Ramadan has a secret.
God wants us to become lighter.
Lighter in mind. Lighter in soul. Lighter in the way we move through life.
Our thoughts feel heavy.
Our souls feel burdened.
We carry so much: stress, worries, distractions, unnecessary baggage.
But Ramadan comes as a reset, a chance to offload, to strip away the excess, to realign with what truly matters.
So how does Ramadan actually help us remove this heaviness?
1. It removes the noise
By stepping away from constant eating, endless entertainment, and social media scrolling, we create space for deeper thoughts and self-reflection.
2. It forces us to slow down
With lower energy levels, we become more intentional about where we direct our time and focus.
3. It teaches us discipline
Fasting is more than avoiding food, it’s about mastering impulses which helps us cut out unnecessary distractions.
4. It resets our attachments
We realize how little we actually need to be content, making it easier to let go of material excess, mental clutter, and even toxic habits.
5. It reconnects us with God
The more we remember Him, the more we offload stress, anxiety, and the burdens of overthinking.
Physically, mentally and spiritually we should become lighter.
The Prophet ﷺ told us about a man - who to the companions seemed very ordinary - would enter paradise simply because he forgave everyone before he slept, he held no grudges.
In other words, he let go, he was light and therefore was more at peace with himself, with others and with his Lord.
So as we step further into this month, ask yourself: What weight am I carrying that I no longer need?
Use this month to fast from more than just food—fast from the unnecessary, the excessive, the things weighing you down.
Because the lighter you become, the freer you are to move toward what truly matters.
📝Omar DaCosta Shahid