🔸«Спряталась», 70*50 см, 2024.
👏🏻Поздравляем Марию с почетным упоминанием и благодарим наших спонсоров за предоставленные подарки призерам и судьям выставки 🎁!
Welcome to the Pastel Society of Russia! Our Telegram channel, @pastelsociety, is dedicated to all things pastel art. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out with pastels, this channel is the perfect place for you to connect with fellow artists, share your work, and learn new techniques. The Pastel Society of Russia is a community of artists who are passionate about using pastels as a medium to create stunning works of art. Our goal is to provide a platform for artists to showcase their talent, inspire one another, and promote the beauty of pastel art. By joining our channel, you will have access to exclusive content, including tips and tutorials from accomplished pastel artists, updates on upcoming events and exhibitions, and opportunities to participate in contests and workshops. Whether you're looking to improve your skills, gain exposure for your work, or simply connect with like-minded individuals, the Pastel Society of Russia is the perfect place for you. Join us today and immerse yourself in the vibrant world of pastel art!
15 Jan, 11:25
13 Jan, 18:48
13 Jan, 07:46
11 Jan, 10:31
10 Jan, 05:59
09 Jan, 07:55
08 Jan, 06:11
07 Jan, 15:37
06 Jan, 05:37
04 Jan, 06:48
02 Jan, 08:48
31 Dec, 09:07
30 Dec, 10:04
29 Dec, 07:17
28 Dec, 17:49
27 Dec, 08:56
26 Dec, 09:49
25 Dec, 07:00
22 Dec, 15:50
20 Dec, 19:38
19 Dec, 19:08
08 Dec, 15:37
08 Dec, 09:25
08 Dec, 07:13
07 Dec, 14:05
06 Dec, 07:47
06 Dec, 07:25
04 Dec, 18:01
04 Dec, 13:27
03 Dec, 04:23
26 Nov, 11:16
25 Nov, 13:14
24 Nov, 06:59
23 Nov, 11:40
22 Nov, 16:51
21 Nov, 06:03
20 Nov, 10:05
19 Nov, 09:15
18 Nov, 06:30
16 Nov, 06:22
15 Nov, 07:11
14 Nov, 14:21
13 Nov, 13:47
13 Nov, 08:17
12 Nov, 07:09
10 Nov, 06:26
08 Nov, 07:44
04 Nov, 15:56
04 Nov, 07:19
03 Nov, 06:48
01 Nov, 16:15
29 Oct, 12:39
27 Oct, 07:38
26 Oct, 07:01
25 Oct, 10:32
24 Oct, 06:30
23 Oct, 10:00
21 Oct, 13:00
18 Oct, 11:34
18 Oct, 05:48
17 Oct, 17:11
14 Oct, 05:53
13 Oct, 14:01
12 Oct, 09:03
05 Oct, 13:17
05 Oct, 06:56
03 Oct, 06:05
02 Oct, 08:13
01 Oct, 07:56
27 Sep, 11:48
24 Sep, 05:17
23 Sep, 10:20
21 Sep, 21:03
20 Sep, 15:13
19 Sep, 11:29