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پست‌های تلگرام Seeking Jannah

Seeking Jannah
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آخرین به‌روزرسانی 09.03.2025 02:52

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آخرین محتوای به اشتراک گذاشته شده توسط Seeking Jannah در تلگرام

Seeking Jannah

09 Mar, 01:36


Al-H‌āfiẓ Ibn Rajab Said:

Know that nearness to Allāh is not actualized by abandoning these things that are permissible for the one who is not fasting except after seeking nearness to Allāh by abandoning that which Allāh has made impermissible at all times from lying, oppression, transgression against the people and their blood, their wealth and their honor. Due to this, the Prophet (ﷺ) said:

"He who does nor leave false statements and acting upon them, Allāh is not in need of him leaving his food or drink”

It is reported by Al-Bukhari in another Hadith he said:

"Fasting is not merely from food and drink, rather, fasting is from false speech, and insolent behavior”

One of the Salaf said: "The most insignificant part of fasting is the abandonment of food and drink."

Book: Righteous and Virtuous De
eds Pg 147-148|
By H‌āfiẓ Ibn Rajab | Translated by Rāḥa Batts | Published by Hikmah Publications
Seeking Jannah

08 Mar, 11:24


Call it for what it is - theft! _— Ali Hammuda
Seeking Jannah

08 Mar, 05:27


I’ve been thinking a lot about death for the past few years—not in a morbid way, but in the sense of perspective. I am 36 now, and the older I get, the more I realise how much time we waste on things that, in the grand scheme, mean very little. Squabbles, pettiness, feuds—they consume so much of our energy, yet when we lie on our deathbeds, none of these will matter.

I often imagine that moment: lying there, knowing that my time is up. What will I regret? Will I wish I had spent more time arguing, proving a point, or holding onto grudges? Or will I wish I had been more patient, more forgiving, more present?

The truth is, life is short. And as much as we like to think we have time, none of us really know how much is left. The things we chase—recognition, wealth, status—lose all significance in the face of death. What remains are the moments of sincerity, the times we truly connected with others, the kindness we showed, and most importantly, our relationship with our Creator.

Everything pales in comparison to that final meeting with our Lord. And when that moment comes, I want to be able to say that I lived with purpose, that I did not let trivialities consume me, that I prepared for the only reality that truly matters.

May we all live with that perspective, before it’s too late.

📝 Shoaib Ahmed

Seeking Jannah

08 Mar, 01:26


Some charitable institutions collect donations to feed the poor Muslims during Ramadan. Shall the one who donates to these institutions have the same reward of a fasting person or must one give the food himself?

When a Muslim donates to feed fasting people, he shall be rewarded whether he does it personally or through other trustworthy individuals or established organizations.

[Majmoo ’al-Fataawa Ibn Baaz, Vol. 15; pg. 323]
Seeking Jannah

08 Mar, 01:25


Providing Food is not Limited to the Time of Ifṭār Alone 

The Saḥābah (Companions of the Prophet ﷺ), May Allāh be pleased with them, used to compete in feeding others during Ramaḍān.

And some of the people of knowledge have mentioned that providing Ifṭār for a fasting person is not limited to the time of sunset alone.

Rather, it extends to feeding him during the entire night.

So, whoever satisfies the hunger of a fasting person, that is, after he has broken his fast, has indeed helped him to break his fast.

And the faḍl (bounty) of Allāh is vast.

~ Sheikh Sulaymān Ar-Ruḥaylī
Seeking Jannah

07 Mar, 16:41


﴿وَبِالأَسحارِ هُم يَستَغفِرونَ﴾
And during the last portion of the night they seek forgiveness

‏ الإستغفار آخر اللّيل سُنة يغفل عنها كثير من الناس لاسيما في رمضان ليقظتهم في هذا الوقت.

Seeking forgiveness (Istighfar) during the last portion of the night is a Sunnah that many of the people are heedless of. Especially in Ramadan when they are awake at this time.

• الشيخ صالح العُصيمي.
Seeking Jannah

07 Mar, 04:32


⁣⁣Imām Ibn al-Qayyim ‏ رحمه الله said:

“The Prophet (ﷺ) was the most generous of people, and he was at his most generous in Ramadan, when he would give a great deal of charity, do good deeds, read Qur'ān, remember Allāh (dhikr) and observe I'tikaf.⁣⁣”

[Zaad al-Ma'aad | 2/32]
Seeking Jannah

07 Mar, 01:49


Don’t feel despondent if you can’t do as much as others are doing this Ramadan. Remember sisters, serving your family and being patient and kind to your husband and kids is ibadah as well.

We don’t need to join halaqas, watch scholarly lectures, memorize Quran, study intensively to get closer to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala only…we can teach our children the deen, support our spouse after a tough day at work, cook a wholesome iftar, feed the less fortunate, call or visit our parents more, keep in touch with ill or old family members, and make dua for those who are struggling and oppressed.

Ibadah is so much more than we think!

~ Zakeeya Ali
Seeking Jannah

06 Mar, 16:40


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
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Seeking Jannah

06 Mar, 11:14

