Productive Habesha


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The Productive Habesha Journal

Productive Habesha

21 Oct, 13:15

Productive Habesha

18 Oct, 13:27

ለቀሪዎቹ 5 Journal 10% ቅናሽ።
ይህ ቅናሽ የሚቆየው ለ2 ቀናት ብቻ ነው።

10% discount for the remaining 5 journals we have. This discount will only last for 2 days.

Order here :

Productive Habesha

17 Oct, 13:33

Fill out this form to order:

Productive Habesha

16 Oct, 15:15

Pre-order here

Productive Habesha

16 Oct, 13:02

We’re hiring a Remote HR Assistant! This is a fully remote role, but you must be available during business hours (2:00 PM – 11:00 PM Ethiopian time). Salary is 4,500 birr plus a 500 birr internet allowance.


Available during office hours (2:00-11:00 PM EAT)
Working laptop and good internet connection
Attention to detail is key: not following instructions will disqualify candidates.
Apply using the provided form. Failure to follow the instructions will lead to automatic disqualification.

Looking forward to your application!

Apply here:

Productive Habesha

15 Oct, 16:34

10 journals left!

You can order here and get it by tomorrow

Productive Habesha

14 Oct, 17:34

መብላት ፣ መጠጣቱ ፣ መገባበዙ እንዳለ ሆኖ አንድ ወጣት ክርስቲያን መቼም መርሳት የሌለበት ነገር ቢኖር በተወለደበት ቀን በቅዱስ ቁርባን መታተም ነው። ወጣቶች የምታዩት የምትሰሙት አይሸውዳችሁ። On Judgment Day, it won’t matter who had the best decor, spent the most on their birthday, or invited the most people. What will matter is who made the effort to use the time God gave them wisely.

እርግጥ የጌታችንን ቅዱስ ስጋውንና ክቡር ደሙን ለመቀበል ቀነ ቀጠሮ መስጠት ባይኖርብንም በተወለድንበት እለት መቀበል ግን አንድም “እንስቲ አሁን እንኳን ያለፈው ዘመንክ/ሽ ይብቃ” የሚል ፀፀት አዘል “reminder” አለው።

By receiving Holy Communion on your birthday, you not only reflect on the past year but also give thanks to God for the gift of life. It serves as a spiritual renewal, marking the day as a celebration of not just physical life but spiritual rebirth. Through Communion, you seek God’s guidance and protection for the year ahead, offering your life to His will.

Productive Habesha

10 Oct, 18:04

DO NOT FILL IT OUT IF YOU HAVEN'T MADE PAYMENT! Your application will be deleted if you do fill out without a payment.

Productive Habesha

10 Oct, 13:29

We've successfully closed our 5th round of pre-orders! We're now taking orders for the last (6th) edition.

How to place your order for the last (6th) edition:

Step 1. Transfer 1000 birr to my Dashen Bank account & take a screenshot or photo of the bank slip

NOTE: Sometimes your name doesn't show up in the screenshot/bank slip especially when paying from "other banks" so WRITE YOUR NAME instead!!!

Dashen Bank
Biruktawit Shiferaw Tesfaye

Step 2. Fill out this form completely

Step 3. Attach Confirmation:
After making the payment upload it to this form.

Step 4. Complete Your Order:
Take your payment slip & go to the location you selected to pick up your journal!

DO NOT FILL IT OUT IF YOU HAVEN'T MADE PAYMENT! Your application will be deleted if you do fill out without a payment.

Productive Habesha

03 Oct, 17:53

Productive Habesha

02 Oct, 17:50

Productive Habesha

01 Oct, 17:15