Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9 @mamura_yuldasheva9 Channel on Telegram

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9


O’quv markaz: @my9lc_admin
📞 +998955555539
📍Toshkent, Novza metro, Ziraat Bank yonida

🇺🇿 First Lady Niner
9️⃣ IELTS 9
🇺🇸 American teaching methods
👩🏻‍🏫 English, IELTS, Math, SAT/GMAT
🎓 MBA & Bachelors, USA


Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9 (English)

Are you looking to improve your English skills and achieve a high score in the IELTS exam? Look no further than Mamura Yuldasheva's Telegram channel, @mamura_yuldasheva9! Mamura Yuldasheva is a renowned educator and the founder of a prestigious learning center located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. With a focus on providing top-notch education using American teaching methods, Mamura Yuldasheva's channel offers a wealth of resources for English learners, IELTS test takers, and those preparing for exams like Math, SAT, and GMAT. By joining this channel, you will have access to valuable lessons, tips, and practice materials that will help you succeed in your language learning journey. Mamura Yuldasheva's expertise in English, IELTS, and other subjects, combined with her experience in preparing students for MBA and Bachelor programs in the USA, make her channel a must-join for anyone serious about achieving their academic and language goals. Follow Mamura Yuldasheva on Instagram at for even more educational content and updates. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to elevate your skills and reach your full potential with Mamura Yuldasheva's guidance! Join @mamura_yuldasheva9 on Telegram today!

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

03 Dec, 12:40

Ohirgi chiqgan reportlarga qaraganda, London eng yahshi shahar deb nomlandi. Ikkinchi o’rinda - New York.

Chet elga o’qishga ketishni orzu qilgan o’quvchilarga bu juda foydali list, chunki dunyoni ko’p mamlakatlarida Ingliz tili gapiriladi, ta’lim sistemasi kuchli, va yashash/ishlash imkoniyatlari ham bor.

Amerika dunyoda eng zo’r mamlakatlardan biri bo’lsa ham, har bir shtat va shaharni o’ziga hos yahshi va yomon taraflari bor. O’qishga topshirish jarayonida albatta o’sha universitetni yon-atrofi, umumiy aholisini demographic ma’lumotlari, kichik maktablarni sifati, va albatta crime tomondan nisbatan havfsizligini erinmasdan o’rganib chiqing.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

30 Nov, 06:54

Yana kimda shunaqa hodisa bo’gan? (Svet o’chishini etmyamman 😁😬

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

28 Nov, 03:10

IELTS Demo darsimizda Listening group activity - dictation relay ⛳️

O’quvchilarni ikta guruhga bo’lib, ikkala komandadan bittadan o’quvchini honadan chiqarib bir textni bir qismini etdim. Ularni vazifasi shu gapni yahshi eslab qolib komandasiga qayta aytib berish edi, va buni komandadagi hamma yozib oldi. Text tugaganida, har bir komanda eng to’g’ri yozilgan textni tekshirishga berdi va shundan g’olib komanda aniqlandi.

Bu o’yin birinchi kundan o’quvchilarni comfortable, welcomed, va mustaqil bo’lishiga yordam beradi. Bundan tashqari, introvert o’quvchilarni kichikroq komandani a’zosi sifatida birga communication va interact qilishiga yordam beradi.

Men uchun, IELTS o’quvchilarim kichkina oilam va hammamiz bir kemadamiz, team support va individual effort orqali maqsadimizga birga erishamiz InshaAllah 🤗

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

25 Nov, 03:42

Good morning ☀️

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

23 Nov, 14:34

🎉 Mafia Partyga xush kelibsizlar! 🎉

🗣️Yakshanba kuni yani ertaga 11:00 da barchangizni MY9 o’quv markazidagi ajoyib eventga taklif etamiz

Kechamizda kutilganidan ham qiziqarli va kulgili faoliyatlar kutmoqda:

🤫 Mafia — Yashiringan o’yinchilarni toping va jamoangizni himoya qiling!
🧩 Interactive cards - cardlar orqali ajoyib o'yindan zavqlaning!
🗣️ Kahoot— Qiziqarli savollar orqali ingliz tilini mashq qiling!
🤷‍♂️ Who am I? - kimligimni toping!
😂 Kulguli faoliyatlar — Kulgi va quvonch kafolatlangan!

MY9 bilan birgalikda sirli va esda qolarli kunni o’tkazib yubormang! 🎭


Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

22 Nov, 06:58

🏆 IELTS kursimizni yakunlagan o'quvchimiz Asolat 14 yoshida IELTS dan 1-urinishdayoq overall 7 ballga erishdi🔥

Bunday natija bilan Asolatni hamda oila a'zolarini tabriklaymiz🤗

Siz 14 yoshingizda nimalarga erishgansiz?

🗓 General English va IELTS kurslarimizga ro'yhatdan o'tish uchun quyidagi raqamlarga bog'laning:

☎️ +998955555539
☎️ +998955555537

Telegram | Instagram | YouTube

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

21 Nov, 08:40


Registrations for my offline IELTS groups are NOW OPEN!

Faqat 2ta group ochilvotti ⬇️

MWF 17:00-18:30
TTS 10:30-12:00

☎️ +998955555537
☎️ +998955555539
✍️ @my9lc_admin

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

20 Nov, 12:14


Another wonderful result from MY9, congratulations Asolat!


☎️ +998955555539
☎️ +998955555537
✍️ @my9lc_admin


Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 17:33


Enjoy traveling when you’re young and single 😁 because once you have a family and kids, nothing seems that meaningful without ALL your family next to you 🥰

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 17:27

🎯 LESSON #10 - Don’t forget where you come from

Sitting in a Harvard classroom (info session, not a real class) with 40-50 people from all over the world, I felt proud of being Uzbek. I made sure they knew where I came from, because it is important to me that my country is recognized, and I would like to see more of us actually studying in places like this.

Imagine seeing your name on that desk 💭

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 17:18

🎯 LESSON #9 - Be free to be creative

Don’t be afraid of being creative because of what others might think or say. Your beautiful imagination might be just what the world needs. Don’t listen to empty negative judgments. Instead, seek meaningful advice from leaders in your field and embrace your unique perspective on things.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 17:01

🎯 LESSON #8 - Traveling improves your focus

Going to see new places, especially scenic landscapes, helps to relieve stress and give new outlook on life. Studies show that students who study abroad have an improved focus on their goals and priorities with better management of time and money.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 16:33

🎯 LESSON #7 - Language = Culture = Connections

When you learn English enough to pass a test with a minimum score, you are immensely limiting yourself within your comfort zone. Learn a language all the way - when you know the language, you will know about the culture, and that’s when you make connections that can open doors for you.

P.S. we are not twins 😄 just close at heart 💕

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 16:18

🎯 LESSON #6 - Travel meaningfully

Sometimes, we go places to just look around. You don’t have to fly 30 hours around the globe to discover new experiences. Travel, but travel meaningfully. Be open-minded when you see people who are different from you, be willing to read the street signs and ads and see how locals navigate their daily lives, and welcome spontaneity instead of always sticking to plans, because sometimes the best travel memories are made when least expected.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 16:13

🎯 LESSON #5 - Enjoy every moment

10 days can seem like 10 minutes. We can never get back the times we spent worrying, stressing, procrastinating, or just simply wasting. If you feel upset, take a walk and reflect on the situation. Most of the time, just thinking of things you are thankful for will make your time worthwhile.

Mamura Yuldasheva | IELTS 9

18 Nov, 16:03

🎯 LESSON #4 - Be a leader

Everyone has the potential to be a leader. Find yours and do a good job at it. Top schools want students who are purpose-driven and can lead others towards a common goal. Start small, do a team project, tutor someone, or volunteer to organize a school event. Every experience will teach you something.