Welcome to the official Telegram channel of the Oromia Bureau of Agriculture Planning, Project Coordination, M&E Directorate, also known as 'mandedd'. This channel serves as a platform for sharing information, updates, and insights related to agricultural planning, project coordination, and monitoring and evaluation in the beautiful region of Oromia. Who are we? We are a dedicated team of professionals working within the Oromia Bureau of Agriculture, focusing on ensuring effective planning, coordination, and evaluation of agricultural projects within the region. Our goal is to support sustainable agricultural development, enhance productivity, and improve the livelihoods of farmers in Oromia. What do we do? Through this Telegram channel, we aim to provide our followers with valuable resources, reports, and updates on agricultural initiatives, projects, and programs in Oromia. Whether you are a farmer, a researcher, a policymaker, or simply interested in the agricultural sector, our channel is a one-stop destination for all things related to agriculture in Oromia. Why should you follow us? By joining our Telegram channel, you will gain access to timely information on agricultural trends, best practices, and success stories from Oromia. You will also have the opportunity to engage with our team, ask questions, and participate in discussions on topics that matter to you. Whether you are looking for tips on crop cultivation, updates on market trends, or insights on sustainable farming practices, our channel has something for everyone. Stay connected with us to stay informed, inspired, and empowered to make a positive impact on the agricultural landscape of Oromia. Join 'mandedd' today and be part of our mission to transform agriculture for a sustainable future in Oromia!
11 Mar, 11:19
10 Mar, 13:02
10 Mar, 06:54
28 Feb, 12:12