Tanha Bo Xwa is a Telegram channel created by user @qa4dar, dedicated to sharing uplifting and inspiring content in the Kurdish language. The title 'Tanha Bo Xwa' translates to 'Alone for Yourself' in English, conveying the message of self-reflection and self-improvement. The channel aims to provide a space for individuals to connect with their inner selves, find motivation, and cultivate a positive mindset. With a focus on gratitude and self-love, 'Tanha Bo Xwa' offers daily doses of encouragement and wisdom to help followers navigate life's challenges and embrace their true potential. Join this community of like-minded individuals and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Let the words of wisdom and positivity shared on 'Tanha Bo Xwa' inspire you to live your best life and be the best version of yourself!
17 Jul, 12:24
30 May, 10:45
22 Mar, 13:56
11 Mar, 18:58