Kita selalu di “brainwash” kan dengan “hustle mindset”;
1. Perlu kerja lebih masa daripada orang lain.
2. Perlu “push” diri untuk kerja sekurang-kurang nya 18 jam sehari.
3. Sekiranya gagal / masih belum berjaya, perlu letakkan “extra effort” , dan ini akan “consume” lebih banyak masa dalam apa yang kita cuba buat tu.
Bahasa mudah nya, ini lah “perseverance” yang perlu ada kalau nak jadi usahawan yang berjaya. Kalau masih tak berjaya, teruskan cuba dan cuba lagi tanpa tangguh. Spend more time equal to more good results, equal to more money. Constant effort leads to success.
Perkara yang sama sebenar nya tak boleh “apply” dalam dunia “trading”, terutama nya dalam super volatile market seperti “futures market”. More time does not mean more money. It is the opposite. Success in trading does not come from grinding or being glued to the screen.
Dalam “trading”, kita tak boleh lagi gunakan formula hard work equal to constant action. Kadang2 kita rasa macam tak “trade” betul2 kalau kita tak tengok chart lama2 dan tak “execute trade” secara kerap. Sebab kita ingat ini adalah “perseverance” yang kita perlu ada kalau nak jadi “trader”.
Bila “loss”, kita terus nak “execute another trade”, dengan harapan nak terus “cover losses” sebelum ni. Sebab apa? Sebab kita anggap itu lah “perseverance”; execute another trade and another and another in the short time period. We think that is the hard work we need to do.
In reality, hard work in trading is not about non stop activity.
It is about waiting the right setups.
It is about managing risk, not chasing the market.
The real skill is sitting on our hands when there is no opportunities, and only acting when market gives us clear signal.
If the market tells us to trade, we trade. If not, we do nothing.
The key is not trading more hours, it is trading smart. That means mastering the art of doing nothing until the conditions are just right.
And this is the real perseverance in trading.