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MDIS Tashkent



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MDIS Tashkent (English)

Are you looking for a prestigious educational institution in Tashkent, Uzbekistan? Look no further than MDIS Tashkent! With a strong reputation for academic excellence and a commitment to providing students with top-notch education, MDIS Tashkent is the perfect choice for those seeking a world-class learning experience. Founded with the vision of becoming a leading provider of quality education in Central Asia, MDIS Tashkent offers a wide range of programs in business, management, and finance, as well as in engineering, information technology, and tourism management. The institution prides itself on its state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, and strong industry connections, ensuring that students graduate with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in today's competitive job market. If you're interested in joining the MDIS Tashkent community, the admission process is simple and straightforward. You can find all the information you need on the official website and apply online. For any inquiries or assistance, you can contact the admission team at the provided phone numbers or email addresses. Join the MDIS Tashkent Telegram channel (@mdist_official) to stay updated on the latest news, events, and announcements from the institute. Whether you're a current student, an alum, or just someone interested in quality education, this channel is the perfect place to connect with like-minded individuals and stay connected with the MDIS Tashkent community. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of a leading educational institution in Tashkent. Join MDIS Tashkent today and embark on a journey towards academic and professional success!

MDIS Tashkent

14 Feb, 14:41

Joriy yilning 14-fevral kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida O'zbekiston Respublikasi IIV Akademiyasi va Oliy ta'lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi bilan hamkorlikda "Yoshlar o'rtasida sodir etilayotgan jinoyatlar" mavzusida huquqbuzarliklar profilaktikasiga oid navbatdagi tadbir tadbir bo'lib o'tdi.

Tadbirda O'zbekiston Respublikasi IIV Akademiyasi magistratura tinglovchisi podpolkovnik Azimjon Bozorov ishtirok etdi.

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MDIS Tashkent

14 Feb, 14:19

Joriy yilning 14-fevral kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti, O‘zLiDeP Ayollar muammolarini o‘rganish va ishbilarmonligini qo‘llab-quvvatlash bo‘limi va O‘zLiDeP Chilonzor tuman Kengashi hamkorlikda “Salomatlik sari” loyihasi doirasida “O‘zLiDeP onkologik kasalliklarga qarshi!” shiori ostida davra suhbati bo‘lib o‘tdi.

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MDIS Tashkent

14 Feb, 10:28

📣 Self-Esteem Workshop Held at MDIST Business Incubator

🗓 On 14th February, the MDIST Business Incubator hosted a "Self-Esteem" workshop with the institute’s psychologist, focusing on confidence and resilience for personal and professional growth. Participants engaged in interactive exercises and discussions, gaining practical strategies to boost self-esteem and overcome self-doubt. The event highlighted the importance of mental well-being in entrepreneurship.

🔔 Stay tuned for more workshops at the MDIST Business Incubator!

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MDIS Tashkent

14 Feb, 08:53

Joriy yilning 14 - fevral kuni Toshkent shahrining 219-, 350-maktab o‘quvchilari Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutiga tashrif buyurdilar.

Tashrif davomida mehmonlarga institutning ta’lim faoliyati, o‘quv dasturlari va ilmiy ishlanmalari haqida batafsil ma’lumot berildi. Shuningdek, mehmonlar uchun institut bo‘ylab ekskursiya tashkil etilib, ta’lim resurslari va infratuzilmasi bilan yaqindan tanishtirildi.

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MDIS Tashkent

13 Feb, 07:02

“Атроф-муҳитни асраш ва “яшил иқтисодиёт” йилида амалга ошириш бўйича Давлат дастури ёшларга етказилди

😎 O'zLiDeP Тошкент шаҳар Кенгаши томонидан Сингапур Менежментни ривожланитириш институтида “Ўзбекистон – 2030” стратегиясини “Атроф-муҳитни асраш ва “яшил иқтисодиёт” йилида амалга ошириш бўйича Давлат дастурини ёшларга етказиш ҳамда “Ёш сиёсатчилар лигаси” лойиҳаси доирасида “Замонавий сиёсат: Ёшларнинг роли ва масъулияти” мавзусида очиқ мулоқот ташкил этилди.

Тадбирда Давлат дастурида 5 та устувор йўналиш бўйича 2025 йил учун амалий чора-тадбирлар, норматив-ҳуқуқий ҳужжатлар рўйхати ва мақсадли кўрсаткичлар назарда тутилганлиги, мамлакат ривожланишининг устувор ёндашувлари сифатида қатор вазифалар ўрин олганлиги таъкидлаб ўтилди.

Мулоқот давомида иштирокчилар ўз фикрларини билдириб ўтишди. Тадбир савол-жавоблар билан кўтаринки рухда бўлиб ўтди.

#uzlidep #davlat_dasturi

🖥 Расмий саҳифаларимизга уланинг

MDIS Tashkent

11 Feb, 12:58

MDIS Tashkent

11 Feb, 12:58


Dear Students,

Tourism Innovation Club invites you to participate in Hotel Business Forum 2025, which will be held in InterContinental Hotel Tashkent!

📆February 26, 2025,
📍The InterContinental Hotel, Tashkent

The most pressing issues and industry trends will be discussed at the International Hospitality Forum. The main topic of the forum is "Innovation and Sustainability: new technologies in the hospitality industry".

Register Via:

Register through form:

The most relevant topics in the field of hospitality are waiting for your presence!

Best Regards,
Tourism Innovation Club

MDIS Tashkent

07 Feb, 17:44

TSMRI Management and Science University (Malayziya) bilan hamkorlik memorandumini imzoladi

Joriy yilning 6-fevral kuni Malayziyaning Kuala-Lumpur shahrida Management and Science University (MSU) va Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti (TSMRI) vakillari o'rtasida uchrashuv bo'lib o'tdi. Uchrashuv davomida ikki tomon ta'lim sohasida xalqaro hamkorlikni mustahkamlash maqsadida samarali muzokaralar olib bordi.

Ta'kidlash joizki, Malayziyaning Menejment va Fan universiteti o'z talabalarini 99 foizini ish bilan ta'minlash darajasi va 200 dan ortiq akademik dasturlari bilan mashhur va yetakchi ta'lim muassasa hisoblanadi. MSU 2024-yilgi QS Jahon universitetlari reytingida Mehmondo‘stlik va dam olish boshqaruvi yo'nalishi bo'yicha dunyo miqyosida 29-o'rinni, San'at va dizayn yo'nalishi bo'yicha esa 51-100-o'rinlarni egallagan. Shuningdek, universitet 2000 dan ortiq sanoat hamkorlari va 73 mamlakatdan kelgan talabalar bilan hamkorlik qiladi.

Tadbirning asosiy voqeligi MSU va TSMRI o'rtasida hamkorlik memorandumining imzolanishi bo'ldi. Ushbu kelishuv ikkala muassasaning xalqaro aloqalarni o‘rnatish strategiyasida muhim bosqichni belgilab, akademik almashinuvlar, qo'shma tadqiqot loyihalari va hamkorlikdagi ta'lim dasturlariga yo'l ochadi. Ushbu hamkorlik nafaqat o'zaro foydali bo'lishi balki global miqyosda ham oliy ta'limni rivojlantirishga hissa qo'shishi kutilmoqda. Bu esa yorqin va samarali hamkorlikning boshlanishini anglatadi.

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MDIS Tashkent

05 Feb, 07:30

I Malayziya-O'zbekiston oliy ta'lim forumi va ko'rgazmasi

Joriy yilning 4-fevral kuni Malayziyaning Kuala-Lumpur shahrida "I Malayziya-O'zbekiston oliy ta'lim forumi va ko'rgazmasi" bo'lib o'tdi. Unda Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti rektori, professor-o'qituvchilari va talabalari ishtirok etishdi. Forum "O'zbekiston-Malayziya: Oliy ta'limda barqaror rivojlanishga erishish yo'lidagi imkoniyatlar va tashabbuslar" mavzusida bo'lib, ushbu tadbir ikki mamlakat o'rtasidagi ta'lim aloqalarini mustahkamlash va akademik hamkorlik uchun yangi imkoniyatlar yaratishda muhim qadamdir.

Forum davomida TSMRI vakillari faol ravishda ishtirok etib, tajriba almashdilar va institutimiz tomonidan taqdim etilgan o'quv dasturlarini taqdim etdilar. Bundan tashqari, ko'rgazmada TSMRI stendi namoyish etilib, unda mehmonlarga mintaqaning sayyohlik salohiyatini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan PQ-135 sonli Qarori loyihasi doirasida Toshkent viloyati hokimligi bilan hamkorlikdagi ishlar haqida ma'lumot berildi.

Institut stendida TSMRI da ta'lim olishni istagan talabalar va mutaxassislar uchun turli ta'lim dasturlari va o'quv imkoniyatlari haqida batafsil ma'lumotlar berildi. Yana bir diqqatga sazovor jihati shundaki, mazkur ko'rgazmada institut talabalari hamda moda va dizayn maktabi rahbari tomonidan milliy matolarimizdan foydalangan holda yaratilgan, boy an'analarimiz va madaniy merosimizni o'zida mujassam etgan liboslar to'plami ham namoyish etildi. Ta'kidalash joizki, forum va ko'rgazma Malayziya va O'zbekiston o'rtasidagi xalqaro aloqalarni kengaytirish va ta'lim sohasidagi hamkorlikni mustahkamlash uchun o'ziga xos zamin yaratadi.


1st Malaysia-Uzbekistan Higher Education Forum and Showcase

The Rector of MDIS Tashkent, accompanied by a team of faculty members and students, has departed to Malaysia for participating in the "1st Malaysia-Uzbekistan Higher Education Forum and Showcase" on February 4, 2025. The theme of the forum is "Uzbekistan-Malaysia: Opportunities and Initiatives for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education." This event marks an significant step in strengthening educational ties between the two countries and creating new opportunities for academic cooperation.

During the forum, the Rector and representatives of MDIS Tashkent will actively engage in discussions, exchange experiences, and present educational programs provided by our institute. Additionally, the MDIS Tashkent stand will be featured at the exhibition, where guests will be provided with information about the collaborative work with the Tashkent region administration within the framework of the PP-135 project aimed at developing the region's tourism potential.

The university’s stand will showcase various educational programs and learning opportunities, as well as detailed information for students and professionals interested in pursuing education at MDIS Tashkent. Another noteworthy aspect is that at this exhibition, students and the head of the Fashion and Design School will also present a collection of garments created by the students using our national fabrics, embodying our rich traditions and cultural heritage.
The forum and exhibition provide a unique platform for expanding international relations and strengthening educational partnerships between Malaysia and Uzbekistan.

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MDIS Tashkent

03 Feb, 05:46

Highlights from a Visit to Holiday Inn Tashkent City 📸

On January 31, 2025, Members of the Tourism Innovation Club of MDIST visited Holiday Inn Tashkent City to explore its services, structure, and management systems. They learned about the different types of rooms, their pricing, and observed the operations of the laundry, gym, pantry, and spa, with detailed explanations from department managers. They also discussed questions and internship opportunities with the hotel administration, gaining insights into strategies for guest satisfaction.

The visit concluded with group photos and a tour of the stylish Sonet restaurant and bar, leaving a lasting impression with its contemporary design and ambiance.

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MDIS Tashkent

23 Jan, 06:59

In cooperation with the Eurasian Alliance, which includes 150 universities from 90 countries, a Workshop on "Internationalization, Research and Quality Management in Global Universities: Strategic Approaches to Sustainable Development Goals" was held at Tashkent State Transport University.

At the event, EURAS President Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, consultant of EURAS strategic partner "E-Quadrat" company, Prof. Dr. Olgun Çiçek and the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Uzbekistan Olgan Bekar welcomed the participants with their opening remarks and emphasized the important aspects of developing international educational relations, strengthening global cooperation in research and improving the quality of education. Also, the Head of the Innovation Agency of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sharof Rajabbayev, and the representative of the Ministry of Transport, Shavkat Zaynutdinov, noted the need to pay great attention to the processes of internationalization in the education system.

Rectors of 12 state and 14 non-state private universities, as well as rectors and responsible representatives of more than 50 state and non-state universities located in the regions of the republic, participated in the seminar offline and shared their experiences. The event was an effective platform for strengthening international educational cooperation, implementing new initiatives and innovative approaches.

Special attention was paid to the following issues in the sessions:

1. Developing cooperation and strategies for higher education in Eurasia and the Middle East region.
2. Increasing the mobility of students and academic staff.
3. Improving accreditation processes and raising the quality of education.
4. Support of entrepreneurship and startup ecosystems.

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MDIS Tashkent

15 Jan, 13:32

UEnter and the EBRD held a roundtable discussion on the startup ecosystem

Shokhjakhon Akmalov, representing the Business Incubation Centre at MDIST, took part in the U-ENTER roundtable, an event dedicated to advancing entrepreneurship and innovation in Uzbekistan. The roundtable brought together academia, business leaders, and startups to discuss collaboration opportunities and strategies for strengthening the startup ecosystem.

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MDIS Tashkent

08 Jan, 13:48

Dear Foundation Year Students,

Please be informed that registration for the BA (Hons) Fashion Product and Promotion programme (University of Sunderland) is open.

Those who are willing to study the programme should fill out the UOS application form and submit it to the Central Registry department ([email protected]) before the deadline.

Registration date is extended to January 15, 2024 (5 p.m.) * Kindly take note that students who choose this programme (FPP) will study Marketing Theory and Fashion Business instead of Fundamentals of Information Technology in the second semester of the Foundation Year.

Therefore, please discuss with your parents before making a final decision about your faculty choice.

For more detailed information about the Fashion Product and Promotion Programme, please attend the programme presentation and Workshop January 10, 2025 at 2pm Room B208, or contact the Head of School of Fashion, Mr Ersel Orge, at: [email protected]. Or you can visit him at Room B204 (Block B)

Hope to see you all in our exciting workshop. Please note that the number of seats is limited, so we kindly request you to sign-up through the provided link:

MDIS Tashkent

08 Jan, 13:48

Dear Foundation Year Students,

Please be informed that registration for the BA (Hons) Graphic Design and International Marketing programme (Teesside University) is open.

Those who are willing to study the programme should fill out the UOS application form and submit it to the Central Registry department ([email protected]) before the deadline.

Registration date is extended to January 15, 2024 (5 p.m.) * Kindly take note that students who choose this programme Graphic Design and International Marketing will study Graphic Design Fundamentals instead of Fundamentals of Information Technology in the second semester of the Foundation Year.

Therefore, please discuss with your parents before making a final decision about your faculty choice.

For more detailed information about the Graphic Design and International Marketing Programme, please attend the programme presentation and Workshop January 9, 2025 at 2pm Room B207, or contact the Head of School of Fashion, Mr Ersel Orge, at: [email protected]. Or you can visit him at Room B204 (Block B)

Hope to see you all in our exciting workshop. Please note that the number of seats is limited, so we kindly request you to sign-up through the provided link:

MDIS Tashkent

08 Jan, 13:47

Dear Foundation Year Students,

Please be informed that registration for the BA (Hons) Fashion Product and Promotion programme (University of Sunderland) is open.

Those who are willing to study the programme should fill out the UOS application form and submit it to the Central Registry department ([email protected]) before the deadline.

Registration date is extended to January 15, 2024 (5 p.m.) * Kindly take note that students who choose this programme (FPP) will study Marketing Theory and Fashion Business instead of Fundamentals of Information Technology in the second semester of the Foundation Year.

Therefore, please discuss with your parents before making a final decision about your faculty choice.

For more detailed information about the Fashion Product and Promotion Programme, please attend the programme presentation and Workshop January 10, 2025 at 2pm Room B208, or contact the Head of School of Fashion, Mr Ersel Orge, at: [email protected]. Or you can visit him at Room B204 (Block B)

Hope to see you all in our exciting workshop. Please note that the number of seats is limited, so we kindly request you to sign-up through the provided link:

MDIS Tashkent

26 Dec, 06:29

Joriy yilning 25-dekabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutiga Toshkent shahrida joylashgan 6- umumiy o'rta ta'lim maktabining o'quvchilari tashrif buyurdilar.

Tashrif davomida mehmonlarga institutning ta'lim faoliyati, o'quv dasturlari va ilmiy ishlanmalari haqida batafsil ma'lumot berildi. Shuningdek, mehmonlar uchun institut bo'ylab ekskursiya tashkil etilib, ta’lim resurslari va infratuzilmasi bilan yaqindan tanishtirildi.

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MDIS Tashkent

24 Dec, 04:51

MDIS Tashkent hosted the Students and Staff Liaison Committee Meeting on December 17, 2024, a key platform for fostering collaboration and enhancing the quality of education. During the meeting, students actively engaged by sharing insightful ideas and concerns regarding the ongoing first semester of the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

The meeting provided an excellent opportunity for students to voice their opinions and contribute to the ongoing improvement of educational programs and services. Key discussions included topics such as the attendance system, the social and academic aspects of student life, and strategies for effective classroom management.

The MDIS Tashkent administration is committed to carefully reviewing all student feedback and addressing the concerns raised. Special attention will be given to areas that require improvement, with the development of appropriate strategies to ensure a better learning environment.

MDIS Tashkent

23 Dec, 09:13

Joriy yilning 20-dekabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida O'BA (O'zbekiston banklari assotsiatsiyasi) vakillari bilan talabalar o'rtasida "Rahbar va Yoshlar" mavzusida uchrashuv o'tkazildi. Ushbu tadbir, talabalarning bank sektori va moliya sohasidagi zamonaviy tendensiyalarni, bilim va ko'nikmalarni o'rganishlari uchun muhim bir maydon bo'lib xizmat qildi.

Uchrashuv davomida O'BA vakillari o'zlarining tajribalari va bilimlarini baham ko'rishar ekan, bugungi tezkor va murakkab iqtisodiy muhitda moslashuvchanlik, innovatsion fikrlash va doimiy o'qishning muhim ahamiyatini ta'kidlashdi.

Tadbir davomida talabalar o'zlarini qiziqtirgan savollar bilan mehmonlarga murojaat qilib, mutaxassislardan bank sohasida muhim bo'lgan bilim va tajribalar haqida ma'lumotlarga ega bo'lishdi.


On December 20, we had a wonderful meeting that brought together talented students of MDIST and respected representatives of UBA. The atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm as both parties engaged in meaningful discussions about bank systems and shared their valuable experience.

UBA representatives shared valuable insights about the banking sector and emphasized the importance of flexibility and continuous learning in today's fast-paced environment. MDIST students have demonstrated their skills and aspirations, demonstrating that they are ready to contribute to the industry.

This meeting not only strengthened connections, but also inspired our students to think critically about their career paths and their impact on the financial world.

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MDIS Tashkent

21 Dec, 15:13

Joriy yilning 20-dekabr kuni Toshkent shahrining 303- , 317- , 76- va 55-maktab o‘quvchilari Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutiga tashrif buyurdilar.

Tashrif davomida mehmonlarga institutning ta’lim faoliyati, o‘quv dasturlari va ilmiy ishlanmalari haqida batafsil ma’lumot berildi. Shuningdek, mehmonlar uchun institut bo‘ylab ekskursiya tashkil etilib, ta’lim resurslari va infratuzilmasi bilan yaqindan tanishtirildi.

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MDIS Tashkent

03 Dec, 16:58

📍 One more venue, one more convenience!

🎉 We are delighted to announce our new IELTS on Computer venue in partnership with MDIS in Tashkent.

🎓 Now MDIS applicants can take their IELTS exam in their future university!

🖥 Register now!

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

MDIS Tashkent

02 Dec, 09:04

Alumni Gala Dinner

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MDIS Tashkent

29 Nov, 13:10

Joriy yilning 29-noyabr kuni O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti huzuridagi Davlat boshqaruvi akademiyasida "Davlat boshqaruvi tizimi rivojlanishining zamonaviy muammolari va ustuvor yo'nalishlari" mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi bo'lib o'tdi.

Tadbirda Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutining Ilmiy ishlar, innovatsiya va xalqaro aloqalar bo'yicha prorektori Ishanxodjaeva Dildora Aleksandrovna kirish so'zi bilan konferensiya ishtirokchilarini qutlab, yurtimiz davlat boshqaruvi tizimidagi o'zgarishlar va innovatsiyalar haqida so'z olib bordilar.

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MDIS Tashkent

29 Nov, 12:37

"25-noyabr — Xalqaro xotin-qizlarga nisbatan zo'ravonlikka barham berish kuni"

Joriy yilning 27-noyabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida Xotin-qizlar maslahat Kengashi raisi va Xotin-qizlar maslahat kengashi faollari tashabbusi bilan zo'ravonlikka qarshi tadbirlar doirasida "Xotin-qizlarni tazyiq va zo'ravonlikdan himoya qilish" mavzusida ma'naviy-ma'rifiy tadbir tashkil qilindi.

Tadbirda Chilonzor tumani IIO FMB xotin qizlar masalalari bo'yicha inspektor S.Muxamedova, voyaga yetmagan yoshlar masalalari bo'yicha inspektor G.Аbdukarimova hamda Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutining profilaktika katta inspektori podpolkovnik O.Аxmedov va talaba yoshlar ishtirok etdi.

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MDIS Tashkent

29 Nov, 11:31

Joriy yilning 28-noyabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida O'zLiDeP tashkil topganining 21 yilligiga bag'ishlanib, partiya faxriy a'zolari va yoshlar ishtirokida "Faxriylar tajribasi yoshlarga o'rnak" mavzusida davra suhbati bo'lib o'tdi.

Tadbirda O'zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy majlisi Qonunchilik palatasi deputatlari, Xalq deputatlari Toshkent shahar va tuman Kengashlari deputatlari, Faxriylar Kengashi a'zosi, partiya faollari, ijtimoiy soha vakillari, nuroniylar, jamoatchilik vakillari, yoshlar hamda OAV xodimlari ishtirok etdi.

Davlatimiz rahbarining tashabbusi bilan yosh avlodni tarbiyalashda "Ustoz-shogird" an'anasiga amal qilish, ustozlarni ulug'lash, ularning orttirgan tajribalaridan unumli foydalanish masalasiga alohida e'tibor qaratilmoqda. Inson qadri ulug'lanayotgan yurtda bunday uchrashuvlar talaba-yoshlarni tafakkur qilishga, yurt istiqboli uchun mas'uliyatli bo'lishga undaydi.

Bunyodkorlik ishlariga tomoshabin emas, kamarbasta bo'lish, yurtimiz taraqqiyotiga daxldorlik hissi bilan yashash esa biz yoshlarning burchimizdir.

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MDIS Tashkent

26 Nov, 12:15

Open new horizons with Hancom Academy in partnership with MDIS Tashkent!

MDIS Tashkent is pleased to announce about launching incampus Hancom SMART CLASS Uzbekistan project. One of the best IT academies in Korea is now offering Korean language and IT courses under the guidance of the best professors in Korea and Uzbekistan!

🔹 Top-notch Korean professors will provide:
- IT courses
- Offline lessons
- Hybrid live lesson format.
- Mentor support
- visiting Korea, signing up for Korean lessons!

Don't miss the opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills with Hancom Academy!

Register using the link and be part of the future of education at Target International Academy!

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MDIS Tashkent

25 Nov, 14:24

Attention to Foundation Year Students!

Discover Our New Degree Program:
Mass Communication, Advertising and PR ( Edinburgh Napier University )

Date: 3rd of December
Time: 13.30 pm
Location: B 312 New Building

We look forward to seeing you there.

MDIS Tashkent

25 Nov, 14:24

Attention to Foundation Year Students!

Discover Our New Degree Program:
Graphic Design and International Marketing (Teeside University )

Date: 3rd of December
Time: 13.30 pm
Location: B 312 New Building

We look forward to seeing you there.

MDIS Tashkent

25 Nov, 11:33

Alumni Gala Dinner

Joriy yilning 22-noyabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutining 17 yilligi munosabati bilan "Bitiruvchilar uyushmasi" ning tashkil topishi va rasmiy ochilishi sharafiga Alumni Gala Dinner tadbiri uyushtirildi.

Ushbu tadbir so'nggi yillarda TSMRI ning barcha muvaffaqiyatli bitiruvchilarini birlashtirish, shuningdek, uyushmaning rasmiy ochilishini ma'lum qilish maqsadida tashkil etildi.

Tadbirda TSMRI rektori Doktor Ilhom Mamatkulov, O'zbekiston Respublikasi Yoshlar ishlari agentligi direktori, senat a'zosi Alisher Sa'dullayev so'zga chiqib, o'zlarining muvaffaqiyat sirlari va tajribalari bilan bo'lishdilar. Tadbir davomida Alisher Sa'dullayev "Davlat va siyosat sohasidagi eng yaxshi ko'rsatkich", Doktor Ilhom Mamatkulov "Akademik sohasidagi eng yaxshi ko'rsatkich" va Bekzod G'ofurjonov "Biznes sohasida eng yaxshi ko'rsatkich" nominatsiyalarida g'olib deb topildi.

Shuningdek, Alisher Zafarovich bir ovozdan "Bitiruvchilar uyushmasi" ning raisi etib tayinlandi. Tadbirda taniqli estrada vakillarining ishtirok etishi esa marosimning yuqori saviyada va ko'tarinki ruhda o'tishini ta'minladi.

🇺🇿 Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

25 Nov, 10:44

Joriy yilning 22-noyabr kuni 355-, 65- va 78-maktab o'quvchilari Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutiga tashrif buyurdilar.

Tashrif davomida mehmonlarga institutning ta'lim faoliyati, o'quv dasturlari va ilmiy ishlanmalari haqida batafsil ma'lumot berildi. Shuningdek, mehmonlar uchun institut bo'ylab ekskursiya tashkil etilib, ta'lim resurslari va infratuzilmasi bilan yaqindan tanishtirildi.

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MDIS Tashkent

22 Nov, 16:29

MDIST’s Dam Dam Startup Shines at Startup Fest 2024

Tashkent, 21 November 2024 – The Dam Dam Startup, proudly representing MDIST, participated in the Startup Fest 2024 at INHA University, showcasing its innovative solutions in front of industry leaders, investors, and fellow entrepreneurs. This remarkable opportunity was made possible with the unwavering support of the MDIST Business Incubation Centre, which has been instrumental in nurturing entrepreneurial talent and providing platforms for aspiring innovators to thrive.

The festival served as a valuable experience for Dam Dam, allowing them to engage with key stakeholders, receive insightful feedback, and strengthen their network within the startup ecosystem. MDIST remains committed to fostering entrepreneurial excellence and innovation, and the success of Dam Dam is a testament to this mission.

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MDIS Tashkent

22 Nov, 10:49

Joriy yilning 21-noyabr kuni Toshkent shahrida joylashgan Central Asian Expo Uzbekistan (CAEx) ko'rgazma majmuasida “Ipak yo‘lidagi turizm” – Toshkent xalqaro turizm ko'rgazmasi tashkil etildi.

Ushbu katta tadbirda Buyuk ipak yo'li doirasida turizmni rivojlantirishga hissa qo'shib kelayotgan mahalliy va xalqaro turistik tashkilotlar o'z salohiyatlarini namoyon etdilar. Shu jumladan, Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutining Biznes va turizmni rivojlantirish markazi xodimlari, Turizm va mehmondo'stlik Maktabi o'qituvchilari va talabalari ishtirok etib, ko'rgazma ishi bilan yaqindan tanishishdi.

🇺🇿 Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

09 Nov, 08:01

Dear Graduates 2024,

Please see the Graduation Ceremony schedule and rules:

Arrival time for the morning session (1) on November 14, 2024:
7:00 a.m.
* (please pick up your graduation gowns on November 12, 2024, starting from 14:15 p.m. till 17:30 p.m. and November 13, 2024 starting from 10:00 a.m. till 12:30 p.m. in the room near Conference Hall, A Block, MDIST Campus. Passport is needed)
Guests: 8:00 a.m.

Arrival time for the afternoon session (2) on November 14, 2024:
13:00 p.m.
* ( graduation gowns will be provided in Alisher Navoiy Cinema Palace on November 14, 2024, starting at 13:00 p.m. Passport is needed)
Guests: 14:00 p.m.


Your passport
(must have)

Formal Dress Code:
🧑🏻‍🎓Gentlemen: white shirt, tie, black classic trousers, black shoes.
👩🏻‍🎓Ladies: white shirt (blouse), black skirt or black classic trousers, shoes. Please avoid wearing high heels!

Do not forget to take a small handbag or purse to keep all the necessary items with you!

MDIS Tashkent

09 Nov, 08:01

Dear MDIS Tashkent Graduates of 2024,

We’re happy to announce that registration for the Graduation Ceremony 2024 is now open!

Location: Panorama (Alisher Navoiy Cinema Palace)

Please take a moment to fill out the required fields BELOW.

We can’t wait to celebrate your achievements together!

MDIS Tashkent

07 Nov, 18:04

“Kelajak liderlari” maxsus malaka oshirish dasturi doirasida imzolangan memorandum jarayonidan videolavha

🇺🇿 Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

07 Nov, 17:56

Axborot 24 | «Kelajak liderlari» maxsus malaka oshirish dasturi
#7nov #uzbekiston24 | Youtube | Facebook | Telegram | | TV-dastur

MDIS Tashkent

07 Nov, 11:12

Joriy yilning 6-noyabr kuni Samarqanddagi "Fast and Excellent Language School" vakillari Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutiga tashrif buyurdilar. Tashrif davomida mehmonlarga institutning ta'lim faoliyati, o'quv dasturlari va ilmiy ishlanmalari haqida batafsil ma'lumot berildi. Shuningdek, mehmonlar uchun institut bo'ylab ekskursiya tashkil etilib, ta'lim resurslari va infratuzilmasi bilan tanishtirildi.

🇺🇿 Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

07 Nov, 05:27

Data Center and Cloud Forum

On November 4-5, the Business Incubation Centre visited the Data Center and Cloud Forum, a two-day event packed with insights into the latest trends, innovations, and strategies in data management and cloud computing.

Representatives of higher education and industry professionals gathered to explore the future of cloud technologies, infrastructure solutions, and digital transformation, with expert speakers providing valuable perspectives on how these advances are shaping various industries.

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MDIS Tashkent

04 Nov, 16:20

"Kelajak liderlari" maxsus malaka oshirish dasturining yangi mavsumiga start berildi

Joriy yilning 4-noyabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida "Kelajak liderlari" maxsus malaka oshirish dasturining ochilish marosimi bo'lib o'tdi. Tadbirda Prezident huzuridagi Davlat xizmatini rivojlantirish agentligi va institut rahbariyati, mas'ul vakillari, hamkorlar, Dastur ishtirokchilari hamda OAV vakillari ishtirok etdi.

O'quv dasturi davlat fuqarolik xizmatida faoliyat yuritayotgan o'rta bo'g'in boshqaruv rahbarlarining strategik fikrlash, tizimli tahlil, sun'iy intellekt asoslari va qo'llanishi, muloqot madaniyati, muammolarni manzilli hal etish, islohotlar va jadal rivojlanish davrida transformatsion liderlik bo'yicha ko'nikmalarni rivojlantirishga yo'naltirilgan.

Dasturning bu galgi mavsumi uchun ham respublikaning 14 ta hududida faoliyat olib borayotgan, Milliy kadrlar zaxirasidagi salohiyatli davlat xizmatchilari
orasidan 50 nafari saralab olindi.


Стартует новый сезон программы повышения квалификации "Лидеры будущего"

4 ноября текущего года в Сингапурском институте развития менеджмента в Ташкенте состоялась церемония открытия программы повышения квалификации "Лидеры будущего". В мероприятии приняли участие руководство Агентства развития государственной службы при Президенте Республики Узбекистан, руководство института, партнеры, участники программы и представители СМИ.

Учебная программа направлена на развитие навыков стратегического мышления, системного анализа, основ и применения искусственного интеллекта, культуры общения, целенаправленного решения проблем, а также трансформационного лидерства в условиях реформ для руководителей среднего звена государственного гражданского обслуживания.

Для этого сезона было отобрано 50 слушателей из числа перспективных государственных служащих, работающих в 14 регионах республики, входящих Национальный кадровый резерв страны.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

30 Oct, 05:11

Dear Graduates 2024,

Please see the Graduation Ceremony schedule and rules:

Arrival time for the morning session (1) on November 14, 2024:
7:00 a.m.
* (please pick up your graduation gowns on November 12, 2024, starting from 14:15 p.m. till 17:30 p.m. and November 13, 2024 starting from 10:00 a.m. till 12:30 p.m. in the room near Conference Hall, A Block, MDIST Campus. Passport is needed)
Guests: 8:00 a.m.

Arrival time for the afternoon session (2) on November 14, 2024:
13:00 p.m.
* ( graduation gowns will be provided in Alisher Navoiy Cinema Palace on November 14, 2024, starting at 13:00 p.m. Passport is needed)
Guests: 14:00 p.m.


Your passport
(must have)

Formal Dress Code:
🧑🏻‍🎓Gentlemen: white shirt, tie, black classic trousers, black shoes.
👩🏻‍🎓Ladies: white shirt (blouse), black skirt or black classic trousers, shoes. Please avoid wearing high heels!

Do not forget to take a small handbag or purse to keep all the necessary items with you!

MDIS Tashkent

30 Oct, 05:11

Dear MDIS Tashkent Graduates of 2024,

We’re happy to announce that registration for the Graduation Ceremony 2024 is now open!

Location: Panorama (Alisher Navoiy Cinema Palace)

Please take a moment to fill out the required fields BELOW.

We can’t wait to celebrate your achievements together!

MDIS Tashkent

29 Oct, 14:09

Joriy yilning 25-oktabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti rektori hamda "UZCARD AVLOD" loyihasining g'olib talabalari va HoReCa Uzbekistan 2024 xalqaro ko'rgazmada faol ishtirok etgan talaba yoshlar ishtirokida uchrashuv bo'lib o'tdi.

Uchrashuvda "UzExpoCenter" ko'rgazma maydonida bo'lib o'tgan HoReCa Uzbekistan 2024 birinchi ixtisoslashtirilgan xalqaro ko'rgazmasida faol ishtirok etgan va "UZCARD AVLOD" loyihasi doirasida poytaxtimizning yetakchi oliygohlari talabalari ichida grant g'olibi bo'lgan talabalarimiz natijalari yuqori e’tirof etildi. Shuningdek, TSMRI ning oliygohlar ichida yetakchiligi va o'ziga xosligi talabalarning faolligi bilan uzviy bog'liq ekanligi ta'kidlandi.

TSMRI rahbariyati talabalarga esdalik sovg'alari ulashib ushbu muvaffaqiyatlar bilan tabrikladi va kelgusidagi faoliyatida yangi zafarlar tiladi.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook

MDIS Tashkent

28 Oct, 17:38

Ozarbayjonning ADA universiteti bilan hamkorlik masalalari muhokama qilindi

Joriy yilning 28-oktabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida Ozarbayjonning ADA (Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy) universiteti rektori bilan uchrashuv tashkil etildi.

Uchrashuvda ikki oliy ta’lim muassasasi o‘rtasida hamkorlikni yo‘lga qo‘yish masalalari muhokama qilindi. Shuningdek, tashrif davomida mehmonlar uchun campus tour tashkil etilib, institut faoliyati bilan qisqacha tanishtirildi.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

28 Oct, 16:06

Joriy yilning 23-oktabrida TSMRI da "O'zbekinvest" kompaniyasi ko'magida onlayn trening bo'lib o'tdi. Uch kun davom etgan trening Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) ekspertlari tomonidan olib borildi.

Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) — Buyuk Britaniyaning sug'urta va moliya sohasidagi professionallar uchun xalqaro tan olingan oliygohlaridan bo'lib institut asosan sug'urta mutaxassislari uchun kasbiy tayyorgarlik, malaka oshirish kurslari va sertifikatlar taqdim etadi. Ana shunday treninglardan biri Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida O'zbekinvest va ayni institut hamkorligida onlayn tashkil etildi. Treningning dastlabki 25 ishtirokchisi "O'zbekinvest" kompaniyasining yetakchi mutaxassislari va TSMRI o'qituvchilar jamoasidan iborat bo'ldi.

Uch kunlik trening davomida tinglovchilar CII tomonidan xalqaro malaka imtihonini topshirish uchun General Insurance kursi bilan tanishdilar.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

25 Oct, 13:06

Toshkent Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti talabalari 286 va 287-saylov uchastkasiga O’zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlisi Qonunchilik Palatasi, Xalq Deputatlari Toshkent shahar va tuman kengashlari
Deputatlari saylovida ovoz berish uchun tashrif buyurishdi.🏛️

Ular bu saylovda befarq boʻlmagan holda,oʻz ovozlarini berishdi.

Ta’kidlab oʻtishimiz kerakki,viloyatdan oʻqish uchun tashrif buyurgan talabalar ham 286 va 287-saylov uchastkasida oʻz ovozlarini berish huquqiga egalar.⚡️

MDIS Tashkent

25 Oct, 08:49

"Yoshlar giyohvandlikka qarshi"

Joriy yilning 25-oktabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti faollar zalida talaba-yoshlar ishtirokida "Yoshlar orasida giyohvand vositalarning tarqalishiga qarshi kurash" mavzusida davra suhbati bo'lib o'tdi. Unda O'zbekiston Respublikasi Ichki ishlar vazirligi akademiyasidan podpolkovnik Azimjon Bozorov va institutning ma'naviy-ma'rifiy masalalari bo'yicha xodimlari qatnashdi.

Tadbirda professor-o'qituvchilar hamda talaba-yoshlarning huquqiy ongi va madaniyatini yuksaltirish, davlat va jamiyat hayotining barcha sohasida mazkur illatga qarshi kurashish zarur ekanligi alohida ta'kidlandi.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

25 Oct, 06:48

Joriy yilning 24-oktabr kuni UZCARD kompaniyasining 20 yilligiga bag'ishlangan “UZCARD AVLOD” loyihasi doirasida bo'lib o'tgan tanlov yakunlandi. Tanlov natijalariga ko'ra poytaxtimizda joylashgan oliygohlarining bakalavr bosqichida tahsil olayotgan 132 nafar talabadan 11 nafari tanlab olinib g'oliblarga bir yillik to'lov kontraktini qoplab berish bo'yicha grantlar topshirildi. Ular orasida Alibayeva Nurjamal hamda Turayev Javohir kabi 2 nafar institutimizning g'olib talabalarini borligi barchamizni quvontiradi.

UZCARD AVLOD dasturidan ko'zlangan asosiy maqsad yoshlarning o'qishga ko'proq e'tibor qaratishi va moliyaviy to'siqlarsiz shaxsiy o'sishiga yordam berish orqali ularning intellektual rivojlanishini rag'batlantirishdan iborat bo'lib, nafaqat yuqori ta'lim yutuqlarini ko'rsatayotgan, balki turli tashabbuslarda faol ishtirok etayotgan talabalarni qo‘llab-quvvatlashga qaratilgan. Global raqobat va jadal texnologik o'zgarishlar sharoitida o'z sohasi bo'yicha innovator bo'la oladigan, innovatsion g'oyalarni joriy etuvchi va mamlakat iqtisodiyotining kelajagini shakllantira oladigan talabalarni qo'llab-quvvatlash esa muhim ahamiyatga ega.

TSMRI rahbariyati g'oliblarni ushbu muvaffaqiyat bilan tabriklaydi va UZCARD kompaniyasiga oliy o'quv yurtlari talabalariga yaratilayotgan imkoniyatlar uchun minnatdorchilik bildiradi.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

24 Oct, 10:54

Dear All,
Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent in partnership with the Scientific-Research Institute for Tourism Development under the Tourism Committee , Association of Medical Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Medical Academy and Alfraganus University are pleased to invite you to the international conference “MEDICAL TOURISM IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION - PROBLEMS, PROSPECTS AND INNOVATIONS”

The aims of the event:
- discussion of the main problems and perspectives of the development of medical
tourism in the context of globalization.
- assessment of innovative approaches in medical tourism that increase the quality
of services and expand the possibilities of receiving medical care.
- exchange of international and advanced experience in medical tourism, including
infrastructure development, service standardization and patient safety.
- development of recommendations on increasing the competitiveness and
sustainable development of medical tourism

Date: November 11, 2024
Time: 09:30AM (GMT +5, Tashkent-Karachi time zone)
Venue: MDIS Tashkent, Boardroom, Building A

MDIS Tashkent

23 Oct, 09:14

📣 On October 22, we hosted the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Their insights and experiences brought a wealth of knowledge to the students. The event was very wonderful and in high spirit🚀🔥

🌟 It was an inspiring day filled with interesting conversations and new perspectives!

Best regards,
Professional Development Centre

MDIS Tashkent

23 Oct, 04:36

📅 October 22: Boston Consulting Group visited MDIST and held an interesting "Case Cracking Session" 🌟

🤩 We were delighted to host BCG representatives at MDIST for a great and informative session that inspired our students and made them want to learn more about the world of consulting❗️

🌟 The event is divided into two dynamic parts:

1️⃣ Informative presentation: Our guests from BCG shared valuable insights about the company, its operations and various internship and placement opportunities. They provided detailed instructions on how students and graduates can apply for BCG positions, making it a great learning experience💼

2️⃣ Case Solving challenge: Students are divided into groups and tasked with solving a real business case. They demonstrated critical thinking and teamwork skills and worked diligently to develop optimal strategies to solve the problems presented.

🔥 We express our sincere gratitude to BCG and their representatives for such a meaningful session 🙌

MDIS Tashkent

22 Oct, 12:06

⚡️Talabalar turar joyi uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘ting!

📣Hurmatli TSMRI barcha bosqich talabalari,

Sizlarga shuni ma’lum qilamizki, 2024-2025 o‘quv yili uchun talabalar turar joyida istiqomat qilishga ro‘yxatdan o‘tish davom etmoqda.

Talabalar turar joyi Toshkent shahar Chilonzor tumanida institutga kelib-ketish uchun qulay hududda joylashgan.

👆Talabalar uchun quyidagi qulayliklar yaratib beriladi:

🏠 Birlamchi qulayliklarga ega shinam xonalar
🛁 Yuvinish xonalari
🍽 Ovqatlanish xonalari
🛋 Ma’naviyat va ma’rifat xonasi
📚 Kutubxona
🌐 Wi-Fi
🔒 24/7 xavfsizlik xizmati

💻 Talabalar turar joyi cheklangan. Quyidagi HAVOLA orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tishingiz mumkin.

Batafsil ma'lumot uchun: +998712717703

MDIS Tashkent

22 Oct, 10:45

On October 18, 2024 the Business Incubation Centre had the pleasure of hosting a highly insightful session with Mr Valeriy KHAN. The event was a great success, with students and participants gaining valuable knowledge about IT Skills. Mr Valeriy shared his deep expertise in software development, providing practical tips and strategies that left a lasting impact on everyone.

The interactive Q&A session was a highlight. It allowed attendees to engage directly with Mr Valeriy and ask thoughtful questions. The atmosphere was lively and informative, offering new perspectives on the IT sphere.

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