القلب يعمل واللسان يعمل والجوارح تعمل، كله يعمل ..
فأخلصوا النيات واستقيموا وسدوا الخلل .."
Welcome to ڪُنَاشّة, a Telegram channel created by user @s_mois20. This channel is dedicated to sharing knowledge and inspirational content. The username s_mois20, which translates to 'the seeker of knowledge,' reflects the passion for learning and education that is at the core of this channel. The description of the channel includes a beautiful prayer asking Allah to make the creator of the channel a source of good and knowledge for the community. With a focus on personal growth, education, and inspiration, ڪُنَاشّة is the perfect place to find uplifting and thought-provoking content. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, and let's together strive to make a positive impact on the world. Stay tuned for daily updates and motivational posts that will inspire you to be the best version of yourself. Let's grow together and make a difference in the world. Follow ڪُنَاشّة today and start your journey towards knowledge and enlightenment.
11 Jan, 22:14
11 Jan, 22:08
10 Jan, 22:16
09 Jan, 21:16
07 Jan, 05:17
04 Jan, 21:31
03 Jan, 21:04
02 Jan, 01:37
02 Jan, 01:36
31 Dec, 17:00
30 Dec, 22:11
29 Dec, 17:31
28 Dec, 02:52
23 Dec, 18:06
20 Dec, 22:23
19 Dec, 11:16
18 Dec, 15:30
18 Dec, 00:11
15 Dec, 21:53
14 Dec, 19:52
12 Dec, 17:24
10 Dec, 20:56
09 Dec, 23:15
06 Dec, 05:45
05 Dec, 00:49
05 Dec, 00:15
04 Dec, 04:40
04 Dec, 04:38
02 Dec, 16:09
01 Dec, 22:40
30 Nov, 19:59
29 Nov, 22:20
28 Nov, 11:53
28 Nov, 11:53
28 Nov, 11:53
28 Nov, 11:53
28 Nov, 11:53
28 Nov, 11:53
28 Nov, 11:53
28 Nov, 11:53
28 Nov, 11:53
28 Nov, 11:53
28 Nov, 11:53
21 Nov, 19:07
20 Nov, 10:38
19 Nov, 06:22
17 Nov, 22:10
16 Nov, 21:39
15 Nov, 20:35
14 Nov, 09:55
13 Nov, 09:27
11 Nov, 22:12
11 Nov, 18:56
10 Nov, 21:35
09 Nov, 18:41
08 Nov, 14:54
07 Nov, 21:37
05 Nov, 21:35
02 Nov, 18:54
01 Nov, 15:23
01 Nov, 09:56
31 Oct, 15:50
30 Oct, 08:58
29 Oct, 07:26
27 Oct, 20:28
26 Oct, 22:00
26 Oct, 08:21
25 Oct, 20:29
24 Oct, 16:19
23 Oct, 11:37
22 Oct, 17:20
21 Oct, 04:11
20 Oct, 09:30
20 Oct, 05:31
19 Oct, 16:55
19 Oct, 13:08
18 Oct, 10:02
17 Oct, 21:10
17 Oct, 19:53
17 Oct, 15:51
16 Oct, 12:15
15 Oct, 19:08
15 Oct, 14:37
14 Oct, 21:16