new oromic music & old oromic music @odamusic @neworomomus197890 Channel on Telegram

new oromic music & old oromic music @odamusic


old music
cover music
modarn music
traditional music

new oromic music & old oromic music @odamusic (English)

Are you a fan of Oromic music? Look no further than the Telegram channel @odamusic for a diverse range of new and old Oromic music! This channel, managed by the username @neworomomus197890, offers a unique blend of traditional, modern, cover, and old Oromic music for all music lovers to enjoy. Whether you're looking to discover the latest hits in the Oromic music scene or want to reminisce with some classic tunes, @odamusic has something for everyone. Join the channel today to stay updated on the latest releases, rediscover old favorites, and connect with fellow Oromic music enthusiasts. Don't miss out on the chance to immerse yourself in the rich and vibrant world of Oromic music on Telegram!