

Poetry & Quotes


12 Oct, 11:08

women fantasise about marriage but they don't know how to raise a pious generation.


21 Sep, 20:01

'They look for Khadija
while they are nothing like Muhammad.



26 Aug, 07:53

“Islam began as a something strange and it will return to being strange, so blessed are the strangers.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 145


18 Aug, 04:05

7 things that make you ugly

1. Negative Mindset, assuming bad or worse case scenarios all the time. Never looking and being grateful for the blessings.

2. Immodest dressing, if you can't pray in that outfit, why are you wearing it?

3. Lack of empathy

4. Pleasing people, pleasing yourself or your parents at the expense of your relationship with Allah

5. Arrogance. Thinking you know enough or you know better. Not to be mistaken by confidence.

6. Pride. Prideful of your country or your heritage or your culture.

7. Bad Character - Lies, cheating, betrayal, corruption etc.


16 Apr, 11:06

If you have read and studied the quran, you know that Allah speaks about different types of people in the Quran.

I love the quran because it gives you the reality of certain people and their nature which you can observe for yourself.

One type of people are those that have eyes but they cannot see. Their hearts are blind. No matter how much logic or reasoning or convincing you do, they won't ever be able to see the truth.

Such people should be avoided because they will just waste your time. Instead just pray for them and encourage them to goodness. A reminder that you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.


12 Apr, 01:05

I don't trust fat people. If your body can't trust you to keep it healthy how can I trust you?


27 Mar, 00:17

Everyone has problems. Some problems are better than others. Some problems are our own fault and others aren't. Some problems are desires and others needs.

For some, the problem is finding someone to love. For some, the problem is finding food and water.

Whatever your problem, remain grateful and become a better problem solver. The only way to become a better problem solver is through wisdom.


26 Mar, 12:22

The night was made for sleep or prayer but there are muslims out here causing fitnah during the month of Ramadan.


26 Mar, 12:12

The dunya destroys the foolish but the intelligent destroy the dunya. Seeking knowledge is a sign of a true believer.


23 Mar, 11:39

Women are attracted to sweet words, words of encouragement, words of truth, words of kindness, words of respect.

Men are attracted to beautiful appearances, beauty of elegance, beauty of modesty, beauty of haya, beauty of faces, beauty of visuals, beauty of actions.

Both are delusional. This is why men lie and women wear makeup.


05 Mar, 12:10

most parents set expectations on their children not because they want them to grow up to be wonderful and successful people. or because they love them.

But quite often i find they just want status, they just want to benefit from their children and they think that all the things they did for their children has a price. Some consider their children as property. How backwards.

Where as islam teaches us that children have rights, they have their own destiny, their own desires and dreams and it's our job as parents to propel them to greatness, not force anything but encourage them and be their best friend.


05 Mar, 12:08

Real love isn't about you. It's what you can do for someone else without expectations.


28 Feb, 09:23

A generous man is free because he owns his money, while a stingy man does not deserve to be called free because his money owns him.


28 Feb, 09:23

A true man is he who finds himself alone with sins, & has the power to commit them & his lusts urges him to quench its thirst, but he thinks about Allah looking at him, so he feels embarrassed from angering Him and thus his desire goes away.


22 Feb, 10:18

I have many untold stories buried in my heart that I not told a soul. But I look forward to telling you my love. A secret between you and me.


16 Feb, 10:24

Choose your spouse wisely, they represent you.