Meaning in Marathi : नास्तिक
Meaning in English: A person who does not believe in the existence of God.
2. Autocracy
Meaning in Marathi: निरकुश राज्यशासन, अनियंत्रित राज्यकारभार
Meaning in English: Government By one Man who has unlimited power.
3. Autocrat
Meaning in Marathi: अनियंत्रित सत्ताधारी
Meaning in English: A person who rules without consulting the opinion of others.
4. Arsenal
Meaning in Marathi: शस्त्रास्त्रे किंवा दारुगोळा जेथे ठेवतात किंवा करतात ती जागा
Meaning in English: A place where weapons and ammunitions stored.
5. Allegory
Meaning in Marathi: रूपक
Meaning in English: A story in which ideas are symbolized as people.
6. Aristocracy
Meaning in Marathi: अभिजात वर्ग, अमीर-उमराव
Meaning in English: A Government run by the nobility or the rich and the elite people.
7. Autobiography
Meaning in Marathi : आत्मकथा
Meaning in English: A Life story of a person written by self.
8. Avairy
Meaning in Marathi: पक्षीशाला
Meaning in English: Large cage or building for keeping birds.
9. Analgesia
Meaning in Marathi: वेदनाशमन
Meaning in English: Loss of ability to feel pain while still conscious
10. Altruist
Meaning in Marathi: परोपकारी
Meaning in English: A person who thinks unselfishly for others.
11. Anarchy
Meaning in Marathi: अराजकता
Meaning in English: The absence of Government in a country
12. Accessible
Meaning in Marathi: प्रवेशयोग्य, सुलभ
Meaning in English: able to be reached or entered
13. Audible
Meaning in Marathi: श्रवणीय, ऐकू येईल असा
Meaning in English: That can be heard.
14. Arbitrator
Meaning in Marathi: निर्णायक, मध्यस्थ, लवाद
Meaning in English: A person was chosen or appointed by parties in controversy to decide their difference.
15. Ambivert
Meaning in Marathi: अशी व्यक्ती असते जी अंतर्मुखता आणि बहिर्मुखता या दोन्ही गुणांचे प्रदर्शन करते.
Meaning in English: One who turns thoughts both inwards and outwards.