ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language @learnenglishwithabi Channel on Telegram

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language


በዚህ channel አሪፍ አሪፍ vocabulary ስለምንቅላችሁ እርሶም ይህን channel join በማለት የእንግሊዘኛ ክህሎቶን ያዳብሩ

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/maraki english with abi (Amharic)

አሪፍ አሪፍ! በዚህ ቦታ መንገድ አሁን ያለው እንግሊዝኛ በእባንዎ ትምህርት እንዲህ ላይ የተፈጸመ እና እንዴት በመጠቀም በየስመራዎች እንኳወን! በዚህ channel ከ 'learnenglishwithabi' አሪፍ የእንግሊዝኛ ቋንቋን በአንድነት እንዴት ይማሩበታምሩ? የአካል ቋንቋን እንዴት እንመለከታለን? እንደምታያያሉ ይሆንብናል! ይህ channel ከ 'learnenglishwithabi' አሪፍ ለተለያዩ ቋንቋዎች መነሻ የምንኖረው እና ትልቅ ትምህርት እንዲያገኛው የሚጠቀሙበት በዚህ channel በእጅጉ ላይ ውስጥ ያግዛል። ወደእያንዳዡ እንሂድ! በእያንዳዱ እንነጋገራለንና በጣም ድምጽ ከእነሱ ሚስጥምና በማግኘት እንግሊዝኛን እና የአካል ቋንቋን እንዴት ያገኘውን ትምህርት በዚህ channel እንዲሁም በዚህ ቦታ ላይ ለማቅረብ እንዲህ በመጠቀም ከረገማማ መስከረም ላይ ይገኘዋል።

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

20 Nov, 19:10

bezih link group tekelekalun ena tyakewochin meteyek tichilalachu

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

20 Nov, 19:08


ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

20 Nov, 18:52

በነገራችን እርስ ማለት clarify ለማረግ english grammar part ለማለት ነው አሁን ቀረባችሁትን እርስ live discussion ልንጀምር ስንል እናሳውቃቹ እና ብዙ ሰው መርጦ በደንብ የሚያሶራውን እርስ መርጠን እንገባለን እስከዚያ group ያልተቀላቀላቹ እየገባቹ እየተከታተላቹ መሆኑን ለማውቅ comment ምናምን እያስቀመጣቹ more people paarticipate እያረገ መሆኑን ስናቅ እንጀምራልን everybody እና እስከዚያው choose grammar part

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

20 Nov, 18:34

What area do you want to discuss? Please leave your comments.

እስኪ ሃሳባቹን አስቀምጡልን እና በተቻለ መን በብዛት የተመረተውን እርስ መርጠን በአሪፉ explanation እንሰጥበታለን

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

20 Nov, 18:18

Hello, everyone!

Are you following our group related to this channel? Some people are providing answers to the questions, and it’s important for you following the group. any ways the meaning of

i don't buy it.......አላምንም(አላሰመነኝም) ለማለት ትጠቀሙበታላቹ

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

19 Nov, 17:57

believe it or not
ብታምንም ባታምንም

seeing is believing
ማየት ማመን ነው

admit it
እምን አትካድ

i don't buy it........???? ይሄን ለናንተ ትተናል comment lay askemtuln
he is bad apple
ሰዎችን ለመጥፎ የሚያነሳሳ ሰው.........ማለት ለባለፈው ጥያቄ መልስ ነው

Participation bzum eyayen adelm mok mok argut the big thing is coming

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

19 Nov, 17:47

: Hello everybody! How was your day? I hope it was a great one. Today, let’s add some idiomatic expressions!

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

18 Nov, 23:20

We know that many people are confused about the name of our channel.

We have received a lot of questions about it. We want to explain that we named it "Abi" because he is a very smart teacher, and we have all learned a lot from him.

The owner and admin of this channel have learned directly from Abi and have the ability to train students from beginner to advanced levels.

If the name is causing confusion, we can change it—this is no problem for us.

Once we start our live discussions, we hope you will see the skills .

We want to provide the best education possible.Please hold off on asking the same questions until we begin our live sessions and chats.

Stay tuned for updates, and we politely ask that you avoid negative comments as we work hard to help you.

Thank you for your supporters ! 

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

18 Nov, 15:21

eski zare andand idomatic expression ke apple gar beteyayaze enkeklachu bzu gize filmoch sinegeru tisemu yhonal    let't see

it's apples and oranges
አራንባ እና ቆንቦ ነው

you are the apples of my eye
የአይኔ ብሌን ነህ

the big apple
nework ከተማ

he is bad apple.......ይሄንን እናንተ comment ላይ አስቀምጡልን

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

18 Nov, 14:28

eski zare andand idomatic expression ke apple gar beteyayaze enkeklachu bzu gize filmoch sinegeru tisemu yhonal let't see

it's apples and oranges
አራንባ እና ቆንቦ ነው

you are the apples of my eye
የአይኔ ብሌን ነህ

the big apple
nework ከተማ

he is bad apple.......ይሄንን እናንተ comment ላይ አስቀምጡልን


ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

16 Nov, 15:42

vamos 10k.............

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

16 Nov, 15:40

ena degmo lehulachihu and masawek yeminfelgewna betedegagami lemiteykut tyake mels mestet yeminfelgew neger maraki engilsh or abi bilachu mitakut mnm aynet directly participate yemiyareget telegram account yelewm yesun yevideo link telegram kemelkek besteker yhen search argachu mayet tichilalachu neger gin yhin account own argen eyetenkesakesin yalenew yeteleyayu abi gar bku honew temrew yewetu lijochin bemakatat besu sm lemekfet silaseben ena yeteleyayu yesun tmrtoch beakal tegegntachu memar lalchalachu betext ena bekrbu endasaweknachu and lay live discussion adrgen bedemb lememar silehone yhen kegnzabe endketu linasawkachu enfelgalen so tyakeyachu bezi melku kemelesin next movechin minasawk yhonal eskezia channelun share eyaregachu yitekmewal english biyak bilachu lemtasbut guadegnochachu lakulachew ......we love you all.....

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

16 Nov, 15:28

I hope you are all doing well. We know that we have been away for a long time while working on some projects, and we couldn't post as planned. As mentioned earlier, we appreciate your patience during this period.

We have some exciting news! Many of you have asked about new updates, and we want to assure you that they are on the way. We've seen your questions in the group, and we are creating something special for you, especially for those participating in the live discussion.

Stay tuned for our upcoming announcements! We also want to express our heartfelt gratitude for helping us reach 9,000 members. Thank you for your support! Feel free to let me know if you'd like any further adjustments!

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

16 Nov, 15:04

There will be a Live Discussion Coming soon.

Stay tuned!

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

10 Oct, 06:42


ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

09 Oct, 17:36

i think ሀሳቡን ተረድታቹታል ብለን እናስባለን በcomment section ሀሳባችሁን ግለጹልን.....

ኢንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ/learn english language

09 Oct, 17:35

Hello everyone,
I would like to share some important information with you regarding this channel. It is essential for you to understand a few things about it. This channel isn’t directly related to ABI, but the owner and the admin have taken courses from Maraki English. As much as possible, we strive to share our knowledge that we have gained from ABI.
We all know that it is not fair to post unrelated content in this channel. However, one significant point you should be aware of is that when you join an airdrop link, we receive certain advantages, which translates to “money.” For this reason, we share various airdrops for you to join through our referral links.
If you prefer not to engage with this type of content, we completely understand. We will announce a new channel that will be related to cryptocurrency, and we hope you will support us by joining that channel. We will differentiate the content between this channel and the new one.

Thank you!