Männerbund @mannerbunde Channel on Telegram



Life is ecstatic intercourse between creation and destruction.

Männerbund (German)

Willkommen beim Männerbund! Dieser Telegram-Kanal lädt alle Männer ein, sich einer Gemeinschaft anzuschließen, die die tiefe Verbindung zwischen Schöpfung und Zerstörung feiert. Hier geht es um mehr als nur oberflächliche Belanglosigkeiten - es geht um das Verständnis für die ewigen Zyklen des Lebens und die Dualität von Aufbau und Abbau. Der Männerbund ist ein Ort für Männer, die bereit sind, die Facetten des Lebens in ihrer ganzen Komplexität zu erkunden und zu schätzen. Sei Teil einer Gemeinschaft, die sich der tieferen Bedeutung von Existenz widmet und sich über die Grenzen des Durchschnittlichen hinaus bewegt. Trete bei, teile deine Erfahrungen und Gedanken und lerne von anderen Mitgliedern, die auf der gleichen Suche nach Erkenntnis sind wie du. Der Männerbund bietet Raum für Diskussionen, Inspiration und persönliches Wachstum. Tauche ein in die Welt des Männerbunds und entdecke die Freude und Bedeutung, die in der ekstatischen Vereinigung von Schöpfung und Zerstörung liegt.


21 Jan, 19:16

Art is mightier than knowledge, for it wants life, and knowledge attains as its ultimate end only—annihilation.


07 Dec, 02:03

Our focus is that which is beautiful across the ancient city and on the fresh frontier, that which is true flanked by a million men and when one is abandoned alone, that which is righteous inside the grandest cathedral and within the remotest domain of Pan.

The eternal return of values which apply not only in life but also in death is necessary, and necessarily so. There is no glory and honor, no transcending life and overcoming death without these universal values.


07 Dec, 02:02

“We live under the rule of the most miserable and most degrading of dictatorships: the bourgeois dictatorship, that of the merchants. Everything that surrounds us is bourgeois: political society, economy, culture, family, social customs, religious manifestations.”

- Franco Freda


07 Dec, 02:02

“Action is life, precariousness and impatience. It means understanding the times we live in, knowing how to adapt to change, to events that follow one another, that overlap in the whirlwind of modern civilisation.”

Gabriele D’Annunzio


07 Dec, 02:01

“The revolutionary path is the only one, in the cosmic and astronomical sense.”

Rémi Soulié


07 Dec, 01:57

“The law is an accumulation of attempts to block a man's desire to change life into an instant of poetry. Certainly it would not be right to let everybody exchange his life for a line of poetry written in a splash of blood.”

Yukio Mishima


07 Dec, 01:57

“It will replace word with deed, ink with blood, empty phrases with sacrifices, the pen with the sword.”

Ernst Jünger, Revolution and Idea, Völkischer Beobachter (1923)


07 Dec, 01:54

“Only the Strong know Love; only Love can fathom Beauty; only Beauty can fashion Art.“

Richard Wagner.


07 Dec, 01:54

“A figure understands the world as it has become and adjusts accordingly, neither deluding nor frenzying. The epitome of this figure is the individual, but not out of choice. Choice is personal aesthetic; this is destiny.”

Rival Horse Lord.


07 Dec, 01:53

The Tiger, in the sense envisaged by Evola, is the dissolving and destructive force that comes into play towards the end of every cosmic cycle.

In the face of this, Evola says, it would be vain to maintain the forms and structure of a civilization that is already played out; the only thing to be done is to carry the negation beyond its dead point, so that, by a conscious transposition, it may end up, not in nothingness, but in a 'new empty space, which may perhaps be the premiss of a new formative activity.


07 Dec, 01:52

If the Übermensch must operate beyond good and evil, the Übervolk must operate beyond blood and soil.


07 Dec, 01:52

The Study of History is the Philosophy of Destiny.


07 Dec, 01:52

“We want a paradise that is tough. A paradise where you never rest and which has angels with swords in the doorways.”

José Antonio Primo de Rivera


07 Dec, 01:51

All great things need the hand of the soul, which is your will, to let them be achieved.

“What do I gain?” The greedy philistine says.


Spitting this word is to fail before beginning.

For what do you yearn?


07 Dec, 01:50

When asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest, famous mountaineer George Mallory replied: "Because it's there."

This simple reply expresses the best in us and the deepest drive. Higher life needs no justification. Exploration of space, to see and feel what is out there.


07 Dec, 01:50

“The proud Black-Shirt motto ‘Me ne frego’ written on the bandages that cover a wound isn’t just an act of stoic philosophy or the summary of a political doctrine.

It’s an education to fighting, and the acceptance of the risks it implies. It’s a new Italian lifestyle.

This is how the Fascist welcomes and loves life, while rejecting and regarding suicide as an act of cowardice; this is how the Fascist understands life as duty, exaltation, conquest.

A life that must be lived highly and fully, both for oneself but especially for others, near and far, present and future.”—Benito Mussolini


07 Dec, 01:49

“I know my fate. One day my name will be associated with the memory of something tremendous — a crisis without equal on earth, the most profound collision of conscience, a decision that was conjured up against everything that had been believed, demanded, hallowed so far. I am no man, I am dynamite!”

Friedrich Nietzsche.


07 Dec, 01:48

It's important to believe in the Santa Claus mythos, because Santa is a reflection of a higher reality.

One thing you need to understand about myth is that myth is a more true form of history, because it is a perennial expression of the Absolute, as Julius Evola would say.

So if we extend this line of reasoning to the cultural phenomenon we call "Santa Claus" we gain a new understanding of his symbolic significance and relevance during the Christmas season.

This is why people who don't believe in Santa are degenerate and retarded.

Don't be a Santa denier


03 Nov, 23:03

“Instinct is the most intelligent type of intelligence discovered so far.”

- Nietzsche


03 Nov, 18:49

“If anarchists are sincere, they must recognize that Fascism is the only truly anarchistic government.”

– Benito Mussolini, 1921


23 Aug, 02:07

An excerpt from the recording of an interview made in 1973 in Italian with the aged Evola, about one year before his death, at his home in Rome. In other words, you are hearing Evola speaking in Italian for the very first time ever.


21 Aug, 11:42

“Nothing was left in his voice but equanimity, apathy; fire had burned everything else out of it. It’s men like that you need for fighting.”

Ernst Jünger


10 Aug, 16:48

"This, to me, is fascism. It is that fascism that can say with right pride: I am not a party, I am Italy."

Giovanni Gentile.


23 Jul, 23:59

"And what does it matter to me if I'm vanquished in space, if I'm destined to be victorious in time?

I have managed to turn my actions into a perpetually powerful symbol."

– Gabriele D'Annunzio 🇮🇹 | Il Giocoliere e La Rosa


21 Jul, 17:13

“That party of life which takes in hand the greatest of all tasks, the higher breeding of humanity, together with the remorseless destruction of all degenerate and parasitic elements, will again make possible on earth that superfluity of life out of which the Dionysian condition must again proceed.

I promise a tragic age: the supreme art in the affirmation of life, tragedy, will be reborn when mankind has behind it the consciousness of the harshest but most necessary wars without suffering from it…”


21 Jul, 01:18


Study of Evola is important to understand the nature of the fundamental moral divide between traditional and modern man. Evola describes certain symbols pointing towards Tradition better than any other.

The Solar symbol represents the transcendent and its reigning supreme over the entire world, illuminating all with its light. It is the fire that burns all impurities: falsehoods, weakness, and impiety. It is also tied to the Uranic symbol, the masculine principle which is generative or properly creative, not only physically but intellectually; at the same time it is a representation of the sheer moral force required for such metaphysical virility.

The Imperial symbol is a direct reflection of the power and glory of God. The Empire establishes an "eternal" order on Earth by conquering all its impious and uncultured barbarian enemies, bringing peace and stability to the land for generations, and lifting up even its lowliest people so they may transcend the merely earthly in their lives.

The Aryan symbol takes its name from that great culture which spread its Solar Empire across the world. The symbol stands for the archetypal features present in Aryan culture which can also be found in other great cultures at their zenith. It stands for aristocratic values of spirit that echo those of the Roman Mos Maiorum: Dignity, Virtue, Authority, among others. Within that is integration of the way of the warrior and of the priest, that is, uniting righteous action and pious contemplation in all things.


20 Jul, 01:48

“The more I wrote, the more I realized mere words were not enough. So I found another form of expression.”

Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters


18 Jul, 00:56

The key concept of Jünger’s theory is Gestalt; by this, he means a whole that includes something greater than the sum of its parts.

A person is greater than the sum of atoms, a family is greater than the union of a man and a woman, and a nation is greater than the sum of citizens living in the same territory.

All human history is a struggle of Gestalts. Jünger claims that ‘man, as a Gestalt, belongs to eternity’.


14 Jul, 17:05

Apologies for Wall of Text but read all of it and if you have any questions ask the creator @yoyoyogram.