Know that nearness to Allāh is not actualized by abandoning these things that are permissible for the one who is not fasting except after seeking nearness to Allāh by abandoning that which Allāh has made impermissible at all times from lying, oppression, transgression against the people and their blood, their wealth and their honor. Due to this, the Prophet (ﷺ) said:
"He who does nor leave false statements and acting upon them, Allāh is not in need of him leaving his food or drink”
It is reported by Al-Bukhari in another Hadith he said:
"Fasting is not merely from food and drink, rather, fasting is from false speech, and insolent behavior”
One of the Salaf said: "The most insignificant part of fasting is the abandonment of food and drink."
Book: Righteous and Virtuous Deeds Pg 147-148|
By Hāfiẓ Ibn Rajab | Translated by Rāḥa Batts | Published by Hikmah Publications