Seeking Jannah @seekingjannahonlinemadrasah Channel on Telegram

Seeking Jannah


Seeking Jannah Online Madrasah (English)

Are you on a journey to seek knowledge and spiritual growth? Look no further than 'Seeking Jannah Online Madrasah' Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to providing insightful Islamic teachings, guidance, and resources to help you on your path towards seeking Jannah (paradise). Who is it for? 'Seeking Jannah Online Madrasah' is for anyone who is eager to deepen their understanding of Islam and strengthen their faith. Whether you are a beginner in your religious studies or someone who has been practicing for years, this channel offers a wealth of knowledge for all levels of learners. What is it? This channel serves as a virtual madrasah (religious school) where you can access lectures, Quranic interpretations, Hadiths, and other valuable Islamic content. From learning about the pillars of Islam to exploring the intricacies of Islamic jurisprudence, 'Seeking Jannah Online Madrasah' covers a wide range of topics to enrich your spiritual journey. Join us on this enlightening path towards seeking Jannah by subscribing to 'Seeking Jannah Online Madrasah' on Telegram today. Let's embark on this journey together towards a deeper connection with our faith and a brighter future in the Hereafter. May Allah guide us all on this blessed journey! Peace and blessings be upon you.

Seeking Jannah

15 Feb, 07:02

In one of his writings on the Qur'an, ibn al-Qayyim mentioned the following beautiful point:

‎[قال تعالى : [إِنَّ رَبِّي رَحِيمٌ وَدُودٌ ‎] وقال سبحانه في سورة البروج [وَهُوَ الْغَفُورُ الْوَدُودُ] وما ألطف اقتران اسم الودود بالرحيم؛ وبالغفور، فإن الرجل قد يغفر لمن أساء إليه ولا يُحبُّه، وكذلك قد يرحم من لا يُحِبُّ، والربُّ تعالى يغفر لعبده إذا تاب إليه؛ ويرحمه ويُحبُّه مع ذلك، فإنه: إن الله يحب التوابين ، وإذا تاب إليه عبده: أحبَّه؛ ولو كان منه ما كان . ـ]

Allah said:

‎[إِنَّ رَبِّي رَحِيمٌ وَدُودٌ]

"My Lord is certainly Merciful, Loving" [Hud 90]

and He said in surah al-Burooj:

‎[وَهُوَ الْغَفُورُ الْوَدُودُ]

"And He is Forgiving, Loving" [al-Burooj 14]

How kind it is for Allah to pair the name al-Wadood - Loving - with al-Raheem - Merciful - and al-Ghafoor - Forgiving! For a person might forgive someone who wronged him without loving him. Likewise, a person might show mercy to someone that he does not love. But the Lord forgives His slave when he turns to Him in repentance, shows mercy to him, and in addition to that He loves him, for Allah loves those who repent. When one of His servants repents to Him, He loves him, regardless of what he did.

[al-Tibyan fee Ayman al-Qur'an pg 146]

Seeking Jannah

15 Feb, 06:59

If someone wronged a Muslim, then he can adopt either of these 3 options

Seeking Jannah

13 Feb, 15:37

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
As Ramadan approaches, let's unite to make Ramadan better for poor and Needy families.
Participate in Seeking Jannah's Ramadan Grocery Kits Donation Drive with your Sadaqah amount. Delivered across many regions of India in sha Allah.

Each kit costs approx 1200/-

To donate and only to donate, Pls join -

Seeking Jannah

13 Feb, 14:13

Gentle reminder to send salawat on the Prophet ﷺ on the day and night of Friday

Seeking Jannah

13 Feb, 04:00

Abdullah ibn al-Mubārak said:

"The people in the time of ignorance used to marry for lineage, the Jews married for wealth and the Christians for beauty, but this Ummah marries for religion!"

[حياة عبد الله بن المبارك صحفة ٦]

Seeking Jannah

12 Feb, 15:57

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Seeking Jannah Launches
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Seeking Jannah

12 Feb, 15:57

Seeking Jannah

12 Feb, 10:44

Seeking Jannah

12 Feb, 03:22

One common misconception among many Muslims of the subcontinent is the belief that repeatedly asking Allah for His blessings displeases Him. Some even say in their supplications: "If You grant me such and such, I will not ask for anything more."

This statement implies that refraining from further requests is pleasing to Allah, whereas, in reality, this is a misunderstanding. In truth, the more one turns to Allah in supplication, the more He is pleased.

Du’a is not just about asking for a specific need; it is an expression of one’s dependence on Allah, a demonstration of hope in Him, and an acknowledgment that only He has the power to change one's circumstances. These heartfelt acts of ibaadah are far more beloved to Allah than mere physical actions.

~ Khalid Paulraj

Seeking Jannah

10 Feb, 11:45

“Whoever says every day, in the morning and the evening, Hasbi Allaah alladhi laa illaha illa huwa ‘alayhi tawwakaltu wa huwa rabb al-‘arsh il-‘azeem (Sufficient for me is Allaah, besides Whom there is no other god; in Him have I put my trust and He is the Lord of the mighty Throne), seven times, Allaah will suffice him with regard to what he is worried about, in this world and in the Hereafter.”

This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by Shu’ayb al-Arna’oot in Tahqeeq Zaad al-Ma’aad (2/342).

This supplication contains many benefits, including:

1. The significance of this invocation, as its virtue has been affirmed in the Sunnah, providing sufficiency from all concerns in both religious and worldly affairs.

2. The servant must exert all possible lawful means to achieve his goal and then place his trust in Allah, which is the essence of monotheism.

3. Reliance on Allah is a means for His sufficiency, as He says: "And whoever relies upon Allah – He will suffice him." (At-Talaq: 3)

4. The excellence of the statement of monotheism, as it ensures salvation in both this world and the Hereafter.

5. The importance of seeking closeness to Allah through His oneness, reliance upon Him, and His Lordship over His greatest creation.

6. Supplication can be in the form of a request as well as a statement of fact.

7. The supplicant should have good expectations of his Lord when praying, as indicated in the phrase "Hasbiya Allah" (Allah is sufficient for me), which is a form of seeking closeness to Him and a righteous deed.

~Khalid Paulraj

Seeking Jannah

09 Feb, 14:38

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Alhamdulillah, another Ramadan is dawning upon us?
Are we prepared for it?
Let's get ready to welcome this blessed month with sincerity and let's strive our best to turn a new page of our lives in this month.
Let's explore the Roadway to Ramadan together with Seeking Jannah

An exclusively FREE program for Ladies.

To join -

Seeking Jannah

09 Feb, 09:21

Allah hu Akbar

Seeking Jannah

09 Feb, 04:08

Do not ruin your Ramaḍān before it begins

As the blessed month approaches, there are variations of how to anticipate it.

1. There are those who are constantly preparing themselves early. They engage in acts of worship and are careful from the traps of the Shayṭān who will try to make them despair and fall into sin before Ramaḍān begins. They are constantly thinking about how to control matters of this Dunyā so as to spend more time during Ramaḍān in worship, be it work, entertainment and whatever other distractions.

2. There are those who will treat Ramaḍān like any other time and simply fast, but everything else is the same. No effort to change and no plans, but they treat Ramaḍān like a cultural practice in which they fast and attend the extra night prayers.

3. There are those who are uneasy about Ramaḍān and are dreading having to hold back on the sins which nullify their fasts, they feel a tightness in their chest and are trying to find ways to make the days of Ramaḍān go faster. They want to engage in modes of entertainment and other distractions.

So one must look at where s/he stands in the above categories or maybe something in between. Have we really made a commitment to change? To enter into Islām comprehensively?

I mean as an Ummah, if we keep doing the same thing, then our situation will also remain the same.

May Allāh grant us the opportunity to reach Ramaḍān and may He make it a means of change for us.

Allāh wants to forgive us and He is calling us, will we answer His call?

📝Wasim Ismail

Seeking Jannah

09 Feb, 03:23

Another beauty of Ramadan is it teaches us that true happiness is not found in fulfilling our desires. To believe that in theory is one thing but to live it is something else. The tranquility we often feel during Ramadan even though we can’t have a meal during the day, grab something to drink during a meeting, or have a snack between classes, teaches us that constantly gratifying ourselves will not give us what we think it will. In fact, apart from the necessities, constantly gratifying ourselves impacts us negatively. This is an important lesson we revisit every year during Ramadan that I hope we take to heart outside of it as well.

— Mohammed Safi

Seeking Jannah

08 Feb, 19:40

Seeking Jannah

08 Feb, 10:43

Imam Ibn Hajar (d. 852 AH) lost three of his daughters to a plague, yet he responded by writing a 400-page book:

بذل الماعون في فضل الطاعون
(𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗩𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗴𝘂𝗲𝘀)

For centuries, Western philosophers have struggled with “the problem of suffering,” searching for meaning but finding none.

Our scholars, however, never faced such a dilemma.

History records remarkable accounts of people who, upon noticing signs of the plague on their bodies, responded with laughter—content with God’s decree and patiently seeking His reward.

Islam teaches that every event, even the most outwardly destructive calamities, carries a deeper meaning and wisdom.

📝Mohmand Afghan

Seeking Jannah

08 Feb, 04:19

Am I the one walking on the path, or is the path walking? Or are we both standing while time runs?

As time runs between our fingers, unstoppable, and hard to catch, we are left before no other option but to dust ourselves off, stand up, and run after it, to take the most we can from it, to take our share of this dunyah before someone else takes it.

وَالسَّابِقُونَ السَّابِقُونَ ۝ أُو۟لَـٰئِكَ ٱلْمُقَرَّبُونَ

“And the foremost are the foremost— they are the ones brought near [to Allah].

Your destiny will not wait for you to be done grieving, or to be done mourning yourself, mourning those who left and crying for your missed opportunities and sinful past, the journey continues even when your heart is ill and even when you lose the way, even during your confusion and uncertainty, the forerunners to Jannah rush and lug with them the most they can carry, perhaps one of them will hold your hand and pull you to run with them, and perhaps not, and perhaps they will but your sins will make you too heavy to drag. 

That is why you must pull yourself by yourself without waiting for someone else to do it. Fast from sin, and jog, don’t only stand, you will eventually become faster, let your provision on this marathon be istighfar and tawbah, for it will increase your endurance and allow you to, perhaps, be from the sabiquun.


Seeking Jannah

25 Jan, 05:11

Debt? Lack of provision? Then keep saying this Dua

Seeking Jannah

25 Jan, 03:58

Develop this perspective to focus during Salah

Seeking Jannah

24 Jan, 14:33

Seeking Jannah

24 Jan, 14:31


Great things are done at the greatest of times.

The greatest time of the day is in the last hours of the night.

It is at this time there is absolute serenity and stillness in the cosmos, and when the common folk are tucked away in their beds.

There is not a sound of even a leaf falling of a tree.

This is the time which our beloved Prophet ﷺ would rise.

This is the time in which the Prophet ﷺ supplicated for blessings.

This is the time when champions rise.

The clarity of mind and thought gained at 4am is a superpower.

The buzz and kick felt by having an early sleep and early rise is addictive! Your brain just functions on a different wavelength.

If you can defeat your blanket and bed everyday at 4am, you will be unstoppable.

True wins are the wins when you overpower your urges and impulses.

The power of waking up at 4am is that it doubles your working day and time. It is as though you have two days in one day. We all ask for more time, just wake up earlier!

To make this a reality, you must sleep early, and that is 10pm at the very latest.

A daily 4am rise will unleash the best of you. A 4am rise will grant you:

1️⃣ One-to-one time with God
2️⃣ Clarity of mind and thought
3️⃣ Extra time
4️⃣ Enjoying the silence and serenity
5️⃣ Praying and reflecting on life in the darkness of night
6️⃣ Building self-discipline
7️⃣ Potential to plan life and work efficiently
8️⃣ Getting more work done
9️⃣ Getting ahead of everyone else
🔟 Self care and time for oneself

📝Faraz Adam

Seeking Jannah

24 Jan, 14:28

Life tests are not limited to hardships

Seeking Jannah

23 Jan, 15:57

Gentle reminder to send salawat on the Prophet ﷺ on the day and night of Friday

Seeking Jannah

23 Jan, 07:50

Unpopular Opinion: There is No Substitute for Walking

I don't claim that walking is sufficient as an exercise. However, it is absolutely necessary.

First of all, unless you want to have someone take you to the bathroom when you get old, you need to keep your muscles in shape (not necessarily super strong). Running burns more calories, but it can also wear out your knees, sprain your ankles, pull your muscles, give you shin splints, and lead to plantar fasciitis or tendinopathy. You might not even be aware of the damage that's occurring until you're much older. Riding bikes can cause damage to the pudendal nerve & artery, leading to impotence. Lifting weights that are too heavy can cause arthritis of the joints and even deform the skeleton. Pushups, pullups & squats are less risky.

I'm not advising against other exercises. You just need to be aware that you can overdo it. Walking is the least likely exercise to cause injuries.

Secondly, walking upright is what distinguishes humans from other animals. It is what our bodies were made to do. This should tell you something.

Thirdly, there's a misconception that exercise is something that we should fit into our day. If you look at healthy, non-industrialized peoples, they don't actually "exercise" in the way that we do. Rather, they just keep moving throughout the day. Exercising for half an hour a day is less useful than moving throughout the entire day. Sitting around all day is the new smoking. The Sunnah is for men to pray in the mosque five times a day. That involves walking multiple times throughout the day.

Walking won't cause you to lose a lot of weight. However, it is better for your mental health than running, especially if you walk with your spouse or kids. Or maybe you need to escape from them. In that case, walk alone. If your spouse has frustrated you to the point where it's unbearable, get up and go for a long walk until you're no longer frustrated.

📝Moustafa Elqabbany

Seeking Jannah

22 Jan, 15:54

Causing you to find comfort in sadness and misery is one of the best and most effective tricks of shaytan, with this trick he breaks the motivation of the biggest sinner to seek repentance, and the enthusiasm of the most practicing to stay steadfast upon the path.

Once you find comfort in sadness and depression, happiness becomes uncomfortable, having good expectations feels like hypocrisy, rejoicing and enjoying your life feels like you’re awaiting a big calamity to balance things out…

Your mind keeps asking you -and so does everyone around you- “is this the real you?” “What happened?” “Something must have happened for you to be this motivated to live!” So you feel uncomfortable in your own skin, really.. is this me? 

After years of finding comfort in sadness, and using it as an excuse to be unsuccessful in life, to avoid people, to avoid relationships, to avoid blame… how can I step out of my comfort zone and enter the world of “happy responsibilities”.

Sadness is low maintenance, it doesn’t require you to do much effort, or to lie to yourself or wear pink glasses, it is just about looking at the world the way it is without filters and realising how small you are in comparison to this world and how little change you can actually cause. 

Happiness on the other hand requires being illogical, delusional.. which could feel like lying to yourself sometimes.. 

But we’re not here to be comfortable, nor are we here to change the world or accept it, rather we’re here to cross the bridge of the Dunyah to akhirah, whilst enjoying the journey without displeasing Allah, and focusing on gathering the most provisions on the way, and always expecting the best from Allah. 

So do not expect misery and sorrow to take you to Jannah, nor expect attaining happiness to be easy, force it, lie to yourself, get out of your blanket and breath some fresh air, do what it requires, and never lose hope.

~ 9amartt

Seeking Jannah

22 Jan, 02:57

Be firm

Seeking Jannah

21 Jan, 05:26

The act of sincere repentance erases sins. It does not necessarily erase the worldly consequences of those sins.

I know people paying the price for sinful acts years after they repented, because of physical or spiritual consequences attached to the sins they committed.

Be mindful of this when satanic whispers try to make you *downplay* sinning 'because you can always repent.'

📝Fahim Faruq

Seeking Jannah

06 Jan, 03:16

Muslims were respected and feared throughout the world when we actually practiced our Deen. When Muslims began hanging out with the kuffaar, drinking with the kuffaar, smoking weed with the kuffaar, listening to music with the kuffaar, fornicating with those nasty women of the kuffaar, etc., the respect and fear for Muslims was removed from their hearts. We can see this in the following Hadith:

عَنْ ثَوْبَانَ رضي الله عنه قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم: ‏ يُوشِكُ الأُمَمُ أَنْ تَدَاعَى عَلَيْكُمْ كَمَا تَدَاعَى الأَكَلَةُ إِلَى قَصْعَتِهَا‏.‏ فَقَالَ قَائِلٌ وَمِنْ قِلَّةٍ نَحْنُ يَوْمَئِذٍ؟ قَالَ:‏ بَلْ أَنْتُمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ كَثِيرٌ وَلَكِنَّكُمْ غُثَاءٌ كَغُثَاءِ السَّيْلِ وَلَيَنْزِعَنَّ اللَّهُ مِنْ صُدُورِ عَدُوِّكُمُ الْمَهَابَةَ مِنْكُمْ وَلَيَقْذِفَنَّ اللَّهُ فِي قُلُوبِكُمُ الْوَهَنَ‏.‏ فَقَالَ قَائِلٌ: يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ وَمَا الْوَهَنُ؟ قَالَ: ‏ حُبُّ الدُّنْيَا وَكَرَاهِيَةُ الْمَوْتِ.

Thawban (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and cast enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation). Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death.

When you lower yourself to the level of a lowlife, the lowlife will never respect you. The only way you maintain dignity, honor and respectability is through carrying yourself with dignity. The only way you can do that is by practicing this Deen the way you are commanded to do so. If you want to follow shaytan, you will receive what all his previous followers received in this life and the next. An Arab poet once said:

وَمَن يَكُن الغُراب لَهُ دَليلاً *** يمرّ به على جِيَفِ الكلابِ

Whoever takes a crow as his guide, the crow will take him past the rotting corpses of dogs.

This line of poetry is said for a person who takes a sinful person as his guide in life. The sinful person, being your guide, will take you through the most abominable actions, and you will sit with the people who do those actions. Your dignity is gone at that point. Your respectability is gone at that point. The life of your heart will also be gone if you do not repent.

📝 Muhammad James Sutton

Seeking Jannah

05 Jan, 08:45

Seeking Jannah

05 Jan, 07:14

Be careful not to harbor bad assumptions about Allah سبحانه و تعالى without realizing it. 

Imam Al-Shafi’i رحمه الله was asked: “What is considered having bad thoughts about Allah?” 

He replied, “It is the constant waswasah and perpetual fear of misfortune.” Such as always speaking negatively about oneself: “I am going to crash,” “I am going to fall,” “My phone is going to break”… 

Don’t speak negatively about yourself!

Also, anticipating the loss of blessings: “I know this blessing won’t last; I know my luck—I’m always unlucky, every path I take ends up being blocked”… My brother, do not speak negatively about yourself or anticipate the loss of blessings. 

All of these are examples of having bad assumptions about the Most Merciful.

The Prophet ﷺ mentioned in a Hadith Qudsi: Allah  ‎ﷻ said, 

“I am as My servant expects Me to be. If he thinks good of Me, he will have it; if he thinks bad of Me, he will have it.”

May Allah make me and you among those who think well of Him.

And there’s another type of people: Those who say “Allah won’t grant me because I don’t deserve it”

We say to them: So you think you deserve the blessings you already have? You think you deserve your sight and hearing and ability to walk and talk? You think you deserve breathing and blinking and having a beating heart? No wallah, you don’t deserve any of this, and none of us does, but Allah never granted us this blessings because we deserve them, but He did because of His mercy on us. And the same way He was merciful to you yesterday He will be today and tomorrow. 

So worship Him like He should be worshipped, and thank Him for His blessings upon you, Ask Him for whatever you seek no matter How big and expect His response, and even in the case He doesn’t respond to your Dua now, still have good expectations from Him and be patient and firm upon His decree, for there is a wisdom in everything He decrees for you.

~9amartt (Tumblr)

Seeking Jannah

04 Jan, 14:13

Curing ailments through charity

Sheikh Abdul Azeem Madani once shared a fascinating story about a family in Bangalore (in India) who relied on charity as a means to cure ailments within their family.

Whenever a family member fell ill, the head of the family would consult a doctor, describe the symptoms, and inquire about the estimated cost of treatment, including consultation fees, x-rays, scans, and other medical expenses.

After receiving the estimated amount, instead of proceeding with the treatment, he would donate that exact sum to charity. Remarkably, the ailment would then be cured without medical intervention.

The Prophet sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam said : "Treat your sick by means of charity.”

~ via Khalid Paulraj


“If Allāh decreed what will happen to one, including his lifespan and health, then what is the point of treating an illness with charity?” To this, Ḥalīmī said: “We would say: ‘It may be that Allāh decreed that if one gets treatment, he will recover. And if he does not, the illness will overtake him, and he will die.’”

(Fayḍ al-Qadīr, 3:515, al-Taysīr, 2:2)

Read the below article on this hadith:

Seeking Jannah

04 Jan, 05:53

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Start your child's journey with the Book of Allah, the Ultimate Book of Guidance with
Seeking Jannah's
Program for tiny tots
Ages 5+

Alhamdulillah, we strive to teach and engage the kids in an interesting and comfortable manner.

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Learn the Makhaarij and proper recitation with our experienced, friendly and qualified teachers. In sha Allah.

If you are more comfortable with a personalised setting for your child, you can opt for *1-1 sessions* we can assist you with that as well, in sha Allah.

Register your child for this Journey and in sha Allah you will not regret it.

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8 00 pm IST
5 30 pm Makkah
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Register here -

Seeking Jannah

04 Jan, 03:37

Download Niyyah app to start building your relationship with the Qur'an.


App store:

Seeking Jannah

03 Jan, 13:48

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

For 100% Authentic Designer *Perfume samples,* *Miniatures* and *Full Size* ,
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Seeking Jannah

03 Jan, 13:47

I ponder upon a prophet whom Allah sent, bestowed the revelation upon, and aided with Angels, yet he was murdered.

And another prophet who adhered to his da’wa for 950 years, yet nobody but a few believed.

And the most honorable person, Youssef (Peace be upon him), the grandson of the prophets, who was bought and sold (was traded) for a cheap price.

And the master of all human beings, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) upon whom the bloody placenta of a slaughtered she-camel was placed while prostrating.

And the successor of the successor of the Messenger of Allah, Omar (May Allah be pleased with him) when the dagger tears apart his viscera. Likewise, his successor, Othman (May Allah be pleased with him) whose body was split apart by a sword. The same for his successor, Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) who was assassinated by a khariji (rebel).

“…And they did not waver regardless of that which afflicted them in the way of Allah, nor did they weaken, nor did they give in. “ (Quran Translated Meaning, 2:146)

Reflecting upon that is important so that we understand an aspect of the convention of testing in Islam and a dimension of Allah’s decree upon his beloved servants and his guardians.

That is what will strengthen people afflicted by hardships; so be patient!

O Allah, pour down patience upon us, the people of Gaza, the people of Sudan, those who were captivated for the sake of Your path, and the rest of the oppressed believers.

~Sheikh Ahmad Al-Sayed

Seeking Jannah

02 Jan, 15:54

This is what every Muslim father should be for his children.

Seeking Jannah

02 Jan, 14:21

If you want Allāh to bless you ten times, remove ten of your sins, and elevate you ten degrees, send blessings upon the Prophet ‎ﷺ once.

If you want Allāh to bless you a hundred times, remove a hundred of your sins, and elevate you a hundred degrees, send blessings upon the Prophet ‎ﷺ ten times.

And so on, whenever you send blessings upon him ‎ﷺ, multiply it by ten without any limit.

The Prophet ‎ﷺ said:

“Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah will bless him ten times, remove ten of his sins, and elevate him ten degrees.”

And this is not specific to Fridays, but on Fridays, it is more virtuous.

Seeking Jannah

02 Jan, 09:07

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
1-1 personalised sessions for all ages and genders.
All subjects available.
To Register, dm +918451948272

Seeking Jannah

09 Dec, 07:01

The story of Prophet Yusuf عليه السلام teaches us a profound lesson in destiny (Qadr).

Betrayed by his brothers, sold as a slave, and unjustly imprisoned—each trial was a stepping stone in his  journey to becoming Egypt’s treasurer.

Imagine if his life had taken a different course, without these hardships.

Would he have been positioned to save Egypt from famine and reunite his family?

Every trial, while painful, was crafted by Allāh سبحانه و تعالى for a greater purpose only He could see.

Next time you face a setback, remember that you may be exactly where you need to be for a future that’s yet unseen.

Towards the end of his life, Prophet Yusuf عليه السلام reflected, “He was truly kind to me when He freed me from prison, and brought you all from the desert after Satan had ignited rivalry between me and my siblings. Indeed my Lord is subtle in fulfilling what He wills. Surely He ˹alone˺ is the All-Knowing, All-Wise.” (Qur’an 12:100).

Key takeaways from this verse:

1 - Instead of blaming his siblings for what happened, he attributed their mistake to being an influence from Satan.

2 - He understood that Allāh works in ways that we can never understand and that He fulfils our wishes in subtle ways.

After everything he’d been through, Yusuf عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ was grateful to his Lord!

~ haqqahreminders

Seeking Jannah

08 Dec, 12:22

Seeking Jannah

08 Dec, 11:54

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Seeking Jannah

08 Dec, 03:46

Harun al-Rashid sought Sufyan al-Thawri's advice after his wife forbade him from remarrying.

Abu Nuʿaym narrated in Hilyah al-Awliya:

حدثنا أحمد بن إسحاق ، ثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن يوسف البنا ، ثنا أبو الحسن بن إبراهيم البياضي ، قال : أخبرت أن أمير المؤمنين هارون الرشيد قال لزبيدة : أتزوج عليك ؟ قالت زبيدة : لا يحل لك أن تتزوج علي ، قال : بلى ، قالت زبيدة : بيني وبينك من شئت ، قال : ترضين بسفيان الثوري ؟ قالت : نعم ، قال : فوجه إلى سفيان الثوري ، فقال : إن زبيدة تزعم أنه لا يحل لي أن أتزوج عليها ، وقد قال الله تعالى : ( فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع ) ثم سكت ، فقال سفيان : تمم الآية ، يريد أن يقرأ : ( فإن خفتم ألا تعدلوا فواحدة ) وأنت لا تعدل ، قال : فأمر لسفيان بعشرة آلاف درهم ، فأبى أن يقبلها .

Abu al-Hasan ibn Ibrahim al-Bayadi said: I was informed that Amir al-Mu'minin Harun al-Rashid said to (his wife) Zubaydah: "Shall I marry another woman?" Zubaydah said: "It is not permissible for you to marry another woman." Harun said: "Yes, it is." Zubaydah said: "Choose whoever you want to judge between us." Harun said: "Will you accept Sufyan al-Thawri?" Zubaydah said: "Yes."

Harun then said to at Sufyan al Thawri: "Zubaydah claims that it is not permissible for you to marry another woman, but Allah said: 'Marry such women as seem good to you, two or three or four.'" Then he stopped. Sufyan said: "Complete the verse," meaning he wanted him to read: "If you fear that you cannot be just, then marry only one." (Sufyan said) And you (Harun) are not just. Harun ordered that 10,000 dirhams be given to Sufyan (to change his fatwa) but he refused to accept them (and agreed with Zubaydah).

This story is narrated in Hilyah al-Awliya by Abu Nu’aym al-Asbahani.

Same incident has been mentioned about Caliph Mahdi about his wife - by Ibn Khilkan in Wafayat al-Ayan 2/389.

- via Asim Ul Haq

Seeking Jannah

07 Dec, 15:26

The art of not waiting, that is the secret. We are all just waiting for something. Waiting for something to start, or waiting for something to end, it's all just waiting. Waiting is living. Waiting to live really isn't so different to waiting for death. Waiting teaches us to value that which will come to us, above valuing ourselves. The anxiety of waiting is your mind's panic after submitting to valuing what you wait for, above yourself. The era of waiting is over. Do not wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow waits for you. Do not wait for what is written for you, Allah has already commanded it. Know it deep in your heart and soul. Whatever is written for you, can do nothing but wait for you. So be content with what your Lord has written, and trust it will find you. And that is the art of not waiting.

~Mobeen Hakeem

Seeking Jannah

07 Dec, 03:20

📽️ 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗣 𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘, 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗧 𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗞𝗔𝗛!

What if I told you that you are prioritising the wrong goal all these years?

More does not always mean greater output and gain. More can be loss making.

Barakah is always relatively more beneficial than less Barakah. Barakah is ALWAYS positive yield.

Barakah is an abundance of output with minimal input.

True Barakah is when outcomes and benefits transcend logical metrics.
What is Barakah?
Linguistically, Barakah means increase, growth, continuity and to be embedded and established.

Barakah is a metaphysical energy which is embedded into activities, resources and time. 
Barakah is not just about receiving more, it is also about being saved from calamities, being granted contentment, having more time to do that which is beneficial.
Prolonged use and longer life of anything embedded with Barakah.
Relatively more beneficial for you.
Increased output in reduced time periods.
Stronger layer of protection and preservation.

Watch the video to understand more on Barakah 👇

Seeking Jannah

06 Dec, 17:09

Read full article here:

Seeking Jannah

06 Dec, 15:28

Sunnah foods: Dates, butter and milk

Seeking Jannah

06 Dec, 15:05


Shaykh Ibn Baz رحمه الله said

"As for women, the Sunnah (whatever is reported from the Prophet peace be upon him) is to lengthen the dress for a span in order to cover their feet.

Increasing more than that is not permissible for the bride or for anyone else. Indeed, it is a waste of money to buy expensive clothes.

One should seek moderation in clothing; there is no need to embroider it with expensive jewels that cost lots of money, which could instead benefit the Ummah in religious and worldly affairs."

[Majmoo 'al-Fataawa Ibn Baaz, Vol: 4. pg. 121]

Seeking Jannah

05 Dec, 13:11

Gentle reminder to send salawat on the Prophet ﷺ on the day and night of Friday.

Seeking Jannah

05 Dec, 06:17


The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

“Verily, Allah has selected people to whom He has granted several resources to benefit His servants.

He consolidates their blessings as long as they keep giving  to others.

If they stop giving, He takes those resources away and directs them to others.”
[Shu’ab al-Imān]


  The more you give, the more you get.

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah said: Spend in charity, O son of Adam, and I will spend on you.” [Sahih al-Bukhari]

When you stop giving to others, you lose too.

Traditional financial advice often revolves around maximising one’s own gain, accumulating wealth, and focusing on self-preservation.

The underlying mindset is typically one of scarcity: the belief that giving to others diminishes your own resources. However, the prophetic teachings turn this paradigm on its head, introducing a revolutionary principle: true abundance lies in giving.

💡 Earning vs. Empowering:
🔴 Conventional advice emphasises working for personal financial growth, retirement funds, and wealth-building strategies.
🟢 The prophetic message shifts the focus to using one’s resources to empower and uplift others, ensuring a cycle of benefit for all.

💡Scarcity vs. Abundance Mindset:
🔴 Financial models often operate on the assumption of finite resources—giving is seen as a loss.
🟢 The prophetic principle teaches that blessings and wealth grow when shared, creating an abundance mindset.

💡Self-Centred vs. Others-Centred:
🔴 Financial advice encourages saving and accumulating primarily for oneself.
🟢 The Hadith reminds us that our resources are entrusted to us for the benefit of others, in addition to supporting ourselves and maintaining ourselves, we should also consider others in our savings and wealth accumulation.

😌📝 Faraz Adam

Seeking Jannah

04 Dec, 17:25

Seeking Jannah

04 Dec, 06:40

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
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Premium quality Kalmi Dates.
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Seeking Jannah

04 Dec, 05:02

Broken hearts

Mugheeth was married to Bareerah while they were both slaves. Immediately Bareerah got her freedom, she revoked the marriage and even the Prophet pleading on behalf of Mugheeth did not change her mind. Mugheeth, may Allah be pleased with him, wept.

He wasn't just weeping, he would walk behind Bareerah with tears streaming down his beards seeking the love of one who has none for him. The Prophet was also astonished and said to Abbas :

ألَا تَعْجَبْ مِنْ حُبِّ مُغيثٍ بَرِيرَةً ، ومِنْ بُغْضِ بَرِيرَةَ مُغِيثًا
Amazing is Mugheeth's love for Bareerah and her disinterest in him !

1. What this honored Sahabi is experiencing is an heartbreak; "A broken heart is a metaphor for the intense pain or emotional stress that someone feels after a great loss or deep longing. It's often used to describe the pain of unrequited or lost love"

It goes beyond a metaphor at times and can become a real medical problem , which is called the "broken heart syndrome"
Piety does not mean you cannot suffer emotionally. Piety does not prevent heartbreak.

2. If crying for love were prohibited, the Prophet would have stopped Mugheeth. There's nothing wrong in crying for love. Just understand your culture and know where and when to cry.

3. Nobody wants to suffer heartbreak, to mitigate this :

a. Avoid crushing on people that can possibly marry you, but marriage between the two of you is impossible.

Let me explain a bit: if you crush on a TV star , you yourself know it's impossible to marry him or her, it's not much of a pain.

But if you crush on your teacher, it is very possible you marry him or her , but impossible because of certain other reasons. It may hit you hard and bad when s/he marries.

b. Avoid marriage with people you yourself saw the red flags but continued to lie to yourself that it will work out. It may in some possible world. It doesn't in this world. Better to allow your emotions die outside marriage than suffer heart demolition in marriage.

c. Give preference to character over looks and wealth. I didn't say you shouldn't consider these, I am saying character is more important.

d. Love responsibly. No human being is worthy of unconditional love. The only being worthy of that is your Creator and He does not break hearts. All else, even your favorite celebrity Shaykh, can cause you severe emotional harm.

e. Keep healthy relationships with friends, family and your religious community. Marriage does not mean severing the ties of kinship nor the bonds of friendship. Be wary of those who request your love at the expense of your love for others.

4. If and When the heartbreak occurs:

a. It is Qadar. This always mitigate our loss.

b. If crying will bring the person back, cry him or her a river. If it will not , cry in the privacy of your home. It is not wrong to cry publicly in an environment that is sane, but a lot of environments today are insane.

c. Reconnect with loved ones. Connect or reconnet with community. Spend time on your hobby. Avoid too much thinking about your loss. Have hope that another will come.

d. Avoid going into a relationship immediately. Give it time. Rebounds are usually recipes for further heartbreaks.

e. Speak to someone you trust ,who will understand you. You must TRUST him or her , and MUST have at least the feeling that s/he can understand your pain. If one of this is missing, speaking to yourself is better.

f. Patience. For all pains are limited by time.

May God heal you.

📝Asim Ul Haq

Seeking Jannah

04 Dec, 03:12

Watch full video 👇

The Chrisitanized Muslim

Seeking Jannah

03 Dec, 17:36

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Luxe 18 kt Gold Plated Jewelry for Daily and Occasion Wear.
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Seeking Jannah

03 Dec, 11:17

Aisha reported:

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, called Uthman ibn Mazh'un and he came.

The Prophet said, "O Uthman, do you not desire my practice?"

Uthman said, "O Messenger of Allah, no by Allah. I seek your practice."

The Prophet said, "Verily, I sleep and I pray, I fast and I break my fast, and I marry women. Fear Allah, O Uthman, for your family has rights over you and your guest has rights over you. Verily, your own self has rights over you, so fast and break your fast, pray and sleep."

Source: Sunan Abi Dawud 1369

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

Seeking Jannah

03 Dec, 04:37

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Seeking Jannah

03 Dec, 04:17

What happens to your unanswered duas

Seeking Jannah

02 Dec, 18:02

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Seeking Jannah brings it's 2nd Instagram Giveaway, Alhamdulillah.
Where you can win gifts worth 2500/- in sha Allah.
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بارك الله فيكن!

Seeking Jannah

02 Dec, 18:02

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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Seeking Jannah

02 Dec, 17:17

The blessing of the night prayer

Seeking Jannah

02 Dec, 11:23

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
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The Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم
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Seeking Jannah

30 Nov, 03:44

Advice on improving your relationship with Salah.

🌆Serenity of Fajr: Starting the day with purpose. The pre-dawn prayer aligns us with Allah's rhythm and sets a tone of peace and guidance for the day ahead.

🏙️Pause During Dhuhr: Midday reconnection with Allah. A moment to realign intentions and reflect amidst daily responsibilities.

🌇The Focus of Asr: Pushing through challenges. It encourages patience and perseverance, reminding us of Allah's strength even when we feel fatigued.

🌌The Reflection of Maghrib: Acknowledging life's finite nature. As the day transitions to night, this prayer invites introspection and gratitude.

🌃Isha's Comfort: Surrendering the day. This evening prayer is about trust in Allah, concluding with gratitude and preparation for the next day.

📝Imran Dean

Seeking Jannah

29 Nov, 08:46

Seeking Jannah

28 Nov, 03:53

Paid Programبسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Certainly, scholars have emphasized the significance of Imam Nawawi’s 40 Hadith collection for its powerful impact on the Islamic community. Here are a few quotes from prominent Islamic scholars on its value:

Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali:
"The Forty Hadith of Imam Nawawi contain the fundamentals of Islamic law, touching upon the entire spectrum of Islam’s rules and principles."

2. Al-Ghazali:
While he did not directly comment on Nawawi’s collection, Al-Ghazali emphasized that understanding core principles, like those Imam Nawawi selected, is essential for a Muslim. He said, "One must first grasp the basics before the branches, for knowledge without action is madness."

Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani:
"Imam Nawawi's 40 Hadith collection is a summary of Islam’s core teachings and is widely accepted and practiced by scholars and laypeople alike."

Ibn Taymiyyah:
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Shaykh al-Islam Zakariyya al-Ansari:

"The 40 Hadith are invaluable in that they summarize the foundations of the religion concisely and effectively, giving every seeker of knowledge access to the essential points of the Prophetic teachings."

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Daqiq al-‘Id:
"If you were to act upon just the 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi, you would succeed in both this life and the Hereafter, for they address the fundamentals of Islam."

These scholars underscore how the 40 Hadith distill the vast teachings of Islam into accessible wisdom that can shape moral character, enhance faith, and guide Muslims toward a life that reflects Prophetic teachings.

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Seeking Jannah

27 Nov, 06:52

Seeking Jannah

27 Nov, 03:18

How do you talk about money to 100 Muslim high school student leaders?

That was my task last week.

At first, I planned to dive deep into personal finance—teaching systems and strategies for managing money.

But when I stepped back, I realized my focus was off. I didn’t want to leave them with just a lesson about money. I wanted to leave them with something more fundamental.


So, instead of centering my presentation around money, I decided to focus on time instead.

Why? Because time, not money, is our real currency.

📝Farooq Maseehuddin

Seeking Jannah

27 Nov, 03:17

Every hour, every minute, every second...⠀

"Know, dear son, that days are but hours, and hours are but breaths, and every soul is a container, hence let not any breath pass without benefit, such that on the Day of Judgement you find an empty container and feel regret!⠀

Be aware of every hour and how it passes, and only spend it in the best possible way; do not neglect yourself, but render it accustomed to the noblest and best of actions, and send to your grave that which will please you when you arrive to it.”⠀

(Ibn al-Jawzī in his Lafat al-Kabid fī Naṣīḥat al-Walad)⠀

Seeking Jannah

24 Nov, 02:36

﴾ومن أعرض عن ذكري فإن له معيشة ضنكا﴿

Translation: And whoever turns away from My remembrance; indeed, he will have a depressed life.

This means: He will have no tranquillity and no expanding of his heart.

Rather, his heart will be constrained and in difficulty due to his misguidance.

Even if he appears to be in comfort outwardly and he wears whatever he likes, eats whatever he likes and lives wherever he wants, he will not be happy.

For verily, his heart will not have pure certainty and guidance. He will be in agitation, bewilderment and doubt.

He will always be in confusion and a state of uncertainty.

● {تفسير ابن كثير ٢٠/١٢٤}

Seeking Jannah

23 Nov, 14:08

Ibn Hubayrah al-Hanbalī (Died 560AH) said in “Al-Ifsāh” (2/208);

وفيه أنَّ السواك يقطع البلغم الذي يتغيّر به اللسان في الفم ويجلو فم المعدة ، ويشد اللثاة ويقوّي الأسنان ، وكل هذه من المعاون في تجويد القراءة وتمكين الحروف ، وأنْ يخرج كل حرف من مخرجه ناصعًا صادقًا غير ملبس بحرف آخر؛ فلذلك كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يلهج بالسواك ، ويأمر به ولا سيما عند القيام إلى الصلاة ، وقيامه من الليل ، فإنَّه في هذين الوقتين آكد ، وهذا لأنَّ الآدمي في منامه ينطبق فمه فيكون ما يجتمع في الفم من الأبخرة المتراقية غير المنفذة والبلاغم المضرة للأسنان أكثر، فإذا قام من الليل كان إلى ذلك أحوج.

“In this (hadīth), it is mentioned that siwāk removes the phlegm that alters the tongue in the mouth (i.e., effects how words are pronounced), clears the stomach’s contents, strengthens the gums, and fortifies the teeth. All of these are aids in improving the quality of recitation and the proper articulation of letters with every letter being pronounced clearly from its designated place, without any interference from other sounds. This is why the Messenger of Allāh (صلى الله عليه وسلم) frequently used the siwāk and instructed others to do the same, especially when preparing for prayer or after waking up at night. These two times are especially critical because during sleep, the mouth tends to close, and the vapours and harmful phlegm that gather in the mouth, which can damage the teeth, are at their most concentrated. Therefore, upon waking at night, it is especially necessary to use the siwāk.”

Seeking Jannah

23 Nov, 07:09

‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib رضي الله عنه said:

One of the words most beloved to Allāh is for a servant to say while prostrating: "I have wronged myself, so forgive me!"

[Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah: 29842]

Seeking Jannah

23 Nov, 02:46

How to become an influencer

Seeking Jannah

22 Nov, 04:30

The wife of Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (386H) would abuse him and his treatment with her.

Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani had a wife who used to treat him bad . She would fall short in giving him his rights and would abuse him with her tongue. The people use to say to him you’re patient with her! He replied Allah has blessed me with good health and knowledge and blessings with all my possessions. Perhaps she was sent to me a punishment for my sins, so therefore I’m afraid that if I divorce her Allah might send down another trial for me more difficult than her.

Imam Ibn Abi Zayd was patient with the harms that came from his wife through reflecting over his own shortcomings. This is something the Salaf were known for. They rarely blamed others for the trials they faced, but instead they would look at themselves as an evaluation. Allah said: . And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned.[11]

Read full article👇🏼

Seeking Jannah

21 Nov, 10:14

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Seeking Jannah

21 Nov, 03:02


Investing, if done properly, can change the way you think and feel.

In life, we rely on both salaries and investments, each serving distinct purposes. Salaries address immediate needs, such as paying off debts, fulfilling obligations, and covering day-to-day expenses and necessities. They help sustain our present. On the other hand, investments focus on the future, enabling us to achieve long-term goals, secure financial stability, and build wealth over time.

This concept mirrors an important lesson from a faith-based perspective.

In Islam, actions can also be categorised in a similar manner.

Obligatory actions, such as prayer, fasting, and Zakat, serve as the "salaries" in the Hereafter. They fulfil the essential and non-negotiable needs of the Hereafter. Salah is the first thing to be reckoned, without that, there is very little prospect or possibility of salvation.

Voluntary acts, such as Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity), recitation of the Quran, charitable donations and the like, function as "investments." These actions give diversified benefits and help us attain more than the necessary; they provide additional benefits and rewards, much like how investments grow wealth for the future and give a range of benefits and rewards in the long term.

📝Faraz Adam

Seeking Jannah

20 Nov, 13:23

Seeking Jannah

08 Nov, 16:49

Legacy of the Unnamed: The Inner Sincerity of a Devoted Mujāhid

Sincerity is essential in worship, as only actions done solely for Allāh are rewarded and bring us closer to Him. Jihād is a great deed in Islām and is one of the fields during which showing off [Riyā'] can take place, because not everyone who fights is sincere. Our Salaf used to hide themselves in Jihād because they recognized the importance of sincerity in it.

In one battle, the Muslim army surrounded one of the fortresses of the enemy, and the enemy army started showering the Muslims with arrows and things became difficult for the Muslim army.

Suddenly, one of the Muslims got up and dug a tunnel and was able to enter through it to the enemy fortress. He killed the man guarding the gate of the fortress and opened the gate for the Muslims to enter.

The Muslims entered the fortress and won the battle, but they did not know who the man was [who dug the tunnel].

Maslamah [may Allāh have mercy upon him] who was the leader of the Muslim army, wanted to know who the man was so that he could reward him.

He was unable to discover his identity, so he made an announcement, adjuring this man in the Name of Allāh to come to him.

The man went to him at night and placed a condition on the leader that he would not look for him after that. Maslamah agreed to the condition, and so the man uncovered his face and allowed him to recognize him. Maslamah always used to say after that:

"O Allāh, join me with the man of the tunnel in the Hereafter."

See Bustān Al-Khatīb (24)

Action plan:
❖ Renew Your Intentions Regularly: Begin every action, big or small, by consciously setting your intention for Allāh’s sake.
❖ Engage in Hidden Acts of Worship: Incorporate private acts of worship, keeping these acts between you and Allāh only.

Read & Share
Abū Ismā'īl

Seeking Jannah

08 Nov, 02:42

ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭab said, "Supplications are suspended between the heavens and earth; and it is only through sending salah upon the Prophet ʿalayhi al-salam that they ascend."

— Tirmiḏẖi no. 486

Seeking Jannah

07 Nov, 15:59

A part of being an adult is living with regret and not allowing it to consume you. The older you get, the more mistakes you've made, opportunities you've missed, people you've disappointed. And every day you have to remind yourself to be kind and forgiving of yourself. You accept and love the you from the past and understand that it's all a part of the process. Then you move on and live your best life, knowing now as old as you feel today, you'll never be this young again.

Seeking Jannah

07 Nov, 14:26

Gentle reminder to send salawat on the Prophet ﷺ on the day and night of Friday.

Seeking Jannah

06 Nov, 13:20

Even if the whole world starts talking about the significance
of a dua, I think it will still be underrated.

Because the amount of power a dua has, it can’t be enough to talk about its importance. It will never be enough even if we keep saying this for our whole lives that “a dua can do wonders,

🌺 it can move mountains,

🌺 it can split the sea in half,

🌺 it can save you from a dark pit,

🌺 it can get you out of a whale’s mouth and so much more”,

it won’t be enough to tell that how powerful dua is. Never!

Dua is the most powerful thing in this world.
Dua can do what no one else can do. Hold on to the belief that Allah is listening, He always has, He always will. And no one can help us but Him. 🤍

Seeking Jannah

06 Nov, 12:52

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Let's tread the path towards learning how to seek from Allah in the most blessed and beautiful ways taught by himself in His Words to the Noblest of His Creations

A 2 month insightful course brought to you by Seeking Jannah to learn and understand the Rabbana Du'as in the Qur’an.
Get to understand, take. Deep dive and memorise them all and be Ready to beseech your Rabb in the manner pleasing to Him.
In sha Allah.

To enroll. Join -

Seeking Jannah

06 Nov, 07:36

Seeking Jannah

06 Nov, 05:40

Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) will humble you, by honoring the one you looked down upon. And He will surprise you by forgiving the one you can never forgive. And He will teach you, by exposing the one you idolized. And He will enlighten you, by bringing favor to people who are not favored by society. May we be among those who He honors, forgives, covers, and favors.

God is the King of plot-twists. Remain true to God, in all circumstances. And you will find His aid, honor, and glad-tidings surrounding you.

~ Nashiha Pervin

Seeking Jannah

05 Nov, 07:52

Stay away from those who keep you away from your need for Allāh, and make you feel as if everything is within your own reach and ability.

Take the means, make the effort, seek Allāh's aid and accept His decree. Should it happen, it is not from you, it is from Him!

وَأَنَّ ٱلْفَضْلَ بِيَدِ ٱللَّهِ يُؤْتِيهِ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَٱللَّهُ ذُو ٱلْفَضْلِ ٱلْعَظِيمِ

"...All grace is in Allāh's Hands. He grants it to whoever He wills. For Allāh is the Lord of infinite bounty." {57:29}

~ Roots to Fruits

Seeking Jannah

04 Nov, 13:11

Seeking Jannah

03 Nov, 14:00

You couldn’t see it, but there was wave that was about to hit you. And it wasn’t just any old wave. It was the one that was going to drown you.

It was going to sweep you out into the ocean, and no matter how hard you flailed your arms, how much air you desperately gulped into your lungs, and how many times you cried for help…it was all going to be over. This was going to be your end.

But that wave, the one that was inches away from you, never came.

Something smaller came.

A cut, a bruise, a heartbreak that made you angry, resentful, disappointed.

That cut, that bruise, that heartbreak. It seemed big. It seemed awful. It seemed unfair.

But what if it was a protection from something bigger? What if it was the hand that pulled you back so you’d be out of that wave’s reach?

Allah is Al-Wali—the root of the word “wali” means to be very close, without any barrier. A protecting friend.

That is Who you have in your corner. That is Who is closer than your own jugular vein.

A protector protects.

So in everything perceived as “bad,” there is protection from something much worse that could have happened. In every delay, an opening to something better. In every hardship, an opportunity to learn and grow closer to Al-Wali.

What you’re going through right now…it’s not the wave that’s going to destroy you. It’s just not.

It’s an opening. It’s an invitation to nearness.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “There is no Muslim who calls upon Allah, without sin or cutting family ties, but that Allah will give him one of three answers: He will quickly fulfill his supplication, He will store it for him in the Hereafter, or He will divert an evil from him similar to it.” They said, “In that case we will ask for more.” The Prophet ﷺ said, “Allah has even more.” (Ahmad)

📝Asmaa Hussein

Seeking Jannah

03 Nov, 10:21

“Istighfār isn’t to say a 1000 times after an inspirational talk, the next day 200, and the next day 10 times and then saying where’s the benefit of my Istighfār - after two days.

Messengers did persistent and consistent Istighfār and wallāhi do it like that, and you will see wonders from Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى)”

Seeking Jannah

03 Nov, 03:52

Sheikh al Fawzan حفظه الله said,

"Paradise is not attained by way of laziness, sleeping and resting. It is only attained by exertion in performing the righteous actions."

[كلمات رمضانية 7/8/1437]

Seeking Jannah

02 Nov, 13:01

Seeking Jannah

02 Nov, 10:04

Yahood are not the real issue

Seeking Jannah

02 Nov, 05:14

Imam Ash-Shaafi’ mentioned the following in regards to the ruling on learning the Arabic language in his book Ar-Risalah:

فعلى كل مسلم أن يتعلم من لسان العرب ما بلغه جهده، حتى يَشْهَد به أنْ لا إله إلا الله، وأنَّ محمدا عبده ورسوله ﷺ ويتلوَ به كتابَ الله، وينطق بالذكر فيما افتُرِض عليه من التكبير، وأُمر به من التسبيح، والتشهد، وغيرِ ذلك.

“It is binding upon every Muslim to learn the Arabic language to the best of his capabilities, so he can bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, and he can recite the book of Allah, say the different adhkaar that have been made obligatory upon him from the takbeer, the tasbeeh, the tasha’hud, and other forms of adhkaar.”

Yet people still want to be lazy and make excuses when it comes to learning the Arabic language. It is an obligation upon every Muslim to know enough Arabic to understand what he needs to do as a Muslim regarding obedience to Allah and His Messenger.

How can a person truly say they follow the Quran and the Sunnah, and they do not even understand them?

What punishment in this dunya is greater than Allah not allowing you to understand His speech and the speech of His Messenger? Is there anything more foolish than a person that claims to follow the Quran and the Sunnah, but he exerts zero effort to learn the Arabic language to understand them? How can you consider yourself a follower of something that you do not seek to understand? That is a joke. May Allah guide us all!

📝Muhammad James Sutton

Seeking Jannah

31 Oct, 02:35

My parents don’t deserve respect

Seeking Jannah

30 Oct, 19:23

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Alhamdulillah, Seeking Jannah brings to you *Level 2* of its Arabic Program

All the religious scholars unanimously agree that the Qur’an and the Sunnah should be taught in the language of the Qur’an (i.e. Arabic Language).

Arabic is a symbol of Islam and the language of the Qur‎’an.

Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote to Abu Moosa Al-Ash‎aree (May Allah be pleased with him), ‎Learn the Sunnah and learn Arabic. Learn the Qur‎an in Arabic for it is Arabic.‎

How can one possibly learn & understand Islaam, without understanding the Arabic language ?

Here'a a call to every sister in Islam to utilise this opportunity, that Allah has brought to your homes, of understanding and learning the Language Arabic under the guidance of qualified and experienced teachers.

All sisters, above 14 are invited to join us for this level 2 of
Arabic Language course to familiarize themselves with the language of the Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم. *Must have Completed Level 1*

Enroll and enjoy learning this eloquent language.

5 days a week

3:00 pm ist .
12:30 pm Makkah
8:30 pm Sydney .
5:30 am EST

1-1 sessions also available for those who want to study their own convenient times or are uncomfortable in a group setting.

Join to enroll-

Share the khayr and facilitate the learning of this precious language for others thereby accumulating rewards, in sha Allah!

Seeking Jannah

29 Oct, 04:13

Seeking Jannah

29 Oct, 02:44

The Problem With Knowing Only Love & Hope.

Search on YouTube: A Journey Through The Hellfire 🔥.

Seeking Jannah

28 Oct, 19:33

Seeking Jannah

28 Oct, 15:27

Don't say to prayer that you have work;
Say to work that you have prayer.

~ Mohmand Afghan

Seeking Jannah

28 Oct, 13:15

We often complain about the
repetitiveness of our days.
Day in, day out, the same.

Morning alarm, breakfast, housework, work, looking after everyone else, dinner, baths, bed, wake up, repeat.

But do we ever stop to think how much peace is in consistency?
How lucky we are if everyday is the same?

No big disasters or nasty surprises?
How there is so much value in enjoying home life?
To get up and do the same tasks day and night is actually a blessing.

Laying your head on a pillow at night and thinking of what to cook for dinner the next day is a level of restfulness some people will never experience in their whole lifetime.

This world can be cruel and unnecessary; so if you have the peace of a 'boring' home life, you really have won the lottery of life.🤍

Seeking Jannah

25 Oct, 16:12

Seeking Jannah

25 Oct, 08:18

The secret key to success is not expecting anything from others, but having the highest expectations from Allah. It's not just about being delusional in your duas. It's about being unyielding in the very belief that what people can't do for you, Allah will instead.

Let people say what they want. They will mock you, make fun of you, slander you, speak down to you. But when Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) delivers your miracles to you due to your faith and good opinion of Him - it will shock everyone. So seek Him. Seek from Him. Seek means towards Him. And there, you will find your eternal happiness. In shaa Allah.

📝Nashiha Pervin


Make Dua in the last hour of Friday for our Prophet ﷺ said “Friday is comprised of twelve hours. There is one in which a Muslim who asks Allah for something will have it granted to him. Seek it in the last hour after Asr.” [Abu Dawud 1048]

Seeking Jannah

25 Oct, 04:17

Friday is like a cool bath, in which the soul is led to good deeds, and the filth of sins is washed away. So, do righteous deeds on this day, and do good, so that you may be shown mercy.

- Shaykh Saleh Al-Usaymi حفيظ الله

Seeking Jannah

24 Oct, 13:26

Gentle reminder to send salawat on the Prophet ﷺ on the day and night of Friday.

Seeking Jannah

24 Oct, 03:26

Ruling on supplicating to Allah to marry a specific person?

حكم من تدعو الله عز وجل بالزواج من فلان من الناس؟

Seeking Jannah

24 Oct, 02:37

Several years ago, an elderly man I’d never seen before walked into my library and, after greeting me with salam, said: ‘All of the fitna exists because of you!’. As you can imagine, I was surprised at his introductory remarks.

He wasn’t being frank about why he was so upset with me. After a while, I realised it was because I conducted his granddaughter’s marriage with a Muslim man.

So, I became quite assertive and asked him whether he or his family knew that she had been with the man for several years prior and also was pregnant at the time of the Nikah? He was silent which was a clear indication that they were cognisant of the unfortunate situation.

I said to him that, as an Imam, it was my responsibility to mitigate the situation, especially when they approached me clearly stating they were in an unlawful relationship. When things are unlawful, and the son or daughter has impermissible relationships, then you don’t remember the Imam, but as soon as the Imam finds a solution and makes the relationship Halal, you lose your mind!

I understand that the parents and elders should be consulted for marriage. However, the parents also need to take responsibility by showing the correct path to an alternative option, thereby making Nikah easy for their children and not letting them suffer for years. If you don’t provide a Halal alternative for your son/daughter, then they will inevitably gravitate towards fornication, and there is plenty of that - Allah’s refuge is sought.

If you expect your son or daughter to study in a secular environment, for example, and then also remain a saint whereby they listen to your every wish, then, with all due respect, you need a reality check.

There’s also the huge problem of boys and girls getting married but, mentally, they are still children, which causes chaos in both families - this will have to be addressed some other time, Inshallah.

📝Muhammad Yasir Al Hanafi

Seeking Jannah

23 Oct, 13:16


In this short clip, the late Shaykh Fathi Safi (may Allah have mercy upon him) explains that he has the phone number for the heavens: 222–namely, two rakʿats and two drops of tears at two in the morning. For the mentally challenged, there is no actual “phone number.” This is a reference to sincere seeking and worship by getting up and praying in the night when others are asleep. The shaykh explains that if you don’t receive, then the issue is with you; Allah is the Giver, and He gives. As we know from the hadith, Divine gifts are dispensed at this time, and, as the poet said, they dished them out whilst you were asleep! May Allah Most High awaken our hearts and souls, amin!

Seeking Jannah

23 Oct, 03:23

More Than 25% of Your Bones Are in Your Feet:

The human foot is a biomechanical wonder, containing 26 bones per foot — a total of 52 bones between both feet.

That’s more than a quarter of the 206 bones in the entire human skeleton, all packed below the ankles. This concentration of bones plays a crucial role in enabling the complex movements that allow us to walk, run, jump, and balance with precision.

Without this intricate network, everyday activities would be far more difficult and less stable.

The dense arrangement of bones in the feet is essential for shock absorption and weight distribution. Each bone, along with the surrounding joints, ligaments, and tendons, works in harmony to adapt to uneven surfaces and support our body’s movements.

This design allows the foot to act like a spring, storing and releasing energy with each step. Such structural complexity ensures we can move with both agility and endurance, whether we're sprinting or simply walking down the street. So, the next time you take a step, remember you’re standing on a finely-tuned engineering masterpiece that bears a greater share of the skeletal load than you might have imagined.

“There are ˹countless˺ signs on earth for those with sure faith, as there are within yourselves. Can you not see?” (Quran Translated Meaning 51:20-21)

Seeking Jannah

23 Oct, 02:23

Shaykh Muhammad bin Sālih al-‘Uthaymeen, [may Allāh have mercy on him], said:

I sincerely advise myself and all of you to actively promote the dissemination of [beneficial] knowledge, never underestimate anything. When you instruct someone on a matter, and they put it into practice, passing it on to others, you shall reap rewards for guiding people toward similar actions.

Liqā al-Bāb al-Maftūh, 14/86 | Shaykh Muhammad bin Sālih al-‘Uthaymeen [may Allāh have mercy on him]

Seeking Jannah

22 Oct, 14:01

Prophet Yusuf A.S spent 7+ years in jail, but he didn't think that those years were being wasted.
He didn't ask Allah that ya Rabb, I'm a prophet.
Why have you put me in this jail where I'm unable to preach your Deen to the masses? I have such important work to do, why am I locked away?
He didn't for a moment think that his time as a prisoner was wasted. He knew Allah had a plan for him, and He trusted that plan.
He preached to the prisoners and did what he could. He was content in the jail, as he was content outside of it when his time as a prisoner was over and he became ruler of Egypt. What's true for Prophet Yusuf (as) is also true for you and I - whatever situation and life circumstance Allah has decreed for us, that's where we are meant to be.

So remind yourself that your
years of struggles aren't wasted.

Your years of grief aren't wasted.

Your years of waiting aren't wasted.

Your years of illness aren't wasted.

Allah SWT has a plan for you, Trust Him. 🤍

Seeking Jannah

22 Oct, 08:57

The Best of Companions

A person may either have a companion who speaks or a companion who remains silent. The best speaking companion is a scholar, and the best silent companion is a book. One should test oneself by experiencing one's comfort with books.

If your comfort with books reaches the same level as your comfort when going out to vast, open spaces and retreats, then you have taken a step forward.

If your comfort with books surpasses your comfort with being in solitude, then you have taken yet another step.

When nothing else equals your comfort with books, you have reached the ultimate goal.

This is because the greatest gardens where the heart can wander are the gardens of knowledge found in books. One moves from one pleasant garden to another; reading at times in interpretation, at times in hadith, and at times in jurisprudence, encountering the minds of others and diversifying one’s knowledge, finding comfort in this. Sitting with books becomes more precious to the person than meeting someone who gives them great wealth every day, because the joy found in books and reading brings comfort to the heart, while wealth usually brings comfort only to the body. How excellent are the words of Abu Tayyib al-Mutanabbi when he said:

“The noblest place in the world is the saddle of a swift horse,
And the best companion in all time is a book.”

المرءُ إِمَّا أَنْ يكون جليسه جليسًا ناطقا وإمَّا أن يكون جليسه جليسًا صامتا، فخير جليسٍ ناطقٍ هو العالِم، وخير جليسٍ صامتٍ هو الكتاب.
وينبغي أن يمتحن المرءُ نفسه بأنْ يُجرِّبَ أُنسَهُ بالكتب، فإذا بلغ أُنسكَ بالكُتب مثلَ أُنسِكَ بخروجك إلى الفلوات والخلوات فإنَّك قد خطوت خطوةً واحدة، فإذا كان أُنسُكَ بها أعظم مِن أُنسِك بالخروج إلى الخلوات فقد خطوت خطوتين، فإذا كان أنسك بها لا يعدله شيءٌ فقد بلغت الغاية؛ لأنَّ مِن أعظم الرياض التي يُنقَّلُ فيها القلبُ : رِياضُ العلومِ مِنَ الكُتب ، فينتقل المرء من الروضة الفيحاء إلى روضة غنَّاء؛ يقرأُ تارةً في التفسير وتارةً في الحديث وتارةً في الفقهِ، يَرَى عقول النَّاسِ ويُنوِّعُ على نفسه في المعارفِ فيأنس بهذا، ويكون جلوسه إليها أعظم عنده من أن يلقاه كلَّ يومٍ رجل فيعطيهِ مِنَ الأموال شيئًا عظيمًا؛ لأن تطلَّعه إلى الكتب وقراءته لها فيه راحة قلبه، وأمَّا الأموال فعامَّةُ ما تجني على العبد راحــة بدنه، ومـا أحسن قول أَبي الطَّيِّب المتنبي إذْ قال :
أعز مكان في الدُّنا سرج سابح
وخيرُ جَليس فِي الزَّمانِ كتابُ

📃 إرشاد الطلاب إلى فضيلة العلم والعمل بالآداب للعلامة ابن مانع رحمه الله

Seeking Jannah

22 Oct, 02:50

📚 [Some enter into trials, critical issues, and destructive situations without having the necessary qualifications; the important thing is: Here I am, so recognize me!]

Our Shaykh, the scholar Abdullah Al-Bukhari - may Allah preserve him - said, speaking about the necessity for a person to know their own worth:

A man asked Imam Abdullah ibn Al-Mubarak: “O Imam, advise me.” He replied: “Know your worth.” This is the advice: “Know your worth.” If you know your worth, matters become easier, and you will know where to stop. However, if you are ignorant of your worth, you will throw yourself into destructive situations and dare to engage in calamities, and it is rare that you will come out unscathed.

These trials and disturbances are like fires. Don’t you see that a firefighter wears special protective gear, yet even with his knowledge, care, and protective clothing, something might fail, and he might get hurt? So, what about the one who enters these destructive situations, trials, and calamities without being qualified for it? He is neither from the people of knowledge, nor does he know the clear truth from the clear falsehood. But the important thing is:
“Here I am, so recognize me!”

A trial arises in Algeria, and he involves himself in it! A trial arises in Morocco, and he involves himself in it! A trial arises in Yemen, and he involves himself in it! While Allah has spared you, why do you bring these fires upon yourself? And if only there were some return (from these actions), after it has become clear that these trials are invalid! Instead, people keep engaging in them. We ask Allah for safety and well-being.”

ℹ️ Summarized benefit from a lecture titled: [Knowing the Truth and Acting Upon It].

Seeking Jannah

22 Oct, 02:46

My Condolences to You for the Death of Your Time... Shaykh Sa'd al-Shithri حفظه الله

Seeking Jannah

21 Oct, 05:36