Saye_orgpage @sayeorgpage Channel on Telegram



Saye_orgpage (English)

Welcome to Saye_orgpage, a unique Telegram channel dedicated to promoting environmental awareness and sustainable living practices. Saye_orgpage is a platform where like-minded individuals come together to share tips, resources, and inspiration for living a more eco-friendly lifestyle. The channel covers a wide range of topics, including recycling, reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting ethical brands. Who is it? Saye_orgpage is created for anyone who is passionate about protecting the environment and making a positive impact on the planet. Whether you are already an environmental advocate or just starting your journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle, this channel is for you. What is it? Saye_orgpage is more than just a Telegram channel - it is a community of individuals who are committed to making a difference. By joining Saye_orgpage, you will have access to valuable resources, engaging discussions, and practical tips on how to live a greener life. You can also connect with other members, share your own experiences, and learn from each other's successes and challenges. Join Saye_orgpage today and be part of the movement towards a cleaner, greener future! Together, we can make a difference and create a more sustainable world for future generations.


27 Oct, 21:29

برم پارت دومشو؟؟؟


14 Aug, 19:10



11 Aug, 19:10

عشقا چطورن!؟؟؟


21 Jul, 16:25



13 May, 20:26



23 Apr, 19:17



12 Apr, 20:19

کجا بریزم!😂😘


04 Apr, 16:45



20 Mar, 22:44

چشاتونو ببندید😉


20 Mar, 22:36

اینم برای اونایی که تو اینستا نمیتونن ببین.🍀


19 Mar, 21:40

سایه پری جون😂واقعا خودم خیلی خندیدم به این رقصم


14 Mar, 18:50

آقا یکی بیاد تو دایرکت اینستا بگه چه جوری کامنت های اینجا را فعال کنم😘