PTU Official @ptuuz Channel on Telegram

PTU Official


Official Telegram channel of Pharmaceutical Technical University.

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PTU Official (English)

Are you interested in the field of pharmaceuticals and looking for a reliable source of information and updates? Look no further than PTU Official, the official Telegram channel of Pharmaceutical Technical University. This channel is dedicated to providing students, professionals, and enthusiasts with the latest news, research, and developments in the pharmaceutical industry.nnWho is it?nPTU Official is the go-to channel for anyone interested in pharmaceuticals, whether you are a student looking to stay informed about industry trends or a professional seeking to expand your knowledge base. The channel is managed by Pharmaceutical Technical University, a reputable institution known for its excellence in pharmaceutical education and research.nnWhat is it?nPTU Official is a one-stop destination for all things related to pharmaceuticals. From updates on groundbreaking research to tips for excelling in the field, this channel covers a wide range of topics to keep you informed and engaged. Whether you are looking for career opportunities, industry insights, or educational resources, PTU Official has got you covered.nnFor any inquiries or further information, you can reach out to the channel administrators through the provided contact details:nPhone: +998958338181nTelegram: @ptuuz_botnnStay connected with PTU Official to stay ahead in the dynamic world of pharmaceuticals and join a community of like-minded individuals passionate about the field. Don't miss out on the valuable resources and opportunities waiting for you on this official Telegram channel!

PTU Official

21 Nov, 09:48

Dear applicants and parents!

🎓 We are happy to announce that Pharmaceutical Technical University (PTU) offers Pre-University programme to provide applicants with the necessary knowledge in Biology, Chemistry, and English language.

📝Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills! Enroll in the Pre-University programme at PTU today!

📞 +998 999508080
+998 958338181
👍 @ptuuz_bot

PTU Official

21 Nov, 06:24

The Pharmaceutical Technical University Organizes an Open Chemistry Lesson at School #284

The lesson showcased the importance of chemistry in everyday life and its relevance to the pharmaceutical field, sparking interest among young learners. Such initiatives are a step towards building stronger connections between educational institutions and schools, fostering curiosity and innovation in science.

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PTU Official

20 Nov, 07:13

Why a bitten apple turns yellow?

🫥If you are interested, watch the video above ⬆️

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PTU Official

19 Nov, 10:17

The De Montfort University (DMU), UK has officially approved accreditation for the MSci Pharmacy programme to Pharmaceutical Technical University (PTU)

🔴 Oppotunities for DMU MSci Pharmacy Programme graduates at PTU:

🌍 Globally Recognised British Diploma

💼 International opportunities in the pharmaceutical

🧪 Cutting-Edge Facilities

🇬🇧 International higher education standards

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PTU Official

19 Nov, 04:17

🎓 Farmatsevtika Texnik Universitetida Pre-University dasturi!

Dastur universitetga kirish, ichki grant imtihonlariga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish, bilim va ko‘nikmalarini oshirish imkoniyatini beradi.

Pre-University dasturida quyidagi fanlar o’rgatiladi:
🔵Fundamental kimyo
🔵Biologiya asoslari
🔵IELTSga tayyorlov

Tayyorlov kurslari malakali o'qituvchilar tomonidan olib boriladi va amaliy mashg'ulotlar bilan birga o'tkaziladi.

O'z kelajagingizni biz bilan boshlang!

📞 +998999508080
🎓 Pre-University programme at the Pharmaceutical Technical University!

Our pre-university programme will set you on the path to academic success, prepare for scholarship exams, improve your knowledge and skills.

The programme are offered in the following subjects:

🔵Chemistry at First Glance
🔵Basics of Biology
🔵Embracing IELTS

Pre-University programme will be conducted by qualified experts and will include practical sessions.

Start your future with PTU!

📞 +998999508080
🎓 Pre-University programme в Фармацевтическом Техническом Университете!

Наш Pre-University курс поможет вам достичь академического успеха, подготовиться к сдаче внутренних грантовых экзаменов и улучшить ваши знания и навыки.

Курсы предлагаются по следующим предметам:

🔵Химия с первого взгляда
🔵Основы биологии
🔵Подготовка к IELTS

Подготовительные курсы будут проводиться квалифицированными преподавателями и включать практические занятия.

Начните свое будущее с нами!

📞 +998999508080

PTU Official

18 Nov, 04:56

Аziz vatandoshlar!

Sizlarni yurtimiz mustaqilligining ramzi boʼlgan Davlat bayrogʼimiz qabul qilinganligining 33 yilligi bilan chin dildan tabriklaymiz!

Davlat bayrogʼi — bu faqat ramz emas, balki har bir yurtdoshimiz qalbidagi gʼurur va iftixor hissining timsolidir. Bayrogʼimiz ostida el-yurtimiz tinchlik, taraqqiyot va obodlik sari intilib, oʼzining buyuk kelajagini bunyod etmoqda.

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PTU Official

15 Nov, 10:50

👩‍🔬 Being a pharmacist isn’t just about dispensing medication; it’s about becoming a trusted healthcare professional who advocates for patient health.

💊 For anyone considering a career in pharmacy, Remember: It’s a long road, but it’s incredibly fulfilling.

Join PTU stay focused, stay passionate, and keep learning!

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PTU Official

15 Nov, 07:43

The students of "Shayxontohur specialized school" had the exciting opportunity to visit the Pharmaceutical Technical University!

🔬 It was an inspiring day filled with new knowledge and insights into the world of pharmaceuticals. During the visit, students explored cutting-edge labs, learned about the latest advancements in pharmaceuticals, and interacted with experts in the field. The experience sparked curiosity and excitement, giving our students a deeper understanding of the importance of science and research in shaping the future of healthcare.


"Shayxontohur tumani ixtisoslashgan maktabi" o'quvchilari Farmatsevtika Texnik Universitetiga tashrif buyurishdi!

🔬Bu tashrif farmatsevtika sohasiga oid yangi bilimlar va ko'nikmalar bilan to'la zavqli kun bo'ldi. Tadbir davomida talabalar zamonaviy laboratoriyalarni ko'rib chiqishdi, farmatsevtika sohasidagi so'nggi yutuqlar haqida ma'lumot olishdi va soha mutaxassislari bilan muloqot qilishdi. Ushbu tajriba o'quvchilarda ilm-fan va tadqiqotlarning sog'liqni saqlash kelajagini shakllantirishdagi ahamiyati haqida chuqurroq tushuncha hosil qilgan holda, qiziqish va hayajon uyg'otdi.

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PTU Official

13 Nov, 10:24

🔴 Students of the Pharmaceutical Technical University had a seminar on the topic "We are supporters of a healthy lifestyle" aimed at promotion of a healthy lifestyle, transmission, pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical symptoms, and prevention of HIV/AIDS.


🔴 Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti talaba-yoshlari o‘rtasida sog‘lom turmush tarzini targ‘ib qilish, OIV/OITS kasalligining yuqish yo‘llari, patogenezi, epidemiologiyasi, kasallikning klinik belgilari va profilaktikasini oldini olishga qaratilgan “Biz – sog‘lom turmush tarzi tarafdorimiz” mavzusida targ‘ibot tadbiri tashkil etildi.

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PTU Official

12 Nov, 10:47

🦠 KIMYO fani dunyodagi barcha jarayonlarini, shu jumladan hayotimizni ham qamrab oladi.

🌡 Biz bilan kimyo fanining naqadar oson va qiziq ekanini anglang!

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PTU Official

12 Nov, 07:03

O‘zbekistonda hayot fanlari bo‘yicha birinchi Britaniya oliy ta’limi!

Qabul davom etmoqda!

Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti Buyuk Britaniyaning Sanderlend va De Montfort universitetlari bilan hamkorlikda Farmatsiya, Biokimyo va Biotibbiyot fanlari bo‘yicha oliy ta’lim dasturlarini taklif etadi.

Bitiruvchilar xalqaro tan olingan
Buyuk Britaniya diplomini qoʼlga kiritadilar. Grant o'rinlari ham mavjud!

Hujjat topshirish uchun havola


Первое британское высшее образование в области естественных наук в Узбекистане!

Прием продолжается!

Фармацевтический технический университет предлагает программы высшего образования в области фармации, биохимии и биомедицины в сотрудничестве с университетами Сандерленда и Де Монтфорта в Великобритании.

Выпускники получат международную признанную степень бакалавра Великобритании. Университет также предлагает гранты!

Ссылка для подачи документов

Будем рады ответить на ваши вопросы!

☎️+998 999508080
+998 958338181

PTU Official

11 Nov, 11:50

🎓 PTU offers cutting-edge programs designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the pharmaceutical industry.

Apply for the Pre-University Programme now!

🏐 Get more than you think!


🎓 PTU farmatsevtika sanoatida ustunlikka erishish uchun zarur bo'lgan bilim va ko'nikmalarni egallashda ilg'or dasturlarni taklif etadi.

Pre-University dasturiga hoziroq ariza topshiring!

🏐 Kutganingizdan ko'prog'iga erishing!

📞+998 99-950-80-80
+998 95-833-81-81

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PTU Official

11 Nov, 05:49

The International Conference on Pharmaceutics and Life Sciences (ICPL) is a prestigious gathering that brings together scientists, researchers, industry experts, and academicians from around the world to discuss and explore recent advancements in pharmaceutics, bitechnology, and life sciences.


Farmatsevtika va hayot fanlari bo‘yicha xalqaro konferensiya (ICPL) butun dunyo bo‘ylab olimlar, tadqiqotchilar, soha mutaxassislari va akademiklarni farmatsevtika, biotexnologiya va hayot fanlari sohasidagi so‘nggi yutuqlarni muhokama qilish va o‘rganish uchun birlashtiradigan nufuzli anjumandir.

PTU Official

09 Nov, 16:33

#Ўзбекистон #Ҳиндистон #АҚШ #БуюкБритания #ЖанубийКорея #Венгрия #фармацевтика #университет #халқаро #конференцияси

“International Conference on Pharmaceutics and Life Sciences: Frontiers of Research and Education (ICPL-2024)” халқаро конференцияси

Батафсил “Зўр ТВ” телеканали, “Бу кун” дастури лавҳасида 👆

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PTU Official

09 Nov, 06:30


🍀 The employees, teachers and students of Pharmaceutical technical university participated in planting and beautifying the areas within the nationwide project ‘’Green Planet’’ nationwide project.
Students admitted to the first academic year also contributed to beautifying local areas in a cheerful mood.


🍀Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti xodimlari, o‘qituvchi va talabalari tomonidan bino hududida “Yashil makon” umummilliy loyihasi doirasida hududlarda manzarali ko‘chat ekish, ko‘kalamzorlashtirish va obodonlashtirish ishlari olib borilmoqda.
Universitet oldi hududlarni ko’kalamzorlashtirishda birinchi o‘quv yiliga qabul qilingan talabalar ham ko‘tarinki kayfiyatda o‘z hissalarini qo‘shdilar.

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PTU Official

08 Nov, 10:48

ICPL esteemed participants, including researchers, industry experts, and thought leaders, shared their perspectives on the latest advancements in pharmaceutics, innovative life sciences solutions, and the future of healthcare.


Konferensiya ishtirokchilari, jumladan tadqiqotchilar, soha mutaxassislari va proffesorlar farmatsevtika sohasidagi so‘nggi yutuqlar, innovatsion yechimlar va sog‘liqni saqlashning kelajagi haqida o‘z nuqtai nazarlari bilan o‘rtoqlashdilar.

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PTU Official

08 Nov, 09:01

🎓 International Conference on Pharmaceutics and Life Sciences: Frontiers of Research and Education (ICPL-2024):


PTU Official

08 Nov, 06:04

#Oʻzbekiston #Hindiston #AQSh #BuyukBritaniya #JanubiyKoreya #Vengriya #universitet #xalqaro #konferensiyasi

“International Conference on Pharmaceutics and Life Sciences: Frontiers of Research and Education (ICPL-2024)”
xalqaro konferensiyasi

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