PTU Official @ptuuz Channel on Telegram

PTU Official


Official Telegram channel of Pharmaceutical Technical University.

For quiries, please refer to:
+998 55 900 05 00

PTU Official (English)

Are you interested in the field of pharmaceuticals and looking for a reliable source of information and updates? Look no further than PTU Official, the official Telegram channel of Pharmaceutical Technical University. This channel is dedicated to providing students, professionals, and enthusiasts with the latest news, research, and developments in the pharmaceutical industry.

Who is it?
PTU Official is the go-to channel for anyone interested in pharmaceuticals, whether you are a student looking to stay informed about industry trends or a professional seeking to expand your knowledge base. The channel is managed by Pharmaceutical Technical University, a reputable institution known for its excellence in pharmaceutical education and research.

What is it?
PTU Official is a one-stop destination for all things related to pharmaceuticals. From updates on groundbreaking research to tips for excelling in the field, this channel covers a wide range of topics to keep you informed and engaged. Whether you are looking for career opportunities, industry insights, or educational resources, PTU Official has got you covered.

For any inquiries or further information, you can reach out to the channel administrators through the provided contact details:nPhone: +998958338181nTelegram: @ptuuz_botnnStay connected with PTU Official to stay ahead in the dynamic world of pharmaceuticals and join a community of like-minded individuals passionate about the field. Don't miss out on the valuable resources and opportunities waiting for you on this official Telegram channel!

PTU Official

15 Feb, 17:14


📍Presidential School in Navoiy

🎓 Be with us, Join PTU!

PTU Official

15 Feb, 16:54


PTU the first British higher education in Life sciences in Uzbekistan

📍Samarkand district specialised school

📍The first specialised school in Samarkand

PTU Official

15 Feb, 16:26


📍Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi Urganch filiali akademik litseyi

📍Urganch pedagogika universiteti akademik litseyi

FTU xodimlari tomonidan o‘quvchi-yoshlarga farmatsevtika va sogʻliqni saqlash sohasidagi innovatsiyalar, soʻnggi yutuqlar, ayni shu yoʻnalishlar boʻyicha taʼlim, kasb imkoniyatlari, oʻquv dasturlari haqida ma’lumotlar berildi.

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PTU Official

13 Feb, 16:26


🎓 PTU team meet students at Academic Lyceum under the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology

🫥During the presentation, the PTU team discussed the programs offered by the university, campus life, international education opportunities, and the future employment prospects for graduates. The students also had the chance to ask questions and receive answers.

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PTU Official

13 Feb, 15:14


Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti xodimlari tomonidan Jizzax shahar 3-sonli ixtisoslashgan maktabida seminar-trening tashkil etildi!

📈 Universitet vakillari ishtirokida o‘tkazilgan seminar orqali o‘quvchilar kelajak imkoniyatlari va xalqaro ta’lim jarayoni haqida ko‘proq ma’lumotga ega bo‘lishdi.

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PTU Official

13 Feb, 14:36


Together, we are shaping a brighter tomorrow in the field of life sciences and research!

📍Gulistan Presidential School

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PTU Official

13 Feb, 13:20


📍 Sardoba specialised school

🎓 Be with us, Join PTU!

PTU Official

13 Feb, 10:27


📍Bukhara Presidential School

Join us, Join PTU!

🎓 PTU offers British higher education in the field of pharmacy and life sciences.

Apply Now!

PTU Official

13 Feb, 05:31


Pharmaceutical Technical University at Khiva Presidential School

The Pharmaceutical Technical University team visited Khiva Presidential School to meet with students and introduce them to the dynamic world of pharmaceuticals. The session focused on providing insights into the university’s programs, career opportunities in the field, and the role of pharmaceuticals in modern healthcare.

The students showed great enthusiasm, asking insightful questions and expressing their interest in pursuing further studies in pharmaceuticals. University representatives shared informational booklets and small gifts as a token of appreciation for the students' active participation.


Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti Xiva Prezident maktabida

Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti jamoasi Xiva Prezident maktabi o‘quvchilari bilan uchrashuv o‘tkazdi. Tadbir davomida maktab o‘quvchilariga farmatsevtika sohasi, uning zamonaviy ta’lim imkoniyatlari va ushbu yo‘nalishda kelajakda ochiladigan imkoniyatlar haqida batafsil ma’lumot berildi.

O‘quvchilar tadbirga faol qatnashib, qiziqarli savollar berdilar va farmatsevtika sohasi bo‘yicha o‘z qiziqishlarini bildirdilar. Universitet vakillari tomonidan ularga maxsus qo‘llanmalar va esdalik sovg‘alari taqdim etildi.

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PTU Official

09 Feb, 08:42

Our first Open Day in 2025!

🎓 Prospective students had the opportunity to explore our modern facilities, meet our esteemed faculty members, and learn more about our innovative programs.

Thank you to everyone who joined us—we look forward to welcoming you to our university!


2025-yildagi birinchi Ochiq eshiklar kuni!

🎓 Bo’lajak talabalarimiz zamonaviy imkoniyatlar bilan tanishib, tajribali professor-o‘qituvchilar bilan uchrashishdi va innovatsion dasturlarimiz haqida ma'lumot olishdi.

Tadbirimizda ishtirok etgan barcha mehmonlarga tashakkur bildiramiz—sizni universitetimizda kutib qolamiz!

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PTU Official

08 Feb, 16:29


📍”Marhamat tumani” specialised school

Build your future with PTU!

PTU Official

08 Feb, 08:49


📍Andijon davlat universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey

Bizni kuzatib boring va PTU ga qo’shiling!

PTU Official

07 Feb, 10:50


📍”Izboskan tumani” specialised school

Stay tuned for more updates on fruitful collaboration!

PTU Official

07 Feb, 06:01

🎓 The Pharmaceutical Technical University team is on a tour across Uzbekistan!

Our university team plans to visit schools in different regions to conduct open lessons in life sciences with students. This initiative is aimed at fostering students' interest in sciences, strengthening their knowledge, and helping them identify their future career paths.

The Pharmaceutical Technical University focuses on the integration of science, innovation, and practical training to deliver high-quality education with international standarts.

Join us, Join PTU!


🎓 Farmatsevtika Texnik Universiteti jamoasi O‘zbekiston viloyatlari bo‘ylab safarda!

Universitetimiz jamoasi viloyat maktablarida o‘quvchilar bilan uchrashib, tabiiy fanlardan ochiq darslar o‘tkazishni rejalashtirdi. Ushbu tashabbus yoshlarning fanlarga bo‘lgan qiziqishini oshirish, ularning bilimlarini mustahkamlash va kelajakdagi kasbiy yo‘nalishlarini belgilashda yordam berishga qaratilgan.

Universitetda xalqaro ta’lim tizimiga mos holda talabalarga zamonaviy bilim, innovatsion ilm-fan va amaliyot uyg‘unligi asosida yuqori sifatda ta’lim beriladi.

Biz bilan bo’ling va PTU ga qo’shiling!

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PTU Official

05 Feb, 13:25


🎓 The Pharmaceutical Technical University team recently visited to Academic lyceum under the Tashkent University of Information Technologies to introduce students to exciting opportunities in pharmacy and life sciences.

During the visit, students learned about:

🔴Cutting-edge programs in pharmacy and international education
🔴Admission process and how to apply
🔴Career opportunities in the growing pharmaceutical industry
🔴Direct interaction with experienced faculty and their valuable insights


Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti
jamoasi Toshkent axborot texnologiyasi universiteti qoshidagi akademik litseyiga tashrif buyurib, talabalarni farmatsevtika va hayot fanlari sohasidagi ajoyib imkoniyatlar bilan tanishtirdi.

Tadbirda talabalar:

🔴Zamonaviy va xalqaro ta'lim dasturlari
🔴Qabul jarayoni va ariza topshirish tartibi
🔴Farmatsevtika sohasidagi karyera imkoniyatlari
🔴Tajribali mutaxassislar bilan bevosita aloqada bo'lish haqida ma'lumotga ega bo'lishdi.

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PTU Official

04 Feb, 12:10

Farmatsevtika texnik universitetida "Ochiq eshiklar kuni"!

🤩 Universitet bilan yaqindan tanishing, xalqaro taʼlim dasturlari haqida bilib oling va yangi bino bo'ylab sayohat qiling!

Barcha tashrif buyuruvchilarni kutib qolamiz:

📆Sana: 7 Fevral, 2025 (Juma)

🕖Vaqt: 10:00

📍Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti


Dear All!

🤩 We are excited to welcome school graduates, parents, friends, and families to our "Open Doors Day" at PTU!

PTU is open to all visitors on:

📆 Date: February 7, 2025 (Friday)

🕖Time: 10:00

📍Pharmaceutical technical university

☎️998 55 900 05 00

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PTU Official

03 Feb, 06:43

Join us, Join PTU!

🎓 PTU offers British higher education in the field of pharmacy and life sciences.

Apply Now!

Together, we are shaping a brighter tomorrow in the field of life sciences and research!

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PTU Official

31 Jan, 05:15

Farmatsevtika texnik universitetining "Hayot fanlari olimpiadasi" da ishtirok eting!

Kimyo va biologiyadan o'z bilimingizni namoyish eting.

🖥 1-bosqich:

Test sinovlari o‘zbek, rus yoki ingliz tillarida 2025-yil 21-23-fevral kunlari onlayn tarzda o‘tkaziladi.

🏢 2-bosqich:

Muvaffaqiyatli nomzodlar ikkinchi bosqichga taklif etiladi.

G'oliblar uchun mukofotlar:

🎓 PTUda Britaniya oliy taʼlim dasturlarida oʻqish uchun GRANT.

🏆 G'oliblar uchun qimmatbaho sovg'alar!

📅 Roʻyxatdan oʻtishning oxirgi muddati: 2025-yil 16-fevral

🪪 Roʻyxatdan oʻtish va imtihon sanalari haqida batafsil maʼlumot:

📞Aloqa uchun: +998 55 900 05 00

Ro'yxatdan o'ting va bilimingizni namoyish eting!

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PTU Official

30 Jan, 11:13


🎓 PTU O'zbekistonda hayot fanlari yo'nalishidagi birinchi Britaniya oliy ta'limi

📍School # 173 va Aniq va tabiiy fanlarga yo'naltirilgan S.H. Sirojiddinov nomidagi Respublika akademik litseyi

PTU Official

30 Jan, 09:50


📍School # 5

Stay tuned for more updates on fruitful collaboration!

PTU Official

29 Jan, 05:20

🟢 Janusz Vánik, the Trade Representative of the Hungarian Embassy in Uzbekistan, József Kovács, the owner of a group of companies and authorized representative of the University of Debrecen, and Norbert Kovács, a representative of the University of Debrecen, visited the Pharmaceutical Technical University.

The main topic of the meeting was the discussion of potential scientific collaboration between the Pharmaceutical Technical University and the University of Debrecen (Hungary). The participants of the meeting discussed areas such as academic exchange, joint scientific research, and expanding opportunities for students of both universities.


🟢 Vengriyaning O'zbekistondagi Elchixonasi savdo vakili Yanush Vanik, Debretsen Universiteti rektori tomonidan vakolatlangan kompaniyalar guruhi egasi Kovach Yozef hamda Debretsen Universitetining vakili Kovach Norbert Farmatsevtika texnik universitetiga tashrif buyurishdi.

Uchrashuvda Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti va Debretsen Universiteti (Vengriya) o'rtasida ilmiy hamkorlik muhokama qilindi. Shuningdek, akademik almashinuv, qo'shma ilmiy tadqiqotlar va ikki universitet talabalari uchun ilmiy imkoniyatlarni kengaytirish mavzusida suhbat olib borildi.

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PTU Official

28 Jan, 16:14

🔴 Корея Республикасининг Ўзбекистондаги Фавқулодда ва Мухтор Элчиси Won Doyeon жаноблари Фармацевтика тармоғини ривожлантириш агентлигига ташриф буюрди

❗️ Ташриф давомида, Фармацевтика тармоғини ривожлантириш агентлиги директори Абдулла Азизов, «Tashkent Pharma Park» инновацион илмий-ишлаб чиқариш фармацевтика кластери ҳудудида амалга оширилаётган лойиҳалар ва умумий ривожланиши концепцияси ҳақида батафсил маълумот берди.

❗️ Элчи Won Doyeon жаноблари Ўзбекистон фармацевтика саноатининг юқори суръатларда ривожланиб бораётганидан жуда таъсирланганини ва ушбу соҳада Корея ва Ўзбекистон ҳамкорлигини ҳар томонлама қўллаб-қувватлашга тайёрлигини билдирди.

✔️ Мулоқотда, таълим масалалари ҳам муҳокама қилинди. Элчи, хусусан, Фармацевтика Техник Университетининг Кореянинг машҳур Ёнсеи университети билан ўзаро ҳамкорликда фаолият юритаётганидан мамнунлигини билдирди. У мазкур ҳамкорликни янада ривожлантириш имкониятларини кўриб чиқишини ва бу йўналишда ҳамкорликка тайёр эканлигини таъкидлади.

❗️ Шунингдек, учрашув давомида Корея ва Ўзбекистон фармацевтика саноати ўртасидаги ҳамкорлик лойиҳалари, инвестиция имкониятлари ва инновацион тадқиқотлар йўналишларини янада кенгайтириш масалалари муҳокама қилинди.

✔️ Элчи Won Doyeon жаноблари ўз нутқида Ўзбекистоннинг фармацевтика соҳасида минтақавий етакчига айланиши учун барча шароитлар яратилганини эътироф этиб, Корея Республикаси бу йўналишда стратегик шерик бўлиб қолишини қайд этди.

✔️ Ташриф якунлари бўйича икки давлат ўртасидаги фармацевтика соҳасидаги ҳамкорликни янада ривожлантириш ва қўшма лойиҳаларни амалга ошириш бўйича келишувга эришилди.

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PTU Official

27 Jan, 12:24

Join the Pharmaceutical Technical University Life Sciences Olympiad!

Showcase your knowledge and ignite your passion in biology and chemistry.

🖥 Stage 1:

Conducted online from 21 to 23 February 2025, with the option to take the test in Uzbek, Russian, or English.

🏢 Stage 2:

Finalists will compete in the second stage

Rewards for Excellence:

🎓 Scholarships for studying British higher education programmes at PTU.

🏆 Exciting prizes for winners!

📅 Registration Deadline: 16 February 2025
🪪 For detailed information on registration and examination dates, visit:

📞 Contact us at: +998 55 900 05 00

Showcase your talent and passion for life sciences and register today!

PTU Official

27 Jan, 04:26

🎓 Farmatsevtika Texnik Universitetida Pre-University dasturi!

Dastur universitetga kirish, ichki grant imtihonlariga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish, bilim va ko‘nikmalarini oshirish imkoniyatini beradi.

Pre-University dasturida quyidagi fanlar o’rgatiladi:
🔵Fundamental kimyo
🔵Biologiya asoslari
🔵IELTSga tayyorlov

Tayyorlov kurslari malakali o'qituvchilar tomonidan olib boriladi va amaliy mashg'ulotlar bilan birga o'tkaziladi.

O'z kelajagingizni biz bilan boshlang!

📞 +998 55 900 05 00
🎓 Pre-University programme at the Pharmaceutical Technical University!

Our pre-university programme will set you on the path to academic success, prepare for scholarship exams, improve your knowledge and skills.

The programme are offered in the following subjects:

🔵Chemistry at First Glance
🔵Basics of Biology
🔵Embracing IELTS

Pre-University programme will be conducted by qualified experts and will include practical sessions.

Start your future with PTU!

📞 +998 55 900 05 00
🎓 Pre-University programme в Фармацевтическом Техническом Университете!

Наш Pre-University курс поможет вам достичь академического успеха, подготовиться к сдаче внутренних грантовых экзаменов и улучшить ваши знания и навыки.

Курсы предлагаются по следующим предметам:

🔵Химия с первого взгляда
🔵Основы биологии
🔵Подготовка к IELTS

Подготовительные курсы будут проводиться квалифицированными преподавателями и включать практические занятия.

Начните свое будущее с нами!

📞+998 55 900 05 00

PTU Official

24 Jan, 10:14

🎓 The Pharmaceutical Technical University team recently visited to Sergeli Specialised School to introduce students to exciting opportunities in pharmacy and life sciences.

During the visit, students learned about:

🔴Cutting-edge programs in pharmacy and international education
🔴Admission process and how to apply
🔴Career opportunities in the growing pharmaceutical industry
🔴Direct interaction with experienced faculty and their valuable insights


Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti jamoasi Sergeli tumani ixtisoslashtirilgan maktabiga tashrif buyurib, talabalarni farmatsevtika va hayot fanlari sohasidagi ajoyib imkoniyatlar bilan tanishtirdi.

Tadbirda talabalar:

🔴Zamonaviy va xalqaro ta'lim dasturlari
🔴Qabul jarayoni va ariza topshirish tartibi
🔴Farmatsevtika sohasidagi karyera imkoniyatlari
🔴Tajribali mutaxassislar bilan bevosita aloqada bo'lish haqida ma'lumotga ega bo'lishdi.

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PTU Official

24 Jan, 07:35


📌Farmatsevtika tarmog‘ini rivojlantirish agentligi huzuridagi Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti vakillari Termiz shahridagi Prezident maktabiga tashrif buyurdi.

Tashrifdan ko‘zlangan maqsad, o‘quvchi-yoshlarga farmatsevtika va sogʻliqni saqlash sohalaridagi innovatsiyalar, soʻnggi yutuqlar, ayni yoʻnalishlar boʻyicha taʼlim, kasb imkoniyatlari, oʻquv dasturlari haqida ma’lumotlar berishdan iborat.

⚙️Bundan tashqari, mazkur universitetning o‘qituvchilari tomonidan universitetning mavjud imkoniyatlari, xususan, moddiy-texnik baza, ilmiy laboratoriyalar, o‘quv xonalar, ta'lim yo‘nalishlari, qabul kvotalari haqida batafsil ma’lumot berildi.

📝Ma’lumot o‘rnida, 2024-yilning dekabr oyida Ixtisoslashtirilgan ta’lim muassasalari agentligi hamda Farmatsevtika tarmogʻini rivojlantirish agentligi o‘rtasida oʻzaro hamkorlik memorandumi imzolangan edi.

Termiz shahridagi Prezident maktabining ijtimoiy tarmoqdagi sahifalari:
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PTU Official

23 Jan, 12:12

🎓 Pharmaceutical Technical University completes tour across the regions

The journey of the Pharmaceutical Technical University across the regions has come to a successful conclusion! During this tour, our university introduced prospective students, parents, and regional communities to our cutting-edge academic programs, innovative research opportunities, and vibrant student life.

We express our deepest gratitude to everyone who welcomed us so warmly in their cities and towns. Your enthusiasm and interest inspire us to strive for even greater achievements in education and science.


🎓 Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti viloyatlar bo‘ylab safarini yakunladi

Farmatsevtika texnik universitetining viloyatlar bo‘ylab safarlari muvaffaqiyatli yakunlandi! Safar davomida universitetimiz abituriyentlar, ota-onalar va hududiy jamoalar bilan uchrashib, zamonaviy o‘quv dasturlari, innovatsion ilmiy-tadqiqot imkoniyatlari hamda sermazmun talabalar hayoti haqida ma’lumot berdi.

Bizni o‘z shahar va tumanlarida samimiy kutib olgan barchaga minnatdorlik bildiramiz. Sizlarning qiziqishingiz va e’tiboringiz bizni ta’lim va ilm-fan sohasida yanada yuksak natijalarga erishishga ilhomlantiradi.

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PTU Official

23 Jan, 05:45


Together, we are shaping a brighter tomorrow in the field of life sciences and research!

📍WESTER learning center

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PTU Official

22 Jan, 09:15


🤩 Agentlik tizimidagi Chortoq tuman, Baxmal tuman hamda Guliston shahar 1-son ixtisoslashtirilgan maktablarida Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti vakillari bilan uchrashuv bo’lib o’tdi.

Maʼlumot oʻrnida, Ixtisoslashtirilgan ta’lim muassasalari agentligi hamda Farmatsevtika tarmogʻini rivojlantirish agentligi oʻrtasida oʻzaro hamkorlik memorandumi imzolangan.

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PTU Official

18 Jan, 15:10


PTU the first British higher education in Life sciences in Uzbekistan

📍Learning Skills Lab

PTU Official

18 Jan, 13:29

🌟 O‘zbekistonda hayot fanlari bo‘yicha yangi davr boshlandi!

Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti Buyuk Britaniyaning Sunderland va De Montfort universitetlari bilan hamkorlikda maktabimizda seminar-trening tashkil etildi!

📈 "Ulug‘bek School"da universitet vakillari ishtirokida o‘tkazilgan seminar orqali o‘quvchilarimiz kelajak imkoniyatlari haqida ko‘proq ma’lumotga ega bo‘lishdi.

📚 Siz ham global darajadagi ta’lim bilan manfaatlaning!

☎️ Aloqa uchun: (99)-330-33-00
"Ulugbek School" - ta’lim va tarbiya maskani 🔠

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PTU Official

18 Jan, 10:04


PTU in Navoiy!

This meetings served as a bridge between education and innovation, encouraging students to dream big and contribute to the advancement of life sciences and technology.

Stay tuned for more updates on fruitful collaboration!

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PTU Official

18 Jan, 07:10


📍Real School learning center in Gulistan

Join us, join PTU!

PTU Official

18 Jan, 05:42


📍 “Vodil” private school

Build your future with PTU!

PTU Official

18 Jan, 04:35


Together, we are shaping a brighter tomorrow in the field of life sciences and research!

📍”Baxmal” specialised school

PTU Official

18 Jan, 03:22

🏢IMA tizimidagi Kitob tuman ixtisoslashtirilgan maktab - internati 🏢
Prezidentimiz tashabbuslari bilan tashkil etilgan Angliya bilan hamkorlikdagi Toshkent Farmasevtika va Texnika xalqaro universitetidan kelgan vakillar bugun maktab-internatimizga tashrif buyurib, "Tabiiy fanlar" yónalishidagi 10-11- sinf óquvchilari bilan ózaro suhbat ótkazishdi. Suhbat davomida universitet vakillari PTU ya'ni Farmasevtika va Texnika Universiteti haqida hamda hujjat topshirish va imtihon jarayonlari haqida to'liq ma'lumot berishdi. Óquvchi yoshlarimiz bu universitetga qiziqish bildirishdi va bugunning ózidayoq onlayn hujjat topshirib qóydilar.


PTU Official

17 Jan, 15:50


🎓 PTU Team meet students at Madinabonu Learning Centre in Gulistan

🫥During the presentation, the PTU team discussed the programs offered by the university, campus life, international education opportunities, and the future employment prospects for graduates. The students also had the chance to ask questions and receive answers.

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PTU Official

17 Jan, 14:26


📍Registan private school

🎓 PTU get more than you think!

PTU Official

15 Jan, 12:13

“To’rtko’l” specialised school in Karakalpakstan!

Students had the chance to explore potential career paths in pharmacy, biotechnology, and related fields while asking questions about admissions processes, scholarships, and university life.

Join PTU, Join us!

PTU Official

15 Jan, 12:02

Be with us, Join PTU!

↖️ English Standard Learning Center (Samarkand)

PTU Official

15 Jan, 09:32

Uz: 🇺🇿

😁Kuni kecha Andijon shahridagi Prezident maktabida Toshkentdagi Farmatsevtika Texnik Universiteti vakillari bilan uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi.

⚡️Ushbu uchrashuvda Universtitet vakillari tomonidan o‘quvchilarga farmatsevtika sohasi va sog‘liqni saqlash innovatsiyalaridagi so‘nggi yutuqlar haqida ma’lumotlar berilib, soha bo‘yicha kasbiy imkoniyatlar, universitetning o‘quv dasturlari va sog‘liqni saqlash tizimining kelajakdagi imkoniyatlari haqidagi muhim ma’lumotlar bilan o‘rtoqlashildi.

Bunday uchrashuvlar oliy ta’lim muassasalari va iqtidorli yoshlar o‘rtasida aloqa o‘rnatib, ularning kelajakdagi ta’lim va kasbiy yo‘nalishlari bo‘yicha to‘liq ma’lumot olishlariga yordam beradi.


😁Yesterday, a meeting was held at the Presidential School in Andijan with representatives of the Pharmaceutical Technical University in Tashkent.

⚡️During this meeting, university staff introduced the latest developments in the field of pharmaceutical sciences and healthcare innovation. They shared insights about career opportunities, academic programs, and the importance of pharmaceuticals in shaping a healthier future.

Such meetings establish contact between higher educational institutions and talented young people, and help them get complete information on future educational and professional directions.

©️Andijon shahridagi Prezident maktabi axborot xizmati

⬇️Biz ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda:

PTU Official

15 Jan, 07:06

😀 PTU Team meet students at Zangiota specialised school

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PTU Official

15 Jan, 05:01

Be with us, Join PTU!

↖️ Wester Learning Center (Andijan)
O’ltinko’l specialised school
Shahrixan specialised school

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PTU Official

14 Jan, 16:33

Stay tuned for more updates as PTU continues its journey to connect with future leaders across the region!

📍 Angren specialised school

PTU Official

14 Jan, 14:10

This meeting served as a bridge between education and innovation, encouraging students to dream big and contribute to the advancement of life sciences and technology.

Stay tuned for more updates on fruitful collaboration!

📍POLYGLOT learning center (Samarkand)

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PTU Official

14 Jan, 12:17

We are in Andijan!

The Pharmaceutical Technical University has made a significant impact in Andijan by promoting education and innovation in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. The university aims to equip students with cutting-edge knowledge and skills, preparing them for a successful future in pharmacy, biotechnology, and life sciences.

PTU Official

14 Jan, 09:59

Bukhara Medical Academic Lyceum

Students had the chance to explore potential career paths in pharmacy, biotechnology, and related fields while asking questions about admissions processes, scholarships, and university life.

Join PTU, Join us!

PTU Official

14 Jan, 09:49

Kelajak farmasevtlari uchun ajoyib imkoniyatlar!

🤩 17-yanvar kuni soat 16:00 da Global Education’ning Uzmobile filialida Farmasevtika Texnik Universiteti dasturi bo‘yicha seminar o‘tkaziladi!

🔬 Universitetimizning imkoniyatlari va imtiyozlari bilan tanishing.
🎓 Eng faol abituriyentlar maxsus takliflarga ega bo‘lishadi!

O‘qituvchilarimiz bilan seminarda ishtirok eting va o‘z orzularingiz sari birinchi qadamni qo‘ying!

❗️Ushbu seminarimiz ma’ruzasi o’zbek va ingliz tillarida bo’lib o’tadi.

⬇️ Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun izohlarda qoldiring!

Biz ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda:
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PTU Official

14 Jan, 09:48

Pharmaceutical Technical University Visits Oltinko’l Specialized School in Andijon

The purpose of this visit was to inspire and engage with the talented students of the school, introducing them to the opportunities in the field of pharmaceutical and life sciences education. During the visit, university representatives conducted interactive sessions, shared insights about the programs offered, and highlighted the critical role of pharmaceutical innovation in improving healthcare globally.

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PTU Official

09 Jan, 10:17

IELTS Master Class at Karakul Wisdom School

Pharmaceutical Technical University team recently organized an IELTS master class at Karakul Wisdom School.

During the session, experienced instructors provided an overview of the IELTS format, shared tips for effective preparation, and conducted interactive exercises to enhance the students' listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills.

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PTU Official

09 Jan, 05:30


💬 The Mpemba effect is the name given to the observation that a liquid (typically water) which is initially hot can freeze faster than the same liquid which begins cold, under otherwise similar conditions. There is disagreement about its theoretical basis and the parameters required to produce the effect.


💧 Issiq suv sovuq suvdan ko'ra tezroq muzga aylanadi

💬 Mpemba effekti - issiq bo'lgan suyuqlik (odatda suv), sovuq suyuqlikdan tezroq muzlashi haqidagi kuzatuvga berilgan nomdir. Uning nazariy asoslari haqida olimlar o'rtasida kelishmovchiliklar mavjud.

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PTU Official

08 Jan, 06:57

Are you passionate about pharmaceuticals and life sciences?

The Pharmaceutical Technical University offers British higher education in life sciences.

📚 Get access to world-class education
🌍 Be part of an international academic environment
🎓 Earn a globally recognized British degree in life sciences

Start your journey toward a bright future in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology today!


Farmatsevtika va hayot fanlari

Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti Britaniya oliy ta'lim dasturlarini taklif etadi!

📚 Jahon darajasidagi ta’lim
🌍 Xalqaro akademik muhit
🎓 Hayot fanlari bo‘yicha dunyoda tan olingan Britaniya diplomi

Farmatsevtika va biotexnologiyada kelajakni biz bilan boshlang!

📞55 900 05 00

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PTU Official

07 Jan, 12:34

Visit by Yurta Advisor LTD Representatives to the Pharmaceutical Technical University!

During the visit, productive discussions were held about attracting students to the university and enhancing educational opportunities.

📶 Key highlights of the discussion:

🔴Insight into the exceptional academic programmes offered at the university.
🔴Addressing questions and concerns of prospective students.
🔴Exploring career development opportunities in the pharmaceutical field.

➡️This visit marks an important step toward strengthening collaboration and ensuring access to high-quality education for future generations.


Yurta Advisor LTD vakillari Farmatsevtika Texnik Universitetida!

Tashrif davomida universitetga talabalarni jalb qilish va o‘quv jarayonlari bo‘yicha qiziqarli va samarali suhbat bo‘lib o‘tdi.

📶 Suhbat davomida:

🔴Universitetda ta’lim olish imkoniyatlari haqida ma’lumot berildi;
🔴Talabalarni qiziqtiruvchi savollarga javoblar berildi;
🔴Farmatsevtika sohasida kasbiy rivojlanish imkoniyatlari muhokama qilindi.

➡️Ushbu tashrif hamkorlikni mustahkamlash va kelajak avlodni yuqori sifatli ta’lim bilan ta’minlash yo‘lida muhim qadam bo‘ldi.

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PTU Official

07 Jan, 04:32

#Ptu_facts 3


(En) Iodine was first discovered by Barnard Courtois, a French chemist in 1811 while extracting potassium and sodium from seaweed ash. When he accidentally added sulfuric acid, a violet colored cloud evolved from the mass. The resulting gas was condensed into dark crystals-the first occurrence of observed solid iodine.

(Uz) Yod 1811 yilda fransuz kimyogari Bernard Kurtua tomonidan kashf etilgan.
U yodni dengiz suvidan tuz olishga urinayotganda kashf etgan. Kurtua dengiz suviga sulfat kislota qo‘shilganda binafsha rangli bug‘ hosil bo‘lganini, so‘ngra quyuq kristallarga – yodga kondensatsiyalanishini payqadi.

Ushbu kashfiyot kimyo va tibbiyot uchun katta ahamiyatga ega edi, chunki yod ko'plab dorilarning asosiy tarkibiy qismiga aylandi va sterilizatsiya jarayonida qo'llaniladi.

PTU Official

06 Jan, 09:36

🎓 The Pharmaceutical Technical University offers British higher education in life sciences!

🔠 Join us to gain world-class knowledge and skills that will prepare you for a successful career in the rapidly evolving field of pharmaceuticals. The university presents programs in Pharmacy, Biochemistry, and Biomedicine from the University of Sunderland and De Montfort University, UK.

🌍 Embrace a global perspective and enhance your learning experience through international collaborations.

☎️ 55 900 05 00

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PTU Official

04 Jan, 04:49

#PTU_facts 7


🍎 Olma iste'mol qilish qahvaga qaraganda insonga ko'proq energiya va kayfiyat beradi.

PTU sizga qiziqarli faktlarni bo'lishishda davom etadi!

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PTU Official

03 Jan, 09:40

🎓 PTU offers cutting-edge British higher educational programmes designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the pharmaceutical industry.

Apply for the Pre-University Programme now!

🏐 Get more than you think!

📞+998 55 900 05 00
+998 95 833 81 81

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PTU Official

03 Jan, 06:03

#PTU_facts 6

🟢Trees are essential for the survival of humans and other life forms on earth.

☘️They produce oxygen and help to reduce the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


Har bir daraxt kuniga 1.2 kg kislorod ishlab chiqarishini bilarmidingiz?

🟢Daraxtlar insonlar va yer yuzidagi boshqa hayot shakllarining omon qolishi uchun zarurdir.

☘️ Ular kislorod ishlab chiqarish orqali atmosferadagi karbonat angidrid miqdorini kamaytirishga yordam beradi.

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PTU Official

03 Jan, 04:31

Dear applicants and parents!

🎓 We are happy to announce that Pharmaceutical Technical University (PTU) offers Pre-University programme to provide applicants with the necessary knowledge in Biology, Chemistry, and English language.

📝Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills! Enroll in the Pre-University programme at PTU today!

📞 +998 999508080
+998 958338181
👍 @ptuuz_bot

PTU Official

31 Dec, 06:02

Happy New Year!

🎄 May this year be filled with joy, success, and wonderful moments. May it bring you new opportunities and the chance to make cherished memories.


Yangi yilingiz bilan!

🎄 Yangi 2025-yil quvonch, muvaffaqiyat va quvonchli damlarga to'la bo'lsin. Har birimizga yangi imkoniyatlar va yoqimli xotiralar taqdim etsin.

PTU Official

27 Dec, 08:16

Фармацевтика тармоғини ривожлантириш агентлигида "Family Day" - Қалбларни қувончга тўлдирган унутилмас байрам!

26 декабрь куни Фармацевтика тармоғини ривожлантириш агентлиги ўз ходимларининг оилалари учун ўзгача бир муҳитда "Family Day" – Оила куни байрамини ташкил этди. Бу тадбирнинг энг ёрқин жиҳати шундаки, унда агентлик ходимларининг кичкинтой фарзандлари фаол иштирок этишди.

Байрам арафасида ташкил этилган ушбу тадбир болажонларнинг юзларида табассум, қалбларида эса чексиз қувонч уйғотди. Байрамнинг асосий қаҳрамонлари - Қорбобо ва Қорқизнинг шодон чиқишлари, янги йил қўшиқлари ва ўйинлари кичкинтойларга унутилмас дақиқаларни туҳфа этди.

Тадбир давомида болажонлар турли хил ўйинларда иштирок этиб, ўз маҳоратларини намойиш этишди. Қорбобо ва Қорқиз билан биргаликда ўйнаган ўйинлар болаларга байрамона кайфият бағишлади. Болажонлар томонидан ижро этилган шеърлар ва қўшиқлар тадбирга ўзгача шукуҳ берди.

Фармацевтика тармоғини ривожлантириш агентлиги раҳбарияти ушбу байрамни ташкил этишдан мақсади, ўз ходимларига ва уларнинг оилаларига бўлган эътиборини яна бир бор намоён этишдир. Шунингдек, келажагимиз бўлган болажонларга ота-оналарининг иш жойи, жараёнлари билан таништириб мотивация беришдир.

"Family Day" барча учун янги йил олдидан қувончли ва эсда қоларли воқеа бўлиб қолди.

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PTU Official

25 Dec, 11:45

🎁 A Special New Year's Gift for PTU Students

🎄 As the New Year approaches, we wanted to make it even more special for our students. We believe we've succeeded in bringing joy and excitement to their celebrations.


🎁 FTU talabalari uchun kirib kelayotgan yangi yilga maxsus sovg'a

🎄 Kirib kelayotgan Yangi yilni talabalarimiz uchun yanada o'zgacha qilishni xohladik. O‘ylaymizki, biz ularni xursand qila oldik.

PTU Official

25 Dec, 04:31

Фармацевтика тармоғини ривожлантириш агентлиги ҳамда Ихтисослаштирилган таълим муассасалари агентлиги ўртасида ҳамкорлик меморандуми имзоланди

Ушбу ҳамкорлик меморандуми ёш авлодни табиий фанларга қизиқтириш, уларни илмий-техник йўналишда ривожлантириш ва малакали кадрлар тайёрлашни мақсад қилган.

Бундан ташқари кимё, биология, фармацевтика каби соҳаларга жалб қилишни ва уларга ушбу йўналишларда билим олиш имкониятларини ошириш кўзда тутилган. Бу орқали келажакдаги фармацевтлар, биотехнологлар ва олимларнинг пойдеворини яратиш режалаштирилмоқда.

Бу меморандум икки агентлик ўртасидаги ҳамкорликни янада чуқурлаштириш ва мамлакатда фармацевтика ҳамда инновацион ёндашув асосида таълим жараёнини такомиллаштиришни мақсад қилган.

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PTU Official

23 Dec, 12:05

🎄 New Year at PTU!

🎄 The atmosphere of joy and excitement for the New Year has enveloped the Pharmaceutical Technical University!

🎄 As we bid farewell to this year and welcome the new one, we look forward to new achievements, growth, and opportunities for success.

❄️ Wishing you all upcoming Happy New Year filled with joy, health, and prosperity!


🎄 FTU da Yangi yil shukuhi!

🎄 Farmatsevtika texnik universitetini Yangi yil muhiti qamrab oldi.

🎄 2024-yil kuzatar ekanmiz, yangi yilni yangi yutuqlar, o‘sish va muvaffaqiyat imkoniyatlari bilan kutib olishni intizorlik bilan kutmoqdamiz.

❄️ Barchangizni kirib kelayotgan yangi yil bilan tabriklaymiz, sog'lik va farovonlik tilaymiz!

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PTU Official

23 Dec, 04:59

🎓 The Pharmaceutical Technical University offers British higher education in life sciences!

🔠 Join us to gain world-class knowledge and skills that will prepare you for a successful career in the rapidly evolving field of pharmaceuticals. The university presents programs in Pharmacy, Biochemistry, and Biomedicine from the University of Sunderland and De Montfort University, UK.

🌍 Embrace a global perspective and enhance your learning experience through international collaborations.

☎️ 55 900 05 00

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PTU Official

22 Dec, 06:00

Tashkent Pharma Park is an innovative scientific and production pharmaceutical cluster

The cluster spans approximately 80 hectares and comprises several key components:

Technopark: This area includes an administrative center, an R&D center, a pharmaceutical safety control laboratory, a clinical research center, and a vivarium.

Pharmaceutical Technical University: Established to train highly qualified personnel in pharmacy, biochemistry, biotechnology, and related fields, the university collaborates with international institutions such as Yonsei University (South Korea) and Sunderland and De Montfort Universities (UK).

Industrial Zone: Dedicated to the production of innovative medicines, medical devices, and equipment, this zone is set to implement multiple investment projects totaling hundreds of millions of dollars.

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PTU Official

21 Dec, 13:22

The Pharmaceutical Technical University uses a dual education system to connect theory with practical skills in the pharmaceutical industry.

This approach combines academic learning with hands-on experience, preparing students to meet the needs of the modern pharmaceutical field. By mixing classroom lessons with real-world practice, the university aims to create skilled professionals ready to drive growth and innovation in the industry.

PTU Official

21 Dec, 08:01

Xalqaro ta'limga asoslangan Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti.

Talabamiz Laziza Amangaliyevaning universitet haqidagi fikrlari.

PTU Official

21 Dec, 05:03

Глава республики посетил инновационный научно-производственный фармацевтический кластер «Tashkent Pharma Park».

Частью кластера станет Фармацевтический технический университет. В нем создадут фармакопейный центр, библиотеку, спорткомплекс, жилье для преподавателей и иностранных специалистов. Здесь будут готовить высококвалифицированные кадры по направлениям промышленной фармации, биомедицины, биохимии, биотехнологии, биофармацевтики и фармацевтической химии. Для этого организуют обучение на основе международных программ, также откроют лаборатории микробиологии, биотехнологии, клеточной биологии, фармакологии и аналитической химии.

Выпускникам вуза будут выдавать дипломы международного образца от университетов Ёнсе (Южная Корея), Сандерленда и Де Монфорт (Великобритания). Кроме того, налажено научное сотрудничество с университетами Данди, Пусана и Пердью.

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PTU Official

02 Dec, 10:29

New Books presentation at the Pharmaceutical Technical University

📚 The Learning Resource Center of the Pharmaceutical Technical University hosted a presentation of newly acquired books. Students explored a wide range of new titles, including scientific, literary, and other genres. This event provided an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their knowledge and discover valuable resources for their academic and personal growth.


Farmatsevtika texnik universitetida yangi kitoblar taqdimoti

📚 Farmatsevtika texnik universitetining o'quv resurs markazida yangi olingan kitoblar taqdimoti bo‘lib o‘tdi. Talabalar ilmiy, adabiy va boshqa janrlarni o‘z ichiga olgan turli xil adabiyotlar bilan tanishishdi. Ushbu tadbir talabalarga o'z bilimlarini oshirish, akademik va shaxsiy o'sishi uchun qimmatli manbalarni kashf qilish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat yaratdi.

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PTU Official

29 Nov, 11:10


🎓 "PTU Say "NO" to Corruption"!

PTU Official

29 Nov, 10:52


A Seminar on "Youth Say "NO" to Corruption"!

Today, a seminar titled "Youth Say No to Corruption" was organized at the Pharmaceutical Technical University (PTU) for students and staff, focusing on the promotion of justice and legality.

During the seminar, the following key topics were discussed:

The adverse impact of corruption on societal development;
The role of youth in combating corruption;
Strategies for fostering integrity and accountability in the lives of young people.

PTU students actively participated in the event, demonstrating their commitment to raising awareness and taking action against corruption.


"Yoshlar korrupsiyaga yo'q deydi" mavzusidagi seminar

Bugun Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti talabalari va xodimlari uchun adolat va qonuniylikni targ‘ib qilishga bag‘ishlangan "Yoshlar korrupsiyaga yo'q deydi" mavzusida seminar tashkil etildi.

Seminar davomida quyidagi masalalar muhokama qilindi:

Korrupsiyaning jamiyat taraqqiyotiga salbiy ta’siri;
Yoshlarning korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashdagi roli;
Halollik va mas’uliyatni yoshlar hayotida shakllantirish yo‘llari.

FTU talabalari tadbirda faol ishtirok etishdi.

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PTU Official

29 Nov, 07:41

🎓 The Pharmaceutical Technical University is offering British higher education in life sciences!

🔠 Join us to gain world-class knowledge and skills that will prepare you for a successful career in the rapidly evolving field of pharmaceuticals. The university presents programs in Pharmacy, Biochemistry, and Biomedicine from University of Sunderland and De Montfort University UK

🌍 Embrace a global perspective and enhance your learning experience through international collaborations.

☎️ 55 900 05 00

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PTU Official

28 Nov, 11:26

#PTU_facts 2

🟡Mendeleev davriy jadvalidagi 6 ta element mamlakatlar nomi bilan atalgan.

🔵Galliy (Fransiyaning lotincha nomi);
🔵Germaniy (Germaniya);
🔵Ruteniy (Rossiyaning lotincha nomi);
🔵Poloniy (Polsha);
🔵Frantsiy (Fransiya);
🔵Nihoniy (Yaponiya: yapon tilidan tarjima qilinganda"Nihon" - kun chiqar yurt)

📌Pre-Foundation Study kursiga qabul jarayoni davom etmoqda!
Ro'yxatdan o'tishga ulgurib qoling:
+998 95-833-81-81
+998 99-950-80-80


PTU Official

27 Nov, 10:45

🎓 PTU offers cutting-edge British higher educational programmes designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the pharmaceutical industry.

Apply for the Pre-University Programme now!

🏐 Get more than you think!

📞+998 99-950-80-80
+998 95-833-81-81

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PTU Official

26 Nov, 11:19

International experts visited the Pharmaceutical Technical University to attract Indian students

Today, the Pharmaceutical Technical University hosted international specialists focused on attracting students from India. The visit included productive discussions on collaboration opportunities, showcasing the university’s cutting-edge British higher educational programmes, and exploring ways to support international students in their academic journeys.

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PTU Official

26 Nov, 05:39

В этом видео наши студенты делятся своим мнением о том, почему они выбрали именно эту специальность. Узнайте, какие факторы оказались решающими для будущих профессионалов и какие цели они ставят перед собой.

#выборпрофессии #студенты #будущеесобрано #мотивация


Bu videoda bizning talabalarmiz o'z mutaxassisliklarini nima uchun tanlaganlari haqida fikrlarini bo'lishdilar. Kelajakdagi mutaxassislar uchun qanday maqsadlar qo'yilganini va ularning tanloviga nima sabab bo'lganini bilib oling.

#kasbnitanlash #talabalar #kelajakbirlashadi #motivatsiya

📞 +998999508080

PTU Official

25 Nov, 09:17

2️⃣5️⃣ 25-noyabr kuni jahon hamjamiyati Xotin-qizlarga nisbatan zo‘ravonlikka barham berish kunini nishonlaydi.

💚 «Bu sana har bir ayol eʼzozlanadigan, so‘zi tinglanadigan, orzulari kelajak sari yo‘lga aylanadigan dunyoda yashashga loyiq ekani haqidagi navbatdagi eslatmadir.

⚠️ Bugun biz birgalikda zo‘ravonlikka nisbatan: "Yetar, bas!" deya xitob qilamiz. Qo'rquv va shubha-gumonlarni ishonch hissiga aylantirish vaqti keldi. Har bir ayol tinglanishi va sevikli bo'lishiga erishish fursati yetdi.

🧠 Ijtimoiy himoya milliy agentligi nafaqat so'zda, balki amalda ham gapiradi:

▫️Biz qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun shu yerdamiz!
▫️Biz himoya qilish uchun shu yerdamiz!
▫️Biz har bir ayol, har bir qiz hayoti qadrli bo’lishi uchun kurashyapmiz!

🌿 Zo'ravonliksiz dunyo xayoldagi orzu emas, bu birgalikda erishsa bo'ladigan maqsaddir.

Qudrat va bardosh ramzi bo'lmish o'zbek qizi Diyora Keldiyorovaga bugungi ishtiroki uchun minnatdorchilik bildiraman» - Shahnoza Mirziyoyeva.

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PTU Official

25 Nov, 05:00

🎓 Farmatsevtika Texnik Universitetida Pre-University dasturi!

Dastur universitetga kirish, ichki grant imtihonlariga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish, bilim va ko‘nikmalarini oshirish imkoniyatini beradi.

Pre-University dasturida quyidagi fanlar o’rgatiladi:
🔵Fundamental kimyo
🔵Biologiya asoslari
🔵IELTSga tayyorlov

O'z kelajagingizni biz bilan boshlang!

📞 +998999508080
🎓 Pre-University programme at the Pharmaceutical Technical University!

Our pre-university programme will set you on the path to academic success, prepare for scholarship exams, improve your knowledge and skills.

The programme are offered in the following subjects:

🔵Chemistry at First Glance
🔵Basics of Biology
🔵Embracing IELTS

Start your future with PTU!

📞 +998999508080
🎓 Pre-University programme в Фармацевтическом Техническом Университете!

Наш Pre-University курс поможет вам достичь академического успеха, подготовиться к сдаче внутренних грантовых экзаменов и улучшить ваши знания и навыки.

Курсы предлагаются по следующим предметам:

🔵Химия с первого взгляда
🔵Основы биологии
🔵Подготовка к IELTS

Начните свое будущее с нами!

📞 +998999508080

PTU Official

21 Nov, 09:48

Dear applicants and parents!

🎓 We are happy to announce that Pharmaceutical Technical University (PTU) offers Pre-University programme to provide applicants with the necessary knowledge in Biology, Chemistry, and English language.

📝Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills! Enroll in the Pre-University programme at PTU today!

📞 +998 999508080
+998 958338181
👍 @ptuuz_bot

PTU Official

21 Nov, 06:24

The Pharmaceutical Technical University Organizes an Open Chemistry Lesson at School #284

The lesson showcased the importance of chemistry in everyday life and its relevance to the pharmaceutical field, sparking interest among young learners. Such initiatives are a step towards building stronger connections between educational institutions and schools, fostering curiosity and innovation in science.

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PTU Official

20 Nov, 07:13

Why a bitten apple turns yellow?

🫥If you are interested, watch the video above ⬆️

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PTU Official

19 Nov, 10:17

The De Montfort University (DMU), UK has officially approved accreditation for the MSci Pharmacy programme to Pharmaceutical Technical University (PTU)

🔴 Oppotunities for DMU MSci Pharmacy Programme graduates at PTU:

🌍 Globally Recognised British Diploma

💼 International opportunities in the pharmaceutical

🧪 Cutting-Edge Facilities

🇬🇧 International higher education standards

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PTU Official

19 Nov, 04:17

🎓 Farmatsevtika Texnik Universitetida Pre-University dasturi!

Dastur universitetga kirish, ichki grant imtihonlariga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish, bilim va ko‘nikmalarini oshirish imkoniyatini beradi.

Pre-University dasturida quyidagi fanlar o’rgatiladi:
🔵Fundamental kimyo
🔵Biologiya asoslari
🔵IELTSga tayyorlov

Tayyorlov kurslari malakali o'qituvchilar tomonidan olib boriladi va amaliy mashg'ulotlar bilan birga o'tkaziladi.

O'z kelajagingizni biz bilan boshlang!

📞 +998999508080
🎓 Pre-University programme at the Pharmaceutical Technical University!

Our pre-university programme will set you on the path to academic success, prepare for scholarship exams, improve your knowledge and skills.

The programme are offered in the following subjects:

🔵Chemistry at First Glance
🔵Basics of Biology
🔵Embracing IELTS

Pre-University programme will be conducted by qualified experts and will include practical sessions.

Start your future with PTU!

📞 +998999508080
🎓 Pre-University programme в Фармацевтическом Техническом Университете!

Наш Pre-University курс поможет вам достичь академического успеха, подготовиться к сдаче внутренних грантовых экзаменов и улучшить ваши знания и навыки.

Курсы предлагаются по следующим предметам:

🔵Химия с первого взгляда
🔵Основы биологии
🔵Подготовка к IELTS

Подготовительные курсы будут проводиться квалифицированными преподавателями и включать практические занятия.

Начните свое будущее с нами!

📞 +998999508080

PTU Official

18 Nov, 04:56

Аziz vatandoshlar!

Sizlarni yurtimiz mustaqilligining ramzi boʼlgan Davlat bayrogʼimiz qabul qilinganligining 33 yilligi bilan chin dildan tabriklaymiz!

Davlat bayrogʼi — bu faqat ramz emas, balki har bir yurtdoshimiz qalbidagi gʼurur va iftixor hissining timsolidir. Bayrogʼimiz ostida el-yurtimiz tinchlik, taraqqiyot va obodlik sari intilib, oʼzining buyuk kelajagini bunyod etmoqda.

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PTU Official

15 Nov, 10:50

👩‍🔬 Being a pharmacist isn’t just about dispensing medication; it’s about becoming a trusted healthcare professional who advocates for patient health.

💊 For anyone considering a career in pharmacy, Remember: It’s a long road, but it’s incredibly fulfilling.

Join PTU stay focused, stay passionate, and keep learning!

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PTU Official

15 Nov, 07:43

The students of "Shayxontohur specialized school" had the exciting opportunity to visit the Pharmaceutical Technical University!

🔬 It was an inspiring day filled with new knowledge and insights into the world of pharmaceuticals. During the visit, students explored cutting-edge labs, learned about the latest advancements in pharmaceuticals, and interacted with experts in the field. The experience sparked curiosity and excitement, giving our students a deeper understanding of the importance of science and research in shaping the future of healthcare.


"Shayxontohur tumani ixtisoslashgan maktabi" o'quvchilari Farmatsevtika Texnik Universitetiga tashrif buyurishdi!

🔬Bu tashrif farmatsevtika sohasiga oid yangi bilimlar va ko'nikmalar bilan to'la zavqli kun bo'ldi. Tadbir davomida talabalar zamonaviy laboratoriyalarni ko'rib chiqishdi, farmatsevtika sohasidagi so'nggi yutuqlar haqida ma'lumot olishdi va soha mutaxassislari bilan muloqot qilishdi. Ushbu tajriba o'quvchilarda ilm-fan va tadqiqotlarning sog'liqni saqlash kelajagini shakllantirishdagi ahamiyati haqida chuqurroq tushuncha hosil qilgan holda, qiziqish va hayajon uyg'otdi.

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PTU Official

13 Nov, 10:24

🔴 Students of the Pharmaceutical Technical University had a seminar on the topic "We are supporters of a healthy lifestyle" aimed at promotion of a healthy lifestyle, transmission, pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical symptoms, and prevention of HIV/AIDS.


🔴 Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti talaba-yoshlari o‘rtasida sog‘lom turmush tarzini targ‘ib qilish, OIV/OITS kasalligining yuqish yo‘llari, patogenezi, epidemiologiyasi, kasallikning klinik belgilari va profilaktikasini oldini olishga qaratilgan “Biz – sog‘lom turmush tarzi tarafdorimiz” mavzusida targ‘ibot tadbiri tashkil etildi.

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PTU Official

12 Nov, 10:47

🦠 KIMYO fani dunyodagi barcha jarayonlarini, shu jumladan hayotimizni ham qamrab oladi.

🌡 Biz bilan kimyo fanining naqadar oson va qiziq ekanini anglang!

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PTU Official

12 Nov, 07:03

O‘zbekistonda hayot fanlari bo‘yicha birinchi Britaniya oliy ta’limi!

Qabul davom etmoqda!

Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti Buyuk Britaniyaning Sanderlend va De Montfort universitetlari bilan hamkorlikda Farmatsiya, Biokimyo va Biotibbiyot fanlari bo‘yicha oliy ta’lim dasturlarini taklif etadi.

Bitiruvchilar xalqaro tan olingan
Buyuk Britaniya diplomini qoʼlga kiritadilar. Grant o'rinlari ham mavjud!

Hujjat topshirish uchun havola


Первое британское высшее образование в области естественных наук в Узбекистане!

Прием продолжается!

Фармацевтический технический университет предлагает программы высшего образования в области фармации, биохимии и биомедицины в сотрудничестве с университетами Сандерленда и Де Монтфорта в Великобритании.

Выпускники получат международную признанную степень бакалавра Великобритании. Университет также предлагает гранты!

Ссылка для подачи документов

Будем рады ответить на ваши вопросы!

☎️+998 999508080
+998 958338181

PTU Official

11 Nov, 11:50

🎓 PTU offers cutting-edge programs designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the pharmaceutical industry.

Apply for the Pre-University Programme now!

🏐 Get more than you think!


🎓 PTU farmatsevtika sanoatida ustunlikka erishish uchun zarur bo'lgan bilim va ko'nikmalarni egallashda ilg'or dasturlarni taklif etadi.

Pre-University dasturiga hoziroq ariza topshiring!

🏐 Kutganingizdan ko'prog'iga erishing!

📞+998 99-950-80-80
+998 95-833-81-81

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PTU Official

11 Nov, 05:49

The International Conference on Pharmaceutics and Life Sciences (ICPL) is a prestigious gathering that brings together scientists, researchers, industry experts, and academicians from around the world to discuss and explore recent advancements in pharmaceutics, bitechnology, and life sciences.


Farmatsevtika va hayot fanlari bo‘yicha xalqaro konferensiya (ICPL) butun dunyo bo‘ylab olimlar, tadqiqotchilar, soha mutaxassislari va akademiklarni farmatsevtika, biotexnologiya va hayot fanlari sohasidagi so‘nggi yutuqlarni muhokama qilish va o‘rganish uchun birlashtiradigan nufuzli anjumandir.

PTU Official

09 Nov, 16:33

#Ўзбекистон #Ҳиндистон #АҚШ #БуюкБритания #ЖанубийКорея #Венгрия #фармацевтика #университет #халқаро #конференцияси

“International Conference on Pharmaceutics and Life Sciences: Frontiers of Research and Education (ICPL-2024)” халқаро конференцияси

Батафсил “Зўр ТВ” телеканали, “Бу кун” дастури лавҳасида 👆

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PTU Official

09 Nov, 06:30


🍀 The employees, teachers and students of Pharmaceutical technical university participated in planting and beautifying the areas within the nationwide project ‘’Green Planet’’ nationwide project.
Students admitted to the first academic year also contributed to beautifying local areas in a cheerful mood.


🍀Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti xodimlari, o‘qituvchi va talabalari tomonidan bino hududida “Yashil makon” umummilliy loyihasi doirasida hududlarda manzarali ko‘chat ekish, ko‘kalamzorlashtirish va obodonlashtirish ishlari olib borilmoqda.
Universitet oldi hududlarni ko’kalamzorlashtirishda birinchi o‘quv yiliga qabul qilingan talabalar ham ko‘tarinki kayfiyatda o‘z hissalarini qo‘shdilar.

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PTU Official

08 Nov, 10:48

ICPL esteemed participants, including researchers, industry experts, and thought leaders, shared their perspectives on the latest advancements in pharmaceutics, innovative life sciences solutions, and the future of healthcare.


Konferensiya ishtirokchilari, jumladan tadqiqotchilar, soha mutaxassislari va proffesorlar farmatsevtika sohasidagi so‘nggi yutuqlar, innovatsion yechimlar va sog‘liqni saqlashning kelajagi haqida o‘z nuqtai nazarlari bilan o‘rtoqlashdilar.

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PTU Official

08 Nov, 09:01

🎓 International Conference on Pharmaceutics and Life Sciences: Frontiers of Research and Education (ICPL-2024):


PTU Official

08 Nov, 06:04

#Oʻzbekiston #Hindiston #AQSh #BuyukBritaniya #JanubiyKoreya #Vengriya #universitet #xalqaro #konferensiyasi

“International Conference on Pharmaceutics and Life Sciences: Frontiers of Research and Education (ICPL-2024)”
xalqaro konferensiyasi

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PTU Official

07 Nov, 10:47


🟢 Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology
🟢 Biopharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
🟢 Drug Formulation and Development
🟢 Herbal and alternative medicines

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PTU Official

07 Nov, 08:06


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 0260 2994
Passcode: 916813

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PTU Official

04 Nov, 06:56

Inaugural International Conference on Pharmaceutics and Life Sciences (ICPL 2024)
We invite you to the first international conference focused on sharing modern knowledge in the fields of pharmaceuticals and biomedicine, dedicated to improving the quality of human life.
Relevant Topics:
🟢Drug Formulation and Development
🟢Drug Delivery Systems
🟢Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
🟢Biopharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
🟢Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics
🟢Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology
🟢Pharmaceutical Analysis and Characterization
🟢Herbal and alternative medicines
🟢Regulatory and Compliance Issues
🟢Innovations in pharmaceutical education

65 distinguished scholars will participate in the conference. The event will feature presentations on advanced technologies and immunobiological preparations.

For more information and to register for the conference:

Date: November 7-8, 2024
Location: Tashkent Pharma Park

📞 +998 99-950-80-80
📞 +998 95-833-81-81
📤 [email protected]

PTU Official

01 Nov, 05:58

🎓 PTU offers cutting-edge programs designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the pharmaceutical industry.

Apply for the Pre-University Programme now!

Let’s shape the future of healthcare together!


🎓 PTU farmatsevtika sanoatida ustunlikka erishish uchun zarur bo'lgan bilim va ko'nikmalarni egallashda ilg'or dasturlarni taklif etadi.

Pre-University dasturiga hoziroq ariza topshiring!

Keling, zamonaviy sog'liqni saqlash kelajagini birgalikda shakllantiramiz!

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PTU Official

22 Oct, 07:33


O'zbek tiliga davlat tili maqomi berilganining 35 yilligi hamda 21-oktabr - O'zbek tili bayrami kuni bag'ishlab "Ona tilim - faxrim" shiori ostida Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti talabalari o'zbek tilini ulug'lovchi she'rlar o'qib berishdi.


In celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Uzbek language being granted the status of the state language and the Uzbek Language Day on October 21st, under the slogan "My Mother Tongue - My Pride", students of the Pharmaceutical Technical University recited poems honoring the Uzbek language.

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PTU Official

21 Oct, 04:24

🇺🇿Farmatsevtika Texnik Universiteti barchangizni O'zbek tili bayrami kuni bilan tabriklaydi!


🇺🇿Pharmaceutical Technical University congratulates you all on the Uzbek Language Day!

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PTU Official

18 Oct, 10:24

🎓 Farmatsevtika Texnik Universitetida Pre-University dasturi!

Dastur universitetga kirish, ichki grant imtihonlariga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish, bilim va ko‘nikmalarini oshirish imkoniyatini beradi.

Pre-University dasturida quyidagi fanlar o’rgatiladi:
🔵Fundamental kimyo
🔵Biologiya asoslari
🔵IELTSga tayyorlov

Tayyorlov kurslari malakali o'qituvchilar tomonidan olib boriladi va amaliy mashg'ulotlar bilan birga o'tkaziladi.

O'z kelajagingizni biz bilan boshlang!

📞 +998999508080
🎓 Pre-University programme at the Pharmaceutical Technical University!

Our pre-university programme will set you on the path to academic success, prepare for scholarship exams, improve your knowledge and skills.

The programme are offered in the following subjects:

🔵Chemistry at First Glance
🔵Basics of Biology
🔵Embracing IELTS

Pre-University programme will be conducted by qualified experts and will include practical sessions.

Start your future with PTU!

📞 +998999508080
🎓 Pre-University programme в Фармацевтическом Техническом Университете!

Наш Pre-University курс поможет вам достичь академического успеха, подготовиться к сдаче внутренних грантовых экзаменов и улучшить ваши знания и навыки.

Курсы предлагаются по следующим предметам:

🔵Химия с первого взгляда
🔵Основы биологии
🔵Подготовка к IELTS

Подготовительные курсы будут проводиться квалифицированными преподавателями и включать практические занятия.

Начните свое будущее с нами!

📞 +998999508080

PTU Official

18 Oct, 06:40

A roundtable discussion and intellectual game event was organised for students at the Pharmaceutical Technical University on the life of Mirzo Ulugbek, his activities as a statesman, and his significant contributions to the development of world science.


Farmatsevtika texnik universitetida Mirzo Ulugʻbekning hayoti, uning davlat arbobi sifatidagi faoliyati hamda jahon ilm-fani rivojiga qoʻshgan ulkan hissasi haqida talaba-yoshlar oʻrtasida davra-suhbati va intellektual o'yin shaklida tadbir tashkil etildi.

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PTU Official

16 Oct, 16:44

On October 11, 2024, “National clothing festival" was organised at the Pharmaceutical Technical University for female students and staff in honor of International Women's Day.


11-oktabr - Xalqaro ayollar kuni munosabati bilan Farmatsevtika texnik universitetida talaba va xodim ayollari orasida "Milliy liboslar kuni" festivali tashkil etildi.

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PTU Official

10 Oct, 11:51

On October 11, 2024, on the occasion of "International Women’s Day" the "National clothing festival” will be held in all regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In this regard, the ladies of PTU contribute to this festival.


Joriy yilning 11-oktabr "Milliy liboslar festivali" kuni munosabati bilan Respublikamizning barcha xududlarida "Xon Atlas" festivali bo'lib o'tadi.

Shu munosabat bilan FTU ayollari ham bu festivalga o'z hissalarini qo'shadilar.

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PTU Official

09 Oct, 09:44

De Montfort universitetining akademik vakili, Urszula Krzeminska Ahmadzai - Farmatsevtika texnik universiteti haqida


The academic representative of De Montfort University, Urszula Krzeminska Ahmadzai - about the Pharmaceutical Technical University.

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PTU Official

08 Oct, 11:47

As the new semester starts, university staff are preparing to help things go smoothly.

💠Teachers are updating materials and sharing tips, while admin staff are improving processes for students.

🟣Their hard work is key to a good learning environment.


Yangi semestr boshlanishi bilan universitet xodimlari o‘qish jarayonining uzluksiz o‘tishini ta'minlash uchun tayyorgarlik ko‘rmoqda.

💠O‘qituvchilar o’quv jarayoniga tayyorlanmoqda, ma'muriy xodimlar esa talabalar uchun jarayonlarni takomillashtirmoqda.

🟣Ularning faoliyati intensiv o‘quv muhitini yaratishda yordam beradi.

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PTU Official

07 Oct, 12:20

🎓 The Pharmaceutical Technical University is offering British higher education in life sciences!

🔠 Join us to gain world-class knowledge and skills that will prepare you for a successful career in the rapidly evolving field of pharmaceuticals. The university presents programs in Pharmacy, Biochemistry, and Biomedicine from University of Sunderland and De Montfort University UK

🌍 Embrace a global perspective and enhance your learning experience through international collaborations.

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PTU Official

04 Oct, 07:45

Innovatsiya, xalqaro ta’lim va hayot fanlarini o’zida jamlagan Farmatsevtika texnik universitetida tanishtiruv haftaligi

Ushbu tadbirda Buyuk Britaniyaning De Montfort universiteti vakillari ishtirok etishdi. Hamkorimiz talabalarga farmatsevtika sohasidagi ta'lim va ilmiy tadqiqotlarni rivojlantirishdagi ahamiyat haqida nutq so’zlashdi.

De Montfort universiteti vakillari bilan bo‘lgan uchrashuvda agentlik direktori, Abdulla Azizov “Mazkur uchrashuvlar universitetning ilmiy va yorqin istiqboli uchun uning ta’lim siyosatidagi dastlabki ko‘prik ekanligini” ta’kidladi.

Universitet xodimlari ta’lim jarayonidagi o‘z taqdimotlarini talabalarga bosqichma- bosqich tushuntirdilar va Britaniyalik hamkasblariga tanishtirdilar. Mazkur tanishtiruv haftaligi hafta yakunida qadar davom yetadi.

Zamonaviy ta’lim, rivojlanish va muvaffaqiyat yo'liga xush kelibsiz!


Welcome to PTU, where innovation, collaboration, and education meet to shape the future of healthcare.

This year, we were honored to host special guests from De Montfort University, UK. Our esteemed partners delivered a warm and inspiring welcome speech to our new students, highlighting the importance of international collaboration in advancing pharmaceutical education and research.Their presence underscores our commitment to providing a global perspective in our curriculum, fostering partnerships that enhance learning opportunities for our students.

At PTU, we are committed to excellence and preparing the next generation of professionals to lead in the field of pharmaceuticals. Together, with our partners and supporters, we are shaping a brighter future.

Welcome to a journey of learning, growth, and success!

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PTU Official

01 Oct, 10:01

Qizlarxon Begmatova: "Dear teachers, thank you for giving us memorable education in every moment of our lives."

Happy teacher's day!


Qizlarxon Begmatova:
"Hurmatli ustozlar, hayotimizning har bir lahzasida unutilmas ta'lim berganingiz uchun tashakkur."

Bayramingiz muborak bo'lsin, aziz ustozlar!

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PTU Official

01 Oct, 06:00

Happy teacher's day!

Ra’no Nuritdinova:

"Your patience and kindness have made all my life the difference."


Bayramingiz muborak bo'lsin, aziz ustozlar!

Ra’no Nuritdinova:
"Sizning sabr-toqatingiz va mehribonligingiz butun umrimni o'zgartirdi."

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PTU Official

01 Oct, 04:01

Happy teacher's day!

Baxtiyorov Saidakbarxon:

"Thank you for being the guiding light and for inspiring me to do well in every stage of life."


Bayramingiz muborak bo'lsin, aziz ustozlar!

Baxtiyorov Saidakbarxon:
"Haq yo'lni ko'rsatuvchi nur bo'lganingiz va hayotning har bir bosqichida unumli ishlar qilishga ilhomlantirganingiz uchun tashakkur."

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PTU Official

27 Sep, 05:48

🔵FTU hamkor universitetlari bilan suhbat

🔵Ochiq eshiklar kuni

Farmasevtika texnik universitetida GRANT imtihon boʻlib oʻtdi

Universitet tanishuv turlari

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