Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9 @mamura_yuldasheva9 Channel on Telegram

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9


O’quv markaz: @my9lc_admin
📞 +998955555539
📍Toshkent, Novza metro, Ziraat Bank yonida

🇺🇿 First Lady Niner
9️⃣ IELTS 9
🇺🇸 American teaching methods
👩🏻‍🏫 English, IELTS, Math, SAT/GMAT
🎓 MBA & Bachelors, USA


Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9 (English)

Are you looking to improve your English skills and achieve a high score in the IELTS exam? Look no further than Mamura Yuldasheva's Telegram channel, @mamura_yuldasheva9! Mamura Yuldasheva is a renowned educator and the founder of a prestigious learning center located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. With a focus on providing top-notch education using American teaching methods, Mamura Yuldasheva's channel offers a wealth of resources for English learners, IELTS test takers, and those preparing for exams like Math, SAT, and GMAT. By joining this channel, you will have access to valuable lessons, tips, and practice materials that will help you succeed in your language learning journey. Mamura Yuldasheva's expertise in English, IELTS, and other subjects, combined with her experience in preparing students for MBA and Bachelor programs in the USA, make her channel a must-join for anyone serious about achieving their academic and language goals. Follow Mamura Yuldasheva on Instagram at for even more educational content and updates. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to elevate your skills and reach your full potential with Mamura Yuldasheva's guidance! Join @mamura_yuldasheva9 on Telegram today!

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

14 Feb, 14:50

📋Score: 7.5
👩🏻‍🏫 Instructor: Mamura Yuldasheva
📚Course: offline IELTS

🎉 Success Stories That Motivate! 🎉

Our students continue to achieve outstanding results, proving that dedication and the right guidance make all the difference!

🔑 What’s the key to success?
✔️ Intensive practice and hard work
✔️ Effective in-person classes in a motivating environment
✔️ Personalized support from experienced instructors

💬 Want to achieve the same results? Enroll now and start your IELTS journey today!

📞 +998955555539
📞 +998955555537

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

09 Feb, 14:09

Adamladan qizlarim yahshi dars qilishmyapti deb maslahat so’raganimda, mendan so’radilar, “O’zingchi?”

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

08 Feb, 06:26

The same debate with another IELTS group 🔥💣

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

07 Feb, 15:10

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9 pinned «📚 Course: 2-month CEFR Multilevel 🚀 Let's fly in 2 months! 🤔 What will we offer you? ✔️ Tested structure ✔️ Convenient time and location ✔️ Personalized guidance from our expert instructors 💬 Ro'yhatdan o'tish uchun: @my9lc_admin ☎️ +998955555539…»

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

07 Feb, 15:10

📚 Course: 2-month CEFR Multilevel

🚀 Let's fly in 2 months!

🤔 What will we offer you?
✔️ Tested structure
✔️ Convenient time and location
✔️ Personalized guidance from our expert instructors

💬 Ro'yhatdan o'tish uchun:

☎️ +998955555539
☎️ +998955555537

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

07 Feb, 14:34

By the way, sizlarga zo’r yangilik bor… 🔥

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

07 Feb, 13:17

Zo’r ketvotti heated discussion- bulani speakingi just bomb 💣

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

07 Feb, 12:43

IELTS class debate… 🔥

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

07 Feb, 07:44

Read along with me

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

07 Feb, 07:28

Comprehension continued - Part 3

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

06 Feb, 14:35

Ishimni eng qiyin joyi 😩 kamerachimizga sabr bersin 😁

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

05 Feb, 08:17

Sorbonne University in Paris, France

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

05 Feb, 08:05

O'qishim sal cho'zilgani sababi shu - high school GPAim pas bo'lgani va sohamni vaqtida aniq bilmaganim.

Lekin ota-onam oldida qolganimga, shu universitetda o'qiganimga, Computer Science va Economicsda olgan bilimlarimga, qatnashgan tadbirlarim va orttirgan tanishlarimdan olgan invaluable knowledge va perspectivelarimga hech achinmayman.

High school va universitetda Fransus tilini o'qiganim uchun Francega study abroad qilishga imkoniyat chiqgan. 1 oy davomida group bilan Parijdagi nufuzli l'Université de la Sorbonne da French Language and Culture programmasini o'qib kelish va Fransiyani ekskursiya qilish uchun ota-onamdan zo'rg'a ruhsat olib, programmadan scholarship yutib borib kelganman. 5 yil o'qigan Fransus tilim qolib ketib 1 oyda undan ham zo'r gapirishni o'rganib kelganman. Demak, muhit juda muhim.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

05 Feb, 07:44

Ha mayli, dasturchilik ham foydali bo'ladi deb, va high school computer programming darsimda yahshi o'qiganim uchun, o'qishni davom ettirdim. Computer Science sohasida birinchi ikki yil baribir fundamental fanlar bilan o'tgan, lekin computer science darslarimdan va juda smart kursdoshlarimdan ko'p narsa o'rgandim - misol uchun, problem solving, teamwork, working with deadlines, va time management.

Universitetda uchinchi yil soha bo'yicha specialized bo'ladi, lekin darslarim borgan sari murakkablashib ketganini bilmay qolib, GPAimga ta'sir qilishni boshlaganida sohamni o'zgartirishga majbur bo'lganman. U paytda business sohasiga ham qiziqardim va Economics tanlab 2011-yilgacha o'qidim.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

02 Feb, 03:15

Morning y’all!

Do you know what day it is today?

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

30 Jan, 17:00

See, we’re not wasting resources 😆💦

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

30 Jan, 16:12

Darsimni tugatib chiqsam… 😄

Hulosa: marry someone who is ready to help you be the best you 🌟😄🥰

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

30 Jan, 12:00

Comprehension continued - Part 2

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

30 Jan, 10:36

Much respect for this teacher who brought her students on a motivational field trip 👏👏👏

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

30 Jan, 10:27

What a group we had 🥰 I hope our talk was helpful and motivational 😊

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

30 Jan, 07:13

I love it when teachers go above and beyond to teach their students - it's sublime.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

30 Jan, 04:15

Morning, y'all.

Americadagi university experienceimni share qilishimdan oldin, sizlarga bugungi bir rejam haqida gapirib bermoqchiman - aynan maktab experience mavzusiga mos keladigan va alohida e'tiborga loyiq ideya 👩🏻‍🏫

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

30 Jan, 03:01

I had to share this from my student - looking forward to his real moment to shine 🤩🤞🏻

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

29 Jan, 18:29

InshaAllah, tomorrow, I will share the next 5 years of my American life 🇺🇸 👩‍🎓

Invite your friends who would enjoy such stories 😉

Good night 🌙

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

29 Jan, 18:25

Top 3 lessons from my high school life

Develop laser-like focus (no phones, no social media until you feel confident about being active in class the next day)

My Dad’s advice for me: always prepare extra. If your homework is problems #1-10, do #1-20. You will always be a step ahead of everybody and the teacher will notice it

Projects, volunteer work, and actively participating in school-organized clubs = 50% guaranteed admission to top universities

I need all of you to succeed in school. Who’s with me? 👋

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

29 Jan, 17:36

🎨 Art fani ham onson bo’lmagan. Har hafta yangi usulda rasm chizish, paint qilish, ko’za yasash, yoki boshqa art stylelarni o’rganib projectlar qilardik. Yahshi chizardim shekil, bir projectim art muzeyiga qo’yilgandi qizqa vaqtli ko’rgazmada, va ikta boshqa sinfdoshlarim bilan birga bizni boshqa high schoolni cafésini design qilishga chaqirishgan 😅

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

29 Jan, 17:24

🏎️ Science and Technology (SciTech) darsimizda group bilan birgalikda berilgan qurilish materiallar (yog’och, tahta, sim, temir, mih, va hokazo) bilan 2-3 oy davomida 30x30cm joyga sig’adigan moshina yasash, va bu moshina 9 sekund ichida ma’lum bir masofaga o’zi borib o’zi orqaga boshlagan nuqtasiga qaytib kelishi, va bu hamma qilgan ishlarimiz va moshina yasalishi jarayoni (ustaxonamiz bo’lardi maktabda, hamma building tools, equipment, va machinery bilan jihozlangan) va moshinani butun hisoblangan o’lchangan diagrammasi (computerda mahsus programmada), ketgan materiallarni aniq soni va narhi, va natijamiz haqida report yozib sinfga presentation qilish. Biz yasagan moshina 12 sekund vaqt olgani esimda 🥲

(Rasm googledan, lekin shunga o’hshash yasagandik)

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

29 Jan, 17:04

Esimda boricha yozishga harakat qilaman…

🌳 Planet Earth fani uchun: public parkdagi 20-30 metrlik masofa oralig’idagi daraht va o’simliklarni turini aniqlash, scientific species nomini aniqlash, har birini shu butun parkda qanchaligini va yana mayda chuyda analysis va Internet/kitoblar orqali qilingan researchim orqali shu rayonda qanchali ko’p tarqalganini tahmin qilib, qilgan researchim, ishlatgan tools, foydalangan metodikalarimni research analysis report shaklida yozish. Bu individual project edi. Eh parkda kechgacha qolib ketgan paytlarim, qo’limda bir dunyo barg bilan 🍁 🍂

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

29 Jan, 16:32

Lekin bu qiynalganim universitetga apply qilishimda ancha foyda bergan. Sababi - oddiy maktabda davlat standardi bo’yicha darslar olinsa, magnet schoolda ko’proq STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) sohalariga focus ko’proq berilardi. 4 yillik dars jadvalim mana shunday bo’lgan, va har bir darslarda katta project qilishimiz shart edi.

Qilgan projectlarim sizga qiziq bo’lsa 👍 qoldiring 😊

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

20 Jan, 13:40

😍MU Master loyihasi muxlislari tayyormisiz? Talablarga binoan,
✔️Ingliz tili yo’nalishi bo’yicha mutaxasis
✔️MY9, MY9 kids loyihalar asoschisi
✔️O’zbekistonda ilk bor 9 IELTS sohibasi va loyihamiz bu safargi mehmoni - Mamura Yuldasheva.

Suhbat mavzusi: Niner mindset

Shoshiling, joylar soni cheklangan!

🔗Ro’yxatdan o’tish 👈🏻

🗓Sana: 23-yanvar | 14:00
📍Manzil: C bino, Event zone
Millat Umidi university

📱Telegram | 📱Instagram | 📱Youtube

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

20 Jan, 12:02

Thinking of all the presentations and speeches I gave, this one will probably be one of the most significant ones for me personally, because, this time, I am really excited about sharing my own story and motivation with you.

Are you ready? 👍🏻

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

20 Jan, 10:17

Hey y’all!
I have great news for you.

It’s something I’ve never done before but I’m so humbled and honored to have been given the chance to do.

Do you wanna know what it is? ❤️

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Jan, 13:15

🤩 Sunday Eventga xush kelibsizlar! 🤩

🗣Yakshanba kuni yani ertaga 11:00 da barchangizni MY9 o’quv markazidagi ajoyib eventga taklif etamiz!

Kechamizda kutilganidan ham qiziqarli va kulgili mashqlar kutmoqda:

🗣 Kahoot— Qiziqarli savollar orqali ingliz tilini mashq qiling!
🤫 Mafia — Yashiringan o’yinchilarni toping va jamoangizni himoya qiling!
🧩 Spotlight stories - Ingliz tilida ajoyib hikoyalar yarating!
🔋 Energizer - Til o'rganish orqali energiyaga to'ling!

⚡️ MY9 bilan birgalikda sirli va esda qolarli kunni o’tkazib yubormang! 🎭⚡️


Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

17 Jan, 16:43

Commonly used -tti words

Spaghetti 🍝 /spageri/
Confetti 🎉 /kn-feri/
Biscotti 🍪 /bs-kori/
Graffiti 🎨 /gra-firi/

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

17 Jan, 14:47

My current read 📖

Jay Shetty - one of my favorite authors, podcasters, and interviewers of all time.

I bought this book back in 2024 and, despite not having enough time to read it on a daily basis, I’m trying to read 3-4 pages whenever I can.

They say “consistency is key” when it comes to being successful, so even if you can’t really manage to read every day, read every 2 days, every 4 days, weekly, but don’t stop until you are successful in finishing what you started.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

17 Jan, 14:29

In the US, a working week is only 5 days long. This means, most office workers leave early on Friday and most students start their weekend plans on Friday afternoon 😄

What do you think - is it better to have 5 working days or 6, like in Uzbekistan?

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

17 Jan, 14:24

Can’t believe it’s already Saturday.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

14 Jan, 16:06

So I had a really fun day today with my girls. After my class was over at noon, I came home and noticed that Sofia was like “Mom, let’s go” so I decided to take her for a short walk, but we ended up spending 5 HOURS outside! We walked everywhere, went around doms and looked at trees. We went to that Aleya place to watch pigeons and, of course, we got lost between buildings. We finally found our way and picked up my other two kids from school and we went out to eat dinner. Then we came home and had so much fun just walking, without thinking about work or school 😁

By the way, I would like to officially thank the inventor of kalyaska 😭🤲🏻

How was your Tuesday? ✍️

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

14 Jan, 14:46

Paraphrasing ❗️

Me: Sadi, are you hungry?
S: No.
Me: What about your sister, ask if she’s hungry.
S: Muhlisaaa, do you want to eat?


Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

13 Jan, 09:03

BBC - Los Angeles Wildfires read-aloud

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

11 Jan, 09:33

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

11 Jan, 09:33

Bir oy oldin yurgan ko’chalarimiz endi shu ahvolda 😢
Tinchli bo’sin 🤲🏻

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

07 Jan, 13:06

What are your plans for 2025?

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

03 Jan, 08:48

A teacher’s dream is his/her student’s success

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

31 Dec, 10:14

…. and with that,

Wishing you all a wonderful year ahead with lots of happiness, laughter, and joy. Looking forward to many more IELTS 7 pluses and stories of dreams being realized 🥳🥳🥳

Happy New Year everyone! 🎇🎆

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

30 Dec, 04:30

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

30 Dec, 03:20

✍️ Write in the comments!

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

28 Dec, 17:25

Sorry! I’m postponing reading to tomorrow- and I blame my kids for not letting me do any work at home 😆😵‍💫

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

28 Dec, 10:57

Another niner today 🥳
This person happens to be someone I know and his 9 is loooong overdue 😄

Congratulations Abdulmalik! You deserve it!

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

28 Dec, 08:50

Afternoon y'all 🤠

Reading tonight?

👍🏻 Yes!

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

25 Dec, 16:09

Why Handwriting Still Matters in the Digital Age

Published in the National Geographic
October 2024

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

24 Dec, 16:31

Agar sizga helpful bo’lgan bo’lsa, bitta ❤️ va Readingdan qiynalvotgan do’stlarizga Share qiling 😉

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

24 Dec, 16:30

Sentence completion questions 9-13

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

24 Dec, 16:13

Yes/No/Not Given questions 5 and 6

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

24 Dec, 16:13

Yes/No/Not Given questions 7 and 8

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

24 Dec, 16:01

Multiple choice question 4

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

24 Dec, 15:48

Aaah my kids in the background 😄😵‍💫

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

24 Dec, 15:48

Multiple choice questions 2 and 3

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

03 Dec, 12:40

Ohirgi chiqgan reportlarga qaraganda, London eng yahshi shahar deb nomlandi. Ikkinchi o’rinda - New York.

Chet elga o’qishga ketishni orzu qilgan o’quvchilarga bu juda foydali list, chunki dunyoni ko’p mamlakatlarida Ingliz tili gapiriladi, ta’lim sistemasi kuchli, va yashash/ishlash imkoniyatlari ham bor.

Amerika dunyoda eng zo’r mamlakatlardan biri bo’lsa ham, har bir shtat va shaharni o’ziga hos yahshi va yomon taraflari bor. O’qishga topshirish jarayonida albatta o’sha universitetni yon-atrofi, umumiy aholisini demographic ma’lumotlari, kichik maktablarni sifati, va albatta crime tomondan nisbatan havfsizligini erinmasdan o’rganib chiqing.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

30 Nov, 06:54

Yana kimda shunaqa hodisa bo’gan? (Svet o’chishini etmyamman 😁😬

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

28 Nov, 03:10

IELTS Demo darsimizda Listening group activity - dictation relay ⛳️

O’quvchilarni ikta guruhga bo’lib, ikkala komandadan bittadan o’quvchini honadan chiqarib bir textni bir qismini etdim. Ularni vazifasi shu gapni yahshi eslab qolib komandasiga qayta aytib berish edi, va buni komandadagi hamma yozib oldi. Text tugaganida, har bir komanda eng to’g’ri yozilgan textni tekshirishga berdi va shundan g’olib komanda aniqlandi.

Bu o’yin birinchi kundan o’quvchilarni comfortable, welcomed, va mustaqil bo’lishiga yordam beradi. Bundan tashqari, introvert o’quvchilarni kichikroq komandani a’zosi sifatida birga communication va interact qilishiga yordam beradi.

Men uchun, IELTS o’quvchilarim kichkina oilam va hammamiz bir kemadamiz, team support va individual effort orqali maqsadimizga birga erishamiz InshaAllah 🤗

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

25 Nov, 03:42

Good morning ☀️

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

23 Nov, 14:34

🎉 Mafia Partyga xush kelibsizlar! 🎉

🗣️Yakshanba kuni yani ertaga 11:00 da barchangizni MY9 o’quv markazidagi ajoyib eventga taklif etamiz

Kechamizda kutilganidan ham qiziqarli va kulgili faoliyatlar kutmoqda:

🤫 Mafia — Yashiringan o’yinchilarni toping va jamoangizni himoya qiling!
🧩 Interactive cards - cardlar orqali ajoyib o'yindan zavqlaning!
🗣️ Kahoot— Qiziqarli savollar orqali ingliz tilini mashq qiling!
🤷‍♂️ Who am I? - kimligimni toping!
😂 Kulguli faoliyatlar — Kulgi va quvonch kafolatlangan!

MY9 bilan birgalikda sirli va esda qolarli kunni o’tkazib yubormang! 🎭


Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

22 Nov, 06:58

🏆 IELTS kursimizni yakunlagan o'quvchimiz Asolat 14 yoshida IELTS dan 1-urinishdayoq overall 7 ballga erishdi🔥

Bunday natija bilan Asolatni hamda oila a'zolarini tabriklaymiz🤗

Siz 14 yoshingizda nimalarga erishgansiz?

🗓 General English va IELTS kurslarimizga ro'yhatdan o'tish uchun quyidagi raqamlarga bog'laning:

☎️ +998955555539
☎️ +998955555537

Telegram | Instagram | YouTube

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

21 Nov, 08:40


Registrations for my offline IELTS groups are NOW OPEN!

Faqat 2ta group ochilvotti ⬇️

MWF 17:00-18:30
TTS 10:30-12:00

☎️ +998955555537
☎️ +998955555539
✍️ @my9lc_admin

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

20 Nov, 12:14


Another wonderful result from MY9, congratulations Asolat!


☎️ +998955555539
☎️ +998955555537
✍️ @my9lc_admin


Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 17:33


Enjoy traveling when you’re young and single 😁 because once you have a family and kids, nothing seems that meaningful without ALL your family next to you 🥰

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 17:27

🎯 LESSON #10 - Don’t forget where you come from

Sitting in a Harvard classroom (info session, not a real class) with 40-50 people from all over the world, I felt proud of being Uzbek. I made sure they knew where I came from, because it is important to me that my country is recognized, and I would like to see more of us actually studying in places like this.

Imagine seeing your name on that desk 💭

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 17:18

🎯 LESSON #9 - Be free to be creative

Don’t be afraid of being creative because of what others might think or say. Your beautiful imagination might be just what the world needs. Don’t listen to empty negative judgments. Instead, seek meaningful advice from leaders in your field and embrace your unique perspective on things.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 17:01

🎯 LESSON #8 - Traveling improves your focus

Going to see new places, especially scenic landscapes, helps to relieve stress and give new outlook on life. Studies show that students who study abroad have an improved focus on their goals and priorities with better management of time and money.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 16:33

🎯 LESSON #7 - Language = Culture = Connections

When you learn English enough to pass a test with a minimum score, you are immensely limiting yourself within your comfort zone. Learn a language all the way - when you know the language, you will know about the culture, and that’s when you make connections that can open doors for you.

P.S. we are not twins 😄 just close at heart 💕

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 16:18

🎯 LESSON #6 - Travel meaningfully

Sometimes, we go places to just look around. You don’t have to fly 30 hours around the globe to discover new experiences. Travel, but travel meaningfully. Be open-minded when you see people who are different from you, be willing to read the street signs and ads and see how locals navigate their daily lives, and welcome spontaneity instead of always sticking to plans, because sometimes the best travel memories are made when least expected.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 16:13

🎯 LESSON #5 - Enjoy every moment

10 days can seem like 10 minutes. We can never get back the times we spent worrying, stressing, procrastinating, or just simply wasting. If you feel upset, take a walk and reflect on the situation. Most of the time, just thinking of things you are thankful for will make your time worthwhile.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 16:03

🎯 LESSON #4 - Be a leader

Everyone has the potential to be a leader. Find yours and do a good job at it. Top schools want students who are purpose-driven and can lead others towards a common goal. Start small, do a team project, tutor someone, or volunteer to organize a school event. Every experience will teach you something.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 15:49

🎯 LESSON #3 - Test scores are only numbers

While many students spend the majority of their school life chasing top scores, foreign universities also value other abilities. If you enjoy playing sports, have an artistic background, or enjoy helping others, you should consider spending time developing those skills. Most scholarships are merit-based, which means they are given to students who not only have good test scores, but also have strong interpersonal skills.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 15:31

🎯 LESSON #2 - Never stop learning

Your goals are too important for you to give up on them. When we learn, we stay ahead and develop the potential to lead others. But the more we learn, the more we discover we don’t know much. Use your time wisely to learn as much as you can, so you can be the best version of yourself.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 15:25

🎯 LESSON #1 - Be humble

The human mind is capable of incredible things and people can make amazing inventions possible, but we must also remember that we are only drops in an ocean of life. Without the help of others, we are limited in achieving our goals.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 15:06

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9 pinned «Salom salom hammaga 👋 Ko’z ochib yumguncha uyimga, oilamga qaytib keldim. Alhamdulillah, safarim yahshi o’tdi, plan qilinmagan joylarga borib sayohat qildim. 10 kun ichida bunchalik ko’p samolyotda uchib, bormagan campuslani aylanib, ko’rmagan shaharlani…»

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 15:00

Salom salom hammaga 👋

Ko’z ochib yumguncha uyimga, oilamga qaytib keldim. Alhamdulillah, safarim yahshi o’tdi, plan qilinmagan joylarga borib sayohat qildim.

10 kun ichida bunchalik ko’p samolyotda uchib, bormagan campuslani aylanib, ko’rmagan shaharlani ko’rib kelish nasib qildi.

10 kunda IELTS Writing +1 deb nomlangan challengeimda qatnashgan o’quvchilarim bilan qilgan darslarimiz, edit qilgan essaylarimiz, analiz qilgan chartlarimizni esladim. Shu muddat ichida vaqtim

✈️ 50 soat osmonda
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📍 2ta Google officelari tashqarisida
🚊sanoqsiz poezdda qatnov (va to’lov)
👰🏻‍♀️ hamda 1ta to’yda o’tdi.

Bu sayohatdan asl maqsadim oilamni ko’rib kelish bo’lgan edi, lekin bundan tashqari boshqa kutilmagan qiziqarli taasurotlar bilan qaytdim.
Sizlar va MY9dagi o’quvchilarim uchun Ingliz tilini qunt bilan yahshi o’rganib olish, oliy maqsad uchun tinimsiz kurashish, va eng asosiysi bilim olishdan hech to’htamaslikni foydasiga yanada amin bo’ldim.

Bu qisqa safarimda o’rgangan top 10 lessonlarimni keyingi postlada o’qing va o’z fikringizni yozib qoldiring!

🔥 BONUS 11-lesson - Ohirida ko’rasiz 😉

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

16 Nov, 15:25

📢MY9 o'quv markazida yangi guruhlar uchun qabul ochiq

Inter - T/Th/S 17:00
Beginner - T/Th/S 14:00
Beginner - M/W/F 9:00
IELTS - M/W/F 17:00
IELTS - T/Th/S 10:30

📍Manzil: Novza metro, Ziroat bank yonida

Kurslarga ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun:

📞 +998-95-555-55-39
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Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

15 Nov, 03:30

CalTech Amerikaning eng nufuzli va talabchan universitetlaridan biri hisoblanib, har yili tahminan 100ta applicantdan 3-4tasini qabul qiladi. Yiliga 300dan kam talaba qabul qiladi va bu talabalarning aksariyati STEM fanlariga jiddiy qiziqish bildirgan va maktab davomida STEM loyihalarida ishtirok etgan bo’lar ekan.

Agar siz ham CalTech kabi Technologyga asosangan universitetlarda o’qishni hohlasangiz, + yozib qoldiring!

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

14 Nov, 21:06

CalTech California Institute of Technology campus atmosphere

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

12 Nov, 07:42

USCda ko’p aylanomadim, uyimizdan ancha uzoda bo’lganiga qorong’iga qopketmaslik uchun tez aylanib kettik.

O’quvchilik paytlarimni eslab sog’indim, ayniqsa bayram kuni ham popka kitob ko’tarib yurganlaga prosta havas qildim.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

12 Nov, 07:39

USC housing

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

07 Nov, 10:36

Savolimga javob oldim.

+ belgisini qoldiring, tushuntirib beraman. Atigi 3ta narsaga qarar ekan Harvard!

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

07 Nov, 10:32

Har yili, Harvard minglab applications oladi lekin faqat 3-5% qabul qiladi. Shuni orasida, international candidatlardan 2%i qabul qilinadi. Bu degani, har 100ta foreign applicationdan 2tasi Harvardga kiradi.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

07 Nov, 10:27

Established in 1636, Harvard University is the oldest institution in the United States.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

07 Nov, 04:41

Lift ichidagi show

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

06 Nov, 22:30

Harvard avtobusdagi studentlarni discussionlari

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

06 Nov, 13:01

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9 pinned «🇺🇸Today’s adventures 🕗 University of Massachusetts Boston, Toshkent vahti bilan 20:00 🕐 Harvard University, Toshkent vaqti bilan 1:00 Live Video on Instagram @mamura_niner All videos and photos will be uploaded here on Telegram ☺️ Join me!»

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

24 Oct, 07:25 maqolasini mana bu link orqali o'qishingiz mumkin ⬇️

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

23 Oct, 07:50

Alhamdulillah, we are growing - join our team and grow with us!

🔥 MY9 Learning Center is HIRING!!

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🎯 Ish vaqti: Dushanbadan Shanbagacha 13:00 - 19:00

To apply ➡️ Google Form to'ldiring.

Admin: @my9lc_admin
Contact: +998955555539

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

23 Oct, 07:01

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

23 Oct, 06:58

Yaqinda MY9 O'quv Markazimizda interview olib ketishgandi, judayam yahshi ishlashipti, sila bilan share qimohchiman 😊

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

22 Oct, 16:26

Singlim mani Californiaga chaqirishi 😄😄❤️❤️

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

22 Oct, 14:27

USAda top 8talikka kiradigan universitetlarni birgalikda IVY LEAGUE deb atashadi. Bu joylarga kirish foizi judayam kam, lekin not impossible 😉

Siz qaysi IVY LEAGUE universitetlarni nomini bilasiz? ✍️

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

22 Oct, 14:18

If I’m lucky, I’ll see some snow too ❄️☃️🌨️

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

22 Oct, 13:14

Hali bulani uhlatib I gotta do some serious research 🎓

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

22 Oct, 13:12

Hey guys 👋

Qalesila? Darslarimmi tugatib kichkina qizimmi bog’chadan oldik va hozir uyga keldik.

Kunila yahshi o’tvottimi?

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

11 Oct, 08:59

Live your best life with us 🥰

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Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

10 Oct, 13:19

O'qituvchilik kasbiga qiziqqanlarni chaqiramiz!

MY9 jamoasiga qo'shiling!

Ishga qiziqish bildirish uchun mana bu Google formani to'ldiring:


Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

09 Oct, 17:51

✍️ The table below shows the estimated literacy rates by region and gender for 2000-2004.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

✍️ Endi siz ham table haqida yozib ko’ring va albatta commentsda share qiling!

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

09 Oct, 17:25


Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

09 Oct, 17:24

Our Lesson's Star

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

09 Oct, 17:23

Live stream finished (1 hour)