллаев подробно рассказали об условиях участия, возможностях сотрудничества и преимуществах программы. Это было отличной возможностью для студентов улучшить свои профессиональные навыки и узнать больше о карьерных перспективах.

👏 Желаем успехов студентам, которые поддержали и активно участвовали в программе!

IUT Student Affairs

20 Nov, 15:49

The “Zakovat” tournament was held at IUT

On November 20, the 1st stage tournament of the intellectual game "Zakovat" was held at Inha University in Tashkent. 17 teams of 6 members participated in this tournament.

Students actively took part and answered the most complicated questions. We mention that “Zakovat” is an intellectual game with a 20-year history. During the game, the teams will be asked the same question at the same time, and teams will have to answer questions within a certain time.

We wish good luck to the teams in the next games!

TShIUda “Zakovat” turniri bo‘lib o‘tdi

🔹20-noyabr uni Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida “Zakovat” intellektual o‘yinining 1-bosqich turniri bo‘lib o‘tdi. Ushbu turnirda 6 kishidan iborat bo'lgan 17 ta jamoa ishtirok etdi.

O'yinda talabalar faol ishtirok etib, eng qiyin savollarga javob topishdi. Eslatib o'tamiz, “Zakovat” – 20 yillik tarixga ega bo'lgan intellektual o'yindir. “Zakovat” o‘yini davomida jamoalarga bir paytni o'zida bir xil savol beriladi, jamoalar o‘z javoblarini berilgan vaqt davomida savollarga javob berishlari lozim bo‘ladi.

Keyingi o'yinlarda jamoalarga omad tilab qolamiz!

В УИТ прошел турнир «Заковат»

🔹20 ноября в Университете Инха в Ташкенте состоялся Il этап турнира интеллектуальной игры «Заковат». В этом турнире приняли участие 17 команд по 6 человек.

Студенты активно участвовали и решали самые сложные вопросы. Напомним, «Zakovat» - интеллектуальная игра с 20-летней историей. Во время игры командам будет задаваться один и тот же вопрос в одно и то же время, и команды должны будут отвечать на вопросы в течение определенного времени.

Желаем удачи командам в следующих играх!

IUT Student Affairs

20 Nov, 15:00

A student of Inha University in Tashkent is participating in an international exchange program in China.

Davlatmirzaev Azizbek, a student of Inha University, is taking part in the "Short-term International Exchange Program" from November 13th to 28th at the Chinese Industrial Polytechnic College in Zhejiang.

During the program, participants will learn about Chinese history, culture, and lifestyle, as well as interact with local students to exchange ideas and experiences.

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti talabasi Xitoydagi xalqaro almashinuv dasturida ishtirok etmoqda

13-28-noyabr kunlari Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti talabasi Davlatmirzayev Azizbek Xitoyning Chjetszyan sanoat politexnika kollejida o‘tkazilayotgan "Qisqa muddatli xalqaro almashinuv dasturi"da ishtirok etmoqda.

Dastur doirasida talabalar Xitoy tarixi, madaniyati va hayoti haqida bilib olishadi, shuningdek, mahalliy talabalar bilan muloqot qilish va tajriba almashish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘ladilar.

Студент Университета Инха в Ташкенте участвует в программе международного обмена в Китае

с 13 по 28 ноября студент Университета Инха в Ташкенте Давлатмирзаев Азизбек принимает участие в «Краткосрочной программе международного обмена», которая проходит в Китайском промышленном политехническом колледже Чжэцзян.

В рамках программы студенты узнают об истории, культуре и жизни Китая, а также получат возможность пообщаться с местными студентами и обменяться опытом.

IUT Student Affairs

20 Nov, 12:17

🏐On November 20th, students of Inha University in Tashkent actively participated in the volleyball competition as part of the "Besh Tashabbus Olympiad." During the tournament, the Inha team showed excellent results, defeating universities such as BMU and the Academy of Labor with a score of 2:0. We are proud of their achievements and wish them continued success in future games!

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti talabalari joriy yilning 20-noyabr kuni “Besh tashabbus olimpiadasi” doirasida volleybol sport turida faol ishtirok etishdi. Musobaqalar davomida Inha jamoasi ajoyib natijalar ko'rsatib, BMTU va Mehnat akademiyasi kabi universitetlarni 2:0 hisobida mag'lub etdi. Biz ularning yutuqlari bilan faxrlanamiz va kelgusi o'yinlarda muvaffaqiyatlar tilaymiz!

IUT Student Affairs

17 Nov, 11:39

Inha University in Tashkent sincerely congratulates you on International Students' Day!

We wish all students good luck and success in their studies, so that their student years are filled with new projects and new ideas🎉🎊

Never stop and only move forward!

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti sizlarni Xalqaro talabalar kuni bilan tabriklaydi!

Barcha talabalarga o'qishlarida omad va muvaffaqiyatlar tilab qolamiz, ularning talabalik yillari yangi loyihalar va yangi g'oyalarga boy bo'lsin🎉🎊

Hech qachon to'xtamang va faqat oldinga intiling!

Университет Инха в Ташкенте от всей души поздравляет с Международным днем студента!

Желаем всем студентам удачи и успехов в учебе, чтобы студенческие годы были наполнены новыми проектами и новыми идеями🎉🎊

Никогда не останавливайтесь и двигайтесь только вперед!

IUT Student Affairs

16 Nov, 06:59

On November 15 an “Armwrestling” universiade was held at IUT ⚪️

Students from local and international universities such as :UWED, WIUT, TSUL, BUT, TPUT, РЭУ им. Плеханова, TDPU were also present and actively participated. The following weight categories were in the fight: 55+kg, 65+kg, 75+kg, 85+kg. Guests and students spent their time productively participating in the universiade

15-noyabr kuni TShIU da “Armrestling” bóyicha universiada boʻlib oʻtdi ⚪️

UWED, WIUT, TSUL, BUT, TPUT, РЭУ им. Плеханова, TDPU kabi mahalliy va xalqaro universitetlar talabalari ham tashrif buyurib, faol ishtirok etishdi. Jang quyidagi vazn toifalari orasida o‘tkazildi: 55+kg, 65+kg, 75+kg, 85+kg. Universiadada mehmonlar va talabalar jangdan zavqlanib, vaqtlarini unumli o‘tkazdilar

15 ноября в УИТ прошла универсиада по “Armwrestling”⚪️

Студенты местных и международных вузов: UWED, WIUT, TSUL, BUT, TPUT, РЭУ им. Плеханова, TDPU также присутствовали и активно участвовали. В борьбе участвовали следующие весовые категории: 55+кг, 65+кг, 75+кг, 85+кг. Гости и студенты продуктивно провели время, участвуя в универсиаде

IUT Student Affairs

15 Nov, 12:41

We invite you to a session about paid internship opportunity with the Young Professional Internships Program (YPIP)! 🚀

YPIP is a summer program where students in business and STEM fields have internships in top companies in Tashkent. The program is fully funded by the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent. Participants will receive the scholarship amount during their internship period.

In their presentation, YPIP'24 Alumn - Navfalbek Makhfuzullayev, who worked together with Nuriddin Iminokhnunov, and Sardorbek Axmedov who had internship in American Councils will be sharing their insights to get successfully selected to the program.

Date: November 21
Time: 12:30 PM
Room: A block, A605

We look forward to seeing you at the session, that could shape your professional career!

IUT Student Affairs

15 Nov, 09:27

▫️Dear graduates, the photos from the 2024 Graduation Ceremony are now ready 🤩

Please click the link below to access your memories🎓

▫️Hurmatli bitiruvchilar, 2024 yilgi bitiruv marosimidan suratlar tayyor🤩

Suratlarni quyidagi havola orqali yuklab oling:https://primestudioholding.com/disk/24-11-0009-inha-wn153q

▫️Дорогие выпускники, фотографии с торжественной церемонии вручения дипломов 2024 — уже готовы🤩

Скачивайте по ссылке: https://primestudioholding.com/disk/24-11-0009-inha-wn153q

Приятного просмотра🎓

IUT Student Affairs

15 Nov, 07:55

Join the IUT Startup Fest!🚀

Welcome to the IUT Startup Fest — an exciting event that brings together the brightest minds, visionary startups, and industry leaders for a day full of inspiration, networking, and groundbreaking ideas!

You’ll have the chance to discover innovative projects, connect with potential partners, and explore investment opportunities in cutting-edge technological solutions.

The event features keynote speeches from renowned speakers, interactive discussions, and a startup pitch competition where talented innovators will showcase their ideas in hopes of winning the Startup Garage Coaching Service Scholarships, sponsored by Aloqaventures.

What to expect:
Keynote speeches by renowned speakers: Gain insights from industry leaders.
Startup presentations: Explore innovative projects across various sectors.
Networking opportunities: Meet investors, mentors, and like-minded professionals.
Pitch competition: Support startups as they pitch their ideas and find out who wins the scholarship sponsored by Aloqaventures.
Inspiring talks: Learn from successful entrepreneurs and industry pioneers.

Don’t miss the chance to be part of an event where ambition meets opportunity, hosted by Inha University in Tashkent, a leader in IT education.

Register your team and project here: https://forms.gle/49s53jCtxbuodZGL7
Date: November 21
Time: 2:00 PM
Venue: Room B304

IUT Startap Festga qo‘shiling!

Yangi tarmoqlar va innovatsion g‘oyalarga to‘la bir kun davomida eng yorqin g‘oyalar, istiqbolli startaplar va soha yetakchilarini birlashtiradigan tadbir – IUT Startup Festga xush kelibsiz!


Присоединяйтесь к IUT Startup Fest!🚀

Добро пожаловать на IUT Startup Fest — захватывающее мероприятие, объединяющее самые яркие умы, дальновидные стартапы и лидеров отрасли, этот день будет полон вдохновения, нетворкинга и новаторских идей!


IUT Student Affairs

15 Nov, 06:07

🌍 Join the 2025 Uzbekistan-Korea Global Green Challenger Program! 🌱

The 2025 Uzbekistan-Korea Global Green Challenger Program is a unique opportunity for students at IUT to collaborate with top universities from Korea to tackle the global climate crisis. This international education initiative focuses on climate change solutions and hands-on experience, with key activities, including hackathons, workshops, and field visits.

Apply now!

For more detailed information


🌍 «2025 Uzbekistan-Korea Global Green Challenger Program» dasturida ISHTIROK ETING🌱

Iqlim inqiroziga qarshi kurashing, global miqyosda birlashing va dunyoni o'zgartiring!

«2025 Uzbekistan-Korea Global Green Challenger Program»dasturi Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti talabalari uchun global iqlim inqiroziga qarshi kurashda Koreyaning yetakchi universitetlari bilan hamkorlik qilish uchun noyob imkoniyatdir. Ushbu xalqaro ta'lim tashabbusi asosiy tadbirlar, jumladan, xakatonlar, seminarlar va sayohatlar bilan birga iqlim o'zgarishi bo'yicha yechimlar va amaliy tajribalarga qaratilgan.

Batafsil ma'lumot havolada:

🌍 Присоединяйтесь к программе Global Green Challenger 2025 года между Узбекистаном и Кореей! 🌱

Боритесь с климатическим кризисом, объединяйтесь глобально и меняйте мир!

Программа Global Green Challenger 2025 года между Узбекистаном и Кореей — это уникальная возможность для студентов Университета Инха в Ташкенте сотрудничать с ведущими университетами Кореи для борьбы с глобальным климатическим кризисом. Эта международная образовательная инициатива фокусируется на решениях в области изменения климата и практическом опыте, с ключевыми мероприятиями, включая хакатоны, семинары и выезды на места.

Более детальная информация по ссылке: inha.uz/lzkr

IUT Student Affairs

14 Nov, 06:27

On November 14 of this year, as part of “Student Safety Day”, an event titled “Tig’” was organized at Inha University in Tashkent

During the event, Senior Prevention Inspector Lieutenant Khalikova A.D. and the university’s “Qalqon” team conducted explanatory sessions on the prohibition and monitoring of items on campus. Students were provided with essential guidance on limiting items that could pose risks to their health and safety.

Joriy yilning 14-noyabr kuni TShIU da "Talabalar xavfsizlik kuni" doirasida "Tig'" tadbiri tashkil etildi

Mazkur tadbir doirasida profilaktika katta inspektori leytenant Xalikova A.D. va universitet "Qalqon" jamoasi tomonidan ta'lim muassasasi hududiga taqiqlangan buyumlarni olib kirish va nazorat qilish bo'yicha tushintirish ishlari amalga oshirildi. Mazkur tadbir davomida talabalarning hayoti va sog‘lig‘iga havf tug'digan buyumlarni olib yurishni cheklash bo'yicha kerakli ko'rsatmalar berildi.

14 ноября этого года в УИТ, в рамках дня «Студенческая безопасность» было организовано мероприятие «Tig’»

В рамках данного мероприятия старший инспектор профилактики лейтенант Халикова А.Д. и команда университета «Qalqon» провели профилактическую работу по запрету и контролю за вносом запрещенных предметов на территорию учебного заведения. В ходе мероприятия студентам были даны необходимые инструкции по ограничению ношения предметов, представляющих угрозу их жизни и здоровью

IUT Student Affairs

12 Nov, 16:29

Hancom Academy opens at Inha University in Tashkent! 🚀

On November 12, Hancom Academy, one of Korea's leading IT academies, launched at Inha University in Tashkent.

At the opening ceremony, Minister of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sherzod Shermatov, Director of Hancom Academy Lee Sangil, and Rector of Inha University in Tashkent Muzaffar Djalalov cut the symbolic red ribbon together, officially launching the program, which promises to become an innovative center for the study of the Korean language and information technology.

The opening of the academy at Inha University in Tashkent is a unique opportunity to study the Korean language and information technology under the guidance of the best professors from Korea.

🔹Korean Language and Culture
- Education with highly qualified professors from Korea
- Hybrid format: online lessons with support from real-time mentors

🔹IT education
- Courses in information technology

Please note that registration is now open, don’t delay your path to success!

🌐 More details on the website:

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida Hancom Akademiyasining ochilish marosimi bo‘lib o‘tdi!

12-noyabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida Koreyaning yetakchi IT akademiyalaridan biri – Hancom Academy o‘z faoliyatini boshladi.

Ochilish marosimida O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Raqamli Texnologiyalar vaziri Sherzod Shermatov va Hancom akademiyasi direktori Li Sangil hamda Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti rektori Muzaffar Djalalov birgalikda ramziy qizil lentani kesib, dasturni rasman boshlab berishdi. Ushbu dastur koreys tili va axborot texnologiyalarini o‘rganish bo‘yicha innovatsion markazga aylanadi.

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida akademiyaning ochilishi Koreyaning eng yaxshi professor-o‘qituvchilari rahbarligida koreys tili va axborot texnologiyalarini o‘rganish uchun noyob imkoniyatdir.

🔹 Koreys tili va madaniyati
- Koreyadan yuqori malakali professor-o‘qituvchilar bilan malaka oshirish
- Gibrid format: real vaqt rejimida mentor yordami bilan onlayn darslar

🔹 IT-ta'lim
- Axborot texnologiyalari kurslari

E'tibor bering, ro'yxatdan o'tish allaqachon ochiq, muvaffaqiyatga erishish yo'lingizni kechiktirmang!

🌐 Batafsil ma'lumot veb-saytda:

Открытие Hancom Academy состоялось в Университете Инха в Ташкенте! 🚀

12 ноября Hancom Academy, одна из ведущих IT-академий Кореи, запустилась в Университете Инха в Ташкенте.

На церемонии открытия министр цифровых технологий Республики Узбекистан Шерзод Шерматов и директор Hancom Academy Ли Сангил и ректор Университета Инха в Ташкенте Музаффар Джалалов вместе разрезали символическую красную ленту, официально запустив программу, которая обещает стать инновационным центром изучения корейского языка и информационных технологий.

Открытие академии в Университете Инха в Ташкенте - это уникальная возможность изучать корейский язык и информационные технологии под руководством лучших профессоров из Кореи.

🔹 Корейский язык и культура
- Обучение с высококвалифицированнымпрофессорами из Кореи
- Гибридный формат: онлайн-уроки с поддержкой менторов в реальном времени

🔹 IT-образование
- Курсы по информационным технологиям

Отметим, что регистрация уже открыта, не откладывайте свой путь к успеху!

🌐 Подробнее на сайте:

IUT Student Affairs

04 Nov, 09:41

📢On November 6th, the election for the president of “Student Council” will take place in IUT

Every vote counts, as you decide who will represent your interests, propose key initiatives, and bring new ideas to life. We kindly ask you to be active and responsible. Make your choice and support the candidate whose goals and values resonate with you.
Join the voting and be a part of the change🗣️
Note: Freshmen students will not be able to participate in this election❗️

Location📍: A block, Main hall
Time: 9.00- 17.00

📢 6-noyabr kuni TShIU da “Student Council” prezidentligiga saylovi bo‘lib o‘tadi

Har bir ovoz muhim, chunki aynan siz o‘z manfaatlaringizni himoya qiladigan, muhim tashabbuslarni ilgari suradigan va yangi g‘oyalarni hayotga tatbiq etadigan nomzodni tanlaysiz. Sizlardan faollik va mas’uliyat bilan yondashishingizni so‘raymiz. O‘zingizga yaqin maqsad va qadriyatlarga ega bo‘lgan nomzodni qo‘llab-quvvatlang.

Saylovda ishtirok eting va o‘zgarishning bir qismiga aylaning🗣️
Eslatma: Birinchi kurs talabalari ushbu saylovda ishtirok eta olmaydi❗️

Manzil📍: A bino, asosiy hol
Vaqti: 9.00- 17.00

IUT Student Affairs

04 Nov, 08:39

On November 2-3, the «Samarkand Marathon» International Charity Half Marathon was held and was attended by about 30 students and graduates of Inha University in Tashkent, as well as Rector Muzaffar Djalalov.

The “Samarkand Marathon” is an international charity race founded in 2019. The event is part of a series of charity races "Samarkand Marathon". The races help to solve the tasks of attracting public attention to the problem of inclusivity of cultural and art objects, promoting a healthy lifestyle and developing sports tourism in our country.🤩

2-3 noyabr kunlari "Samarkand Marathon" xalqaro xayriya yarim marafoni bo'lib o'tdi, unda Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetining 30 ga yaqin talabalari va bitiruvchilari, shuningdek rektor Muzaffar Djalalov ishtirok etdi.

Samarkand Marathon 2019 yilda tashkil etilgan xalqaro xayriya musobaqasi. “Samarkand Marathon" tadbiri - xayriya poygalari seriyasining bir qismi bo’lib, musobaqalar madaniyat va san'at ob'ektlarining inklyuzivligi, sog'lom turmush tarzini targ'ib qilish va mamlakatimizda sport turizmini rivojlantirish masalalariga jamoatchilik e'tiborini jalb qilish muammolarini hal qilishga yordam beradi🤩

2-3 ноября прошел Международный благотворительный полумарафон "Samarkand Marathon", в котором приняло участие порядка 30 студентов и выпускников Университета Инха в Ташкенте, а также ректор Музаффар Джалалов.

«Samarkand Marathon» — международный благотворительный забег, основанный в 2019 году. Мероприятие является частью серии благотворительных забегов «Samarkand Marathon». Забеги помогают решать задачи по привлечению внимания общественности к проблеме инклюзивности объектов культуры и искусства, пропаганде здорового образа жизни и развитию спортивного туризма в нашей стране🤩

IUT Student Affairs

03 Nov, 19:27

An unforgettable adventure with students of IUT and members of the "Trip Team" club!

On November 2nd, after midterm exams, our students set out to relax and recharge in nature🍁

The journey began with a visit to the Suqoq forest, where they climbed mountain slopes and enjoyed the fresh air and beautiful scenery. Afterwards, they visited the Sun Institute, where an exciting tour of this unique location awaited them. The day concluded with games and contests around a campfire, bringing endless joy and unforgettable moments! This day left everyone energized and created warm memories that will last a long time

TShIU talabalari va “Trip Team” klubi a’zolarining Toshkentda unutilmas sarguzashti!

2-noyabr kuni, oraliq imtihonlardan so‘ng, talabalar dam olish va kuch yig‘ish uchun tabiatning bag‘riga yo‘l olishdi🍁
Sayohat Suqoq o‘rmoniga tashrifdan boshlandi. Talabalar tog‘ yonbag‘irlariga chiqib, toza havodan nafas olib, ajoyib manzaralardan zavqlanishdi. Shundan so‘ng, Sun Institute (Quyosh Instituti)ga tashrif buyurishdi, u yerda ularni qiziqarli ekskursiya kutib turardi. Kun esa olov atrofida o‘yinlar va tanlovlar bilan yakunlandi, bu esa ularga cheksiz quvonch va unutilmas lahzalarni tuhfa etdi. Ushbu kun barcha uchun energiya bag‘ishlab, uzoq vaqt saqlanadigan iliq xotiralar qoldirdi

IUT Student Affairs

02 Nov, 08:35

🧞🧟‍♀️ [O'Z] Ijodiy sanoat global iqtisodiyotdagi eng dinamik tarmoqlardan biri bo‘lib, iqtisodiy o‘sishni rag‘batlantiradi va yangi ish o‘rinlarini yaratadi.
📍Biroq, raqamli tafovut, infratuzilmaning etishmasligi va tartibga soluvchi to'siqlar sanoatning Osiyo-Tinch okeani mintaqasidagi salohiyatini bo'g'moqda.
📊Bizning Netflix bilan so'nggi hisobotimiz muammolarni o'rganadi va mintaqani iste'dodlar uchun jozibador bo'lishiga yordam beradigan yechimlarni aniqlaydi: https://ow.ly/uTX350TUcCR

IUT Student Affairs

02 Nov, 08:35

🧞🧟‍♀️ Креативные индустрии являются одними из самых динамичных секторов в мировой экономике, стимулируя экономический рост и создавая новые рабочие места.
📍Однако цифровой разрыв, недостаток инфраструктуры и нормативные препятствия подавляют потенциал этой отрасли в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе.
📊В нашем недавнем отчете с Netflix рассматриваются проблемы и указываются решения, которые помогут региону стать привлекательным для талантов: https://ow.ly/uTX350TUcCR

IUT Student Affairs

01 Nov, 06:40

Can be taken from Student Affairs office (A105)

IUT Student Affairs

01 Nov, 04:08



🏆Attention to our university’s athlete students!

We are pleased to announce that a football competition among students will be held at the university from November 11th to 16th this year as part of the Besh Tashabbus Olympiad.

👨🎓All students of our university are welcome to participate in the competition. Winners and prizeholders will be awarded memorable gifts from the University Sports Club.

📝Participants must submit their applications to the coaches on November 3rd at 10:00 a.m.

🏢Competition venue: University Sports Complex
📆Date and time: November 11th - 16th

☎️Contact phone: +998930041939
@Rahmatullayev_011 _rahmatullayev_011

Telegram | Instagram |

IUT Student Affairs

31 Oct, 15:14

Inha Students Awarded Sturgeon Foundation Scholarships

On October 30th, at the British Embassy, scholarships from Sturgeon Foundation for the 2023-2024 academic year were awarded to Inha University in Tashkent students: Javokhir Khatamov (Year 3) and Malikakhon Rustamova (Year 4).

Congratulations to the students! May this scholarship serve as a new impetus for their growth and future achievements!🤩

TshIU talabalari “Sturgeon Foundation” kompaniyasidan stipendiya yutib oldilar

30-oktabr kuni Buyuk Britaniya elchixonasida Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetining 3-kurs talabasi Javohir Xatamov va 4-kurs talabasi Malikaxon Rustamovalarga 2023-2024-o‘quv yili uchun Sturgeon Foundation stipendiyalari topshirildi.

Talabalarimizni tabriklaymiz va yangi yutuqlar tilab qolamiz! 🤩

Студенты Инха получили стипендии от «Sturgeon Foundation»

30 октября в Посольстве Великобритании были вручены стипендии от «Sturgeon Foundation» на 2023-2024 учебный год для студентов Университета Инха в Ташкенте 3 курса Жавохира Хатамова и 4 курса Маликахон Рустамовой.

Поздравляем студентов, пусть эта стипендия станет новым толчком для роста и новых достижений! 🤩

IUT Student Affairs

25 Oct, 05:36

🎉 Freshmen Party - Time to Relax and Recharge Before Midterms! 🎉

At Inha University in Tashkent, we recently held our highly anticipated Freshmen Party, organized specifically to entertain and support students before the intense midterm season. The evening was filled with energy, contests, and quizzes that brought everyone together and became a source of inspiration and strength!

Thank you to everyone who joined us!

🎉 Freshmen Party - Midterm oldidan dam olish va quvvat to‘plash vaqti! 🎉

Toshkentdagi Inha Universitetida uzoq kutilgan Freshmen Party bo‘lib o‘tdi. Bu tadbir talabalarni qizg‘in midterm mavsumidan oldin dam oldirish va qo‘llab-quvvatlash maqsadida tashkil etildi. Kecha tanlovlar va viktorinalarga boy bo‘lib, barcha ishtirokchilarga ilhom va kuch bag‘ishladi.

Bizga qo‘shilgan barchaga rahmat!

🎉 Freshmen Party — время отдохнуть и зарядиться перед мидтермами! 🎉

В Университете Инха в Ташкенте прошла долгожданная вечеринка Freshmen Party, организованная специально, чтобы развлечь и поддержать студентов перед напряжённым сезоном мидтермов. Вечер был наполнен энергией, конкурсами и квизами, которые объединили всех участников и стали источником вдохновения и сил!

Спасибо всем, кто присоединился к нам!

IUT Student Affairs

24 Oct, 10:39

Dear students!

We are looking for Dota 2 players for Universities team tournament ASAP!

Send your MMR and position to @baymuradov_a with approval foto. Deadline - today.

IUT Students’ Union

IUT Student Affairs

24 Oct, 07:17

Dear Students,
We invite you to participate in the CEH online classes, organized by EC-Council exclusively for IUT students.

➡️CEH eBook + iLabs + ECC Exam Voucher + Training

Special academic price with a discount:
$330 USD + 5% processing fee

Training format:

Register now! 🤩

Link 🔗

Hurmatli talabalar,
Sizni EC-Council tomonidan faqat TShIU talabalari uchun tashkil etiladigan onlayn CEH darslarida ishtirok etishga taklif qilamiz.

➡️CEH eBook + iLabs + ECC Exam Voucher + Trening

Akademik chegirmali narx:
$330 + 5% ishlov berish to'lovi

Trening formati:

Hoziroq roʻyxatdan oʻting🤩

Havola 🔗

Уважаемые студенты,
Мы приглашаем вас принять участие в онлайн-занятиях CEH, организованных EC-Council исключительно для студентов IUT.

➡️CEH eBook + iLabs + ECC Exam Voucher + Обучение

Академическая цена со скидкой:
330 долларов США + 5% за обработку

Формат обучения:

Зарегистрируйтесь сейчас🤩

Ссылка 🔗

IUT Student Affairs

24 Oct, 06:52

We’re Going Live!

Join us for the Huawei ICT Competition Network Track Livestream!

📆Date: October 24
Time: 16:00
📍 Where: 👉Link to livestream👈

Participants of ICT Competition 2024-2025, who chose Network track, you have unique chance to get better understanding about upcoming exam:
• Expert insights into advanced network technologies 💻
• Real-time Q&A session with talented ICT teams 💡
• Analysis of previous Exam Questions
Don’t miss out to be a part of this global competition! 🌟


Jonli efir!

Huawei ICT Competition Network track jonli efiriga qo'shiling!

📆 Sana: 24-oktabr
Vaqt: 16:00 da
📍 Joy: 👉Jonli efirga havola👈

Network yo’nalishini tanlagan ICT Competiton 2024-2025 tanlovi ishtirokchilari sizda bo'lajak imtihon haqida yaxshiroq malumotga ega bo’lish imkoniyati bor:
• Mutaxassislarning ilg‘or tarmoq texnologiyalari bo‘yicha fikrlari 💻
• ICT professionallari bilan real vaqtda savol-javob sessiyasi 💡
• Oldingi imtihon savollari tahlili
Ushbu global musobaqaning bir qismi bo'lishni o'tkazib yubormang! 🌟


Прямой эфир!

Присоединяйтесь к прямой трансляции Huawei ICT Competition Network Track!

📆 Дата: 24 Октября
Время: 16:00
📍 Место: 👉Ссылка на прямой эфир👈

Участники ICT Competition 2024-2025, выбравшие направление Network, у вас есть уникальный шанс узнать больше о предстоящем экзамене:
• Детальная информация о передовых сетевых технологиях от экспертов 💻
• Сессия вопросов и ответов в режиме реального времени с профессионалами в области ИКТ 💡
• Анализ предыдущих экзаменационных вопросов
Не упустите возможность стать частью глобального соревнования! 🌟

#ICTacademy #ICTheFuture #Talent

IUT Student Affairs

24 Oct, 05:12

🇺🇿Mening tanlovim – obod Vatanim!

Parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan will take place on October 27.

Your vote is more than just a word. It represents your opinion, your ideas, and your future!

It’s worth noting that a polling station will be set up at Inha University in Tashkent.

Don’t forget to cast your vote! 🇺🇿


O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Qonunchilik palatasi va mahalliy kengashlar deputatlar saylovi 2024 yil 27 oktyabrda o‘tkaziladi.

Sizning ovozingiz -bu sizning fikringiz, g'oyalaringiz va kelajagingiz!

Eslatib o‘tamiz, Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida saylov uchastkasi tashkil etiladi.

O'z ovozingizni berishni unutmang! 🇺🇿


Парламентские выборы в Узбекистане пройдут 27 октября

Ваш голос — это не просто слово. Это ваше мнение, ваши идеи, ваше будущее!

Отметим, в Университете Инха в Ташкенте будет организован избирательный участок.

Не забудьте внести свой голос!🇺🇿


IUT Student Affairs

23 Oct, 14:35

When the Midterm week is coming: and everyone is preparing, but there is a person who always wants to talk (yapp) with someone, but everyone is busy

Qachonki imtihon haftasi yaqinlashganda: va hamma tayyorgarlik kòrayotganda, har bir jamoada doimo kimdir bilan gaplashmoqchi bo'lgan dòsti bor, lekin hamma band

Когда приближается неделя промежуточных экзаменов: и все готовятся к ним, в каждой компании есть тот самый человек, который хочет с кем то болтать, но все заняты

IUT Student Affairs

22 Oct, 15:47


© IT Park Koreyaning yetakchi kompaniyasi bo‘lgan Dain Leaders mutaxassislari tomonidan o‘tkaziladigan BEPUL texnik o‘quv mashg‘ulotlarini taklif etadi

Dain Leaders o‘zining "CareerPASS" platformasi bilan mashhur bo‘lib, u insonlarga karyera yo‘lida muvaffaqiyatga erishishga yordam beradi. Agar siz axborot-texnologiyalari sohasida yangi ko‘nikmalarni o‘rganishni xohlasangiz, ushbu imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang! Hoziroq ro‘yxatdan o‘ting!

🗓 4-15 noyabr, 09:00-18:00
🗺 IT Parkning Toshkent filiali, 1A Maxtumquli ko‘chasi va "IT Bilim", 4 Muminov ko‘chasi
🌐 Til: Har bir kurs tafsilotlariga qarang - (tarjima mavjud)

Ochilish marosimi 4-noyabr kuni soat 10:30 da IT Park Toshkent filialining birinchi qavatida bo‘lib o‘tadi.

⭐️ Ariza topshirish uchun oxirgi muddat: 24.10.2024 - 12:00

⬇️ Ariza topshirish | 📞 +998 900241171 | muhammadaminx0n

© IT Park is offering FREE technical training sessions led by experts from Dain Leaders, a leading edutech company in Korea.

Dain Leaders is known for their "CareerPASS" platform, which helps people advance their careers. If you're looking to gain new skills in information technology, don't miss out! Register now!

🗓 November 4-15, 09:00-18:00
🗺 Tashkent branch of IT Park, 1A Makhtumkuli St. and “IT Bilim”, 4 Muminov St.
🌐 Language: Refer to each course details (Translation is available)

The opening ceremony will take place on November 4 at 10:30 AM on the first floor of the Tashkent branch of IT Park.

⭐️ Deadline for registration: 24.10.2024 - 12:00 PM

⬇️ Registration | 📞 +998 900241171 | muhammadaminx0n

IUT Student Affairs

21 Oct, 15:30

Professors and staff of Inha University in Tashkent congratulate all of you with the celebration “Uzbek language day” on October 21🇺🇿
Enjoy watching🤩

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti professorlari va xodimlari ham barchangizni 21-oktabr “O‘zbek tili kuni” bayrami bilan tabrikladilar🇺🇿
Video lavhani tomosha qiling🤩

Профессора и сотрудники Университета Инха в Ташкенте также поздравляют всех вас с 21 октября «Днем узбекского языка» 🇺🇿
Приятного просмотра🤩

IUT Student Affairs

21 Oct, 08:43

When you try your best to be serious and make a new acquaintance, but it turns out as usual👀

Qachonki sen har tomonlama jiddiy bo'lishga va yangi tanishuvlar orttirishga harakat qilsang-u, bundan har doimgidek hech narsa chiqmasa👀

Когда ты всячески пытаешься стать серьезным и завести новые знакомства, но выходит как всегда👀

IUT Student Affairs

21 Oct, 03:40

Inha University in Tashkent congratulates you on the holiday of the Uzbek language! 🇺🇿

On October 21, 1989, the Law on the State Language was adopted, according to which the Uzbek language was given the status of the State language. The native language of every nation is its priceless wealth and national pride.

Congratulations on the Day of the Uzbek language to our people!

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti sizni O'zbek tili bayrami bilan tabriklaydi! 🇺🇿
1989-yil 21-oktabr kuni "Davlat tili to'g'risida" gi qonun qabul qilinib, unga ko'ra o'zbek tiliga davlat tili maqomi berilgan kundir. Har bir millatning ona tilisi - uning bebaho boyligi va milliy g'ururi.

Xalqimizni yana bir bor O'zbek tili kuni bilan tabriklaymiz!

Университет Инха в Ташкенте поздравляет вас с праздником узбекского языка!🇺🇿

21 октября 1989 года был принят Закон о государственном языке, согласно которому узбекскому языку был придан статус государственного. Родной язык каждого народа - это его бесценное богатство и национальная гордость.

Поздравляем с Днем узбекского языка наш народ!

IUT Student Affairs

20 Oct, 10:23

📢School 21, Woman Techmakers va ALIF bilan hamkorlikda ayollar uchun IT yo‘nalishida bepul bootcamp yo‘lga qo‘ymoqda!

25-26-27-oktyabr kunlari maktabning Toshkentdagi kampusida xotin-qizlarga mashina tilida o‘rganish va ma’lumotlar tahlili asoslarini mutlaqo bepul o‘zlashtirishga ko‘maklashuvchi Women in Tech bootcamp bo‘lib o‘tadi!

🌟Bu IT sohasida talab yuqori bo‘lgan kasblar bilan mashg‘ul bo‘lish hamda yangi bilim va ko‘nikmalarni egallash uchun ajoyib imkoniyatdir.

👉Ishtirok etish uchun havola orqali ro‘yxatdan o֥‘ting.

Biz bilan birga yuksaling va yuqori texnologiyalar dunyosi sari yo‘l oling! 💻👩‍💻
📢 School 21 совместно с Women Techmakers и ALIF запускает бесплатный буткемп для женщин в IT!

25-26-27 октября в кампусе школы в Ташкенте пройдет буткемп Women in Tech, который поможет девушкам и женщинам освоить основы машинного обучения и аналитики данных абсолютно бесплатно!

🌟 Это уникальная возможность погрузиться в востребованные профессии, получить новые знания и навыки в сфере IT.

👉Для участия зарегистрируйтесь по ссылке.

Развивайтесь вместе с нами и прокладывайте свой путь в мир высоких технологий! 💻👩‍💻
🔹Telegram 🔹Instagram 🔹Facebook

IUT Student Affairs

20 Oct, 07:37

Hi there!

We are so excited to announce that Sergey Yan, the current Head of Cultural Union, is participating in the presidential elections at IUT!

Not only is he Head of the Cultural Union, but he is also the Head of the Karaoke Club at IUT.

Moreover, during the previous year, he was conducting the IUT Digest daily news program.

With all his experience, he is here to start making changes!

His plans are very simple:
1. Increase the cooperation among students' organisations
2. Show the importance of the President of the Students' Council
3. Build a strong IUT family that will work together as one team

Let's create something special together!