Mahapeeth Tarapith @mahapeethtarapith Channel on Telegram

Mahapeeth Tarapith


This channel is dedicated to the devotion of Maa bhagabati tara here we discuss the lilas performed by her and different forms of the divine supreme.

Mahapeeth Tarapith (English)

Are you a devotee of Maa Bhagabati Tara? Do you want to learn more about her divine lilas and different forms of the supreme divinity? If so, then the 'Mahapeeth Tarapith' Telegram channel is the perfect place for you to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for spiritual enlightenment.

This channel is dedicated to the devotion of Maa Bhagabati Tara, where we delve into the various lilas performed by her and explore the different forms of the divine supreme. Through engaging discussions, insightful posts, and shared experiences, we aim to deepen our understanding of Maa Bhagabati Tara and enhance our spiritual journey.

If you are looking to connect with genuine sadhaks who are also seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment, then we invite you to join our Discussion Group through the provided link. Here, you can engage in meaningful conversations, exchange ideas, and receive guidance from fellow devotees of Maa Bhagabati Tara.

Join us on the 'Mahapeeth Tarapith' Telegram channel and embark on a spiritual journey filled with devotion, knowledge, and community. Let us come together to honor Maa Bhagabati Tara and embrace the divine teachings she bestows upon us.

Mahapeeth Tarapith

27 Oct, 13:15

Narayan suktam a hymn to lord Shiva

"r‌taṁ satyaṁ paraṁ brahma puruṣaṁ kr‌ṣṇapiṅgalam

ūrdhbarētaṁ birupākṣaṁ biśbarupāẏa bai namō namaḥ ||"

(kr‌ṣṇa-yajurvēda/ taittirīẏa āraṇyaka/ 10th prapāṭhaka- pariśiṣṭa/23th anubāka)

●sāẏaṇa bhāṣya(Sayanacharya's Commentary)

" yadētaṯparaṁ brahma taṯsatyamabādhyam | satyatbaṁ ca dbibidhaṁ byābahārikaṁ pāramārthikaṁ ca |.... Tādr‌śaṁ brahma bhaktānugrahāyōmā-mahēśbarātmaka puruṣarupaṁ bhabati | tatra dakṣiṇē mahēśbarabhāgē kr‌ṣṇabarṇē umābhāgē bāmē piṅgalabarṇaḥ | sa ca yōgēna sbakīẏaṁ rētō brahmarandhrē dhūtbōrdhbarētā bhabati | trinētratbādbirupākṣaḥ | tādr‌śaṁ paramēśbaraṁ anuśrutyēti śēṣaḥ |"

He who is the supreme Brahman is the true form.  His truth is both vyabahārika(practical) and pāramārthika (transcendental). 
That (Nirguna) Brahma (transcendental) for the purpose of bestowing grace upon the devotees assumes the form of Uma-Maheshvara
(i.e. manifests as Ardhanarisvara Sadasiva from formless Paramsiva). His right side is Maheshwara(Krishna varna - Dark complexioned) and his left side is Uma (Pingal Varna - deep yellow complexioned)

He who transmits (upwards) his Tejasha Shakti (i.e. Kundalini Parasakti) towards the Brahmarandhra (Sahasrara padma) by Yoga, he is the Supreme Virupaksha the 3 eyed one. This Swaroopam of the Parameshwara is Anushruti i.e can be known through Shruti shastras.


Mahapeeth Tarapith

27 Oct, 13:14

Narayan suktam a hymn to lord Shiva


Mahapeeth Tarapith

25 Oct, 11:23

The Durga Puja celebrated under the surveillance of ghosh family in the Subhash village of 24 Parganas is more prominently know as Ardha - Kali - Ardha - Durga - puja, because here half of the Devi Vigraha is Kali and other half is Durga. Now let's jump into the history of this puja to know why such Vigraha is made.

The puja is approximately 160 years old. Earlier this puja used to take place in Dhaka Bangladesh, there lived deroga Hari Kishore ghosh, on an sudden night he dreamt a dream there he received an order from devi Mahishasura mardini where devi told him

"Dear son Hari Kishore for the wellbeing of all I want receive worship in your family, prepare for the puja, in this puja I will appear in a different form"

On the very next day Hari Kishore started all the preparations of the upcoming puja. Observing a holy tithi an famous patua(the one who makes clay idols) from Vikrampur is called to built the idol of devi.

The work of idol making carried on but the real problem arose during the time of colouring the idol, when the patua had completely colored the idol as tapta kanchana varna(colour of molten gold) he saw the other half portion of the idol is gradually turning into deep black colour, frightened by this he did not continue his work. When daroga Hari Kishore was informed he remembered the previous order of devi thus called their kula guru to investigate the matter. Their kula guru after reaching there got to know about the whole incident thus announced that the Vigraha of devi will be worshipped as half kalika half Durga.

In past the puja used to take place in Dhaka, Bangladesh but after independence in 1947 the family moved Subhash village of 24 Parganas, West Bengal. While coming they brought the utensils, curved sword of bali Dana and some amount of soil from the original Vedi of devi.

The entire puja takes place according to the rules prescribed by Brihad Nandikeshwara Purana. The puja begins on the day of saptami with the consecration of the ghatas and maha snanam. Sacrifice of chal kumro(pumpkin), sugar-cane and sotru(with powdered grains a small human figure is prepared which is wrapped in the leaf of giant taro plant and sacrificed, this stands as a symbol of 6 enemies kama, krodha, lova, moha, Mada, matsarya).


Mahapeeth Tarapith

25 Oct, 11:22

The worship of Ardha kali Ardha durga of Subhash village, south 24 Parganas, West Bengal


Mahapeeth Tarapith

25 Oct, 11:21

The worship of Ardha kali Ardha durga of Subhash village, south 24 Parganas, West Bengal


Mahapeeth Tarapith

13 Oct, 12:59

The Lal durga puja or worship of red complexioned durga of Bhattacharya family is much popular in the yognathtala area of Nabadwip, West Bengal.

According to legends the ancestors of Bhattacharya family lived in Mijora village of Dhaka, Bangladesh. While living in Mijaro village family chief Raghava had 4 sons. Once during durga puja when their father was reciting devi mahamaya on Tithi of maha Navami, his third son expressed that their father is committing some mistakes while pronouncing the slokas of chanipatha. After hearing this his father Raghava told his son to do chandipatha himself and left the seat. At this his third son sat before devi and started to recite the Devi mahatmya. As soon as he started the recitation the Vigraha of devi grew deep red in complexion, and the north facing Vigraha of devi turned towards west, at this his third son grew pale and fell on the ground, on the very next day of maha navami his third son died. Getting frightened by this incident the family decided to keep the Vigraha of devi west facing along the red complexion, and the recitation of devi mahatmya is permanently stopped.

This puja is nearly 350 years old, later the family shifted to mayaman simha from Dhaka and later in kashi. One of his ancestors came to Nabadwip, Bengal to receive teaching from Krishnatha nyaya panchanana, at the request of Krishnanatha nyaya panchanana their family permanently shifted in Nabadwip from then the puja takes place in Nabadwip


Mahapeeth Tarapith

13 Oct, 12:59

Sensitivity of Devi mahatmya(Sri Sri Chandi, Durga Saptasati) and the Lal durga puja or worship of red complexioned durga of Bhattacharya family in Nabadwip, West Bengal

Mahapeeth Tarapith

13 Oct, 12:12

Subha Vijaya and Happy Dussehra to everyone

May the grace of bhagabati be upon everyone,

Jay Maa Durga

Mahapeeth Tarapith

07 Oct, 14:35

Lord shiva is the indweller of every being.


Mahapeeth Tarapith

07 Oct, 14:34


Mahapeeth Tarapith

04 Oct, 19:16

Mahisasura mardini Bhadrakali

The goddess assuming a mighty shape of body with sixteen arms, renowened as Bhadrakali (appeared) on the northern shore of the milk-ocean.

She with the lusture of the colour of flaxblossom, with earrings made of flaming gold being adorned with long twisted hair, and with three diadems together with the cres- cent (moon), having a snake as her necklace and adorned with golden necklaces, always holding a trident and discus, a sword, a conch-shell an arrow, a lance, thunderbolt and a staff in her right arms and (looks) splendid with her radiant teeth; the goddess is always holding a shield, a hide and a bow, a noose and a book, a bell and an axe, and a mac in her left hands the Goddess, who is supreme, in whom the worlds are contained, was standing on a lion, flaming violently with three eyes, which were of the colour of blood keeping on piercing Mahisa with the trident while treading upon him with her left foot. 58b-63a

~ Kälikäpurāņa, ch 60


Mahapeeth Tarapith

04 Oct, 19:02

Mahisasura mardini dhyanam

Mahapeeth Tarapith

04 Oct, 18:32

कुमारी पूजिता कुर्यादुःखदारिद्र्यनाशनम्
शत्रुक्षयं धनायुष्यं बलवुद्धिं करोति वै 45

The worship of Kumārī leads to the extinction of miseries and poverty to the extirpation of one's enemies and the increment of riches longevity and power

The kumari aged two years is named the Kumari aged three years is named the Trimurti four years is called the Kalyāņi five years, Rohini six years Kālikā seventh year Candikā; eighth year Śāmbhavī ninth year, Durgā and a virgin, age ten year, is called Subhadrā. Virgins aged mor than ten years are not allowed in all ceremonies

~ Devi Bhagwat purana, Book 3, ch 26

ब्राह्मणी सर्वकार्येषु जयार्थे नृपवंशजा लाभार्थे वैश्यवंशोत्था मता वा शूद्रवंशजा 5

In all the cases, the Kumārīs, born of the Brahmin families, can be taken; when victory is desired, the Kumārīs of the Ksattriya families are preferred; when profit is wanted, the Vaiśya Kumārīs and when general welfare is wanted the Śūdra Kumārīs are to be taken

~ Devi Bhagwat purana, Book 3, ch 27

Mahapeeth Tarapith

04 Oct, 16:12

Thus it happened in the past during the reign of Manu Svyambhuva, the goddess with a view to doing good to the gods and to the human being manifested herself in her 10 armed form for the welfare of the world at the beginning of the tretayuga. Just as it happened in the past kalpa, exactly the same way the goddess for annihilating the demons manifests (herself). In every kalpa there shall be Rama, Ravana and also the demons. 38-40

The same way the fight will take place (between the two) and there shall be the meeting of gods, The same way there shall be, and already had been Rama and Ravana in thousands ; so also the goddess acts accordingly. All the time the gods shall lustrate their army. Following this men should worship her as per rules.

~ Kälikäpurāņa, ch 60


Mahapeeth Tarapith

04 Oct, 16:11

In olden days the great goddess was waked up by Brambha when it was still night in order to favour Rama and to get Ravana killed. Then having given up her sleep she on the first day of the bright half of the moon in the month of Asvina went to the city of Lanka where Rama stayed in the past. The great goddess Ambika having gone there caused Rama and Ravana engaged in a battle, but she herself remained hidden and kept on eating flesh and drinking blood of the demons and the monkeys.

She got Rama and Ravana engaged in fighting for seven days, and when the seventh night passed away, the goddess Mahamaya, the embodiment of the world caused Ravana to ‘be killed by Rama on the ninth day. 29-30a

During the period of seven days when the goddess herself observed the game of the battle by the two, she was worshipped during all those seven days by the gods. 30b-Jla

On the ninth day when Ravana the hero, was killed, Brahma along with all the gods performed a special worship of Durga.

~ kalika Purana, ch 60

Mahapeeth Tarapith

03 Oct, 12:26






